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Ryan Davis Shaw’s newly released “LIVING AS ‘END-TIMES’ CHRISTIANS” is a spiritual read that inspires a comprehensive understanding and utility of God’s Word

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“LIVING AS ‘END-TIMES’ CHRISTIANS: Standing with Israel in the Last Days”: a perspicacious tome bearing insights from the Holy Writ that unveils the nature and plan of God for all believers’ ultimate redemption in the incoming tribulation. “LIVING AS ‘END-TIMES’ CHRISTIANS: Standing with Israel in the Last Days” is the creation of published author Ryan Davis Shaw, a minister of God’s Word and a dedicated writer and family man from Alberta, Canada.

Shaw shares, “Did you know that you will stand right beside Jesus in the city of Jerusalem one day if you are a believer? Did you know that Israel is the most significant nation on earth? Could Jesus return in my lifetime? Is there a ‘rapture’? Just how tough are times really going to get? Do any of these questions really even matter today?

“What might be the cost, if unbelievers ask believers these types of questions, and then they divert from the path of salvation because we couldn’t answer some of these tougher questions? ‘Living as ‘End-Times’ Christians’ is an astute narrative that challenges us to go deeper in the Word of God—equipping the reader to understand some of the more difficult areas in our Bibles.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ryan Davis Shaw’s new book hopes to arm readers with the necessary wisdom about God, Jesus Christ, and the apocalyptic scriptures that will greatly guide them in their journey until the end.

This book reinforces the readers’ faith in the Lord by revealing the tur lessons ingrained within the Bible’s prophesies and promise of eternal life and glory in the kingdom of God.

View the synopsis of “LIVING AS ‘END-TIMES’ CHRISTIANS: Standing with Israel in the Last Days” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “LIVING AS ‘END-TIMES’ CHRISTIANS: Standing with Israel in the Last Days” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “LIVING AS ‘END-TIMES’ CHRISTIANS: Standing with Israel in the Last Days,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Terry Darnell’s newly released “Packing for Life” is a fundamental guide designed for parents to successfully raise their child with enough wisdom and guidance

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“Packing for Life: A Parent’s Guide to Success”: a masterful handbook filled with principles that are easy to understand and simple to follow. “Packing for Life: A Parent’s Guide to Success” is the creation of published author Terry Darnell, the founding pastor of Family Life Church in Sugar Land, Texas. His church is a growing, vibrant, multicultural church that is committed to helping strengthen the family through biblical teaching, conferences, and small group network.

Darnell writes, “There is so much confusion in today’s world when it comes to parenting. Parents desire to raise good kids, but many lack the wisdom, guidance, and practical insight to get the job done right. Packing for Life: A Parent’s Guide to Success will take you on a journey to discover God’s plan for you as a parent and will unlock principles that will allow you to raise great kids—kids who love God, love people, and fulfill God’s purpose in their lives.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Terry Darnell’s new book is a profound and thorough study on how to successfully raise great kids in a troubled and chaotic world. This book will also take the readers on a journey in life where they will be able to see their purpose God has prepared for them as a parent.

With this purpose, Darnell assures the readers that through reading this book with an open mind and humble heart, they will be able to find the answers that they have been looking for.

View a synopsis of “Packing for Life: A Parent’s Guide to Success” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Packing for Life: A Parent’s Guide to Success” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Packing for Life: A Parent’s Guide to Success,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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The Return to Hidden Forest” is a stirring narrative of a group of friends that shows how to embrace change

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“Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest”: an enthralling book that inspires the readers to be brave in embracing renewal. “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest” is the creation of published author Ronald R. Strahl, an educator and counselor who has dedicated his career to helping individuals discover solutions for the many painful dilemmas that their lives present.

Strahl writes, “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest is a fast-paced and heartwarming story about how a group of friends discovers the importance of questioning old beliefs and of embracing renewal. The friends have some innocent misadventures with a family of bears that help them understand how their wild cousins don’t spend time mired in the past. By contrast, they learn that when human encounters went sour it was usually a product of lazy humans holding on to old beliefs and behaviors that had lost most of their original meaning.

“This book features Chase Baer, who demonstrates both strength and willingness to embrace change. From surviving a plot to get him fired to finding the love of his life, Chase Baer demonstrates an example after example of the kind of strength of character that exemplifies a life of integrity.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ronald R. Strahl’s new book is an attempt to explore the strength of the meek through a second story involving the resident of a hidden forest and the humans that interact with them.

Through this book, Strahl takes the readers to an exciting reading experience as the book shows how the characters display the kind of strength that elucidates a life of integrity.

View a synopsis of “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Dr. Sam Peebles’s newly released “First Do No Harm” is a riveting retelling of a doctor’s dealings with a man pinned as a criminal

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“First Do No Harm”: an engrossing book of the author’s circumstances as a professional medical practitioner that led him to an encounter with a gunman. “First Do No Harm” is the creation of published author Dr. Sam Peebles, a full-time emergency physician, a Bible class teacher, and a lead singer.

Dr. Peebles shares, “Dr. Sam Peebles has tried to abide by the principle of ‘First, Do No Harm’ in his medical practice and his life. On November 23, 2003, traveling home from the funeral of his nephew, they stopped to help a stranded motorist. His name is Scott Eizember. He had been the subject of an extensive manhunt in Oklahoma where he had killed two people and severely injured two others. He abducted the couple at gunpoint and forced them to drive deep into Texas. Dr. Peebles relays the events of this encounter but also talks about his faith and his family.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Sam Peebles’s new book is an immersive and truthful account that shows the dedication of physicians in upholding their oath to protect life at all costs.

This book is an exemplary proof of humanity present in conflict that trained individuals can tap into to change lives toward betterment and wellness.

View the synopsis of “First Do No Harm” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “First Do No Harm” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “First Do No Harm,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Delores Barr Weaver Fund Donates $250,000 to Morning Star School, a Special Education School in Jacksonville, Florida

New Media Center at Morning Star School, Outside View

“A new Media and Learning Center will open the door to a universe of resources for Morning Star School students,” noted Delores Barr Weaver. “Their time at Morning Star School will be greatly enhanced by having this gateway to greater knowledge.”

An unexpected phone call and donation from Jacksonville philanthropist Delores Barr Weaver places Morning Star School, a K-12 special education school for children with learning and intellectual differences, within inches of scoring a major goal.

In 2016, Morning Star School began a five-year, $1.6 million campaign to expand beyond 8th grade and build a high school. The new building nearly doubles the size of the existing campus, adding two wings with eight classrooms and a state-of-the-art media and learning center. To date, the campaign had raised $1.25 million, but the Media and Learning Center had not yet received a naming donation.

“The outpouring of generosity from the Jacksonville philanthropic community has been amazing, but as we approached our fourth campaign year we still needed $350,000 to reach our goal,” said Maria Johnson, director of development for Morning Star School. “We used savings and a loan to build our new high school so completing the campaign on time was crucial for future success. To receive a call from The Community Foundation saying Mrs. Weaver wanted to help was thrilling. We were honored and overjoyed.”

After touring the school and careful research of the project, Mrs. Weaver, through the Delores Barr Weaver Fund, agreed to help Morning Star School complete the high school campaign by naming the school’s new Media and Learning Center for $250,000.

“A new Media and Learning Center will open the door to a universe of resources for Morning Star School students,” noted Delores Barr Weaver. “Their time at Morning Star School will be greatly enhanced by having this gateway to greater knowledge.”

Additionally, Mrs. Weaver will also match up to $50,000 in donations to raise the remaining $100,000 needed to complete the campaign.

“Morning Star School has demonstrated the need for and the community investment in the Building a Brighter Future capital campaign as it has progressed,” Mrs. Weaver continued. “By issuing a challenge grant, I hope to inspire others to join me in supporting a successful finish to this worthwhile campaign.”

Morning Star School is open to all students in kindergarten through 12th grade who have learning differences, attention deficit disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and intellectual differences. Students are from diverse backgrounds and come to Morning Star School from Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau, and Flagler Counties. The Delores Barr Weaver Media and Learning Center will be named in early 2020.

About the Delores Barr Weaver Media and Learning Center

The mission of the Delores Barr Weaver Media and Learning Center is to nurture collaboration and hands-on learning. Research has demonstrated that students with learning differences learn better when they are fully absorbed in activities and experiences that engage a variety of senses. Because seating will be easily reconfigured for a variety of functions, the space will be used for all aspects of learning and will quickly become a very special gathering space for all students across the curriculum.

With state-of-the-art Wi-Fi capabilities, the new space will provide students with the flexibility to use iPads, laptops and smartboards for large group and/or small group instruction. Hands-on activities include STEM projects in science, art and music, as well as group research for literature and social studies. Portable iPads and laptops feature voiceover, assistive touch and guided access to help students learn at their own pace while smartboards combine touch technology with the ability to write and erase over any application. High school students will also use the Media and Learning Center for life-centered education to help support independence through schedules, prompting tasks, paying bills, shopping and social skills.

For more information about Morning Star School or to contribute additional funds and receive a matching donation from the Delores Barr Weaver Fund, people can visit the “Building a Brighter Future” capital campaign at the Morning Star School website at

About the Delores Barr Weaver Fund and The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida

The Delores Barr Weaver Fund was established at The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida in 2012 to provide grants to nonprofit organizations that do work she has supported over many years and to encourage others to do so as well. Mrs. Weaver has an extraordinary legacy of philanthropy, and she has provided transformative support to dozens of nonprofit organizations that uplift, enlighten and advance Northeast Florida. Her establishment of the Delores Barr Weaver Fund ($50 million) was the largest gift in the Community Foundation’s history. The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, now in its 55th year, has assets of more than $384 million and has made more than $500 million in grants since 1964. For more information:

About Morning Star School

Morning Star School in Jacksonville, Florida ( is a K-12 school serving children with learning and intellectual differences, attention deficit disorder and autism spectrum disorders. Fully accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference, Morning Star School is the only special education school in the Diocese of St. Augustine and takes pride in its diverse students who are welcomed regardless of background or religious affiliation. Teachers and staff work with each individual student and partner with parents, therapists and medical providers to provide each child the opportunity to reach their highest potential. Morning Star School is perpetually at capacity and is raising funds to expand the school and its services. For more information, visit

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Beth Strautz

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Jane Ann Crenshaw’s newly released “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” is an inspiring account that makes the readers realize the worth of life

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“2nd Sunday Morning Glory”: a heart-touching account that sheds a gleaming light on the readers, allowing them to be enlightened that suicide is not a solution to whatever problems they face in life. “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” is the creation of published author Jane Ann Crenshaw, a woman who exhibits her love for the Lord in everything she does. She is a person of courage, understanding, and faith. She has also been a student of life, listening to the rhythm of the world and family.

Crenshaw writes, “In the absence of the preacher, Jim the elder was called to visit a woman who had lost her husband. She was desolate and was threatening to commit suicide. Jim was called by the mother of a child who attended the Sunday school. I went with him that morning. As we drove to this home, Jim was at a loss as to what he could do or say. This was something out of his realm of expertise. We had prayed before we left the house, but Jim was anxious. God was putting this woman’s life in his hands. I picked up the Bible from the console and said, ‘Maybe I can find a verse that will help you.’ I opened the Bible randomly, and a verse jumped right out at me. I read it to him, ‘For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour, what you ought to say.’ (Luke 12:12, NIV). As we pulled up in front of her house, Jim said, ‘Mark that page.’

“We quietly walked into this home. Jim was directed to the woman in need. He talked with her, prayed with her, and read the scriptures of comfort and encouragement. He was with her for a long time. When the situation became calm, we took our leave, and the woman who contemplated suicide continued to live. We never heard if she made a place for the Lord in her life, but we knew that He had taken up permanent residence in ours. We felt it. We saw it. We were lifted by His might and encouraged to keep on keeping on. God is real!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jane Ann Crenshaw’s new book shares a wonderful reading experience to the readers as the author lays down all her experiences from the ups and downs of her life.

With this book, Crenshaw aims to give the readers a hope to hold in life so they may be able to realize the beauty of life and see it the next day in glory.

View a synopsis of “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “2nd Sunday Morning Glory,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Follow One Woman on Her Journey to a Personal Relationship with Christ

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He has done many things for me and He will also do many things for you.

Author Hellen Payton shares her personal testimony in a unique format in Precious Minutes with Christ($9.99, paperback, 9781498486262; $4.99, e-book, 9781498486279). Her love for her Savior is evident in the letters she shares.

Payton has written her ongoing conversation with God as she realized who Christ is and what He has done.

Payton says she hopes “to witness for Christ to tell of things He has done for me. To tell of an Almighty God He is and what He will do for any who trust Him. He has done many things for me and He will also do many things for you.”

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Precious Minutes with Christ is available online through,, and

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Read Jada McClintick’s Intimate Conversations with God in Her Book, 54:10

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“God does not need our fancy words or our carefully memorized scripture…He feels our hurt. He collects our tears in a bottle and the Holy Spirit groans with the pain that we cannot adequately express. Sometimes all we can muster is the uttered name of Jesus. That is powerful. And that is enough.”

Jada McClintick’s new book summarizes her conversations with God about daily life, her struggles as a woman, and her reflections when going through difficult times. Her talks with the Lord cover various topics, from finding meaning in mundane house chores to opening her heart to dating again. The book’s title, 54:10: A Woman’s Honest Talk with God about His Unshakable Love, is taken from her favorite verse from the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament.

Every chapter of the book talks about an aspect of the author’s life, from the beauty of friendship to the sins she committed before and after welcoming Jesus into her life. While explicitly discomforted by admitting her mistakes on paper, she surrenders her shame to God and uses her experiences to teach and comfort others who may be going through something similar. She also shares that He allows these painful moments to happen to give people a chance to grow stronger and closer to Him.

“God does not need our fancy words or our carefully memorized scripture in order to rescue us. He feels our hurt,” After going through her divorce with her first husband, the author’s life slowly fell apart. She developed insurmountable doubt as she connected her self-worth to the success of her marriage. However, after reciting the most heartfelt prayer to Jesus, He comforted her. “He collects our tears in a bottle and the Holy Spirit groans with the pain that we cannot adequately express. Sometimes all we can muster is the uttered name of Jesus. That is powerful. And that is enough.”

Jada McClintick, upon building herself up after every obstacle, encourages her readers to have a support system comprising of different people close to them, with God as the main source of guidance. She cites her own circle of friends as her support system or “tribe” outside of her family and marriage, wherein every member would be responsible for lifting up one another and maintaining a healthy spiritual and emotional balance. Much like armies in battle fighting to protect their land, having trustworthy allies can strengthen one’s defenses against fear and doubt, which the enemy sends to lead God’s children astray.

Other than having a close-knit circle of friends, Jada McClintick expresses her admiration towards different people like Mary, the mother of Jesus. This example of faithfulness set by this teenage girl proves to be admirable for the author, especially for women living in the digital age. Total surrender to God’s plan, with no regard for the social consequences or the opinion of other people, takes true courage that the author admits is difficult to muster. It also requires the acceptance of earthly life’s lack of permanence—as it is only through Jesus that one can gain eternal life.

Similar to having friends and exemplary people to follow, one must look to the Lord for strength in order to overcome any and all challenges. Like how Mary trusted in the Lord’s purpose for her, one’s heart must be open in order to serve as His instrument for others. “There is nothing that can hold you back from what I have planned for you. You are worth more to me than all the stars in the sky. Everything you have experienced has been preparing you for what I created you to do. I chose you. And nothing will make me change my mind.”

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See How Faith in Times of Adversity Can Transform People in Take a Bite Out of Jesus

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“We carry around in earthly bodies our weaknesses…One day, our earthly bodies will fail, but on that last day, we will be raised unto eternal life. That is the power of the Lord Almighty being shown. His perfect will to raise up my weak, defeated body and to be given a new everlasting body!”

Take A Bite Out of Jesus: Healing Bread That Strengthens Us is a compilation of Rodney Alan Hempel’s pieces of wisdom taught to him by his father, as well as those taken from his experiences. Dubbed as “thorns,” these challenges are permitted by Christ to come into people’s lives in various forms—family problems, financial trouble, health issues, and the like. Throughout the book, the author happily shares how every painful moment he endured became an avenue for him to bond with those close to him and continue praising God while growing as a Christian. More information about the author and the book will be available on

Hempel’s declining health is a focal point in his work as he talks about his diabetes and osteoarthritis and their various complications. These illnesses cost him a lifelong career in business, yet he advises readers not to dwell in pain and allow it to become a humbling experience. These instances are meant to show people that the Almighty remains steadfast in the face of man’s weakness, and that trusting in one’s own ability and competitiveness only brings momentary glory and recognition.

“There is a fundamental human desire to walk our purposeful lives—to have a life of meaning that satisfies,” the author writes as he talks about humanity’s collective desire to give importance to their existence. “As we journey through our days, many folks seek to find self-worth in pursuing their specially given purpose—to leave their personal mark of making a better world for others, to have a personal significance—a life that rocks their world.”

After the drastic changes in his career, Hempel sought guidance from God on how to move forward. He found opportunities working in golf, a sport he had a talent for even as a young man. The Lord showered Hempel with blessings in this field, but it was also short-lived when more “thorns” were permitted by God to once again pierce the author’s life through the worsening condition of his osteoarthritis. Despite being rendered nearly immobile, Hempel reminded his readers of the weakness of man’s body and the strength of the Almighty.

Much like Job from the Old Testament and the apostle Paul in the New Testament, Hempel has his share of happiness and tragedy which serve as direct messages from God. He does not fear death which looms over the heads of every person, but he rejoices at God’s promise—salvation through Christ. Mankind simply needs to “take a big bite of Jesus,” the Bread of Life, because doing will allow a person’s temporary body to be renewed when it is time for the final judgment.

“We carry around in earthly bodies our weaknesses, but new life is at work in us!” Man’s body eventually deteriorates, but healing and eternal life can only come from Christ. “One day, our earthly bodies will fail, but on that last day, we will be raised unto eternal life. That is the power of the Lord Almighty being shown. His perfect will to raise up my weak, defeated body and to be given a new everlasting body!”

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Simeon W. Johnson’s newly released “ROMW versus RAMB” is a thought-provoking tome that shows God’s sense of humor at the folly of sinful men

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“ROMW versus RAMB: Reveals God, Adam, and Creation”: an enthralling account where readers can find a lot of information about the creation versus the theory of evolution, the declaration of creation versus man’s declaration of independence from his Creator, and a lot of compelling issues that answer the spiritual questions of many. “ROMW versus RAMB: Reveals God, Adam, and Creation” is the creation of published author Simeon W. Johnson, a writer who graduated from National Technical School with a master’s course in Radio and TV Electronics. He earned his FFC General radiotelephone first-class license with radar endorsement.

Johnson writes, “These and much more you will find in the covered pages of this book.

“Simeon Johnson says, ‘Yes, you will be able to gain valuable information on the authentic proof of creation versus the counterfeit hypothesis theory of evolution. It will generate discussion from the opponents of creation to present the facts presented in this book. Not random-access make-believe (RAMB) hypothesis theory of evolution.’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Simeon W. Johnson’s new book is a masterful account that takes the readers into a spiritual journey where they can find enlightenment about God’s divine providence being the alpha and omega of the universe.

With this book, Johnson aims to lay down all the answers to the spiritual questions that have been asked by the people about God and the creation of the universe.

View a synopsis of “ROMW versus RAMB: Reveals God, Adam, and Creation” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “ROMW versus RAMB: Reveals God, Adam, and Creation” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “ROMW versus RAMB: Reveals God, Adam, and Creation,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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