Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Author Lori Josifek’s new book “The Hummingbird Story” is a gentle story depicting the everyday tragedy of nature and the awesome power of faith in God’s grace

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Lori Josifek, a mother, grandmother, teacher, choir director, artist, and writer who lives with her husband in Chico, California, where she enjoys tandem bicycling, rollerblading, camping, cooking, and spending time with her family, has published her latest book “The Hummingbird Story”: a delightful addition to any faith-based library.

Lori writes, “There are times when everyone needs to hear the comforting words, don’t worry, everything will be all right. We need to know that there’s someone greater than ourselves watching out for our well-being. And that when the worst seems to be happening in our life or in the lives of those we love, there is someone who hears our prayers, sees our need, and responds in love.

In this simple, true story, the chance meeting of a pet cat and a hummingbird reflects this truth in a real and comforting way. Confronted with a natural tragedy, the author is reminded of a Biblical truth and calls upon God to intervene. When He does, the author’s faith is encouraged. In turn, she invites readers to trust in the God of the Bible who cares—even about sparrows and hummingbirds.”

Published by Page Publishing, Lori Josifek’s inspiring book is a poignant story of faith, hope, and the power of God’s grace.

Readers who wish to experience this delightful work can purchase “The Hummingbird Story” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not mired in logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and so on. Page’s accomplished writers and publishing professionals allow authors to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Elizabeth Kathleen’s newly released “The Sticks and Stones of Hannah Jones” is a compelling novel that makes the readers understand life

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“The Sticks and Stones of Hannah Jones”: an engrossing account that shows by example how one deals with the guaranteed difficulties in life to deal with the uncertainties of life and how faith is strengthened amid these difficulties. “The Sticks and Stones of Hannah Jones” is the creation of published author Elizabeth Kathleen, who has shared her knowledge of the main character in this book. She describes Hannah Jones as an inspiration, protector, mentor, teacher, and friend.

Kathleen writes, “Life isn’t always fair. Some seem to skate through without care, while others work from sunup to sundown barely keeping their head above water. Still, life is what you make it. Hard times aren’t to be feared and good times aren’t to be coveted. Hard times are exercises for faith and good times peaceful repose. But, if we had nothing but ease, it would atrophy our spirits like too much sugar rots our teeth. Trials make us able to stand in the storm trusting God to bring us through.

“Hannah Jones and her family had difficulties as a close neighbor in the hollows of post-Depression West Virginia, but they refused to give in or give up. They refused to let coal dust and poverty wipe away their joy. They took each day as it came and looked for the hidden gems. In this story, her story, you will find that life is God’s gift no matter what!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Elizabeth Kathleen’s new book is an enthralling tale that shares a lot of life lessons with the readers, enabling them to understand life and how to deal with the challenges it gives.

The true stories in this book encourages the readers to never lose their faith in God regardless of the ordeals they are facing. Bad times and sorrows don’t stay forever but are used as building blocks to strengthen our faith and spiritual endurance.

Consumers can purchase “The Sticks and Stones of Hannah Jones” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Sticks and Stones of Hannah Jones,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Interim Pastor from VitalChurch Ministry Completes His Time at Christ Community Church in Rochester

VitalChurch Interim Pastor Ministry

As a result of the work done by the VitalChurch team with the congregation at CCC, church leaders and congregation members now report that the church is unified and that reconciliation has taken place.

VitalChurch Ministry, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Christian churches in transition or crisis, announced recently that they were finishing up their work with Christ Community Church (CCC) in Rochester, Minnesota.

VitalChurch was brought out to CCC in August of 2018 to conduct an on-site diagnostic assessment of the church that would reveal the church’s strengths, weaknesses, and current areas of struggle. The church had recently undergone a difficult transition, with the resignation of their longtime lead pastor.

After the results of the assessment were presented to the church, CCC decided to bring in an interim pastor from VitalChurch to lead them through their transition period as they searched for a new lead pastor. Pastor Dave Miles from VitalChurch Ministry came to CCC in November 2018 to serve as the main interim pastor. Pastor Rich Schoenert also played an integral role during the interim period at CCC, and other interim pastors from the VitalChurch team, Gregg Caruso and Tom Wilkens, were instrumental in the process as well.

The VitalChurch team worked with the church to address the grief and conflict that resulted from the resignation of their former pastor. CCC Elder Jeremy Balster commented that prior to the arrival of VitalChurch, “We weren’t equipped to manage the grief, repentance, or reconciliation….[We] weren’t equipped to strategize for the future.” Another Elder, David Kuck, said, “…we had blind spots. We didn’t realize we had unhealthy patterns and systems.” As a result of the work done by the VitalChurch team with the congregation at CCC, church leaders and congregation members now report that the church is unified and that reconciliation has taken place where it was needed. They also express that there is a sense of excitement about the future of CCC.

During their time at CCC, Pastors Miles and Schoenert also worked to encourage the congregation to get more involved in the ministry and outward mission of the church. Balster commented, “We’ve been a staff-led church. In order to change that so our congregation does more of the ministry, they had to have ownership. VitalChurch helped bridge that gap. Our congregation feels more empowered to do the ministry [and] has taken more ownership. That’s been a huge step for our church.”

The VitalChurch Team led CCC through a series of “summits” that were designed to refocus the church. Out of these summits came a new sense of mission and a clear set of values under which the church can now operate. In addition, the VitalChurch team worked with the church board to put systems and structures in place that will serve the church well long term.

Pastor Miles was also able to establish a stronger relationship between CCC and their denomination, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, by working directly with the denomination’s new district superintendent.

On January 26, 2020, the congregation of CCC confirmed the call of Darril Holden Jr. to be the church’s next permanent lead pastor. Pastor Holden began his ministry at CCC at the beginning of March 2020.

About VitalChurch Ministry

Since 1994, the VitalChurch team has worked with churches in transition or crisis, leading them to pathways of healing, hope, and revitalization. Their mission is to see churches reconciled and restored to unity, with gifted leadership in place, gospel values embedded, effective governance, an exciting mission agreed on, and a discipleship pathway engaged. They have engaged with churches as interim pastors in a variety of denominations, and in suburban, rural, and urban environments throughout the United States and in Europe.

The pastors at VitalChurch Ministry are recognized experts in the fields of church diagnostics, interim pastoring, and leadership coaching. They have produced resources and training materials used by churches and denominations throughout North America and have been featured speakers at multiple training conferences.

Find out more about VitalChurch Ministry at their website:

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Paul Adkins’s newly released “Never A Dull Moment” is an evoking collection of poems that reflect a fulfilling life and an unwavering faith in God

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“Never A Dull Moment”: an enriching tome of poems that exude with grace and insights on human life and the importance of godly belief. “Never A Dull Moment” is the creation of published author Paul Adkins, a dedicated writer of poems, a devoted follower of the Lord, and a former army officer.

Adkins shares, “The title says it all: ‘Never a Dull Moment.’ I hope everyone enjoys reading this book of poems. I also hope that you may like it and that there may not be a dull moment in your life. Just stay in Christ.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Paul Adkins’s new book is a must-read for readers who seek to be enlightened with life’s meandering circumstances and further deepen their conviction in the Lord.

Readers will also partake in resounding original verses that will warm their hearts and fill them with wistfulness.

View the synopsis of “Never A Dull Moment” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Never A Dull Moment” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Never A Dull Moment,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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United Church of God adopts national webcast for weekly service, suspends in-person gatherings for hundreds of congregations

The United Church of God is active on every inhabited continent.

The United Church of God, an International Association, is active on every inhabited continent.

We invite any and all to join us online…God is indeed a refuge for those who seek Him.

“The safety and well-being of our members and families comes first, so we have adopted an expanded online format for our church services on the weekly Sabbath,” said Victor Kubik, president of the United Church of God, an International Association. “This will continue for the next several weeks, allowing the time needed for this coronavirus crisis to safely abate.”

“We invite any and all to join us online on Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. EDT,” he continued. “Although I know all of our members in hundreds of congregations worldwide would prefer to worship and fellowship in person, this online church service gives us all an opportunity to be united together regardless of national borders or inability to travel.”

The United Church of God is also exploring opportunities for online hymn sings and songs of praise. The URL for the global online service is

“We consider these positive actions to be biblical in nature, and remain supportive of our respective governments and public health departments in both their self-quarantine measures and setting aside a time of prayer to seek and honor God,” Mr. Kubik said. “God is indeed a refuge for those who seek Him.”

The church first suspended services in the United States and international areas on March 14. Steve Myers, a host of the Beyond Today television program and local Cincinnati pastor, delivered the online sermon from the church’s home office.

Interested people can also access a wide variety of archived sermons from United Church of God ministers and presentations of the Beyond Today television program at Search for topics online.

Local congregations of the United Church of God in cities around the world will also be making arrangements for online worship services and opportunities to worship together for the Christian Passover and the contemporary observation of the Days of Unleavened Bread from a New Testament Christian perspective.

“Observing these days is critically important to us, as we mark the death and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as our Passover lamb,” said Mr. Kubik. “We as modern day disciples of Jesus Christ follow the admonition of the apostle Paul, as he instructed the disciples living in the ancient Greek city of Corinth, ‘Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth’” (1 Corinthians 5:8, English Standard Version).

Biblical scholars note that this statement referred to the Greek Christians in Corinth observing the Days of Unleavened Bread, a period of seven days where disciples of Jesus Christ remove leavened products and refrain from eating same. “The ‘puffing up’ nature of leaven is pictured as a metaphor for the process that leads to Christian sin,” explained Mr. Kubik. “During His ministry, Jesus Christ magnified the traditional Hebrew understanding of the Passover and high days, setting us an example.”

The annual Passover service will now be conducted by baptized members in their homes, with an option to link to a live webcast. The Passover service, which includes the taking of a small amount of wine and unleavened bread as the biblical symbols of the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, will be conducted after sunset on Wednesday, April 8. The first Holy Day of the seven-day Festival of Unleavened Bread will take place on April 9, followed by a second Holy Day on April 15. Online services will be conducted on those days.

The Church also changed its planned annual business meeting of church ministers at its General Conference of Elders (GCE) in early May, to a videoconference. Church GCE activities required by the Church’s Bylaws will be conducted online.

About the United Church of God, an International Association: More information about the United Church of God is available at . The Church publishes a Bible study guide titled “God’s Holy Day Plan – The Promise of Hope for All Mankind ,”which describes the biblical foundation for the ancient Hebrew Holy Days in detail. The Church publishes the Beyond Today magazine and sponsors the weekly television program (now airing on WGN-America on Saturdays and Sundays) of the same name: Beyond Today .

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Inspiration from the Heart of Jesus Christ” is a collection of devotional verse for spiritual contemplation

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Tommie Lindsey has published his latest book “Word of Our Lord: Inspiration from the Heart of Jesus Christ”: a compilation of prose exploring a myriad of tenets of the Christian faith.

“Word of Our Lord Inspiration from the Heart of Jesus Christ” is a book of spiritual prose that is meant to lead those who do not know the Lord Christ, those who accept Christ as Savior into a closer walk with Him, and those who have fallen away back into His redemptive embrace. The author, Tommie Lindsey, was truly inspired by the Father, through His Holy Spirit, to write this book. Each selection is divinely inspired.

Published by Page Publishing, Tommie Lindsey’s engrossing book is a spiritual resource for daily devotion, prayer, and contemplation.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Word of Our Lord: Inspiration from the Heart of Jesus Christ” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not mired in logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and so on. Page’s accomplished writers and publishing professionals allow authors to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Sherryl Brown’s newly released “A Twenty-First-Century Psalter” is composed of 150 devotional psalms

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“A Twenty-First-Century Psalter”: a fascinating account that helps the readers build and sustain their strong faith in God. “A Twenty-First-Century Psalter” is the creation of published author Sherryl Brown, a retired community college professor who has lived a life of adventure and experiential learning, which early on sparked an abiding interest in art and philosophy. She has devoted her life to serve as an educator, writer, and volunteer.

Brown writes, “This volume is structurally similar to the 150 ancient songs of the Bible attributed to King David. However, the content is based on modern thought in the continuing quest for spiritual enlightenment. The songs turn away from revenge and fear giving today’s reader a contemporary approach to sustaining their faith. Each stanza was written as a prayer, or a plea to God, not just for mercy for us, but for strength to be merciful to others. Just as the twenty-third psalm comforts us in our grief, so do these psalms show us a pathway to healing when death robs us of those we love. Each song has been written from a theme that was chosen for its relevance.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Sherryl Brown’s new book shares a fascinating experience with the readers as every page in this book tells them a message that will give them hints in finding the spiritual enlightenment that they have been looking for.

This book will help readers communicate, for each stanza of the song written on every page of this craft serves as prayer or a plea to God so they may be able to see the mercy of Christ and be merciful to others as well.

View a synopsis of “A Twenty-First-Century Psalter” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Twenty-First-Century Psalter” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Twenty-First-Century Psalter,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Donald Evans’s newly released “Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!” is a story that gives the readers strength and courage to overcome demons

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“Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!”: a masterful handbook filled with revelations that will bring deliverance to the readers in the name of Christ Jesus. “Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!” is the creation of published author Donald Evans, a brave man who has surpassed the challenges of the demons through Christ.

Evans writes, “People of all genders and ages of the nation and all nations throughout the land is at war with invisible spirit beings, spirit enemies, demonic forces, and demon spirits within themselves, internally and externally in spiritual warfare, living and fighting among demonic forces in all areas of life without one’s knowledge.

“Demon spirits are not made of flesh and blood. They are the invisible enemies in the physical realm and biologically in the spirit realm. Demonization covers all areas of human lives and all levels of governments, even our own.

“The weeds and the wheat describe how demonization has some of the world population believe they are the opposite sex. Some male genders believe they are the opposite sex. Some female genders believe they are the opposite sex. And some of both genders believe he or she is of both genders, which classifies them as bisexual or having an orientation to a person of either sex. This means demonization has brought spiritual conflict upon nations throughout the land.

“Only Jehovah God’s Word, the Holy Bible, can we, mankind, have victory over the invisible spirit enemies (adversaries) of the earth and in our governments at all levels.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Donald Evans’s new book is an insightful book that is full of revelations that the world population is experiencing that are demonically controlled without human knowledge.

With this purpose, Evans aims to open the minds and eyes of the readers through the many spiritual encounters and confrontations the author has experienced over the years with invisible spirit beings—the demons.

View a synopsis of “Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Diane Summers’s newly released “No Words, Only Tears” is a compelling memoir that shares the author’s experience of depression and her journey to survive

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“No Words, Only Tears”: A profound narrative that will help readers cope and be inspired to fight depression and trauma through a strong faith in God. “No Words, Only Tears” is the real-life account of published author Diane Summers, a woman who was deeply traumatized by her childhood growing up in poverty and isolation in the backwoods of the Ottawa Valley. As an adult she spent her early years of employment as a bookkeeper and later, became a volunteer lay counselor in an effort to help others.

Summers writes, “No Words, Only Tears resonated within my entire being from the moment I first decided to write this book. Tears, not words, more fittingly encapsulate my painful search for selfhood and wellness. For most of my life, tears spoke for me when I was too enmeshed in feelings and fears to express what had been my reality as I grew up. After years of struggle, I moved past emotions, and tears turned into words quite easily spoken. In them, I found strength and new hope.”

“My path to find my true self has wound its way precariously from accepting and healing the hurt child within me to the realization that I am, indeed, a person—a loved and loving child of God. In therapy, they say that ‘the only way out of our pain is through it.’ No Words, Only Tears is the story of my journey through the pain of depression to find a peace that only God can give.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Diane Summers’s new book is a stirring account that opens the hearts of readers, enabling them to feel and realize that they are God’s children no matter what situation they are in, or dealing with in life.

With this purpose, Summers conveys to readers that tears are not a sign of weakness in dealing with problems and frustrations; sometimes, tears are the only way traumatized individuals can express the pain they feel within their hearts.

View a synopsis of “No Words, Only Tears” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “No Words, Only Tears” at traditional brick and mortar bookstores, or online at,, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “No Words, Only Tears,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Shunned by the Congregation After Drug Rehab?

No Shame in Christian Drug Alcohol Rehab

Today, millions of Americans struggle with substance use disorder, otherwise known as addiction. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a service provided by the government, suggests that over 19 million people are addicted. That same study goes on to say that only 11% of those ever seek out treatment, or rehab.

Taking that first step to recover from an addiction is difficult, bordering on impossible for many. Insurance helps with financial barriers, government regulation like the Affordable Care Act and Americans with Disability Act remove barriers relating to work and school, and many rehab facilities offer child-care and support as part of rehab. So, what’s stopping people from getting help? Many face immense pressure from social circles, including Church congregations, one tends to hide their addictions and problems, and then try to present an outward face of being a good Christian.

That’s important if one is concerned about they will be treated by their congregation after rehab. Answering this question is complex, because people are complex, but whatever the answer is should not stop one from attending rehab and recovering their health.

Being Honest with Congregation

The smaller ones community, the less likely one could hide anything from them. Moreover, one shouldn’t try. It’s important to be honest, to talk about ones struggles with addiction, about ones choice to move into recovery, and about where one is now.

People are people, so chances are not every single person will understand. One might not want to talk about this openly to their full congregation. However, one can discuss details with the pastor in private, talk to him about how one feels, about how hard they’re working, and about how one needs the support of their congregation.

  • Be honest with the pastor, follow up with the congregation based on his recommendations
  • Be prepared to answer questions
  • Consider checking in with the congregation. How many days clean/sober? Are there struggles with cravings today and does one need help fighting their demons? Does one want people to pray for them and their success?
  • Don’t try to hide the depth or length of ones addiction. Ones recovery is about coming clean and building a new creation that one can be proud of.
  • One might also be surprised to learn that many of their congregation have likely had their own struggles with substance use disorders. 1 in 10 Americans will struggle with a substance use disorder during their lifetime, so chances are, someone in their congregation is, has been, or personally knows an addict. They might understand more than one might think.

Seeking Treatment Is Seeking Forgiveness

Taking the first step to attend Christian addiction treatment is a massive step. It requires stepping back from ones ego and self-delusions and recognizing that you they’re not in control. It means recognizing that one is wrong, and their behavior and decisions have led them astray and away from God. It also means acknowledging that one needs help. Seeking help and availing one self of the help available is the ultimate surrender to God and his ability to provide for them.

That’s important when one moves back to their Church, they may have made mistakes, but one has recognized them. One might have gone astray but now are actively working to put ones self back on the righteous path. Still returning to our congregation as a sinner, but all our sinners.

If ones congregation isn’t aware of that, one may be able to discuss it with them, ask the Pastor to, or otherwise prove it by continuing to show humility and commitment to change.

12-Step Support

Most congregations offer a lot of support for individuals in recovery. Some offer groups, sober parties and events, and will offer opportunities to volunteer and engage with the community as you re-discover yourself and what we want to do. But, it’s not the same as being in a community made up of people who know what we’re going through.

12-Step groups offer Faith-centered support for individuals recovering from addiction. Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous focus on surrendering to the higher power of God in order to recover, finding real humility as motivation to change, and actively working to improve and change yourself. You’ll also get support from your peers, including a Sponsor who has been in recovery long enough to know what everything is like so that they can guide you.

12-Step groups offer social motivation, accountability, and an outlet to share progress, talk about cravings, and discuss experiences. It can allow you to grow, validate your feelings, and talk about things in a non-judgmental environment, without fear of being shamed or shunned.

Committing to Change

Our congregation is unlikely to shun one outright, but some members may be surprised by your revelation. This is especially true if they were unaware that you struggled with a substance use disorder before. However, we can rebuild our relationships, rebuild our standing in the church, and this time on an actual basis of mutual trust and understanding.

  • Be humble, acknowledge that we all have made mistakes
  • Emphasize that we are working to repair those mistakes
  • Take steps to make reparations where necessary or relevant (12 Step groups will support this as well)
  • Contribute to the community
  • Consistently share our progress or lack of it with the community
  • Recovering from an addiction is difficult. We cannot do it alone. While the first step is to seek out professional help in the form of therapy, behavioral therapy, and sometimes medication-assisted treatment, the second step is always to find support and – motivation in your community. Your congregation should be a part of that as much as possible, because they will help you to find the spiritual fulfillment and balance you need to be truly happy.

While all congregations should be understanding, it’s up to us to prove that we are changing and work towards your sobriety goal to gain acceptance and trust.

If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse, please contact Christians Drug Rehab to learn more about our program. Our dedicated team can help you break the cycle of addiction and manage any co-occurring mental health condition that may accompany you or your loved one’s disorder.

HELP CAN’T WAIT, CALL NOW (844) 577-1234

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