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The “Next News Network” Becomes 1st Conservative News YouTube Channel to Surpass One Billion Views

Next News Network's Gary Franchi with President Trump in July of 2019

Next News Network’s Gary Franchi with President Trump in July of 2019

Achieving one billion views on YouTube despite the rapidly changing landscape controlled by faceless algorithms is significant.

Since 2012, Gary Franchi has worked diligently on creating and developing a conservative news channel to deliver Americans the truth. With countless interviews, features, breaking news stories sprinkled with comedic relief, Next News Network has become America’s favorite conservative news and opinion YouTube channel. Proof of this lies in the numbers, as Next News Network surpassed one billion views this week, which comes as no surprise with their steadily growing numbers.

Approaching 1.3 million subscribers, The Next News Network is the top YouTube news and opinion channel that never leaves Americans in the dark.

With the 2020 election ahead, Franchi says “I am looking forward to participating in our democratic process through the rights our Founders enshrined in the First Amendment while battling the Left’s efforts to stifle conservative voices.”

Censorship is no stranger to Franchi. In November of 2017 he noticed an overnight drop in views he attributed to a change in the YouTube algorithm. As his views plummeted by nearly 80% he noticed “corporate approved” youtube news channels views skyrocket.

During the 2016 election the Next News Network was the number one youtube channel out performing CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and others. Vowing to prevent independent creators from ever dominating the news space on YouTube again, YouTube modified their algorithm to surface “authoritative news” in search results.

Franchi continued, “The other news channels were not even paying attention to YouTube then, we smoked them all, we even beat Hillary and Obama’s YouTube channels!”

He went on to say, “Because of our successful application of the First Amendment on YouTube, and the resulting election of Donald J. Trump, YouTube decided to change the algorithm to prevent that from happening again. In my opinion that is clear cut election meddling.”

He was positive nonetheless and stated, “Achieving one billion views on YouTube, despite the rapidly changing landscape controlled by faceless algorithms, is significant.”

Remarking on why he began the YouTube channel he said, “I started the Next News Network after I saw my 2012 candidate, Ron Paul, so brutally treated by the media and his own party. I vowed to never let that happen again by using the free press to support my candidate in 2016. We were successful, and were instrumental in the election of our next president Donald J. Trump.”

With this goal in mind, Gary Franchi created Next News Network to ensure the free press would continue to thrive online and serve millions of Americans and viewers across the world. Franchi is a conservative community pillar and a great example of creating a solution to a problem instead of leaving it up to someone else.

About The Next News Network

The Next News Network is your most trusted liberty media channel for original commentary on US politics, the 2020 election, geopolitics, Constitutional issues, national headlines. The Next News Network is anchored by Executive Producer Gary S Franchi Jr. With over 1.3 million subscribers, and over 1 billion views on YouTube, The Next News Network has provided unique insight to viewers around the world since 2012.

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Timothy Paul Neller’s newly released “To Walk on Water” is a stirring tale through a life of doubts and troubles as one tries to embrace his new faith

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“To Walk on Water”: a fascinating novel holding a story that deals with faith and the doubts that shadow it in times of tribulations. “To Walk on Water” is the creation of published author Timothy Paul Neller, a teacher, assistant principal, principal, director, and professor during his forty years in the field of education. He is passionate in arts and was actively involved in the Tulsa Bach Chorale as a singer and in community theater as an actor. His play, Horace and Daphne, was performed at the Performing Arts Center of Tulsa in both 2003 and 2011.

Neller shares, “Terry thought that his life would change drastically when he became a Christian, and it did, but not in the way that he thought it would. Instead of life being easier, it became much harder, each day filled with temptations that were challenges to his newfound faith. His feelings about himself and those around him intensified, and when he felt himself sliding back into his old habits, his closest friends, Lolly and Nick, assured him that they were always there to support him, urged him not to lose his faith, and reminded that God would always give him the strength and wisdom to handle any problem. He wasn’t so sure about that when his girlfriend Jenny came back from New York City after trying out for the New York Ballet and would no longer talk to him.

“After her trip to New York, Jenny too was struggling with her faith and began to question whether or not God even existed. She shut herself off from those around her, began to hate her father, and felt hopelessly lost. It was only through her friend, Lolly, that she again began to see things more clearly. But Terry continued to struggle, and it was only when the lives of all his friends had been threatened and he seemed to have lost everything did he come to know God and to understand his true purpose.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Timothy Paul Neller’s new book shares a captivating walk of a person whose faith was tested several times, yet readers will witness how God saw him through it all.

View a synopsis of “To Walk On Water” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “To Walk On Water” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “To Walk On Water,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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“What Have I Done?” a single song by Darrin Charles, is set for release early 2020.

Best Songwriter Nominee Darrin Charles

“I am overjoyed that we are finally releasing the song, some people really need to hear it”

Darrin Charles, a singer-songwriter and artist from the New Port Richey, Florida area, has announced a record deal with the new David & Goliath Media Publishing Firm, LLC., which will include his first single “What Have I Done?” scheduled for release on January 3rd, 2020.

The song was officially selected at Orlando’s International Christian Film and Music Festival last Spring. The song also garnered Darrin a nomination as “Best Songwriter,” making the top twelve positions out of a field of 800-1000 artists who submitted songs.

A special 38-second free sample of the song will be available at his website this week. A decision was made to release it to Spotify and iTunes, including a few others, two weeks ago.

When Darrin Charles releases his new song using lyrics that touch on spiritual themes along with “everyday situations of life,” he will take his place among the rarified air of song writers who possess that uncommon knack for probing in to both secular and spiritual themes simultaneously. Charles was first recorded in 2003 inside a mall recording booth in New Port Richey, Florida. Darrin is over 40 in an industry where most new artists are less than 25. Also, Darrin is currently a wood worker at a cabinet shop and says “I am overjoyed that we are finally releasing the song, some people really need to hear it”

In his first song “What Have I Done?” Darrin asks his audience the vital question almost everyone ponders in their heart: “How could God love such an imperfect being like me? And how can any of us ever deserve such kindness from the Creator of the Universe?” claims CEO Joseph A. Camerieri of the Independent label David & Goliath Media Publishing Firm, LLC. Joseph is also the executive producer of the song. Joseph says, “In my circles, people agree with my analogy that it’s a Spiritual prequel or point of view to that most successful Christian song ‘I Can Only Imagine’ by Mercy Me. I am a huge fan of that song in which it brings tears to my eyes all the time, and with Darrin’s song too.”

Music listeners can connect with Darrin Charles at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Despite his high level of excitement, the last few years for Darrin have included significant trials. However, regarding his selection at the Music Festival in Orlando, Charles says “It was a huge blessing, a light for my path set before me. I was very grateful just to be selected, I love songwriting and singing so I am very happy. I have a lot of people to thank and first is of course, with sincerity, God and Jesus the Christ, who opened doors and hearts of people to make this song a reality.”

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Embrace God’s Plan for Your Finances and Benefit from His Ageless Wisdom

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Biblical wealth-creating strategies, when implemented, will emancipate you from financial slavery [to] enjoy the riches of this world

Author Douglas D. Dickson shares biblical financial and investment strategies in Wealth Creation: God’s Way ($22.99, paperback, 9781545602195; $9.99, e-book, 9781545602201). He wants to see God’s children live prosperously and enjoy the victorious life He intended them to have.

Dickson outlines investment strategies found in the Bible and keys to activate a financial covenant with God.

“Biblical wealth-creating strategies, when implemented, will emancipate you from financial slavery [to] enjoy the riches of this world,” said Dickson.

Douglas D. Dickson, MD, MBA is an Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon and Entrepreneur empowered by God to share wealth-creating principles with all he comes across. He and his wife Akua have three sons: David, Donnell and Douglas, Jr.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Wealth Creation: God’s Way is available online through,, and

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Episcopal Relief & Development Provides Emergency Assistance After Severe Flooding in Ghana

Flooded river

“We remain committed to supporting these communities as they begin to rebuild,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Disaster Response and Risk Reduction for Episcopal Relief & Development.

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization (ADDRO) after severe flooding in northern Ghana earlier this fall.

In September and October of 2019, the Upper East Region of Ghana and most of northern Ghana experienced torrential rains, causing the Bagre Dam to overflow. Widespread flooding impacted farmland and homes, displacing over 26,000 people and destroying their livelihoods. Approximately 6,000 houses were partially damaged or destroyed. In addition, the standing water has exposed women and children to health risks such as malaria and other waterborne illnesses.

With the support of Episcopal Relief & Development, ADDRO, the relief and development arm of the Anglican Diocese of Tamale in northern Ghana, is building on their networks of health volunteers and other community relationships to provide critical relief kits for impacted families. These kits include rice, maize, beans, cooking oil, salt, soap, mattresses and mosquito nets. ADDRO is working closely with government agencies to avoid duplication of assistance so that the most vulnerable are reached.

“Many of the impacted families are participants in ADDRO and Episcopal Relief & Development’s early childhood development program,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Disaster Response and Risk Reduction for Episcopal Relief & Development. “These existing relationships helped us to quickly identify where help was most needed. We remain committed to supporting these communities as they begin to rebuild.”

Please pray for all the individuals and families affected by the flooding. To learn more about Episcopal Relief & Development’s disaster risk reduction work, visit


For over 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

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Michelle Branson’s newly released “Guess What God Made” is a wonderful rhyming story that shows readers the magnificent creations of God

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“Guess What God Made”: a wholesome book that shows the encompassing love of God through providing and creating all the beautiful things on Earth. “Guess What God Made” is the creation of published author Michelle Branson, an American author born in north Georgia and a member of Saint Hilda’s Anglican Parish in Atlanta, Georgia. As a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ, Branson brings the joy of God’s love to children through her books.

Branson writes, “A rhyming story of God’s unconditional love and gifts to his children. Adorable illustrations of children enjoying God’s many creations.

“God made the bees that nibble on flowers that soak up the Sun into the wee hours.

“Children, animals, and elements illustrate God’s creations. Babies and toddlers will feel loved all over when they hear this declaration of God’s gifts for them!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Michelle Branson’s new book shares a remarkable reading experience to the readers as they will realize how mighty the Lord is in creating all the wonderful things everyone can see on Earth.

With this purpose, Branson aims to show to the readers how powerful God is and was in providing the needs of His people.

View a synopsis of “Guess What God Made” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Guess What God” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Guess What God Made,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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David Kennedy’s newly released “Counting Sheep” is an imaginative story about a man’s faith in God that brings blessings in his life

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“Counting Sheep”: a vibrant narrative that tells of a man’s prayerful countenance and conviction in God that lightens his everyday burdens and graces him with comfort. “Counting Sheep” is the creation of published author David Kennedy, an alumnus of the Certificates Program at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Kennedy shares, “Meet Uncle Champ. Many people may consider his situation to be uncomfortable. However, Uncle Champ knows that to put faith in God, all things become worthwhile. He finds happiness by counting his blessings instead of his troubles. Uncle Champ shows that his faith in God helps him tolerate his troubles and focus on his blessings.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David Kennedy’s new book is a perspicacious reminder of God’s benevolence for those who ask Him through contemplation and prayer.

Follow the awe-inspiring everyday journey of Uncle Champ and his realization of the Lord’s graciousness that ultimately drives the discomforts in his life.

View the synopsis of “Counting Sheep” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Counting Sheep” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Counting Sheep,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Tony Patterson’s newly released “Every Seed Reproduces After Its Kind” is an erudite and eye-opening study of the importance of God in modern society

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“Every Seed Reproduces After Its Kind”: a profound and insightful critique of perceptions of truth and morality in modern times. “Every Seed Reproduces After Its Kind” is the creation of published author, Tony Patterson, a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Patterson states: “Is the moral framework of God under attack in America? Has the landscape of our nation changed? Are we now witnessing an identity crisis in our culture? We have become a nation that has taken God out of the stitching, and yet we stand perplexed and confounded, wondering why this nation is comings apart at its seams. God’s truth still stands.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Tony Patterson’s new book challenges its readers to examine contemporary conceptions of morality, truth, faith, and judgement.

With the building blocks of our society no longer what they once were, Patterson’s book proposes a new and faith-based means of navigating the current social, political, and moral landscape that can transform the way its readers see the world.

View a synopsis of “Every Seed Reproduces After Its Kind” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Every Seed Reproduces After Its Kind” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Every Seed Reproduces After Its Kind”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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New Book by Xulon Press Author Shares That How We Respond To Life Changing Incidents Affects Our Eternal Destiny

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He has designed a path to bring us all back to Him.

Bill Ecton’s new book, The Coming: The Pursuit of Peace ($15.99, paperback, 9781498490962; $7.99, eBook, 9781498490979) asks readers these questions: When everything has escalated so that even small decisions are pivotal to survival, how prepared are our ensemble of individuals? Will their decisions destroy them or save them from catastrophe? Perhaps the most instrumental question The Coming asks is: Are you interested in being immortal?

Ecton says, “God has pursued mankind for millennia but during the final days in the midst of apocalypse He will be the only constant and single refuge. He has designed a path to bring us all back to Him. Will you take it?”

Bill Ecton was a missionary for 35 years before he retired to South Florida. During his global travels, he was impressed by the desire of people to discuss the subject of the future according to the scriptures. His life has never been his own. He has always conferred with God for guidance, and “The Coming” series of books is the result of his inspiration to answer the need to discuss this future with this unique story.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order The Coming: The Pursuit of Peace through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through,, and

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Ophelia Chimney’s newly released “The Missing Backpack” is an engaging and brief narrative about the search for a young girl’s backpack

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“The Missing Backpack”: an amusing illustrated tale about a kid as she tries to retrace her steps to find out where she has left her backpack after she realizes that it has gone missing. “The Missing Backpack” is the creation of published author Ophelia Chimney. She is the owner of Kaye’s Healthcare and enjoys spending time with family and friends, along with her two dogs, King and Maximus

Chimney writes, “Have you ever lost or misplaced your favorite teddy bear, toy, book, or backpack? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me! I’ve lost my backpack!

“Follow me as I retrace my steps, here, there, and everywhere to try and find my missing backpack before I leave for school! Let the journey begin…”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ophelia Chimney’s new book shares to young readers a wonderful story about a girl as she searches left and right for her missing backpack.

View a synopsis of “The Missing Backpack” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Missing Backpack” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Missing Backpack,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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