Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Teresa M. Caringi’s newly released “Shepherd’s Daughter” is a compelling handbook that inspires the readers to keep their focus to Jesus as they journey their lives

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“Shepherd’s Daughter”: a contemporary handbook that guides the readers in following the path that God has prepared for them. “Shepherd’s Daughter” is the creation of published author Teresa M. Caringi, a writer who has served God in various churches and on prayer and healing teams. She is an author sharing God’s teachings and inspirational stories inspired and led by the Holy Spirit.

Caringi writes, “Faith contains the power to birth the supernatural. It raises you above all circumstances to believe in what is not yet seen. The path walked is paved by faith. Maybe you’re at a place where you’ve been knocked down by storm after storm, and you’re struggling to get back up. Situations you believed God to change have worsened. This hour your weakness shall know God’s strength. What appears as your defeat and end births forth victory and a new beginning. Circumstances appeared as defeat and the end for Jesus as he climbed the hill to Calvary. In reality, it was his greatest victory and a new beginning for all. Without death, there’d be no resurrection. The same is true in our walk. Peter walked on water until his focus changed from Jesus to circumstance. Yet remember that Jesus lifted him before he sank. As he shall do for you.”

“All is not as it appears. You only need to regain focus on whom your faith rests. May the obstacles overcome, lessons learned, and inspirational teachings throughout my shared journey grant birth within you to the revelation of faith to believe in what is not yet seen and the strength to perseverance beyond circumstance unto victory.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Teresa M. Caringi’s new book shares a wonderful reading experience as the author gives readers a gleaming light that will guide them throughout their journey in life as a son or daughter of the good shepherd.

With this book, Caringi brings the readers back to a scenario where Jesus lifted up Peter, so they may be able to realize that God will never abandon His people and is willing to redirect them.

View a synopsis of “Shepherd’s Daughter” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Shepherd’s Daughter” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Shepherd’s Daughter,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author W. Dwightel Weathers’s new book “Jehovah, My God and Father, Is Real” is an autobiographical reflection on the relationships he has enjoyed throughout his life

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W. Dwightel Weathers, a Mississippi-born writer and poet who has lived with his family in Miami, Florida, since 1960, has completed his new book “Jehovah, My God and Father, Is Real”: a candid autobiography of his marriages, romances, and spiritual journey to date.

The author writes, “’Jehovah, My God and Father, Is Real’ is a love story directed by Jehovah in unbelievable fashion. It shows that God is alive and active in the lives and affairs of people today, just as he was in the days of the people in the Old and New Testament. When we love and obey him, he blesses us beyond our comprehension.”

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, W. Dwightel Weathers’s inspiring book is a deeply personal memoir paying homage to the role of his faith in every aspect of his life.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Jehovah, My God and Father, Is Real” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional New York-based, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not overwhelmed with logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and the like. Its roster of accomplished authors and publishing professionals allows writers to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Line Ally Baluwesi Mungurumia Chetesa Rossetti’s newly released “Adventure of Genet and Pangolin” shares an enjoyable tale of friendship between two forest animals

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“Adventure of Genet and Pangolin”: a well-conceived children’s book about a genet and a pangolin’s unexpected friendship. “Adventure of Genet and Pangolin” is the creation of published author Line Ally Baluwesi Mungurumia Chetesa Rossetti, a writer, inventor, fashion designer, artist, entrepreneur, businesswomen, and a loving mother.

Rossetti shares, “The story is a perfect story for kids and family, a story anyone can relate to whether children or grown-ups.

“We all are going through life’s daily adventures. It is full of entertainment. It is witty, educational, and full of adventure. It is filled with inspiring messages that will inspire not just kids but the entire family:

“To see things and to live life out of sometimes what we are accustomed.

“In a sense, to enjoy life, to go with whatever the day brings us, whether it is difficult or a joyful, happy day.

“Especially in difficult days when someone is being extremely challenged with problems of the day and, in the midst of it, finding the solution not just for your problems, but how to help others overcome their problems

“In many cases we are all going through a pattern to try to help ourselves in the midst of trouble or difficulties, trying to figure out how to solve our problems or difficulties or whatever it might be in a sense without realizing that we are trying to do or to figure out something.

“Sometimes we do not have control over or things are out of our hands. They are in the hands of God always. He is the only one who has control over all things.

“That’s why God always reminds us in all things to pray and to seek His guidance through all things and no matter what sin not.

“After all, God says, in Hebrews 13:5, ‘I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee’ and in Matthew 28:20, ‘I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.’ Amen.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Line Ally Baluwesi Mungurumia Chetesa Rossetti’s new book inspires readers to be compassionate toward others and seek the goodness within, regardless of appearances.

Follow the spirited adventure of a genet as he deals with inconveniences and is rewarded with a kind-hearted pangolin friend in the end.

View the synopsis of “Adventure of Genet and Pangolin” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Adventure of Genet and Pangolin” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Adventure of Genet and Pangolin,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Coptic Orphans Announces the Appointment of New Board Members Mr. Hany Kadry Demian and Dr. Kamal Ibrahim

“Dr. Ibrahim’s humanitarian work in the Middle East and Mr. Demian’s economic background in Egypt and internationally are notable. I’m honored that both men have accepted the invitation to work alongside me and the rest of the Board.” expressed Nermien Riad.

Coptic Orphans announces the appointment of two new board members, Mr. Hany Kadry Demian and Dr. Kamal Ibrahim, to its Board of Directors.

“Mr. Demian and Dr. Ibrahim respectively, bring incredible skills to Coptic Orphans at a favorable time of expansion for our organization,” said Nermien Riad, Executive Director of Coptic Orphans.

“Not only are they each leaders in their fields, but their expertise in international relations, finance and healthcare will be critical as we expand the reach of Coptic Orphans and streamline our global operations.”

Mr. Hany Kadry Demian was Egypt’s Finance Minister for two years until March 2016, following an outstanding career at the top economic policy spheres in Egypt and lead international institutions.

Mr. Demian was awarded “The Finance Minister of the Year 2015 for Africa” by the Banker Magazine, a subsidiary of the Financial Times for a series of bold and courageous economic and fiscal reforms. Amongst his successes, Mr. Demian attained four improvements to Egypt’s sovereign ratings. With the economic team, he doubled economic growth in one year to 4.2% (2014-15); cut the budget deficit by an unprecedented 4% of GDP (2014-15); issued an awarded international Bond Deal of the Year 2015; revived the capital market, which deemed best performer in 2014; and obtained positive global testimonials on progress, including by the IMF, World Bank, and others.

He handled important economic files including with the African Union, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, and led the Economic Dialogue with the EU, and several other multilaterals. Mr. Demian was Alternate Governor at the Arab Monetary Fund, the International Monetary Fund, and the Islamic Development Bank. In 2008, he chaired the Deputies for the highest policy committee at the IMF known as IMFC, and represented the Committee at the world leading G20 Deputies meetings. Mr. Demian is an active speaker on numerous international, regional, and domestic forums.

He also served as Board Member on several regulatory and market entities Mr. Demian holds a Masters of International Affairs (MIA) from Columbia University in NY; and Bachelors of Accounting from Helwan University in Cairo.

Dr. Kamal Ibrahim, M.D., F.R.C.S. (C) is a retired spinal surgeon and a former clinical professor of orthopedics. He is the former Chief of Pediatric and Scoliosis Surgery in the Department of Orthopedics at Loyola University in Chicago. Dr. Ibrahim also holds a Master of Arts in International Relations from the Fletcher School at Tufts University. He sits on the board of the Scoliosis Research Society, having formerly been president.

Dr. Ibrahim has raised funds to support the Egyptian Christian Heritage chair at the American University in Cairo and has done numerous humanitarian trips to the Middle East, teaching local surgeons modern spinal and pediatric surgery as well as treating patients. Dr. Ibrahim lives in Chicago for the last 38 years with his wife Lucy, a psychiatrist.

“Dr. Ibrahim’s humanitarian work in the Middle East and Mr. Demian’s economic background in Egypt and internationally are notable. I’m honored that both men have accepted the invitation to work alongside me and the rest of the Board.” expressed Nermien Riad.

With the addition of Mr. Demian and Dr. Ibrahim as highly respected members of our Board of Directors, Coptic Orphans is committed to continuing the fulfilling work of its volunteers, staff, and supporters in this new and exciting phase of its growth.

About Coptic Orphans

Coptic Orphans is an award-winning international Christian development organization that has transformed the lives of over 55,000 children in Egypt since 1988. We believe that through long-term programs that focus on education, we can affect the vicious cycle of poverty. To learn more, visit

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365 Day Devotional” is a profound year-long devotional carrying inspiration, revelation, and hope across its pages

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“Think About It: 365 Day Devotional”: a beautiful 365-day companion in times of struggle that inspires readers with encouragement and a deeper faith in the Lord. “Think About It: 365 Day Devotional” is the creation of published author Betty Lambert, a lifelong resident of south Mississippi. She was a reading tutor at her local elementary school and Wounded Warrior liaison for the Mississippi National Guard before she gave it up and joined her husband in his travels across the United States.

Lambert shares, “The sole purpose of this book is to encourage you and to help you understand no matter what you are going through, you are not alone. No matter how hateful or hurtful this world has been to you, you have a loving Father that wants to wrap His arms around you to protect you and provide for you. He wants to fill you with His love, shower you with His mercy and grace. He wants to fill your heart, mind, and life with His peace, joy, strength, wisdom, and discernment. He wants to open the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings on you. It is my prayer that you will find all you need and more within the pages of this book. May God bless you and move mightily in your life.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Betty Lambert’s new book is a heartwarming source of faith that will help the readers calm the storms in their lives as they read through the messages and thoughts held in this manuscript.

The author deeply hopes that readers will hear God’s voice through her book.

View a synopsis of “Think About It: 365 Day Devotional” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Think About It: 365 Day Devotional” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Think About It: 365 Day Devotional,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Diane Garrison’s newly released “God’s Truthful Truths” is a contemporary account that allows people to know more about the truths of God

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“God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity”: a stirring narrative that enlightens the minds of the readers for them to be able to discover the truth about God. “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity” is the creation of published author Diane Garrison, a woman who has a vast love for and strong faith in God.

Garrison writes, “Victoria Brown is the co-author of God’s Truthful Truths, dictated to her from the Mouth of Almighty God. Victoria was neglected, abused and tortured at the hands of her parents and stepmother from birth until early childhood. God became her parents and protected her throughout her life to become His Commanded Messenger to record His Words of Truth. She endured the pain of rejection, criticism, and isolation required to do God’s work with steadfast love and devotion.

“Diane Garrison, messenger and assistant co-author, is Victoria Brown’s daughter. She preserved and protected these Words of Truth for 30 years until God spoke to her and told her to present these words of Truth to the whole of humanity, to be weighed with the justice scale of higher consciousness, of each individual’s mind. These Words of Truth are being published for the love, honor, and glory of Almighty God.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Diane Garrison’s new book is a revealing masterpiece showing to readers the reality of how God’s truthful truths will save humanity at the end of the day.

With this purpose, Garrison aims the readers to know and understand the importance of glorifying God with love and honor.

View a synopsis of “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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when baby Jesus was born” is an enthralling account that shows readers the series of events that happened in Bethlehem

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“I Was There…: when baby Jesus was born”: an engrossing storybook that reveals a realistic image about what it was like to be present during the birth of Christ Jesus. “I Was There…: when baby Jesus was born” is the creation of published author K.L. Keltre, a person who has a strong faith and vast love for God.

Keltre writes, “I was there when Jesus was born describes in detail what it was like to have been a child in Bethlehem during the birth of baby Jesus. As narrated through the eyes of a little girl, Sarah, the story vividly describes Bethlehem to create a realistic image of what it was like to have lived during that time including side notes and illustrations on the most interesting facts. The story describes the homes, the people’s jobs, what they ate and the clothes they wore providing a new sense of how it felt to be in Bethlehem leading up to the birth in the manger on that starry night.

“I was there is the first book in a series on Biblical events directed at giving readers a child’s view including expanded historical and geographical notes. Each book will have a different girl or boy narrator/character from the event time. These narrators will bring a fresh perspective into these events to provide a unique child’s viewpoint on what took place at these well-known biblical stories. Each book will provide new facts that the children may not have known and make the events feel more real to them. Hopefully, these books will encourage parents to read these stories with their children, Sunday school teachers to read to their classes, or older children to read along to discover new biblical details while being fun and interesting to both child and parent.

“A portion of each book sold will be donated to St. Jude Research Children Research Hospital.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, K.L. Keltre’s new book is a profound account that tells a lot of Biblical stories where children can get an understanding about the people’s life before and during the birth of Jesus.

With this purpose, the author describes the Biblical events to bring fresh perspectives in order to provide an interesting and understandable viewpoint to kids about what happened in these popular Bible stories.

View a synopsis of “I Was There…: When Baby Jesus was Born” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “I Was There…: When Baby Jesus was Born” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “I Was There…: When Baby Jesus was Born”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Edward Nicholas Manze’s newly released “All I Have” is a dramatic novel of a young girl’s sudden disappearance that affects her loved ones

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“All I Have”: a touching narrative that tells of the disappearance of Amanda McGuire that brings overwhelming yearning and anguish to her family and peers. “All I Have” is the creation of published author Edward Nicholas Manze, a student of the Old and New Testament and communications during college, and an enthusiast in Bible, church, science fiction, biology, bicycling, tennis, track, and certain comic books.

Manze shares, “All her life Amanda McGuire grew up learning to love to read and reading books. One fall evening, she disappeared and vanished from her parents with a shriek into the thin, dark, cold October air suddenly and was gone, silent as the lingering air that night!

“All the books she read, all the things she learned, all the stories she knew. No one knew one of them was about to happen!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Edward Nicholas Manze’s new book reveals how people’s lives are greatly transformed when losing a loved one, especially when it is unexpected.

Readers will follow the heartrending moments of parents, friends, and other close brethren as they cope with the disappearance of their beloved daughter, sister, and friend.

View the synopsis of “All I Have” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “All I Have” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “All I Have,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Kathryn Skipward Stockdale’s newly released “A Love Affair” is a well-founded book of insightful moments exuding with love and faith.

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“A Love Affair”: a touching narrative that shows moments of grace and love among loved ones and from the divine. “A Love Affair” is the creation of published author Kathryn Skipward Stockdale, a teaching minister in Sunday, vacation Bible school, prison ministry, Thursday ladies Bible class, and Life Enriched Services class.

Stockdale shares, “I couldn’t decide on a book title, and one morning I had a dream. I saw a cross on a book cover and the words ‘love affair.’ When I was finally awake, I knew God had answered my dilemma. My son Bruce had sent me an e-mail with a picture that impressed me. It was a huge cross he had placed in front of his property on Hugh Howell Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia, for Valentine’s Day. I was so impressed by that picture. Jesus going to the cross for us is what true love is about! When I woke up that morning, I knew without a doubt God had inspired Bruce to erect that cross and me to use it for my book cover.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kathryn Skipward Stockdale’s new book shows an astounding journey in life inspired by the love and goodness of God that bless the hearts of those who put their trust in him.

This book contains occasions of mundane and spiritual love that define the grandness and quaintness of life for everyone’s partaking.

View the synopsis of “A Love Affair” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Love Affair” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Love Affair,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Corey Feldman Reveals Intimate Details of his “Very Dangerous Project” on Gary Franchi’s 60 Minute Podcast

Corey Feldman appears on THE G-CAST With Gary and Angie Franchi

Corey Feldman appears on THE G-CAST With Gary and Angie Franchi

This is a very dangerous project, because everything we say is the truth and it can be proven

Next News Network anchor Gary Franchi hosted Hollywood Icon Corey Feldman on his podcast THE G-CAST just before box office sales of Feldman’s new documentary’s tickets went on sale. Feldman, known for films such as THE LOST BOYS, GOONIES, STAND BY ME and many more, discussed his upcoming film (MY) TRUTH: THE RAPE OF THE 2 COREYS.

On the podcast Feldman provided details about his controversial new documentary where he will expose yet another known Hollywood player who used underage actors for disturbing sexual acts. On the 60 minute podcast, Feldman dropped bomb after bomb of in-depth knowledge of the pedophilia that he declares runs rampant in Hollywood.

Corey Feldman, best friend and peer of late actor Corey Haim, made a promise to Haim that he would expose the truth about what he went through. On March 9th, the 10th anniversary of Haim’s death, the film will name the specific person who raped Haim and dive further into details about the abuse they both suffered.

Building up to the film, Feldman began working diligently to develop a movement of awareness via the hashtag #Kids2, reminding social media that kids are frequently taken advantage of in Hollywood.

Feldman and his wife Courteny detailed to Franchi and his co-host wife Angie that the film has taken a large amount of hard work and dedication with legal battles and threats against Feldman’s life and family, but he has persisted in hopes of ending the constant cover up of Hollywood’s largest pedophile ring and is committed to protecting children across the globe.

“This is a very dangerous project, because everything we say is the truth and it can be proven” stated Feldman. “As survivors of abuse, we are able to speak directly to the world.”

The film “My Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys” will be available via a one-time

showing exclusively at for $20.





About Gary Franchi:

Since 2012 Gary Franchi has been the lead anchor for the youtube channel “The Next News Network” with over 1.31 million subscribers, and over 1 billion views. He co-hosts “THE G-CAST” alongside his wife as a longform weekly podcast where they both feature special guests, cover current events, culture, and a variety of human interest stories. THE G-CAST can be seen weekly on YouTube.

Follow The G-CAST with Gary & Angie Franchi



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