Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

The Family God Created,” unexpected disasters can’t compare to the suffering a family will face from men with evil intent

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“Esther’s Story: The Family God Created”: shows how the Lord sometimes puts obstacles in one’s intended path that will lead them to the one He has chosen, but this can only happen if one is open to listen to Him and choose to go His way. While fiction, the events depicted in this story can and do happen to people today. As it did in 1972 to P.K. Thomas, after she attended Bible College and saw her priorities and life goals change. Since graduating from the University of Arkansas in 1990, God has been directing her life to serve Him through the talents and skills He has given her.

In her first book, “Esther’s Story: Journey from the Cross”, P.K. Thomas brought the first century birth of Christianity alive by blending Biblical truth, and human history as seen through the eyes of one young girl on her journey of faith to find God’s purpose for her life.

“As Esther’s story continues in her second book, ‘Esther’s Story: The Family God Created,’ we will follow this now young woman, along with her husband, Anthony, and their adopted son, Nymes, on their intended mission to bring the Word of God to Anthony’s mother’s family in Macedonia. However, a journey that was expected to be only a few months takes an unexpected turn when a massive earthquake changes their plans and direction, putting them on a long detour filled with many hardships and difficulties. Despite these many obstacles and hardships that God has put in front of them, they push on. Unsure as to when or if they will reach their intended destination and if they do, what will they find?

“Facing these many obstacles requires a bending of their wills and a testing of their faith in order to make the right Godly choices to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of others. But what at first appears to be just a series of unrelated encounters turns out to be much, much more as they discover God’s hand at work and see His greater purpose through all the difficult choices that they will make.”    

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, P.K. Thomas’ new book reads like a movie as one moves from scene to scene and sees the development of not just Esther’s family, but the family of God. In this beautiful narrative, the reader will learn that the greatest dangers and the greatest joys are found not in the obstacles one faces, but in the decisions one makes in dealing with them. Just as the characters in this book, everyone must face their challenges with faith and trust in the Lord.

View a synopsis of “Esther’s Story: The Family God Created” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Esther’s Story: The Family God Created” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Esther’s Story: The Family God Created,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Margaret Ann Fiore’s newly released “The Radiance of Christ” is a profound and personal read that shows the beauty and true meaning of being a priest

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“The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen”: a touching biography of a promising priest in pages that speak about his extraordinary life in faith and service. “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen” is the creation of published author Margaret Ann Fiore, a nurse practitioner for over four decades. She serves on the Rector’s Council of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. She was also the third president of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses and founded the Brain Tumor Support Group in the Metropolitan Washington area. Additionally, she has written several scholarly papers on the science and practical management of patients with neurological tumors that she presented to distinguished audiences worldwide.

Fiore shares, “The memory of Msgr. Roeltgen has not been dimmed by time. Those who knew him and were trained to virtue by his precepts and example love to speak of him, to repeat his words, and tell incidents of his holy life.

“Monsignor’s life and character had a beauty few achieve. The gentleness of his manner, the strength of his character, the validity of his priestly commitment, and the unswerving love of God, the Church, the priesthood and, of course, his brother priests and his parishioners were so apparent to all who knew him that we knew we experienced a rare blessing and were especially gifted by the Lord in him.

“This book will be of immense spiritual value to all who know and want to know God, and will strengthen their faith, hope, and charity in these days when there is an apparent conspiracy at work to erase the consciousness of God from the minds of men.

“‘We are but high up old windows through which the grace of God still shines.’ This sentence aptly describes our much loved and deeply missed friend. Monsignor Roeltgen was, indeed, a man who let the light of God shine through.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Margaret Ann Fiore’s new book is a great preservation of the life of a good and holy priest that will also inspire others who wish to serve God and His people. This creation is also a wonderful gift to seminarians, priests, laity, and everyone who acknowledges the commitment of men to the holy priesthood.

View a synopsis of “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Kevin Brown’s newly released “Finding My Way Home” is a stirring narrative on realizing one’s God-given purpose amid confusion and desolation

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“Finding My Way Home”: a gripping tome of perspectives that inspire a desire to fulfill one’s life purpose in God by finding His will despite the difficulties one may face. “Finding My Way Home” is the creation of published author Kevin Brown, a servant of God, worshiper, songwriter, gospel minister, preacher, and motivational speaker.

Brown shares, “‘Finding My Way Home’ is an inspirational book about a child’s loss or rather what he thought was his loss was preparation for his purpose. This the author is hoping to encourage and inspire by affirming a fact that we are people of purpose and the pain, struggle, or difficulties we may sometime experience is not to destroy us but to establish us in accordance to Romans 8:28, making us ready and equipping us with all we need to succeed and not fail in our God-created purposes.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kevin Brown’s new book hopes to equip believers with the necessary wisdom to reinvent themselves in body and spirit to unveil God’s ultimate plan in their lives.

This book is also a potent reminder of God’s compassionate shepherding of His flock in leading those who have gone astray back to His comfort and light.

View the synopsis of “Finding My Way Home” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Finding My Way Home” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Finding My Way Home,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Vikki Foxhill’s newly released “God made Everything and God made You” is a creatively made book that glorifies God and His beautiful gift of life

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“God made Everything and God made You”: a fascinating collection of paintings that showcases the Holy Spirit’s work and God’s power and love for all His creations. “God made Everything and God made You” is the creation of published author Vikki Foxhill, an artist who was inspired by God for this book of Impressionist original paintings. These paintings of human creation were later found to contain images that the artist did not knowingly put into the work, like finding an image in the clouds in the sky. She wants to share the unusual paintings in a story form to glorify the Creator God.

Foxhill shares, “Vikki Foxhill was inspired to paint a portrait of Einstein, but not born yet. When days later, after making the painting, she was astonished to find an image of a dove—the wings around the image of the baby! She recognized the work of the Holy Spirit in her gift of painting. In a series of paintings, with human babies as the subject, images kept showing up without the artist knowing it was there until after the painting was finished.

“Oh, how God values humans, created in the image of God. It is the subject of this book.

“God, creator of all things, He is the greatest artist and the origin of beauty. He is the greatest visionary, the greatest hope, the greatest dreams, the greatest reality, and the greatest love. He gives gifts to his creatures. How God values humans, He gives His Son Jesus. He desires all to know Him.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Vikki Foxhill’s new book is a gratifying display of the power of the Lord that moves within everything one does. These pages of art voice out the wonder that God blessed over His beloved Creations.

View a synopsis of “God made Everything and God made You” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God made Everything and God made You” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God made Everything and God made You,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Neal R. Mercier’s newly released “Jesus, The Gate Keeper” is a thought-provoking and moving tale about the role of faith in overcoming loss

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“Jesus, The Gate Keeper”: a comforting and consoling story about the power of prayer and faith. “Jesus, The Gate Keeper” is the creation of published author, Neal R. Mercier.

“This book will introduce your child to God, love, hope, faith and death. And if you believe in Jesus, nothing is impossible for him.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Neal R. Mercier’s new book is the tale of a lifelong friendship between a boy and a dog named Rocky.

When tragedy strikes, a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger leads the boy out of despair by teaching that, with faith and prayer, anything is possible.

View a synopsis of “Jesus, The Gate Keeper” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Jesus, The Gate Keeper” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Jesus, The Gate Keeper”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Dr. D’s newly released “The Diary and The Plot” is a poignant nonfiction book that expounds one man’s journey of abuse and harassment inside a working environment

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“The Diary and The Plot: A Look Inside the Mind of a Bully”: an educational and psychological study into the sociological dilemma that has insidiously entered among groups of people in today’s society “The Diary and The Plot: A Look Inside the Mind of a Bully” is the creation of published author Dr. D, a minister, teacher, biblical researcher, advocate for the prevention of violence in the workplace, abuse and harassment, confidential counselor and consultant, writer, nutritional consultant in Natural Foods, musical composer, lyricist, poet, former professional chauffeur to the stars and business executives and a disabled military veteran. Dr. Davis is a man who has faced many challenging situations in his life.

Dr. D shares, “The Diary and The Plot, a look into the mind of a narcissistic/supercilious bully. This book may save your life someday literally.

“This book is an account of abuse and harassment in the workplace designed to help people in workplaces, school systems, and institutions of higher learning worldwide.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. D’s new book is helpful material for human resource departments and other office professionals, including law enforcement of all branches. This book aims to reach readers around the world in an effort to spread awareness and prevention of the tendency of violence in the workplace, in school systems, in institutions of higher learning, and in many other domains.

View a synopsis of “The Diary and The Plot: A Look Inside the Mind of a Bully” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Diary and The Plot: A Look Inside the Mind of a Bully” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Diary and The Plot: A Look Inside the Mind of a Bully,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Nathan Strong’s newly released “The Littlest Shepherd” is a soul-refreshing book that allows the readers to know more about Jesus and His unending love for everyone.

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“The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas”: an eye-gaping reminder that Jesus will come to any longing heart, helping them ease the worries and making their life complete. “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas” is the creation of published author Nathan Strong, a writer who grew up in the hill country of northern Vermont. Finding Jesus as a teenager, he went on to serve as a pastor for thirty-five years.

Strong writes, “Coming from an unhappy home in Bethlehem, the little shepherd boy was happiest when he was out with the sheep at night. An amazing midnight experience led him to go with the other shepherds to find a baby in a manger, a wonderful sight he would never forget.

“Moving to Galilee as a man in search of joy, he comes in contact with a young teacher named Jesus. When he finally gets up enough courage to talk with Him, he discovers an amazing connection that may also meet the long-held desires of his heart.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Nathan Strong’s new book is a heart-touching tale that gives the readers hope to never lose their faith as Jesus remembers everyone and provide completeness in one’s life.

With this purpose, Strong shares a remarkable message to everyone that Jesus never fails to find and bring any longing soul to His Father’s Kingdom.

His Marine son was killed in Iraq in January, and after a year of grief, pastor Nathan Strong felt emotionally drained, with nothing left in the way of comfort and joy to offer his church that Christmas. In fact, he wondered if God really cared for a country boy in the hills of northern Vermont. Then he sat down and wrote “The Littlest Shepherd” – a story about God’s care for a country boy in the hills of Bethlehem, which reminded him in a very personal way of God’s care for him. This story renewed his understanding of God’s personal care for anyone in need. He shared it with his congregation that Christmas, and now he shares it with the world.

View a synopsis of “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Linda Hughes’s newly released “The King Has Spoken Through the Power of Poetry” is a powerful anthology of poems that speak about God’s divine beauty

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“The King Has Spoken Through the Power of Poetry”: an inspirational compendium of poems that voice out the endless grace and agape love of God. “The King Has Spoken Through the Power of Poetry” is the creation of published author Linda Hughes, a writer from Lorain, Ohio. She believes that her purpose is to spread the Good News of God and inspire people.

Hughes shares, “Second Chance Romance — when God gives you another chance to be in his loving arms (like a baby wrapped in a blanket). Do everything you can do, to let go, and let God enter into your life (heart). Sometimes we don’t realize what a privilege it is to have a second chance romance with our Savior Jesus Christ. How awesome it is to tell you, personally, some of the experiences I have had to see, feel and breath the beauty of our almighty King’s love which has and still is leaving me yearning to want more of His agape love.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Linda Hughes’s new book is a beautiful and personal manuscript filled with pieces that tell about one’s experiences and realizations of love and faith that hopes to move the readers in their faith in the Lord.

View a synopsis of “The King Has Spoken Through the Power of Poetry” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The King Has Spoken Through the Power of Poetry” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The King Has Spoken Through the Power of Poetry,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Werner Sonderegger’s newly released “Celebrating The Feasts of Israel” is a wonderful testimony of his passion to see Christians grounded in the Word of God

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“Celebrating The Feasts of Israel: Explore the Depth of Our Faith In Jesus Christ and Pass It on to the Next Generation”: an edifying discussion that studies the Feasts of Israel focusing on God’s command, the biblical history, and the feasts’ fulfillment in Christ; thus revealing the importance of one’s Christian life and his faith. “Celebrating The Feasts of Israel: Explore the Depth of Our Faith In Jesus Christ and Pass It on to the Next Generation” is the creation of published author Werner Sonderegger, a Bible scholar who served on the mission field in Europe and Africa. He led multiple six-month bilingual discipleship programs and wrote the English-German leadership textbook Ambassador. He has been the guest speaker of numerous seminars about principles of Christian counseling and provided counsel to those seeking freedom from occult ritual abuse. He also holds a Doctorate in Christian Philosophy.

This unique book captures God’s plan for the Feasts of Israel; with their biblical history, rich traditions and triumphant fulfillment in Christ. It will open your eyes to see how relevant these Feasts are to your everyday Christian life and will serve as a powerful tool to pass your faith in Jesus Christ to the next generation. Interwoven throughout this book are testimonies, songs, Christian theology, topics of discipleship, and suggestions of a Christ centered celebration of these Feasts in your own family. The richness and personal nature of these Feasts is waiting to be unfolded in the story of Jesus Christ throughout the Bible. Be ready to discover God’s great plan for you, your family, and this world as it is portrayed in this second expanded edition of Celebrating the Feasts of Israel.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Werner Sonderegger’s new book is a beautiful read that captures the richness of the feasts in one’s personal growth and connection with Christ.

It suggests ways to celebrate these feasts within the family in order to pass our faith in Jesus Christ on to the next generation.

View a synopsis of “Celebrating The Feasts of Israel: Explore the Depth of Our Faith In Jesus Christ and Pass It on to the Next Generation” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Celebrating The Feasts of Israel: Explore the Depth of Our Faith In Jesus Christ and Pass It on to the Next Generation” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Celebrating The Feasts of Israel: Explore the Depth of Our Faith In Jesus Christ and Pass It on to the Next Generation,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Rick Pribell’s newly released “Imagine God” reveals how reflecting on our emotions is the pathway to a personal relationship with God

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“Imagine God” is an illuminating guide to discerning God’s spirit in our daily lives. The creation of author Rick Pribell, who was raised in a Jewish home and now is a Messianic believer living in South Florida, the book leads readers on a journey that Pribell himself found to be enlightening. Pribell vows, “By the end of this book, you will be able to

  • Recognize God and begin to know him better, regardless of your faith
  • Understand what it really means to be created ‘in his own image’
  • Contemplate unresolved issues with new insight
  • Reflect on your experiences in a divine way
  • Enlighten others”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Rick Pribell’s new book teaches how to turn feelings – ranging from joy to betrayal — into a closer bond with God. This book challenges us to examine our own feelings and experiences in a way that will strengthen our relationship with the one God, the God we know to be true.

View the synopsis of “Imagine God” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Imagine God” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Imagine God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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