Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Laura Ellen and Robert Muglia Family Foundation Make Transformative Gift to Episcopal Relief & Development to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls


The generosity and love for those around the world expressed by the Muglia Family through this gift are deeply inspiring to all of us working together for lasting change,” said Presiding Bishop Curry.

The Laura Ellen and Robert Muglia Family Foundation has contributed a $1 million gift to Episcopal Relief & Development to support and expand the organization’s programs to help prevent violence against women and girls worldwide.

“Episcopal Relief & Development’s work to reduce violence against women and girls is having a transformative impact on the lives of women and their communities,” said the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church. “The generosity and love for those around the world expressed by the Muglia Family through this gift are deeply inspiring to all of us working together for lasting change.”

Long-time supporters of Episcopal Relief & Development, Laura Ellen and Robert Muglia believe they have a responsibility to help empower women to thrive. “I have seen firsthand how Episcopal Relief & Development creates long-term, sustainable change for the most vulnerable people in communities around the world,” stated Laura Ellen Muglia, who has served on the board of directors for the organization since 2016. “We are honored to be a part of this ground-breaking and hugely important program.”

Episcopal Relief & Development’s initiatives to promote gender equality and to end violence against women and girls are one of the organization’s key program priorities. In Liberia, a partnership with the humanitarian arm of the Episcopal Church of Liberia, supported by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, Islamic Relief USA and other funders, encourages and trains local faith leaders such as priests and imams to speak out against violence and to change cultural norms in their communities. In 2018, this program was awarded a second grant from the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women to expand its work to ensure that every woman is treated with dignity and respect.

“Our long-standing partners in Liberia, Burundi, Honduras, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia recognize that violence against women and girls remains a huge barrier to the growth and development of communities,” said Chiseche Mibenge, the newly-appointed Director of Gender Initiatives for Episcopal Relief & Development. “Through experiential learning, faith and youth leaders address their own entrenched religious and cultural biases that subordinate women and girls, and are empowered to advocate for the rights of survivors.”

“When women succeed, communities thrive. We are delighted to announce this generous gift from the Muglia Family Foundation as we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women around the world, ” said Robert Radtke, President & CEO for Episcopal Relief & Development. “We are deeply grateful to Laura Ellen and Bob for their continued support and passion to empower women.”

For more information about Episcopal Relief & Development’s work to eliminate violence against women and girls, visit

About Episcopal Relief & Development:

For over 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

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Dr. Randy Bell Sr.’s newly released “A Spiritual Checkup” is a non-seasonal book as it helps the readers evaluate themselves every time

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“A Spiritual Checkup”: a wholesome account that will take the readers down paths of discovery that will challenge them to make a decision, but not just any decision—the right decision. “A Spiritual Checkup” is the creation of published author Dr. Randy Bell Sr., co-founder of Zoe Life Ministries in Georgia. He was called by God to the ministry with the vision to nurture, cultivate, educate, train, and activate those called to the ministry. Also, his teachings, writings, workshops, and conferences serve to free the saints of God from the spirit of religion to serve the Lord with the freedom and authority that Jesus Christ has provided.

Dr. Bell Sr. writes, “Just as we need to have check-ups to gauge our physical and mental well-being, we should also conduct check-ups to evaluate our spiritual maturity and wellness. In this book, Dr. Randy Bell Sr. urges readers to conduct A Spiritual Check-Up on themselves. He asks 10 questions that are necessary to determine spiritual wellness and then provides steps to improve and maintain our spiritual health.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Randy Bell Sr.’s new book is a rejuvenating account with knowledge as the author teaches the readers about his Biblical insights. This would be the right book for those who desire strategic revelation.

This book serves as a wake-up call for the readers that God is prompting everyone through His servant to evaluate one’s inner man.

View a synopsis of “A Spiritual Checkup” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Spiritual Checkup” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Spiritual Checkup,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Deanna Langworthy’s newly released “Grace and Peace” is a masterful account that defines to readers the real meaning of grace and peace

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“Grace and Peace”: a wholesome handbook that leads the readers to achieve the unshakeable peace in life. “Grace and Peace” is the creation of published author Deanna Langworthy, a single mom with a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management and master’s from the college of life, she has learned a lot on this journey called life and wishes to share it with her readers.

Langworthy writes, “Peace—everybody wants it, few have it. The Bible describes a peace that surpasses all understanding. What is that? It is a peace that is unshakable, unmovable no matter the circumstances, no matter the feelings; it is solid and unwavering. All can have this peace, but most do not. That can be changed! But to have this peace, you must experience God’s grace completely and fully, with no reservations. A grace that makes no sense but covers all and is all-encompassing. The secret to peace is not a secret at all, and it all starts with grace. Join Deanna as she walks you through her discovery of God’s grace and journey to peace.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Deanna Langworthy’s new book tells the readers that the secret to peace in life is not a secret for it all starts with grace.

With this purpose, Langworthy aims to ask the readers to look deep in their life, challenge their honesty, not only with God but also with themselves, in a way, invading the privacy of one’s walk of faith.

View a synopsis of “Grace and Peace” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Grace and Peace” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Grace and Peace,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Linda Glasper King’s newly released “A Touch of Inspiration through Poems” is a powerful collection of thoughts that revolve around faith and the values of Christianity

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“A Touch of Inspiration through Poems”: an inspirational compendium of poems that sheds light on the values of Christianity and likewise brings one in deep faith and worship. “A Touch of Inspiration through Poems” is the creation of published author Linda Glasper King, a retired US postal employee who has been a poet for years. She has written poetry for church programs, funeral programs, and poetry tributes for pastors and retirees’ celebrations. She is also recognized for her support of the society’s principles of peace education–accomplishment–charity–equality from the International Society of Poets.

King writes, “A Touch of Inspiration through Poems is a down-to-earth book of poetry centered around Christian values and faith. It touches life lessons, everyday living, and useful hints that will help you on your journey in life.

“It gives inspiration for tributes to pastors, patriotism, history, and those seeking God to honor women and mothers. There is a little something for everyone, who seek to find inspiration for life lessons through poems.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Linda Glasper King’s new book is a beautifully written collection that guides the readers in their spiritual journey. This poetry book is meant for everyone, from whatever walks of life, who are in search for encouragement and hope.

View a synopsis of “A Touch of Inspiration through Poems” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Touch of Inspiration through Poems” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Touch of Inspiration through Poems,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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From Genesis to Revelation” shares a compelling discussion that digs deep on Jesus’s Second Coming in this world

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“It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation”: an important read that carries knowledge and understanding of the Lord’s Second Coming to a world that is in chaos because of man’s own actions. “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation” is the creation of published author Richard Modee, a writer who holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture and a master’s degree in landscape architecture. He worked for the USDA Forest Service for almost three decades as an architect, landscape architect, long-range land and resources officer and environmental coordinator. A born-again Christian, he served on the church board and went on missions.

Modee shares, “The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be announced by the most unimaginably powerful earthquake never known by man, splitting the Mount of Olives in two, and changing the earth worldwide. There are at least seventeen earthquakes revealed in the Bible, nine of them in the New Testament. Every earthquake reveals God’s presence and His power. Some reveal God’s warning and wrath against sin. God placed every earthquake fault on the earth at the creation, and He knows where they are, when He will release them, for whatever purpose He chooses.

“The Bible describes five distinct conditions of the earth. First it was formless, lifeless, and enshrouded in darkness. After the six days of creation, the earth was transformed into the second condition: pristine, free of sin, beautiful, and peaceful for man. The sinful third condition occurred when satan entered the garden, introduced sin, and began to assault man. God cleansed the earth once again with the Great Flood, but man quickly reintroduced sin into the world, creating the fourth condition we are living in today. It is a world that is in serious moral decline due to greed, pride, immorality, disobedience, love for each other gone cold, and the increasing rejection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“God will finally change this fourth condition with devastating events during the seven years of tribulation, releasing four worldwide earthquakes and finally, an unimaginable final earthquake to purge the earth of sin and create the peaceful, sin-free, and pristine fifth condition for 1,000 years. The earthly kingdom and the heavenly kingdom will become one, and Jesus will reign until the final judgement of sinners. God will bring the New Jerusalem down from heaven where we will be in the presence of God and Jesus for all eternity.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Richard Modee’s new book is an illuminating manuscript that will allow readers to understand God’s plan and purpose for a world that is in a devastating moral decline.

View a synopsis of “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Pastor Tran Thi Ngoc Linh Ferguson with Pastor Richard Dean Ferguson’s newly released “Searching for the Mind of God” explains the need to uphold biblical teachings

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“Searching for the Mind of God”: a sagacious tome of scriptures and insights on how to become impassioned with God by following the virtues of the Bible and applying it in one’s life. “Searching for the Mind of God” is the creation of published authors Pastor Tran Thi Ngoc Linh Ferguson with Pastor Richard Dean Ferguson, ministers of God in the United States.

Pastor Linh and Pastor Rick share, “The Bible is unlimited in wisdom and information, but too many people limit their knowledge to what they hear in church. The New Testament tells us what we must do to live a Christian life, but the Old Testament gives us examples of how to do it.

“This book explains many areas that we must work to have a close, personal relationship with God. It gives a deeper understanding of the teachings of the prophets and apostles.

“The Bible tells us there is one baptism that has three parts. There are three levels of anointing and five levels of faith. These are just a few of the things a person must be aware of to have that close, personal relationship with God.

“This book is designed to help people draw closer to God. As you do, He will bless you abundantly.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Pastor Tran Thi Ngoc Linh Ferguson with Pastor Richard Dean Ferguson’s new book is an incomparable compendium of lessons that seek to inspire believers to pursue God by studying his Word and practicing its teachings to become better children of holiness.

This book emphasizes the need for spiritual resilience in attaining blessedness and partaking of the Lord’s saving grace in one’s life.

View the synopsis of “Searching for the Mind of God” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Searching for the Mind of God” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Searching for the Mind of God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Andrew Ferguson’s newly released “Restoring & Transforming” is a compelling read on the importance of restoring the original evangelization as Christ intended

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“Restoring & Transforming: Restoring the Gospel of the Kingdom and Transforming Society”: a potent account that tackles the significance of reverting to the true heart of preaching the Gospel. “Restoring & Transforming: Restoring the Gospel of the Kingdom and Transforming Society” is the creation of published author Andrew Ferguson, a pastor, businessman, and cofounder and executive director of Transform Yakima Together.

Ferguson shares, “What is the Gospel that Jesus preached? Is it the same gospel that you preach? How could Jesus preach the Gospel of the cross when He hadn’t died yet? He didn’t. He came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. This distinction and the fact that most pastors and churches are oblivious to it has crippled the church and its ability to provide a credible witness to the world.

“‘Restoring and Transforming’ is written with the hope of moving the pendulum back to the centrality of the Gospel of the Kingdom as Christ meant it to be. It shows how the theme of restoring the Kingdom of God on earth is at the center of all of Scripture, including, especially, the life and death of Jesus Christ as well as the relationship between the OT and NT. ‘Restoring and Transforming’ will revive your love and appreciation of Scripture and turn on some lights of understanding not only of Scripture but your life and the life of your church.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Andrew Ferguson’s new book imparts the need for the modern world to be reminded of the Bible by way of spiritual sermon meant to revive the people’s faith and lead them toward God.

This book instills insights resounding realizations about the current status of the church that reveals the need to rekindle the presence of God among His people.

View the synopsis of “Restoring & Transforming: Restoring the Gospel of the Kingdom and Transforming Society” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Restoring & Transforming: Restoring the Gospel of the Kingdom and Transforming Society” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Restoring & Transforming: Restoring the Gospel of the Kingdom and Transforming Society,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Where Faith Confronts Depression” provides aid to Christians who struggle with depression

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“Light in a Dark Place” is an unrestricted depiction of the pain Christians experience while trying to reconcile seasons of depression with the idea that faith should shield believers from pain. Harrington asks, “Are you a Christian who battles depression? Have you wondered why your faith isn’t meeting your needs?” The book breaks down desperate, spiritual questions into digestible nuggets, which show how to make a faith walk practical.

There has never been a book quite like “Light in a Dark Place”. Christians who struggle with depression or have loved ones who suffer will find the insight contained in the book invaluable. The author, D.M. Harrington, was raised in church and born-again at the age of thirteen but discovered that neither her upbringing nor her devotion would protect her from profound emotional distress. Help came as she intimately engaged God in her pain and found Him to be accessible in times of need. The light that she searched for and found, she freely gives to her readers.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Harrington’s new book confronts thoughts and feelings often harbored which end up shackling people to the dark. It reveals that much of their pain is their own shredded hands refusing to let go in an invisible tug-of-war with God. But they must let go — of their illusions about life, their irrational expectations, and their preconceptions about God. It is the only route to relief. Those with depression can thrive emotionally, mentally, and relationally in spite of it.

Visit the book website at: or view the book video trailer on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Light in a Dark Place” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Light in a Dark Place”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Erith Catlin’s newly released “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” is an enlightening opus on the relevance of God’s biblical commandments in modern times

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“The Voice Said, ‘Write’”: a thought-provoking book that discusses the divine constitution of God’s commandments imparted to mankind in the garden of Eden that is still significant in the modern era. “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” is the creation of published author Erith Catlin, a native of Barbados and a retired life insurance salesman with American General Life and Accident Ins. Co.

Catlin shares, “Six thousand years ago, God pronounced a curse upon this earth because of Adam’s disobedience in Eden.

“The message of this book is a clarion call to twenty-first-century man to obey God’s four commands given in Eden whereby evil will be held in check.

“God got this author’s attention to write this book by one word spoken in his ear. It was back in 2011, he heard one word—write.

“The author did not know what subject God wanted him to write about, but then the impression came to his mind to write about creation and the fall of man.

“God gave man four commands! Number 4 is not really a command. It is really following God’s example of resting and worshiping. If man worshiped God and held His name in sanctity, that would virtually wipe out crime and divorce. True worshipers will honor those two words of commitment that they made at the wedding altar—‘I do.’ See Genesis 1:31. Crime and divorce, gone.

“Number 3 command is reproducing and subduing the earth (Gen. 1:28).

“The number 2 command is not to eat what God forbid (Gen. 2:16–17 and 1:29–30). Daniel adhered to this (Dan. 1:8).

“Command number 1 (work) is in Genesis 2:15–16. Dress the garden and keep it. God gave Adam a world that was ‘very good’ while the twenty-first-century man has a world that is very bad.

“God is saying to twenty-first-century man, ‘If you keep what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting. Obey my commands and eat the good of the land.’

“The message of the book? Honor God’s creation. Love Him with all your heart, soul, and body and your neighbor as yourself. When the twenty-first-century man lives this way, evil will be held in check, and world conditions will improve.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Erith Catlin’s new book inspires readers to uphold God’s handiwork and decrees and earn His blessing.

This book beholds reverberating insights that show the benevolence of God for those who seek His grace and follow Him wholeheartedly.

View the synopsis of “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Voice Said, ‘Write’,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Elder Koatiki Anderson’s newly released “A New Year Is Coming” is a potent devotional that aims to invigorate the readers’ souls with God-driven insights

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“A New Year Is Coming”: a well-conceived narrative that holds treasured viewpoints about God’s love and mercy that encompasses everyone willing enough to partake in his gifts. “A New Year Is Coming” is the creation of published author, Elder Koatiki Anderson, a Director of the Women’s Ministry at Bread of Life Kingdom Fellowship and an employee at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick.

Elder Anderson shares, “A New Year Is Coming is not a long read, but it’s a powerful read. The author, Elder Koatiki Anderson, talks about the broken season in her life and how she was able to endure it. Have you ever been broken and felt like you didn’t know whom you can turn to or how you were going to be able to endure or get through it? A New Year Is Coming will inspire you to lean and depend on God through the darkest moments in your life.

“Your breakthrough is right around the corner, but what do you do in the meantime? A New Year Is Coming will inspire you to praise and worship God in the midst of your pain, and to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Elder Anderson is speaking from real life experiences, and this book is a must-read for those who want to know how to endure the broken seasons in life.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Elder Koatiki Anderson’s new book is dedicated to Christian believers and people seeking God’s wisdom to transform their lives toward betterment and healing.

This book is a perfect reminder that God is ever-present and omnipotent in shattering doubts, fears, and anxieties that bring sorrow and heartache to his chosen flock.

View a synopsis of “A New Year Is Coming” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A New Year Is Coming” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A New Year Is Coming,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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