Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Understanding the Devastation of Sexual Misconduct in the Clergy and Avoiding It

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My hope is that if pastors are alerted to predisposing issues and prepare themselves to address the pertinent issues that place them in peril, we might stem the tide of clergy sexual misconduct

Laura Nelson’s book Avoiding the Potholes: Preventing Clergy Sexual Misconduct ($16.49, paperback, 9781630508814; $8.99, e-book, 9781630508821) is available for purchase.

In Avoiding the Potholes: Preventing Clergy Sexual Misconduct, Laura Nelson discusses sexual misconduct amongst those in church leadership, which continues to be a pressing issue plaguing our churches. It can be likened to a pothole, appearing seemingly overnight with detrimental effects, but what causes the erosion and is there a way to stay clear? With powerful spiritual insight and teaching from God’s Word, Avoiding the Potholes addresses these questions, offering helpful, practical guidance for Christian leaders to avoid falling into this injurious hole.

“In working with our denomination, I witnessed this pain firsthand which prompted me to study why this occurs and consider steps for prevention. My hope is that if pastors are alerted to predisposing issues and prepare themselves to address the pertinent issues that place them in peril, we might stem the tide of clergy sexual misconduct,” said Nelson.

Rev. Dr. Laura Nelson is the Senior Pastor of Olivet Baptist Church in New Westminster BC, where she has ministered the past eleven years. She is a graduate of Biola University, Regent College, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Laura has a passion for ministry and encouraging people in their walk of faith. Her greatest delight is her two adult daughters.

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Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date Avoiding the Potholes: Preventing Clergy Sexual Misconduct is available online through,, and

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Alexander B. Okenwa’s newly released “The Errors and Wrong Opinions in the Churches Today” is an illuminating exploration into the truths withheld in God’s book

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“The Errors and Wrong Opinions in the Churches Today: Part One”: a tell-all perspective that helps clear away everyone’s ignorance of the Bible and brings the world some answers to the problems of this time. “The Errors and Wrong Opinions in the Churches Today: Part One” is the creation of published author Alexander B. Okenwa, a fervent believer in Jesus Christ for about four decades. He is a known member of the Assemblies of God Church and taught Sunday school when he was in Nigeria. He has since worked as a private security guard, a substitute teacher, a taxi driver, a personal caregiver, and currently a truck driver. At present, being a writer is a calling for him from the Lord.

Okenwa shares, “Ever since the dawn of time on earth, human beings have been in the dark—spiritually, intellectually, educationally, and relationally. The only cause for these general human handicaps on earth is our general ignorance of the Bible—the only book with accurate records on nature/existence ever written and given to all human beings on earth.

“There is no doubt that the Bible alone holds the truths to all the lies in the world, the solutions to all the problems in the world, and the answers to all the questions that the whole world has been asking since the inception of time on earth.

“The hour has come for the seeming encryptions of the Bible that have resisted for ages past all human efforts toward proper understanding to be uncovered. This means then that all these lies that the world has had, which has locked itself up with these many unsolved problems and unanswered questions, will now be gone forever. Thanks be to God, who has come down to earth to explain for us, human beings, the book (the Bible) whose one and only Author is He.

“In that case, both the ever unsolved problems and the unanswered questions of all humanity will receive the solutions and the answers that it has longed for, as these lies—which are the errors and wrong opinions of the churches—are being discovered and corrected.

“Consequently, we can then live up to God’s mandate of subduing with correct knowledge the earth that is presently under the sway of Satan and his spirit allies, and thus rescuing the world from the societal confusions that it is presently in today.

“These are the goals this book and others in the offing are meant to achieve for us henceforth.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Alexander B. Okenwa’s new book is a truly enlightening piece that highlights the errors and fallacies in the modern church. This will help readers realize what is the actual truth behind the posing ones.

View a synopsis of “The Errors and Wrong Opinions in the Churches Today” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Errors and Wrong Opinions in the Churches Today” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Errors and Wrong Opinions in the Churches Today,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Nyasha K. Chibangu’s newly released “The Grace Chapter” is a brave reveal in the life of one young girl throughout her battle with illness and her faith journey

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“The Grace Chapter: Conquering The Storm With A Joyful Dance”: a profound healing story of an individual who battled an autoimmune neuromuscular disease that brought difficulties into her life yet she found ways to hold onto her faith in God. “The Grace Chapter: Conquering The Storm With A Joyful Dance” is the creation of published author Nyasha K. Chibangu, a university student raised in the United Kingdom. She’s very passionate about her love for Jesus and sharing the goodness of God to the youth.

Chibangu shares, “This book is an expression of my faith and confidence in God, it is a personal testimony of how God rescued me from the throngs of death, from a disabling and debilitating disease to a new lease of life. It is also a sharing about grace and the mercies of God, yet still this book is a story to inspire, comfort, encourage, and cheer on someone who might be going through something similar to or worse than what I went through. In a sense, this book brings awareness to the rare but dangerous condition called myasthenia gravis and its secondary offshoot, thymoma (cancer of the thymus gland). The underlying message in this context is that it is possible to recover from this condition. The treatment is grueling, but the prognosis can be reassuring.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Nyasha K. Chibangu’s new book is a touching account of one brave soul who shares her life to the readers to inspire healing, hope, and restoration. This manuscript is especially made for the brokenhearted, the hopeless, and to all others who are in deep struggle with life.

View a synopsis of “The Grace Chapter: Conquering The Storm With A Joyful Dance” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Grace Chapter: Conquering The Storm With A Joyful Dance” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Grace Chapter: Conquering The Storm With A Joyful Dance,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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According to Solomon” is a compelling account of a child who has a wide and extraordinary imagination about Jesus

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“Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon”: a stirring story that will teach the readers about the teachings of Christ. “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon” is the creation of published author, Jane M. Cordero, a passionate Christian woman who has a love for children, the elderly, and the vulnerable. She is also a strong advocate for people who are marginalized and not able to advocate for themselves.

Cordero writes, “Welcome to According to Solomon!

“Solomon is a busy ten-year-old little boy who has an active and incredible imagination. He was adopted by a single Christian woman who takes him to church and tries to teach him about Jesus, Bible stories, and Christianity in general.

“Solomon is a very innocent and naive boy that you can’t help but fall in love with. He loves his family, friends, pastors, and most of all Jesus. He loves to try and share Jesus and the Bible stories with anyone who will listen. However, since he is only ten, he often misunderstands and incorrectly restates the things he has learned.

“You are sure to enjoy this witty retelling of a little boy’s version of what happened to the Savior of the world. In this particular story, you’ll learn about The Followers, The Haters, The Pilot, Horrid, and many other obstacles in Jesus’s way. There are even emus in this retelling. Come and follow Solomon in this story as he retells about what happened in Jesus’s adult life, His crucifixion, and His resurrection.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jane M. Cordero’s new book is an enticing tale that will bring the readers closer to the alive and risen Christ.

In this book, the readers will come to see and encounter all the things that happened in the life of Jesus. With this purpose, Cordero aims to let children know that God has risen from the dead and is alive.

View a synopsis of “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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God Guides Monty to Start Highway 2 Heaven Biker Church

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A Biker-Soldier’s Journey II tells the amazing story of how God guided Monty to eventually start Highway 2 Heaven Biker Church.

Monty Van Horn’s book, A Biker-Soldier’s Journey II ($16.99, paperback, 9781630506025; $8.99, e-book, 9781630506032), is available for purchase.

In A Biker-Soldier’s Journey II, readers will travel with the author, Monty, from event to event, and watch how God has manifested himself in Monty’s life. It has been the ride of his life, although the hills and curves have been many. Throughout the journey, Monty finds himself knocked down a few times. A Biker-Soldier’s Journey II tells the amazing story of how God guided Monty to eventually start Highway 2 Heaven Biker Church.

Monty Van Horn is an Ordained minister serving as senior pastor of Highway 2 Heaven Biker Church for ten years. He has served the biker community as a messenger of Christ for the past twenty years and in his free time, he loves to ride, backpack, hike, and trek.

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Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date.A Biker-Soldier’s Journey II is available online through,, and

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Crystal Katcher’s newly released “Between Darkness and Light” is a riveting adventure about a mission to save the entire world from an impending darkness

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“Between Darkness and Light”: a gripping tale of adventure, love, and intrigue in a quest to salvage the world. “Between Darkness and Light” is the creation of published author Crystal Katcher, a passionate and creative writer who first found an interest in writing as a very young child. She earned an associates of applied science in film production and another in directing and performance. She graduated with high honors and also became a member of Phi Theta Kappa.

Katcher shares, “In a world full of good and evil, right and wrong, the powerful and the weak comes a tale of a struggle as old as time itself. Full of high adventure, love, and intrigue, it will be sure to grip you and never let go.

“For the past two years, their world has changed for the worst. However, nobody knew what darkness was about to come upon them. The order of Malaki was betrayed and the Dark King, Ze’ev, was set free upon the world once more. As darkness spread, with it came dragons spewing death and fire to those unfortunate to lay eyes upon them.

“But from the ashes arose those who would stand against the growing darkness. Tristan the mercenary and his companions Kera the elf, Hediah the cleric, Bratherious and Olek the Warrior join together to battle Ze’ev and his forces. On a quest to save their world from deceitfulness and evil, they discover that they first have to save themselves.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Crystal Katcher’s new book is an exciting journey following Tristan as he and his friends attempt to save the world from dark forces. This adventure will surely entertain readers as they delve into the quest, both personal and universal, fueled by a conviction to battle evil and fight for the greater good.

View a synopsis of “Between Darkness and Light” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Between Darkness and Light” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Between Darkness and Light”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Aishling Wigmore’s newly released “Norita Goes To Space” is an enchanting tale of a young girl and her amazing adventure to space

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“Norita Goes To Space”: an enjoyable tale that follows the breathtaking adventure of Norita as she visits her favorite planets and discovers a valuable lesson within her. “Norita Goes To Space” is the creation of published author Aishling Wigmore, a dedicated writer and mother who hails from Ireland.

Wigmore shares, “‘Norita Goes to Space’ is the story of an adventurous little girl who is on a mission to visit her favorite planets. Join Norita as she travels to space in this heartwarming tale of adventure and independence.

“This book is ideal for families who share an interest in space, science, and adventure. There are many hidden gems in the illustration that make sharing this book an adventure of its own. Turn the pages and help your child find all the secrets hidden within, on each page there is a hidden character to be found.

“Bring your child on an adventure to learn about space and share in the secret life of Norita and her brother Mac.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Aishling Wigmore’s new book blends knowledge and sentiment in learning the grand beauty of the universe and how its expanse brings pearls of wisdom to people.

View the synopsis of “Norita Goes To Space” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Norita Goes To Space” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Norita Goes To Space,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Lori Clay-Porter’s newly released “At Least She Has a Pretty Face” is a motivating book that uplifts people who were born with an unusual disability

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“At Least She Has a Pretty Face: Growing up with a Giant Congenital Nevus”: an engrossing memoir that urges the readers to be compassionate and accept their problems in life. “At Least She Has a Pretty Face: Growing up with a Giant Congenital Nevus” is the creation of published author Lori Clay-Porter, an award-winning entrepreneur who is also a devoted mother and has been in the real-estate business for over twenty-two years.

Porter writes, “I hope that this book will help the readers to overcome weaknesses and obstacles and will motivate them to live a fuller life. In a world that demands perfection, I feel that this book will interest, amaze, and inspire. My deepest wish would be for this book to help and uplift people born with a giant congenital nevus and all people born with unusual birth defects, disabilities, or deformities of any kind. People, in general, are fascinated by others that are different. I learned very early to be compassionate to the problems of others and to accept my problems, and then later in life, I decided to live life to the fullest, appreciating each day. I am living a completely normal life. I am living a fantastic life with many adventures which I share in my writing.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Lori Clay-Porter’s new book shares a better understanding with the readers as the author illustrates to them the beauty amidst imperfections of life.

With this account, Clay-Porter inspires the readers to live life to the fullest regardless of the problems and situations they are going through in life.

View a synopsis of “At Least She Has a Pretty Face: Growing up with a Giant Congenital Nevus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“At Least She Has a Pretty Face: Growing up with a Giant Congenital Nevus” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “At Least She Has a Pretty Face: Growing up with a Giant Congenital Nevus,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Valerie Rose’s newly released “Dear God, I Hate You Yet You Love Me Anyway” brings a wellspring of hope, healing, and faith by sharing insights and personal experiences

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“Dear God, I Hate You Yet You Love Me Anyway: Finding Faith through the World’s Filth”: a powerful testimony of God’s love that shines right through a heart that has been filled with anger, loneliness, hopelessness, and hurt. “Dear God, I Hate You Yet You Love Me Anyway: Finding Faith through the World’s Filth” is the creation of published author Valerie Rose, a college professor who teaches business, management, ethics, critical thinking, and college success. She enjoys volunteering with American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen, FFA Agricultural Education, and serving in various ministries at Harvest Church.

An excerpt from the book further explains, “Valerie Rose is an ordinary, middle-aged, middle-class, working woman whose willingness to share her own oppositional view on faith, religion, the world’s filth, and building a relationship with God in the midst of it all is real, raw, inspiring, and encourages others to do the same. She is a daughter, sister, cousin, aunt, wife, mother, stepmother, nana, and friend whose passion is to inspire others to turn their frowns upside down and embrace God’s love through all life’s trials and tribulations.

“Using her own personal struggles in building a relationship with God, Valerie shows how recognizing God’s love for her in the midst of anger, agony, awkwardness, abandonment, alcoholism, and abuse helped her to replace hatred with healing. She overcame abuse and abandonment, fears, hurts, and other hang-ups to go on teaching and encouraging others to learn and grow.

“Valerie offers life-transforming insights not only about how to overcome hatred, hurts, hang-ups, and painful circumstances many identify with, but also how to heal, grow, and embrace God’s love from those experiences and then help others to do the same. Her personal stories will inspire you to see your own hatred, hurts, and hang-ups that have built barriers around your heart and will help you to begin seeking healing, grace, and love; to recognize God loves all of you and He is there for you.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Valerie Rose’s new book is a thought-provoking read that will help readers to identify themselves within these pages and reflect on their own life journey just as the author writes of her own story of finding faith through the filth.

View a synopsis of “Dear God, I Hate You Yet You Love Me Anyway: Finding Faith through the World’s Filth” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Dear God, I Hate You Yet You Love Me Anyway: Finding Faith through the World’s Filth” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Dear God, I Hate You Yet You Love Me Anyway: Finding Faith through the World’s Filth,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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