Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

John Mark’s newly released “The King” is a beautifully written collection of poems bringing praise to the Almighty God

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“The King”: a noteworthy book of poems that give honor and genuflection to the Lord for His wondrous love and graciousness to His creation. “The King” is the creation of published author John Mark.

Mark shares, “I think the best thing we can do for our Lord is to be his Christian. I have tried to be one and hope that my writing be taken as for him and Christian. God has given me his grace many times over in my life as the more in my life I must strive to be a better Christian.

“I have been writing poetry for many years and have always enjoyed writing it. My poetry is unique in that every line I write rhymes with every line, yet every poem makes a spiritual sense. Trying to find some meaning to communicate for God, I have written these poems that they may be Christian and hope that they be accepted. Plato was once asked, ‘What is God?’ And he answered, ‘The good and the beautiful.’ I hope that you who may read my poems may find that they merit some of that good and the beautiful and are then worthy of praise and glory to our good, beautiful, and loving God.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, John Mark’s new book graces readers with fervor to extol the magnanimity of God for people to know and commemorate throughout their waking lives.

This book promises truthful and thought-provoking verses that burn with great adoration for all things good in God’s favor.

View the synopsis of “The King” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The King” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The King,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Robert Lane Sr.’s newly released “Spiritual Signs Along the Way” is an illuminating exploration into the word of God through understanding the signs one comes across

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“Spiritual Signs Along the Way”: a thought-provoking discovery of God’s plans and intentions that helps one understand the directions of where He leads us to. “Spiritual Signs Along the Way” is the creation of published author Elder Robert Lane Sr., who, along with his wife, pastor Evelyn leads Greater Praise Temple of Truth in Florida. The Lanes, under God’s direction, became a part of Apostle Lloyd S. Thomas’s ministry, where they traveled throughout the Unites States.

Under Apostle Thomas, Elder Lane was ordained an elder, the office he serves in with a great love for God and the word of God.

Lane Sr. shares, “With God’s direction, I have embarked upon a journey with a purpose, and that is to share the word of God in a way so that everyone can understand regardless of his or her status. I ask that as you go through its pages with me and that you will do so with an open mind, praying and looking up the scriptures given that I have not already provided.

“As fellow motorists, we are all aware that, to go on a road trip, it requires planning, and preparation, considering such things as packing, funds, vehicle readiness if driving, and the route. There are several modes of travel, but driving, to me, is the most rewarding because of sceneries, interaction with others, and to be able to stop at a restaurant, and enjoy good food and conversation.

“Some of the things that affect our travels are the road signs motorists come upon. Even though we have those physical signs to guide us, those signs can also be applied spiritually. I hope to show that it has always been God’s plan to guide and direct man’s steps. Any highway, road, or freeway that does not have signs to aid in traveling will not be a safe avenue in which to travel. Cities and states have mapped out their roads, and streets have various signage to make our motoring travels safer and less stressful.

“Now, come along with me on a wonderful journey into this book that will prepare us for the Christian journey, and may the Holy Spirit fill every void of misunderstanding God’s holy word with clarity and revelation.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Robert Lane Sr.’s new book is a brilliant source of inspiration and knowledge that will equip a Christian as they begins their ride with God and fulfill their God-given purpose.

View a synopsis of “Spiritual Signs Along the Way” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Spiritual Signs Along the Way” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Spiritual Signs Along the Way,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Diana Brown’s newly released “Mama’s Pearls” is a gladdening opus filled with motherly insights on life and faith

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“Mama’s Pearls: Thoughtful devotionals about everyday life through the lens of Scripture”: an enriching compendium of wise words that reflect the quaintness of life and faith in God. “Mama’s Pearls: Thoughtful devotionals about everyday life through the lens of Scripture” is the creation of published author Diana Brown, a retired educator and administrator and a graduate of Chicago State and Roosevelt Universities.

Brown shares, “This book started out as an advice-and-answer column for the young adult women at church. I was amazed and humbled by their insights and questions about life. We decided to keep a dialogue going through e-mails they aptly named ‘Mama Said,’ and I became their MamaInResidence.

“Sections of a few of their letters and my responses are included in the book. In the months I didn’t receive questions, I wrote stories about my experiences as fillers.

“In another discussion, a young lady commented that the Bible wasn’t relevant to today’s issues, only ‘the old times,’ with no bearing on our lives. I hoped to debunk that notion with stories infused with scripture and a skosh of mother wit. It also occurred to me that these stories could help other Christians spark conversations about how God’s Word is working through their everyday experiences too in very real and practical ways they just hadn’t thought about yet.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Diana Brown’s new book exudes with a matriarchal tenderness that garners the readers’ attention and instills an understanding of various positive aspects of life.

This book hopes to guide readers toward blessedness in life by shattering doubt, anxiety, and distress that are prevalent in today’s world with the help of motherly grace and wisdom.

View the synopsis of “Mama’s Pearls: Thoughtful devotionals about everyday life through the lens of Scripture” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Mama’s Pearls: Thoughtful devotionals about everyday life through the lens of Scripture” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Mama’s Pearls: Thoughtful devotionals about everyday life through the lens of Scripture,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Robert Sell’s new book “View of the Alley” is a quietly poignant story of kindness, compassion, and the remarkable unseen gifts of a young, autistic orphan

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Robert Sell, a retired millwright who worked for forty-two year in the nines, mine mills, and sawmills in five northwestern states and British Columbia, has completed his new book “View of the Alley”: a stirring tale of empathy and compassion in a small town.

Robert writes, “A small autistic orphan is taken in by a furniture store owner who gives her a place to live and a purpose in life.

The girl, Vallie, who has been rebuffed by the store owner’s wife, turns into a heroine. When Vallie is finally accepted by the store owner’s wife, it is Vallie’s turn at rejection.”

Published by Page Publishing, Robert Sell’s engrossing book is a potent reminder of the life-changing impact of one man’s kindness on the life of a young girl alone in the world after the death of her abusive father and the abandonment of her mother.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “View of the Alley” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not mired in logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and so on. Page’s accomplished writers and publishing professionals allow authors to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Author Jennifer Louden’s newly released “A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine” is a moving tale of how one woman negotiated life’s greatest trials with God’s help

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“A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine”: a touching and inspiring tale about the power of faith, unyielding love, and a positive mental attitude. “A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine” is the creation of published author, Jennifer Louden.

Louden states: “Chronic pain has been my life’s companion for the past ten years. This book shares some of my personal journal entries, prayers, cheerful thoughts, and certain foundational truths the Holy Spirit has taught me along the way. I share of the numerous struggles and countless failures I’ve had. Above all, I share how my LORD has been the One who has held me, carried me, and sustained me the entire time.

“As you walk with me through this book, I pray you will see that suffering does not need to drive a wedge between you and your Savior. Your suffering, if you will allow it, can be what opens your heart to the supernatural power of the living God!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jennifer Louden’s new book calls upon its readers to reevaluate hardship and suffering and see that these can be the conduits to a more meaningful and felt relationship with God—one that, in turn, makes that hardship and suffering all the more bearable.

By revealing and emphasizing the extent of God’s sovereignty and care for His children, this book is sure to prove an antidote to downheartedness and despair for every and any reader in times of physical, emotional, or spiritual suffering.

View a synopsis of “A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Freed-Hardeman University’s 84th Annual Bible Lectureship Set for Feb. 2-6

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The 84th Annual Bible Lectureship, Feb. 2-6, 2020, at Freed-Hardeman University will focus on finding “Our Place in His Story: Remembering the Past, Anticipating the Future.” In conjunction with FHU’s year-long celebration of its 150th anniversary, the Lectureship will include special features that help tell the university’s story, in addition to the traditional sessions that have highlighted previous lectureships.

Sessions are set to begin Sunday evening, Feb. 2, at 6 p.m. when guests are invited to Coffee and Conversation in the west lobby of Loyd Auditorium. At 7 p.m. worship will begin with a period of congregational singing, and at 7:30 p.m. FHU President David Shannon will present the keynote address, “The Context of His Story: Creation.” At 8:30 p.m. the university will host a tribute to FHU’s 150 Year History.

The first full-day of the Lectureship opens Monday at 8 a.m. and continues through a late-night session designed especially for university students that begins at 10:30 p.m. A similar schedule continues through Thursday evening. Sandwiched between the opening and closing are classes, lectures and workshops geared toward preachers, youth ministers, counselors, elders, college students, teenagers, children, women and others. Approximately 135 individuals will present lessons during the week.

This year’s lectureship will include a number of new features. For example, emphasis will be placed on congregational singing through before keynote addresses, a Clayton Chapel singing Wednesday night and a song-leading workshop each afternoon.

Attention will be given to the Restoration Movement through a new series exploring its history and theological foundation as well as a track entitled, “The Church’s Past in Perspective.” “Historic Sermons of the Past” will feature sermons from A.G. Freed, N.B. Hardeman, T.B. Larimore and Marshall Keeble.

Preachers can get ideas for sermons at the “Four-Day Interactive Sermon Building Workshop.” In addition, a series called “How to Preach Inductively” offers the opportunity to reflect on a different way to prepare and present lessons. For a deeper understanding of God’s Word, the Lectureship offers two series on biblical exegesis and one to help understand and choose a Bible translation.

Christians seeking encouragement may want to attend two series of lessons entitled “Good News for All Times” and “Transformed: Once Lost, Now Found.”

The 2020 lectureship is dedicated to the life and work of Dr. Ralph Gilmore, FHU Distinguished Professor of Bible and Philosophy, and his wife Joyce. This spring, he will retire from the FHU faculty after 39 years of service. He has been a member of the Lectureship committee since 1987 and was the moderator of Open Forum for 20 years. He plans to continue his full schedule of speaking, leading mission campaigns, writing, lecturing, and defending the truth in debates and discussions. An appreciation dinner honoring the Gilmores is set for Tuesday evening, Feb. 4 at 5 p.m, in the auxiliary gym. Tickets may be purchased for $15 by calling the FHU business office at 731-989-6347 or 6689.

A full schedule of Lectureship events and registration is available at One may also order the Lectureship book and jump drive and tickets to the Gilmore appreciation dinner through this link.

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Can the Love of God Help Overcome Tragedy?” is a heartfelt memoir of the author’s journey to healing

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“Forever Whitney: Can the Love of God Help Overcome Tragedy?”: a captivating tome that encourages the readers to be hopeful in life. “Forever Whitney: Can the Love of God Help Overcome Tragedy?” is the creation of published author Karen Clark, a woman who developed a love for writing music. She also used music to make up songs that would help her study for tests. She even wrote a song and produced a music video with her students when she was teaching eight grade reading and english.

Clark writes, “Ever hear the phrase ‘Here today, gone tomorrow’ or ‘Tomorrow is not promised,’ or even ‘You never know what you have until it’s gone’? All three of these statements hit home for Karen Clark the night she received the phone call that would rock her world forever. It was that type of phone call that every person hates to wake up to, they have nightmares about, and they have no idea how to function when one receives it. Do you cry? Do you pray? Are you hopeful, or do you just sit and wait for the inevitable to happen? How do you go on with the rest of your life knowing that a piece of you is missing and will never return? Do you have friends that you can lean on? Or do you keep your emotions balled up inside and try to face this on your own?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Karen Clark’s new book is a thrilling account that will let the readers experience the variety of emotions that the author went through during her journey to healing.

This book encourages every reader to be brave no matter how big and unyielded their battles in life are and through this heart-touching narrative, the writer gives everyone hope and assures them that there will be healing of wounds in life as long as they lift their trust to God.

View a synopsis of “Forever Whitney: Can the Love of God Help Overcome Tragedy?” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Forever Whitney: Can the Love of God Help Overcome Tragedy?” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Forever Whitney: Can the Love of God Help Overcome Tragedy?,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Hope Is Found in Its Defeat” is a profound creation that catches the feeling of what one longs to come back to

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“The Lie: Hope Is Found in Its Defeat”: a fulfilling journey that ventures into the depths of God’s power and His love for mankind. “The Lie: Hope Is Found in Its Defeat” is the creation of published author Maurice G. Cabirac, a writer who spent half of his life knowing Christ. His years of experience in life has enabled him to see clearly the tremendous effects of what the revelation of the grace of God can do in the human heart.

Cabirac shares, “Our ability to see is indispensable to our being able to navigate the world in which we live. Our vision is very precious to us. Yet there is vision that goes beyond physical sight. It is the ability to see and perceive life as it truly is. This vision is even more valuable to us than our physical sight, for it enables us to understand life. It empowers us to deal with life situations in wisdom. Simply put, the proper perspective of life is what enables us to overcome anything this world may presents to us. When this form of vision is clear, life can be experienced to its fullest.

“In The Lie, we will explore the reality of a deception that exists in the world and in the hearts of every human being. This deception so powerfully affects the human heart that it obscures our ability to see life clearly or to reason about it according to truth. This deception, completely unseen by the world, has devastating effects in our lives and in the world itself. But when the light of truth illuminates the darkness of that deception, exposing it for what it is, our sight is restored, and Real Life is the result.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Maurice G. Cabirac’s new book is a stirring testimony that is also concrete proof of what grace can produce in one. The author hopes that this creation leaves an impact in each of the readers’ hearts.

View a synopsis of “The Lie: Hope Is Found in Its Defeat” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Lie: Hope Is Found in Its Defeat” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Lie: Hope Is Found in Its Defeat,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Connie Marchetti’s newly released “Resurrection Eggs” is a wonderful book that teaches the significance of Easter and God’s compassion for all

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“Resurrection Eggs”: a heartwarming tale of the Christian Easter that magnifies the eternal love of God through Jesus Christ. “Resurrection Eggs” is the creation of published author Connie Marchetti, a teacher in a variety of different settings for more than twenty years.

Marchetti shares, “‘Resurrection Eggs’ is a brilliant book with interactive illustration that will delight children as they learn about the story of Easter and God’s infinite love!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Connie Marchetti’s new book is a wonderful tool for parents in instilling spiritual lessons to children that will guide them throughout their lives.

This book will allow children to understand the magnitude of the Lord’s love for them that will surely inspire them with grace and wisdom.

View the synopsis of “Resurrection Eggs” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Resurrection Eggs” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Resurrection Eggs,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Emme Masters’s newly released “God Called Her Adam” is a powerful read that centers on women as who they are designed to be rather than who they are told to be

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“God Called Her Adam”: an important exploration through biblically-inspired selections, with spaces for self-reflection, that deal with women and the society they are born into. “God Called Her Adam” is the creation of published author Emme Masters, a woman of strong Christian faith. As a diligent study of God’s Word, writing is her preferred vehicle to educate readers, as well as her method of relaxation, expression, and documentation of her walk with God.

Masters shares, “God called her Adam. Man called her Woman. Fallen Man called her Eve. What do you call her?

“This book was crafted from an earnest search for God’s truth of the female portion of humanity. My goal was to rightfully reflect God’s will for women and His will for me. I couldn’t reconcile the God who created both male and female in His image and gave them dominion with the church teaching of women’s blind obedience to men. I had to know the truth, even if it confirmed that I was to park my mind and follow men. But what I found in God’s word, hidden in plain sight, is that God intended greatness for women from the very beginning.

“I hope you enjoy the fruit of my research and discovery. Most importantly, I hope you allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the identity of the Godly woman and that you be her. God called her Adam.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Emme Masters’s new book is a thought-provoking manuscript that reveals the truth of what women deal with every day—being molded into someone lesser than what God blessed them to be.

View a synopsis of “God Called Her Adam” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God Called Her Adam” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God Called Her Adam,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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