Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

David Hawkins’s newly released “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” presents a compelling discovery throughout the lessons and parables in the Bible

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“What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus”: an illuminating source of knowledge about Jesus’s identity, His teachings about the Holy Spirit and sin, His faith, the meaning of serving God and His people and being a good example without falling back, the way to heaven, and His parables. “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” is the creation of published author David Hawkins, a professor in both pharmacy and medical schools in Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and California for more than 40 years. His research and scholarly activities led to more than 100 published papers in the pharmacy and medical literature and 200 scientific and professional presentations at national and international meetings. He also taught the Bible for more than 30 years. He was ordained as deacon and served as a lay leader in churches.

Hawkins shares, “The teachings of Jesus include one hundred and one didactic lessons and forty parables that challenge the mind and the heart. Jesus taught with authority, and people listened and learned from him the things they needed to know.

“The didactic lessons teach us who Jesus is, how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit, what the nature of sin is, what the purpose of prayer is, how to serve God and others, how to be a good example, what things we should avoid in life, how to get to heaven, and how to be a disciple of Christ.

“The parables illustrate a spiritual or moral truth. Understanding a parable requires one to study it diligently and seek to learn its spiritual or moral meaning. Parables reveal truth only to those who desire to know what is true and maintain an open mind and eagerness to learn.

“If you can learn all that Jesus taught, you will be richly blessed and well prepared to live the best life and travel down the narrow road that leads to heaven.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David Hawkins’s new book shares a mind-clearing manuscript that expounds, in the simplest way possible, Jesus’s teachings that will inspire readers to meditate on the Scriptures. The book also aims to provide everyone instructions on serving God, being a good disciple, and living the best life under His guidance.

View a synopsis of “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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New Strength” is a brilliant discussion that allows an individual to reformulate and organize the chaos in his life

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“Our Next Steps: New Strength”: an important tackling of subjects that shed light on the connection that binds man’s body, mind, and spirit with God. “Our Next Steps: New Strength” is the creation of published author Andre Gilbert, a brilliant writer who shares his knowledge and insights through his works to inform and inspire many.

Gilbert shares, “Life has a lot to do with having energy. Our body being able to produce good energy from what we take in on a daily basis is critical to the health of our body, mind, and spirit; they’re all linked whether we acknowledge that fact or not.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re poor or rich, what color, what race, what culture, or what religion—we all have the same natural body, and it needs natural sources of energy.

“I’ve given a bird’s eye view of where we are as planet and species because knowing is half the battle. I’ve also lit up the path in the right direction because doing something about it is the other half. It’s better to crawl in the right direction than the run in the wrong.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Andre Gilbert’s new book is an intelligent read that dives deep into issues that alter humanity in its emotional and physical state. In here, subjects seldom addressed and disclosed are revealed.

View a synopsis of “Our Next Steps: New Strength” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Our Next Steps: New Strength” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Our Next Steps: New Strength,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Jessica Horton Pickard’s newly released “Mindy’s Light” is an inspiring story of a young girl who loves Jesus the most

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“Mindy’s Light”: a brimful storybook that allows the readers to know more about Christ and His deeds as the Messiah who saved the world from sins. “Mindy’s Light” is the creation of published author Jessica Horton Pickard, a writer who has a strong faith and connection to God.

Pickard writes, “Mindy’s Light illustrates the gift of salvation. For Mindy, summer meant mud puddles, berry picking, and running barefoot. She loved her family and the adventures she shared with them. But she loved Jesus more. Even though Mindy knew of the love of Jesus, she had not yet received her little light. Throughout the summer, Mindy kept having these tugs on her heart. With each tug, Mindy asked her daddy more and more questions. ‘What is a sin?’ ‘Why do you get baptized?’ and ‘What does being baptized mean?’ Mindy’s daddy answers her questions with scripture. More importantly, Mindy’s daddy shows her in the Bible what it means to ask Jesus in her heart. But it can only be when her heart is ready.

“Mindy’s sweet journey to salvation is a story that not only demonstrates receiving the light of Jesus but also portrays how we should pray for our children.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Pickard’s new book touches and opens the hearts of the readers allowing them to accept the Only Begotten Son of the Lord and urges them to love Jesus the way Mindy loves Him.

With this purpose, the author aims to encourage the readers to open their hearts, accept, and welcome Jesus in their lives.

View a synopsis of “Mindy’s Light” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Mindy’s Light” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Mindy’s Light,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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A BIBLICAL FICTION NOVEL” is a fictional tome that brings the real meaning of the cross in people’s life.

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“The Centurion Cross: A BIBLICAL FICTION NOVEL”: a fascinating novel inspired by the Bible stories that allow the readers to know and understand the meaning of the cross. “The Centurion Cross: A BIBLICAL FICTION NOVEL” is the creation of published authors Mike Haley, an owner of a retail jewelry shop who is a native of Muskogee, Oklahoma; and Kyle Caves, who grew up in a military family, living in Germany and the United States. The two met in church when Kyle was ten years old and Mike was forty-five years old and working with the youth ministry.

Haley and Caves write, “The Bible names eight people who had their lives restored from death. Are they still waiting for judgment?

“Upon returning to his family business that his grandfather had created, Ryan learns truths that cause him to question his entire life. In order to help him, his uncle sends him half-way around the world. Tragedy follows but leads him on a path of spiritual awakening with a man he just met and his friends that more than meets the eyes; pariahs in the world.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Haley and Caves’s new book is a riveting novel that leads the readers to a fascinating and awakening story of the power of resurrection.

This book takes the readers into an exciting adventure as the authors impart a fictional story based on biblical events that will make them realize the transforming power of the cross.

View a synopsis of “The Centurion Cross: A BIBLICAL FICTION NOVEL” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Centurion Cross: A BIBLICAL FICTION NOVEL” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Centurion Cross: A BIBLICAL FICTION NOVEL,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Absolution or Death” is a captivating journey of a person who is in search of her purpose in life

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“Sir Jeanine: Absolution or Death”: a compelling story of Jeanine who was in discovery of her strength, purpose, path, and faith. “Sir Jeanine: Absolution or Death” is the creation of published author Jo Bullock, a writer who was given a story to be told to the whole world. She took her own advice, and a giant leap of faith, and she successfully overcame her fear and released her story to everyone.

Bullock writes, “Jeanine found herself torn between her own happiness and her family duty. When she is informed she is to be promised in marriage to a despicable human being, she cannot bring herself to go on. Believing her life over anyway, she changes her appearance, disguising herself as a young man, and sets out with the crusaders on the adventure of her young life. Along the way, she will discover her own strength, her own purpose, her own path, and, most importantly, her own faith. This is the journey for Sir Jeanine—absolution or death.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Bullock’s new book is a plot-driven narrative that shows an inspiring journey of a person who found the real meaning of her life.

This book is an inspiring novel that urges the readers to never stop in journeying their life until they find their own purpose and path.

View a synopsis of “Sir Jeanine: Absolution or Death” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Sir Jeanine: Absolution or Death” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Sir Jeanine: Absolution or Death,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Pro-Life Organization Save the Storks Releases New Study of Religious Views on Abortion

Save the Storks Unplanned Abortion Views November 2019

“There’s a disconnect in our culture right now,” said Save the Storks Spokesperson, OBGYN and Women’s Health Specialist Dr. Karysse Trandem. “The majority of Americans believe that life begins at or before the heartbeat, but the majority of evangelicals and Catholics are pro-choice.”

Pro-life organization Save the Storks released a new study on abortion today that found the majority of self-identified Christians are pro-choice.

“Market Study of The Pro-Life/Pro-Choice Cause” found that while the most dominant pro-life demographic is evangelicals, less than half, or 47 percent identify as pro-life. Only 33 percent of main line protestants identify as pro-life. Catholics are the lowest percentage at just 27 percent.

“These findings underscore how important it is to be diligent in the education of the general public pertaining to this issue,” said Save the Storks Director of Media Relations and Community Affairs Victoria Robinson. “I think there will be many who will be unpleasantly surprised by the findings in this survey. If this cause is important to you, complacency is no longer an option.”

The study’s findings about American attitudes and opinions on abortion, particularly among Americans of faith, show that the U.S. church has yet to fully embrace a culture of life.

“There’s a disconnect in our culture right now,” said Save the Storks Spokesperson, OB/GYN and Women’s Health Specialist, Physician Dr. Karysse Trandem. “The majority of Americans believe that life begins at or before the heartbeat, but the majority of evangelicals and Catholics identify as pro-choice.”

Other key findings from the study include:

  • 67 percent of Americans believe that life begins at or before the heartbeat
  • 20 percent of pro-choice respondents stated abortion would not be an option for their own unplanned pregnancy
  • 17 percent of Catholics would consider abortion an option
  • 58 percent of Catholics and 51 percent of mainline protestants believe abortion is a private issue, just for the woman to determine

“We hope this research is the beginning of an honest dialogue among Christians,” said Save the Storks President, Paul Isaacs. “We are going to have to work harder to equip the next generation of Christians to have a more life-affirming ethic on this issue.”

The study, conducted by leading research-based firm Magid, draws on data from a nationally representative survey of 1,000 American adults — 34.7% aged 18-34, 37.5% aged 35-54, and 27.8% aged 55+. Of those 1,000 people surveyed this is the breakdown by religion: 26% Catholic, 15% Evangelical, 15% Main Line Protestant and 13% non-religious.

Save the Storks Online

Facebook: @SaveTheStorks

Instagram: @SaveTheStorks


About Save The Storks

Save the Storks’ mission is to revolutionize the meaning of pro-life. This organization partners with pregnancy resource centers in the United States to empower women with choice during pregnancy. Save the Storks has captured the imagination of millions with their compelling social media posts, videos and with its innovative fleet of Mobile Medical Units known as Stork Buses. To date, Save the Storks has delivered 51 buses, with three additional Stork Buses in production and nine in fundraising.

Dr. Karysse Trandem is available for interviews. To schedule an interview with her, contact Brittany Smith at (phone 704-661-8996) or Diane Ferraro at (phone 626-222-9388).

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Frederick F. Haussman Jr.’s newly released “Seventh Messenger” is a jarring revelation of the imminent end of times that will herald the return of Christ

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“Seventh Messenger”: a sagacious account of attestations from the Holy Bible that unveil the pending return of the Savior to redeem and condemn those who believe in him. “Seventh Messenger” is the creation of published author Frederick F. Haussman Jr.

Haussman Jr. shares, “Every good story has a climax, but a fantastic story has an unforgettable climax. This book is a true story of my life.

“So when the earth does shake more, then it is likely it will be because of a solar flare from a supernova, and its impact is coming our way or it could be the Lord’s just heating the earth’s core.

“This will bring about the Antichrist because the world will be hurting and will need a savior.

“All I know for sure is what the Holy Spirit has told me that the seven thunders will utter their voices. They have already sounded, but because of this book, the whole world will know for sure the truth. Chapter 10 of Revelation is revealed. We are closer to the second coming of Christ, so you need to get your name written in the Lamb’s book of life, only by believing in Yasha, the Messiah.

“I do not know the year the earth will shake, but it’s going to happen. The season is near. Please believe me, for I’m only the messenger. It does not bother me if you do not believe. You’re only hurting yourself. I have sounded the warning. Your blood is not on my hands. For the Father does love you, so turn to him and save your soul.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Frederick F. Haussman Jr.’s new book emphasizes vigilance in faith to assure salvation from the final destruction of the world that reproves the unbelieving.

Inspired by the divine, this book desires people to be reminded of God’s gracious yet just omnipotence for all creation.

View the synopsis of “Seventh Messenger” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Seventh Messenger” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Seventh Messenger,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Find Hope for the Future through Courage and Confidence

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My relationship with God has been the key to bringing healing from my shame and hurts

Dr. Cleavon P Matthews Sr.’s book Get in the God Zone: Becoming the Best Version of You (14.49, paperback, 9781498472982; $6.99, e-book, 9781498472999), is available for purchase.

Get in the God Zone: Becoming the Best Version of You contains spiritual principles to help face and overcome real life pains, hurts, and trials that readers have gone through in the past or are currently still walking through. The book is a personal invitation to discover alternatives to living in the darkness and to find hope from a personally intimate relationship with God.

“This book emerged from my own personal journal and work at coming out of the abyss of deep hurt, anger, depression, and anxiety. My relationship with God has been the key to bringing healing from my shame and hurts,” said Dr. Matthews Sr.

Dr. Cleavon Matthews Sr. is a prolific orator, communicator, and author. He is highly sought after and accomplished as a person of influence locally, nationally, and internationally. He is academically accomplished having obtained the Doctor of Ministry degree from Amridge University. Through his ministries he continues do extensive work in church consulting and premarital counseling. He and his family currently reside in Dayton, OH. He ministers to the Northwest church of Christ in Trotwood, OH.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Get in the God Zone: Becoming the Best Version of You is available online through,, and

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Dr. Muzella P. Hayes Ph.D’s newly released “God’s Light Bulb” is a brilliant discussion that illuminates one of God’s guiding light

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“God’s Light Bulb”: a detailed discourse that emphasizes the purpose and function of light itself, which will then lead to the knowledge and understanding of light in a biblical sense. “God’s Light Bulb” is the creation of published author Dr. Muzella P. Hayes Ph.D, an evangelist at Church of God at Iron Hill in Newark, Delaware, which gave her an opportunity to preach God’s Word to all that will listen and bring Christ Jesus. She is a registered nurse who holds a master’s degree in nursing leadership and a doctor of philosophy of biblical studies at Newburgh Theological Seminary and Bible College. She is also a diabetes lay teacher for the state of Delaware.

Dr. Hayes shares, “Earthly man does not always understand the revelations of the Word; it is therefore sometimes necessary to use metaphors or parables as Jesus did when teaching the Jews about the kingdom of God. In the same vein, this dissertation uses the metaphor of a light bulb that can emanate light—when plugged into an electrical source—to the light that shines from God. Going further with this metaphor, the ‘light bulb of God’ takes its energy from the Lord himself as it shines in the lives of everyone who believes in God.

“Light is used to show the way, as roads, airport runways, and stations are lit to facilitate easier traveling to humans. Light, as humans know it, was only possible after electricity was discovered. Caldwell stated that in New York, ‘by the late 1870’s electric light was no longer a novelty, though the city didn’t get its first consumer power grid until eight-teen eighty-two.’ The city put electrical lights to good use as the New York Train System lit up the tracks twenty-four hours a day—this provided an indication of the way the train would go. This was considered light that would guide the way for so many people travelling the city.

“This train line pointing to the way people should go can be seen as a metaphor for The Way in a biblical sense. There are people who do not know or believe that the first light was God’s light.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Muzella P. Hayes Ph.D’s new book is a comprehensive collection of thoughts that will influence readers to begin a discourse and formulate questions and discussions in relation to man’s creation, as well as the different systems that work together in reaching an ultimate goal.

View a synopsis of “God’s Light Bulb” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God’s Light Bulb” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God’s Light Bulb,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Volume 2” is a compelling topic by topic read of the teachings which are embedded within the pages of the Bible

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“Topical Bible Studies: Volume 2”: a purposeful narrative that explains the doctrines of the Bible that lets readers better identify with God and clarify his message to mankind. “Topical Bible Studies: Volume 2” is the creation of published author David B. Lendway, a faithful Christian and a retired engineer at a global engineering company.

Lendway writes, “This book is volume 2 of three volumes and contains a different collection of Bible topics than each of the other two volumes. These topics, like the previous topics in the other two volumes, will also allow the reader to easily identify, with little or no effort on their part, committing to memory exactly what God expects of them from within HIS written Word. Although this will not necessarily bring about the reader’s ability to remember precisely where each of these topics appears in the Bible’s book, chapter, and verse, it will—after reading enough of these topics—make their daily Bible reading much easier and so much more enjoyable due to their newfound understanding.

The reader will also discover when studying topic by topic they will remember the subject matter much better than when these particular subjects flew by them at lightning speed while reading along in their Bible.

These self-contained Bible studies work for everyone. It doesn’t matter where one stands in their faith or how much they know about the Bible; these studies will work. For those who are well-rooted in the Word, these studies will work for them as a review; those who own an average understanding of God’s Word will be able to use these studies not only as a review but also for learning something that God has said and they had previously unknowingly passed over. Those who know very little about the Word of God will be able to learn a great deal from these topical studies since they are self-contained and require no explanation because all commentary is backed up with book, chapter, and verse from the inspired Word of God. Those who know nothing about the Word and are seeking to learn about God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, their salvation, and the existence of this spiritual world they have heard so much about will now be able to learn straight from His Word right in the comfort of their living room whatever it is they want to know.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David B. Lendway’s new book guides believers in their faith-driven journey to better grasp the magnitude of God in their physical and spiritual lives.

This book is the second of three volumes that desire to usher illumination to the hearts, minds, and spirits of people who have committed themselves to the pursuit of God and partake of his promised salvation.

View the synopsis of “Topical Bible Studies: Volume 2” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Topical Bible Studies: Volume 2” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Topical Bible Studies: Volume 2,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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