Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Relief Bed International Celebrates its 5th Anniversary of Changing The World One Bed at a Time

Relief Bed International was founded in 2015 by Scott Smalling who has dedicated his 30 year career to increasing his knowledge of, and improvement to, specialty foams and bedding. Scott’s grandfather Ralph Smalling started their families foam business in 1946 which is still going strong today and on the eve of celebrating its 75th year in business.

Prior to starting Relief Bed International Smalling was President of the families foam business called IR Specialty Foam located in Tacoma, WA. In 2003 he founded the mattress brand ComforPedic® which he ultimately sold to Simmons Bedding Company in 2007. After the sale Smalling spent 8 years with Simmons as their President of Specialty Bedding, and Chief of Specialty Innovations. While at Simmons Smalling helped create and lead numerous road shows to introduce new products. Along the way he curated many philanthropic projects to support Tornado victims in the SE and Fire Station makeovers to name a few. These projects were the catalyst where Smalling fell in love with helping those that didn’t have a good place to sleep.

In 2015, Smalling started Relief Bed International with a goal to donate or significantly subsidize bedding in support of homelessness in United States or disaster relief efforts worldwide. To date Relief Bed has donated/distributed more than 15,000 beds worldwide with a goal to hit 20,000 beds by the end of 2020.

“This has been a fantastic journey and a labor of love, stated an enthusiastic Smalling. My biggest joy is that my son Hunter Smalling and Father Jay Smalling, now 82, have been working with me side by side. In fact, its been a family affair with my wife Carolyn, daughter Sharky and mother Peachy helping along the way. Hunter continues to carry the torch for Relief Bed even while he is at school in Southern California, continued Smalling.

Relief Bed International has had numerous private and corporate partners over its first 5 years. Most recently, their largest partner has been Brentwood Home headquartered out of Southern California who supports Relief Bed by donating funds for every mattress they sell through their Crystal Cove Mattress line of beds. Other corporate partners have included; Ergomotion®, Reverie®, Chili Pad®, Levitz Mattress, Mattress Direct, PURPLE®, SHEEX and many others.

“It has been very rewarding knowing we have provided hundreds of beds to those in need through our partnership with Relief Bed, Stated Brian Baxter VP of Business Development for Brentwood Home.

Over the past 5 years Smalling and team have traveled to Haiti with World Concern, curated an awareness tour in support of homelessness that took them on a 7 state, 5,000 mile tour over 3 months donating beds to homeless shelters along the way and taking part in local events educating people on homelessness.

“Its relatively easy for our partners to join with us in support of disaster relief, but it’s a struggle, at times, to get folks to understand our passion for homelessness. While one of the largest contributors to homelessness stems from a struggle with drug abuse we like to look past this and see these souls through a lens of love as Christ would,” stated Smalling. All of these souls have a story and a journey that would shock, surprise and soften the hearts of those who assume homelessness is just an epidemic of laziness and/or drug abuse. I have had the good fortune to sit with many of these friends and hear their story, continued Smalling.

Smalling likes to include a verse in his email salutation which is meant to remind and inspire all who he communicates with to use your learned life talents / gifts to serve others. 1 Peter 4:10.

Relief Bed International is a 501(c)3 non-profit and encourages donations through their website Corporate partners who want to create their own Giving Program are asked to reach out to Scott via his email; or call 253-312-0653.

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Gordon T. Kunkler’s newly released “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” is a masterful handbook that emphasizes and explains the gifts of God to everyone

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“Where I Have Seen God in My Life”: an inspiring story of the author’s journey in seeking God’s companionship and appreciating the gifts of the omnipotent Father. “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” is the creation of published author Gordon T. Kunkler, a man of faith who entered into the deacon program, and three years later became a deacon. He ended up preaching in two dioceses at the same time at one point in his life. He preached on the radio when the Catholic mass was being aired. He also preached almost every week in the prison system when he was a prison chaplain.

Kunkler writes, “I wrote this book for many reasons. First of all, God has been very good to me and I know that He wants me to respond to His love. God has given me many gifts besides the gift of love. For example, faith, hope, family, and the abilities to do His will. With all that He has done for me, I want to let others know that He lives and is very much in touch with each of us. So much so that he sent His Son to die for our sins so that we have become children of God and heirs to the kingdom. All that we need to do is to love others as ourselves and accept His gifts. Scripture has said that He knocks on our doors and that whoever opens the door for Him, He will enter and have supper with them.

“With the gifts of faith and hope, I can find peace in my future. I would like everyone to know the love that God has for them. However, some say that God is dead or that there is no God. I feel sorry for them for they have no hope for their future when it comes to eternal life with God. This world and all that it holds will never make them happy.

“I have shared where I have seen God in my life and have had my friends also share God in their lives in hope that others may believe and change their hearts and lives to serve God and others. Jesus told his disciples to go and teach all nations. We can’t do this unless we stand up or speak up for our faith and our God. Sharing our faith and by showing our faith is one of the best ways of teaching all nations. We as parents and Christians must teach our children and others to do what Jesus wants us to do. He died for our sins and wants us to finish the job of spreading the truth and the faith that he has given to us.

“The gifts of faith, hope, love, and forgiveness are too special to waste. We need to use them each chance that we have. If we don’t use them, we will become weak in our faith and become like the worthless servant that buries his master’s money. We need to invest in our future of eternal life and the future of others.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Gordon T. Kunkler’s new book is an engrossing masterpiece that touches the readers’ hearts turning them to become the believers of the risen Christ who is the provider of everyone.

With this purpose, Kunkler reminds the readers to appreciate the gifts of God and use it well in His glory so they may be able to journey their life with trust and faith in God no matter how hard their situation is.

View a synopsis of “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Where I Have Seen God in My Life,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Caswell Cooke Jr’s newly released “The Death And Resurrection of the Episcopal Church” tackles the decline of faith and a need for its resurgence in modern times

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“The Death And Resurrection of the Episcopal Church: How To Save A Church In Decline”: a compelling discussion on solutions to usher in the revival of the Episcopal Church amid controversies and descent of faith. “The Death And Resurrection of the Episcopal Church: How To Save A Church In Decline” is the creation of published author Caswell Cooke Jr, an elected member of the Westerly, RI, town council, and a radio and TV host.

Cooke shares, “In an era where churches in America are in decline, this book offers a clear path and hope for the future. Using the Episcopal Church as an example of a Mainline Protestant Domination that has faced a half century of steep decline, the author shows where the church has gone astray, what has contributed to the continued losses, and a strong critique of the leadership, as well as a way for the people to take back their church and grow it.

“This book is a must have for anyone who truly cares about the future of American Protestant churches, especially the Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Churches, which all face the exact same fate.

“This compelling narrative tackles the modern-day issues that divide our country: conservative vs liberal, race issues, sexuality and other third rail controversies that have torn apart the church. Most importantly the book offers real solutions for how the church should deal with them so as to be a big tent for all people.

“Brutally honest, insightful and reflective, this book will be a quick read and easy to implement in your own parish. Nothing coming from the leadership of any of these denominations has worked, so if you care about the future of Mainline Protestants and especially the Episcopal Church, then this is for you!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Caswell Cooke Jr’s new book inspires mental growth concerning the much-needed progress in efficiency and efficacy in contending with the struggles of the Episcopal Church.

This book presents no-holds-barred arguments that desire the renaissance of the Christian faith through the nurturing of the church in the aspect of congregational development and reform of the leadership.

View the synopsis of “The Death And Resurrection of the Episcopal Church: How To Save A Church In Decline” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Death And Resurrection of the Episcopal Church: How To Save A Church In Decline” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Death And Resurrection of the Episcopal Church: How To Save A Church In Decline,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Patricia A. Shirley’s newly released “Memories from a Federal Working Girl” is a closer look into the author’s own wonderful federal journey

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“Memories from a Federal Working Girl”: a promising woman’s federal journal and a magnified look into her triumphs and failures. “Memories from a Federal Working Girl” is the creation of published author Patricia A. Shirley, a writer who spent forty years in federal service. She worked as a file clerk in the US Food and Drug Administration, and later worked for the Department of Defense. Her final position was with the Administrative Office of the US Courts before she retired in 2008.

Shirley writes, “Patricia always wanted to work for the federal government. After a visit to the White House when she was nine years old, she was ‘hooked.’ Patricia grew up in rural Orange, Virginia, where her family owned a small farm. There, with her parents, Willis and Helen Shirley, three brothers, three sisters, and Grand and Pappy, her paternal grandparents, she was told if she worked hard she would succeed. That there was ‘no one out there better than she,’ but to always remember she was no better than anyone else. She began her federal career as a file clerk working for the US Food and Drug Administration. After a year, she accepted a position with the US Navy where she worked as a draftsman and report preparer. Continuing her federal journal, she accepted a position with the US Air Force where she worked as the division secretary for the chief of the division. Seeking an increase in pay and more responsibility, she accepted a position with the Office of Secretary of Defense as a legislative assistant, interacting with congress members and their staffs. After a short period, she was offered a position in the international and intelligence law division, interacting with our intelligence agencies: CIA, DIA, and National Security Agency. Patricia continued to progress in her career accepting a position with defense research and engineering, first working with and interacting with our NATO allies and then with the Defense Science Board where she became executive assistant to the director. After the 9-11 terrorist attacks, Patricia accepted a position with the administrative office of US Courts as an administrative analyst planning training sessions for judges’ secretaries. Patricia ended her federal career in 2008 after forty years of serving our government.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Patricia A. Shirley’s new book is an inspiring read of a courageous woman who had always wanted to establish a career in the federal government—and so, she did.

This manuscript holds the author’s federal journal as she traces back her career in the government of 40 years in service.

View a synopsis of “Memories from a Federal Working Girl” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Memories from a Federal Working Girl” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Memories from a Federal Working Girl,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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The Awakening Begins” is a true tale of a woman’s faith in Christ during moments of confusion and doubt

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“The Voice of Faith: The Awakening Begins”: a poignant narrative that shares the true struggles of the author concerning love and spiritual belief. “The Voice of Faith: The Awakening Begins” is the creation of published author Heather M. Larribas, an impassioned writer, mother, grandmother, and entrepreneur from Colorado Springs.

Larribas shares, “After the return of Adam, Heather thought all her pain and suffering had finally ended. Making plans with Adam and knowing that Jesus was now a part of their lives, Heather felt her marriage could be healed.

“Changes throughout their journey and witnessing more clarity made Heather question if Adam had really returned for good. Keeping her faith and eyes on Jesus while he was still working out the emotional struggles within Adam, Heather’s life turned a different direction.

“Holding desperately on to our Savior, Jesus Christ, she listened for his voice to guide her. Building more strength through Christ and surrendering to him, God was able to do his work. Seeing what God was showing her, Heather was brought to her knees, which made her realize what she needed to do to save herself.

“This true story will keep you on the edge of your seat asking the questions, ‘Did Adam really come home for good? Will Heather finally free herself from all the pain and suffering? Will God break the curse?’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Heather M. Larribas’s new book showcases genuine scenes of searching for satisfaction and truth that bless the heart and enlighten the mind.

This book is a testament to the benevolence of God in healing the broken and those who steadfastly seek his redemptive grace in their lives.

View the synopsis of “The Voice of Faith: The Awakening Begins” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Voice of Faith: The Awakening Begins” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Voice of Faith: The Awakening Begins,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Altruism” is a delightful story of a humble possum who unexpectedly becomes a hero

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“Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism”: an enthralling storybook that reflects how Jesus sacrificed and carried the cross for the sake of His people. “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism” is the creation of published author Shannon Beers, a writer who has a vast love and strong faith in God.

Beers writes, “Schuler may be a humble little possum, but he doesn’t always act very humble. He scrambles to be the best and fastest amongst his friends.

“That is until he learns of an extraordinary power which he possesses—the superhero power of altruism. By learning to put the feelings of others before his own, this unexpected hero discovers he can make the world a better place by making his friend happy.

“Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism is a picture book that imparts a character trait in the form of a superhero-sounding word. Photography enriches the story of these fuzzy, felted characters who inhabit this cozy miniature realm.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Shannon Beers’s new book is a traditional children’s book that teaches readers to be sensitive to the people around them, just like Jesus did.

With this purpose, Beers reminds the readers that no matter what their situation is, there will always be someone who will love them and give them hope every single day.

View a synopsis of “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Richard Gene Arno, Ph.D.’s newly released “God Sent an Angel” shares a comforting testimony of God’s mercy and presence in a man’s walk in life

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“God Sent an Angel: My 21 Near Death Experiences”: a faith-filled account bringing true tales of a man who was saved by God from twenty-one disasters in his life. “God Sent an Angel: My 21 Near Death Experiences” is the creation of published author Richard Gene Arno, Ph.D., the founder of the National Christian Counselors Association in Sarasota, Florida. He served for seven years as a director of counseling for CBN’s 700 Club and was a United Methodist minister for a decade before his appointment to CBN.

Isaiah 54:10 says, “For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.”

Dr. Arno shares, “There are many words that can be used to describe God’s love and mercy: tremendous, great, incredible, etc. The fact is that His love and mercy towards us is extravagant, bountiful, and eternal. The one word that captures the way God makes me feel is awesome.

“He has intervened on my behalf over and over again, and the thought of it all takes my breath away. Indeed, God has demonstrated to me that His mercy is awesome, and that His love for me is eternal and unconditional.

“I have to tell the world that God sent an angel to save me from an impending disaster, not once or twice, but twenty-one times! He is so good. It is my prayer that this book will bless and encourage every person who reads it.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Richard Gene Arno, Ph.D.’s new book brings a closer inspection in a life that has been graciously blessed by God’s divine presence and saw it through a series of imminent dangers.

View a synopsis of “God Sent an Angel: My 21 Near Death Experiences” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God Sent an Angel: My 21 Near Death Experiences” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God Sent an Angel: My 21 Near Death Experiences,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Authors Prophetess Jazzmine and Missionary Shakia’s newly released “Let Me Tell You Why I Love Jesus” is a heartwarming tale about the power of friendship and faith

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“Let Me Tell You Why I Love Jesus”: a touching and inspirational tale of how two souls faced and overcame life’s greatest trials with the help of God. “Let Me Tell You Why I Love Jesus” is the creation of published authors, Prophetess Jazzmine and Missionary Shakia.

The authors state: “Faith and favor can open doors no man can shut if you only believe. Anyone who reads this book will be encouraged and hopefully begin to count their many blessings.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Prophetess Jazzmine and Missionary Shakia’s new book is a heartwarming tale about two friends who rekindle a friendship after many years of silence and discover a mutual, genuine love for God.

In this book, the authors share the tale of how losing loved ones, strange supernatural experiences, and battling with depression caused them to fall deeply in love with a higher power and share the triumphant story of overcoming life’s greatest obstacles with Lord Jesus’ help.

View a synopsis of “Let Me Tell You Why I Love Jesus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Let Me Tell You Why I Love Jesus” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Let Me Tell You Why I Love Jesus”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Sharon Brunnelson’s newly released “Who Took Jesus Out Of Christmas?” is an enthralling tale of a thirteen-year-old girl who learns about a mystery of hidden gold

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“Who Took Jesus Out Of Christmas?: A Marlee Madison Mystery”: an inspiring story that shows how to be strong in the middle of life’s greatest battles and misadventures. “Who Took Jesus Out Of Christmas?: A Marlee Madison Mystery” is the creation of published author Sharon Brunnelson, a grandmother who has been studying the Bible since becoming a Christian at the age of fifteen. She graduated from California Baptist University and is retired from the US Department of Commerce.

Brunnelson writes, “Thirteen-year-old Marlee Madison is an accidental detective. She is about to become a teenager but doubts her ability to grow up. She is chosen to play Mary in her town’s Christmas festival Nativity Night. This honor allows her to hold the town’s three-hundred-year-old Baby Jesus figure and to become the next participant in the legend of the Christmas wish. While she searches for the perfect wish, she faces the financial difficulties of her friends as well as a tragedy of her own.

“Marlee learns about a mystery of hidden gold that has baffled her town for 150 years. She vows to solve the mystery but must put aside her search when it appears that the town will have to cancel Nativity Night as well as her Christmas wish when the Baby Jesus figure goes missing.

“Marlee’s best friend, Jeremy, struggles with his dilemma and must turn to the town’s meanest old man, Mr. Trumbull, for help. Does Mr. Trumbull hold the clue to the missing gold? Jeremy faces an emergency that thwarts his plans and changes his life instead.

Through the trials that she and her friends face, a few misadventures, and advice from an older widowed woman who runs the local cafe, Marlee not only solves the mysteries but grows a little in her faith along the way and serves as an inspiration to everyone in her home town of Christmas.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Sharon Brunnelson’s new book takes the readers on a thrilling adventure in discovering the mystery that has baffled a girl’s town for a century and a half. This fiction book will inspire all to have a strong faith on their journey in life.

With this book, Brunnelson hopes that everyone will be able to find the perfect blend of both her passions: the good news of Jesus and a good mystery story.

View a synopsis of “Who Took Jesus Out Of Christmas?: A Marlee Madison Mystery” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Who Took Jesus Out Of Christmas?: A Marlee Madison Mystery” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Who took Jesus Out Of Christmas?: A Marlee Madison Mystery,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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“This Present Reality” Exposes Govt. of Men vs. Govt. of God

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My goal is to increase the Christian voice in the geo-political arena and bring these spiritual realities to the forefront of the national dialog…

Madson Baptiste believes that current church leadership is moving in an antiquated posture, and that it is time for this generation of leaders to shift into a more relevant expression to impact the world.

In “This Present Reality: Breaking the Timeline of our Adversary,” Baptiste provides a collection of revelatory letters to a church in Pakistan, intended to guide a church where resources are limited, as well as inspire wisdom to overcome an escapist mentality and serve God more passionately. Baptiste’s book examines the geopolitical arena and the spiritual dynamics that are driving it.

“We’ve been hearing the same talking points for years,” Baptiste said. “My goal is to increase the Christian voice in the geo-political arena and bring these spiritual realities to the forefront of the national dialog, and encourage people to engage in the future of God’s purpose for this generation.”

Baptiste was called to apostolic ministry in 1994. The focus of his book is to discuss old foundations, while exposing new revelations for the church and its members.

The book is the first in a three-part series, designed to connect believers and provide focus for the current state of spiritual warfare.

“After 25 years of pursuing my own destiny,” Baptiste said, “I’m fulfilling the call to change the church’s lack of relevancy in this generation, to become more compliant with this season of God’s timeline.”

“This Present Reality”

By Madson Baptiste

ISBN: 978-1-9736-7962-2

Available at the Westbow Press Online Bookstore and Amazon

About the author

At thirty-five, Madson Baptiste had a personal encounter with God. This transformed his life and started him on a path that would take him into a season of great trials and suffering, but it was also a path of purpose and consecration. It eventually led him to attend Bible College, start his own business, and develop a successful ministry as an itinerant lecturer, teacher and conference speaker. He learned what it meant to become a true disciple and eventually to use the grace and spiritual gifts God gave him as a catalyst for a deeper relationship with God.

Located in the heart of America, “G.A.T.E. Ministry Fellowship” (Grapevine Apostolic Transformation Enterprise) is based in Kansas City, Kan. GATE’S mission is to build relationships in ministry by providing resources for churches desiring to transition into a higher level of expression and authenticity in both their local church and mission outreaches. To learn more about the author and his book, please visit:

Review Copies & Interview Requests:                    

LAVIDGE – Indianapolis                        

Lindsey Gobel                    


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