Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Rick Ryther’s newly released “How To Become A 3D Christian” is a profound exploration into the three dimensions of Christianity

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“How To Become A 3D Christian”: a mind-clearing discovery into the meaning of being a three-dimensional Christian and establishing a goal of becoming one. “How To Become A 3D Christian” is the creation of published author Rick Ryther, a writer who has been active in several denomination churches. He has served as lay leader for many years in several Methodist churches and was a church employee as director of programs and spiritual formation.

Ryther shares, “What is a 3D Christian? So let’s take a look at what it means to be a 3D Christian. The 3 D’s: (1) Discovery – defining what a Christian is. (2) Decision – committing to be a Christian. (3) Discipline – traveling the path of a Christian.

“How to use this book — We will explore the 3 Dimensions of Christianity: Discovery, Decision and Discipline. We will talk about what these mean, the ‘theory’ behind them. Then you will have the opportunity to explore some practical ways you can incorporate these dimension into your daily life.

“So we begin our journey together; a journey of change and growth, from one dimensional to three dimensional, as we follow our vision to be ‘3D Christians.’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Rick Ryther’s new book is an illuminating source of inspiration and knowledge that prepares a Christian into walking the path of Discovery, Decision, and Discipline in order to live a lighter, blessed, and God-centered life.

View a synopsis of “How To Become A 3D Christian” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “How To Become A 3D Christian” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “How To Become A 3D Christian,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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John Giustiniani’s newly released “The Book of Evangelists and Meditation” is a compelling book that gives knowledge to the readers about God’s plan of salvation

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“The Book of Evangelists and Meditation: To the Glory of God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit”: a stirring account that allows the readers to meditate and realize the good of God the Father. “The Book of Evangelists and Meditation: To the Glory of God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit” is the creation of published author John Giustiniani, a man who grew up in an Italian American home who has a very loving family. He repented with a broken, contrite heart for all of his sins, and the Holy Spirit came upon him with the irresistible effectual call of the Spirit.

Giustiniani writes, “I hope and pray that God, who uses men on this earth to accomplish His purpose, will use this book to bring many to salvation. For salvation is of the Lord. Praise the Lord God of Israel.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Giustiniani’s new book shares an inspirational message to the readers that will give them a gleaming light in knowing the promises and plans of God.

This book serves as an instrument of God through the author so readers will be able to know that meditating every day and night could also help them realize and see the existence of God in their life.

View a synopsis of “The Book of Evangelists and Meditation: To the Glory of God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Book of Evangelists and Meditation: To the Glory of God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Book of Evangelists and Meditation: To the Glory of God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Karriem Allah explains the continued Plight of the Black People of the Western Hemisphere caused by Centuries of Chattel Slavery

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Karriem Allah draws on the history of the slave trade to discuss the laws which made it possible for the enslaved Black People of the Western Hemisphere to be “made into” Christians by their slave-masters; while still serving as chattel slaves…

Karriem Allah discusses the enormously indelible impact of Master Fard Muhammad’s Presence and Work, as it relates to the tremendous surge in technological advancements this century, alongside the great truths that HE revealed through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad regarding the history of the Original People, the origins of the Bible and Holy Quran, and the destiny of humanity. Karriem Allah rebukes those who know of the reality of Master Fard Muhammad for failing to inform the public of HIS unfathomable contribution to the Western and Eastern worlds, and what HE intends to accomplish for the benefit of humanity.

Referencing several renown Black history books, Karriem Allah explains how the Arabs and Europeans, while propagating the Islamic and Christian faiths, respectively, were also at the fringes of what became known as the infamous international slave trade, where millions of Black People from Africa and the East were shipped throughout the world to serve as slaves. He shows how Jesus and Prophet Muhammad forbade slavery, which the Bible and Holy Quran affirm.

Karriem Allah draws on the history of the slave trade to discuss the laws which made it possible for the enslaved Black People of the Western Hemisphere to be “made into” Christians by their slave-masters; while still serving as chattel slaves and still suffering under the extreme brutality and bestiality of those who “made them” Christians. He sheds light on the initial purpose of Christianity as it relates to the continued “slave status” of the enslaved Black populations.

Karriem Allah discusses how the enslaved Black People of America were force-fed the divinely-prohibited swine flesh by the Caucasian slave-masters who also made them “Christians.” Karriem Allah shows how the divine laws delineated in the Old Testament served as prophecy destined to be fulfilled at this time in history in order to repair and heal the damage Black People suffered while enslaved in the Western Hemisphere.

Referencing the Gospels of the New Testament, Karriem Allah also challenges the Preachers of Christianity to prove that Jesus made swine flesh lawful to eat, even while Almighty God forbade Moses and the Children of Israel to neither eat nor touch this “unclean” animal.

Karriem Allah tackles the most overlooked questions related to Almighty God’s divine command, stated in the Bible and Holy Quran, that we neither eat nor touch swine or pork because it is unclean to us. One of these questions is: What makes swine unclean?

In his “house-cleaning” segment, Karriem Allah describes the unconstitutional legislative acts of the U.S. Congress that gave its power over to the Office of the U.S. Presidency, and how attempts to regain this power have been futile—to the detriment of the U.S. citizenry and those serving in the U.S. Military. Karriem Allah offers advice of how the Federal Government can begin returning to the U.S. Constitution it has long forsaken. This advice enlists the American citizenry to uphold its responsibilities as the “electorate” responsible for the destiny of the United States.

This lecture, “Divine Redemption of Black People from the Enduring Woes of Chattel Slavery,” is part of the Messianic Prophecies Series is available on Karriem Allah’s Vimeo and Youtube channels, and his website.

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Nadiyra Boddie’s newly released “Purposely Made” is a fundamental handbook that will help the readers strengthen their faith and relationship with Christ

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“Purposely Made”: a masterful account that will help the readers foster a stronger relationship with Christ as their savior and allow them to have a better faith walk in life. “Purposely Made” is the creation of published author Nadiyra Boddie, a woman who surrendered her life to Christ and became an avid student of the Word at the age of twenty-eight. She used writing as an instrument to express the revelation of the Word.

Boddie writes, “Are you looking to strengthen your faith walk? The Bible is very clear that those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior should grow stronger and mature in their spiritual walk. However, spiritual growth doesn’t just happen. Every believer’s relationship with Christ has to be purposely and regularly nurtured and cultivated to see the fruit of growth. ‘Purposely Made’ is a devotional journal designed as an instrument to promote a healthy relationship with Christ. Each month consists of a theme, a devotional reading, a prayer, scriptures to meditate on, and suggested journaling. Many of the topics are thought-provoking and will challenge the reader to take an honest inventory of their hearts. This book is a biblically sound, resourceful, easy read for anyone looking to have a more consistent and focused time of devotion. Whether you are a seasoned believer, one just beginning their faith journey, or even find yourself desiring to reestablish your once fervent time of devotion, you will appreciate the benefits of this devotional journal.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Nadiyra Boddie’s new book is a brimful masterpiece that allows the readers to journey their life with a strong relationship and faith in Christ.

With this book, Boddie aims to tell the readers that everything is a process—spiritual growth doesn’t happen immediately—a relationship with Christ needs to be nurtured regularly with a purpose.

View a synopsis of “Purposely Made” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Purposely Made” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Purposely Made,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Bonnie Bond’s newly released “Spread The Word” is a spiritual handbook based on a woman’s interpretation of how Paul’s words relate to her life

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“Spread The Word: Thoughts and Ideas to Enhance Our Journey through the Holy Scriptures First and Second Corinthians”: a riveting account of thirty-one entries that will serve as the readers’ morning meditation supplement. “Spread The Word: Thoughts and Ideas to Enhance Our Journey through the Holy Scriptures First and Second Corinthians” is the creation of published author Bonnie Bond (Sanford), a writer who has a master’s degree in conflict resolution and is a licensed addictions counselor. She feels that the struggles produced from growing up black and poor in the south have made her spiritually strong. Bonnie became very active in the church as an adult and has great faith in God and His anointing on her life.

Bond writes, “Spread the Word is a simple commentary on the Apostle Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. The Word of God (the Holy Bible) is meant to be utilized by everyone. This work is one woman’s interpretation of how Paul’s words apply to her life in the twenty-first century. We have a different set of problems to overcome than the people of Paul’s era. The Word is for us, and we do not always need a priest, minister, rabbi, or other clergies to explain what God is saying to us. The author intends that the reader will read each chapter, think about how it applies to their life, write down some of those thoughts, and share their thoughts with others throughout the day. Living your best life is well within your reach when you begin to understand and absorb what God has so generously given to us. Go spread the Word!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Bonnie Bond’s new book is an enthralling interpretation of a woman allowing everyone to understand and grasp God’s gift to His children.

With this purpose, Bond aims to help the readers understand the words of God and apply it in their daily lives. This piece also serves as an encouragement to the readers to spread the word of God by telling others how these words affect their being.

View a synopsis of “Spread The Word: Thoughts and Ideas to Enhance Our Journey through the Holy Scriptures First and Second Corinthians” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Spread The Word: Thoughts and Ideas to Enhance Our Journey through the Holy Scriptures First and Second Corinthians” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Spread The Word: Thoughts and Ideas to Enhance Our Journey through the Holy Scriptures First and Second Corinthians,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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His Church in the Last Days’ Presents a Beacon of Light in Today’s Darkening World

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Brady uses Scripture to guide readers toward a deeper understanding of the tremendous love and purpose that God has for His Church.

Author Patrick Brady was not always a man of faith: After serving in the U.S. Army, he became a full-blown alcoholic and lost his sense of purpose, and self-respect. After encounters with the Lord Jesus, followed by years of struggle, culminating in a victorious deliverance, he shares what the Holy Spirit taught him in a bittersweet journey to the Tabernacle of the Lord. This is what ultimately led to the release of his spiritual memoir, “The Beauty of the Lord: His Church in the Last Days.”

Combining his testimony with a view of the ever growing departure of the church from the love and righteousness of Christ, Brady shares the vital role God plays in our lives and how staying faithful will lead His children to work together in fulfilling God’s purposes and intentions in these difficult and increasingly dangerous times.

Brady uses Scripture to guide readers toward a deeper understanding of the tremendous love and purpose that God has for His Church. By taking an unparalleled look at God’s presence in our world and warning readers about the upcoming end to the Church Age, Brady’s powerful messaging calls for an urgent return to our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and power of God, which He desires to share with His children.

“I believe our position of spiritual strength is in His love, but we must cooperate with the Holy Spirit and walk in Him,” Brady asserts. “God wants us to walk in love because we were born again in His image—I didn’t believe this either until I witnessed what He did for me in my own life. I hope that sharing my story of healing demonstrates how His mercy and compassion truly changes lives.”

Identifying God’s place in our lives and the world to come, “The Beauty of the Lord” points to a path for readers to develop a stronger faith and greater love for the Lord Jesus.

“The Beauty of the Lord: His Church in the Last Days”

By Patrick Brady

ISBN: 9781973677284 (softcover); 9781973677291 (hardcover); 9781973677277 (electronic)

Available at the Westbow Press Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author

Patrick Brady has been an active member of the church since the 1980s. Educated at Oregon State University and the University of Washington, he presently ministers and provides Intercessory Prayer, End-time Church, and Tabernacle workshops to the Life in the Spirit & Keys of the Kingdom Ministries in the Philippines, North America and Europe. He also ministers to the Frankfurt and Wiesbaden fellowships of the Italian Pentecostal Church in Germany. This is his first publication. To learn more, please visit his website,

Contact for book review and interview requests

LAVIDGE – Phoenix                        

Courtney Vasquez



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D.W. Rucker’s newly released “FORGOTTEN HALO” is a stirring saga depicting the struggle of mankind and malakim to overcome evil.

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“FORGOTTEN HALO”: a thrilling narration of an elder brother race protecting the younger, fallen race from the darkness released upon the world by his own choosing. “FORGOTTEN HALO” is the creation of published author D.W. Rucker, a person drawn to an immense range of pursuits and who has lived in moments of acclaim and great struggle, but his hope is ever to strengthen and uplift those he can reach.

Rucker writes, “The angry wolf snarled, and the girl choked out an involuntary, terrified cry. Her back found the base of a tree, and she slid herself against it, trying to envelope herself in the strong wooden arms. The wolf pressed in as the child curled against the tree roots, one tiny foot raised to strike the beast again. The protector’s chest heaved with pride as he witnessed the courage of the overmatched child. Her other foot lay twisted on the ground, slowly becoming saturated with fluid from her mangled flesh. The fight was almost over, and the wolf innately understood the way it would end. The protector’s sword emerged. But he was still too far away. He would be too late. In the slow instants of time and space, he knew that this child was beyond his immense speed. The wolf was out of reach of the beautiful power of his upraised sword of light fire. Then a brilliant flash shattered the darkness.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, D.W. Rucker’s new book is a compelling tale of bravery and endurance in the face of hidden enemies.

With this book, Rucker desires to expose a forgotten brotherhood and enemy to today’s generation.

View a synopsis of “FORGOTTEN HALO” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “FORGOTTEN HALO” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “FORGOTTEN HALO,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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The Word of God—Preserved” profoundly tackles the essence of God’s Word despite its many versions

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“The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study”: a potent guide on understanding the realness of the Holy Writ and which biblical perspective to refer to that can greatly aid in one’s spiritual growth. “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study” is the creation of published author Charles T. Kabala.

Kabala shares, “Christians universally agree that the Bible is the word of God—in the ‘original manuscripts.’ That these manuscripts have long since disappeared is the source of some discord among the Christian community, insomuch as many people question the integrity of the Bibles we now have today. This book was written to affirm that God has providentially preserved his words—from inspiration to publication and distribution all the way to your local bookstore. Short enough to be read in one evening, this book will give you a biblical perspective of why there are so many Bible versions to choose from—and what to look for when choosing one.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Charles T. Kabala’s new book leads readers to be perceptive of their nourishment in faith by heartily studying the Word of God and choosing the perfect version to regard.

This book desires to be informative enough to allow readers to discern between a variety of Bible versions and which one to use in their spiritual walk in life.

View the synopsis of “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Relationships Are One of the Most Important Aspects of Life: King David’s Story

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…a fresh retelling of the story of David, showcasing the importance of various relationships in building an epic life.

Dr. Bob Mitchell’s book, The Giant David Could Not Kill: Why You Need Others To Build An Epic Life ($14.99, paperback, 9781545657263; $4.99, ebook, 9781545657270), is available for purchase.

The Giant David Could Not Kill: Why You Need Others To Build An Epic Life is a fresh retelling of the story of David, showcasing the importance of various relationships in building an epic life. In this interesting look at David’s journey, The Giant David Could Not Kill, author Bob Mitchell reveals the tasks that David could not do alone and the lessons we can learn from them, as they are the moments in which relationships play a key role in David’s life.

When David was about to face the giant Ishbi-benob, whom he could not defeat on his own, his nephew Abishai intervened to preserve David’s life and the impact that his life would have on future generations of believers. Over the course of his years, David formed relationships with people from every walk of life, from princes to paupers, lawbreakers to lawmakers, and poets to prophets. As readers begin to understand David’s personal interactions, they’ll discover valuable lessons in how to relate to both God and people with love and what can be gained from these relationships.

Dr. Bob Mitchell is a sky-diving, white-water canoeing, weight-lifting, Half-Dome-climbing enthusiast. He has been living out his dream of being a pastor for over three decades. His passionate love for God and His Word has shaped his life-mission: to help people experience God through understanding and living out the wisdom found in the scriptures. After earning his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Fuller Seminary, he has served a rural congregation in the Smoky Mountains of east Tennessee and then as the lead pastor of Lincoln Presbyterian Church in Stockton, CA for 27 years. He has also ministered as lead chaplain for the Stockton Fire Department for over twenty years. He and his wife Trish have three children and three grandchildren.

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302 Books, a division of Salem Media Group, is a leader in the general market division of self-publishing. The Giant David Could Not Kill: Why You Need Others To Build An Epic Life is available online through and

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The Remedy to Many Acts of Terrorism: Needed and Necessary Miracles

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I will show you the Bible verses that can make you a miracle worker.

Douglas Claude’s book, Need a Miracle? Here! How to Work Miracles the Biblical Way ($14.99, paperback, 9781630505202; $7.99, e-book, 9781630505219), is available for purchase.

Need a Miracle? Here! How to Work Miracles the Biblical Way shows readers how and why they can work miracles, the Biblical way. This is how they can tap into the power of the God that created the Universe. Need a Miracle? is about how to overcome school and church shootings.

“I will show you the Bible verses that can make you a miracle worker. I call on Jesus Name and God has made me bullet proof. You can be too!” said Claude.

Douglas Claude has studied the Bible for more than 40 years. When only a miracle could save his life, he received the needed miracles.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date Need a Miracle? Here! How to Work Miracles the Biblical Way is available online through,, and

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