Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

The Temptation of Christ” Director debuts First Film during Holy Week

40: The Temptation of Christ (2020)

We wanted to step inside this story, feel these struggles with Christ, and then let Him lead us out of them.

The movie, 40: The Temptation of Christ, hails from FaithWorks Pictures, an independent Christian Film Production Company based in Southern California that aims to deliver the Gospel message through motion pictures. Gravitas Ventures, a worldwide film distributor and subsidiary of Red Arrow Studios is releasing the film in the USA and Canada on Tuesday April 7, 2020.

This is Douglas James Vail’s directorial debut. In collaboration with screenwriter Reed Lackey, Douglas independently funded, produced and directed the film. The story of the Temptation of Christ is described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus Christ was led by the Holy Spirit into the Judean Desert for 40 days and nights. During this time, Satan came to Jesus Christ and tempted him.

Available on DVD, BLU RAY, and VIDEO ON DEMAND everywhere, the film explores multiple themes: the urgency of faith, the need for God, God’s pursuit of people, and the relentless efforts of the Enemy to undermine our hope, our future, and our character. The Enemy challenges us with deceivingly tempting choices that lead us away from God and into destruction. The movie arrives at a time when the country is looking for answers to its toughest questions. The safety and well-being of the American people is rocked by a war against the pandemic that President Trump refers to as “The Invisible Enemy.”

Douglas James Vail said, “No one could have predicted the Coronavirus Pandemic would coincide with the release of the film. The public health crisis forced us to reroute our distribution strategy because our theatrical plans were forced to cancel. To me, delaying the film was not an option because the film is needed now more than ever. Fortunately our distribution partner, Gravitas Ventures, worked closely with us to ensure a timely Holy Week release leading up to Easter.”

The writer of film, Reed Lackey, was tasked with the enormous challenge to write a full-length feature that centers around a biblical account described in less than 400 words. It was important to Lackey that his screenplay would intrigue the audience, raise challenging questions, offer insight into the Temptations themselves, and provide clarity to the Gospel message. Lackey was committed to maintaining reverence for the sacred texts, while exploring the story and its themes in an inventive and unique way.

“The biggest creative challenge,” Lackey said, “was to tell a story countless people think they already know in a way that makes it feel fresh and new. We didn’t want a new story, but we wanted it to strike each of us in a new way. What would these temptations look like? How could we present them as both deeply personal and also broadly universal? Because these aren’t relics of history; these choices face us every day. We wanted to step inside this story, feel these struggles with Christ, and then let Him lead us out of them.”

Among several creative ideas explored in the story, the film uses specific verses from scripture to give voice to its lead, Jesus Christ. Every word spoken by Jesus, in the film, is taken directly from books in the Bible. In addition to that, the film weaves in childhood memories of Jesus which provides the viewer detailed insight to his parents, provoking further contemplation as to what it might have looked like to raise the Son of God.

Vail added, “Mary and Joseph were chosen to care for this child, the Son of God. If you think about it, it’s the greatest privilege and weight at the same time. For most of us, who are parents, we will have the opportunity to stumble while we influence our children the best way we know how. Mary and Joseph were asked to do so much more. The role of a father and mother is so desperately important and this film reminds us all of the priority of family. The role each parent has and the gift of service we give to our children is so vital to repairing the domestic church, the family, the building block of America. Children are gifts from God. We honor God when we raise our children. As fathers, we must be attentive to our children and stay present. As mothers we must nurture our children and keep them encouraged. As husband and wives we must be pillars together and learn to love and forgive. We all make mistakes, we need to love more. The American family needs a comeback. It’s time to make families great again. Hopefully this film will move the needle forward, help move America forward. I always believed, in my heart, this film would play a unique role in society because it always felt much bigger than me. I am so incredibly grateful I was used by God for this purpose.”

It is the hope of the filmmaker that audiences approach this film, not merely as an entertainment piece, but as a thoughtful and prayerful meditation on a vital, timeless story. The creative team wants to invoke your curiosity, contemplate the mystery of life, hear scripture read aloud, and awaken your spirit to the God of the Universe who is pursuing you.

About FaithWorks Pictures

Faithworks Pictures launched by Douglas James Vail in 2017. It is an Independent Film Production Company that aims to glorify God through motion picture. Faithworks Pictures does this by making films about His Son. This means each film must speak of either who Christ is (His Character), what Christ Says (His Word), and what Christ is doing (His Mission). To put it simply, every story has a hero. The hero of each and every story we tell is Jesus.

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The Saga Of Red Dog” begins the fascinating story of Red’s canine life.

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“Red: The Saga Of Red Dog”: a gripping tale that contains a profound purpose of inspiring the readers and dog lovers with Red’s true story of her difficulties in life. “Red: The Saga Of Red Dog” is the creation of published author R.C. Besteder, a retired lieutenant colonel. He served as senior pastor of six churches over the course of twenty-one years and was a chaplain in the USAF for twenty-one years as well.

Besteder shares, “Red, The Saga of Red Dog, is the first of two volumes on a redbone hound of wolf mix that became a ferial dog and one of her pups, ‘Rot.’ In this book and the second, two significant questions asked by dog lovers are answered. The first has to do with whether a dog has a soul and the second is whether a dog has an afterlife? Question one is answered in the first book and question two will be answered in the second. Red was a real dog but her story is presented in a fictional narrative. A principle is illustrated namely that the righteous care for their animals. As opposed to animal abuse, what happened to Red, is intended to enlighten readers on the proper way to treat one’s dog. There is mystery in the composition of Red. It’s left to the reader to pick up the many hints the author has in mind and in one special instance what appears to be a contradiction has a deeper meaning for the reader to comprehend. This book is quite educational and will contribute to the reader’s knowledge and appreciation of dogs. The background of the early life of Red is one in which the author was reared and is presented with great detail and accuracy. Note Red’s first Christmas. The raccoon hunt was an actual experience of the writer. Red born in Pennsylvania runs with wolves through New York and into Canada, and in her sojourn ends up in Florida. Red is fast moving and exciting. It was written with great emotion and it is hoped that you will be inwardly compelled to follow the good against evil plot to the completion of Rot, son of Red.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, R.C. Besteder’s new book is the stirring story of a dog and her life. Here, readers will find the answer to the question of whether a dog has a soul. Likewise, they will be illuminated with the proper way of treating dogs, which will greatly help to avoid cases of abuse.

View a synopsis of “Red: The Saga Of Red Dog” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Red: The Saga Of Red Dog” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Red: The Saga Of Red Dog,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Religious Organizations Can Now Accept Clean, Cashless Offerings

Religious Giving Donation Device

“Contactless technology supports social distancing and opens doors to receive larger donations, more often.”

Contactless technology makes giving clean and easy. Karma Payments, in collaboration with Visa, makes donations safe, secure, and simple. Religious groups will empower healthy giving opportunities by accepting contactless pay—Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, plus Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards, American Express, and Discover—with a complimentary online donation page or user-friendly collection device.

Modernizing how offerings are received is helpful and healthful; trading cash for cashless reduces the spread of dangerous germs. According to an article in Forbes, a World Health Organization spokesperson advised “people should use contactless payment technology where possible.” One-time and recurring contributions may be made anytime, anywhere with digital technology. No hand-to-hand contact with people, currency, viruses, or traditional terminals required. Custom-made donation kiosks are renewed offering baskets; multimedia displays engage donors, with or without an attendant.

Instant Karma—a self-serve, cashless donation collection device—helps increase tithes and offerings up to 600%. Donors simply select the amount and tap, dip, or swipe for instant giving. The device may be logo branded, vinyl-wrapped, and integrated into an existing offering box in any holy place, temple, sanctuary, cathedral, mosque, shrine, chapel, synagogue, or house of worship. It can also be placed in a local market or community gathering place to maximize financial gifts of gratitude. Instant Karma may be purchased, leased monthly, or rented for one-time events.

“Our transcendent products support social distancing and open doors to receive larger donations, more often,” says Chris Fleisch, co-founder and vice president, Karma Payments. “We believe in providing advantageous and hygienic solutions at minimum cost—granting more funds to assist where needed most.”

All faiths can benefit from all-inclusive payment solutions. Intuitive software tracks data and strategically manages offerings and donor databases. Customized online donation pages are convenient, user-friendly, and created by Karma Payments at no extra cost. Instant Karma devices are controlled through a centralized, web-based platform, and provide instantaneous statistics on every donation, including first and last name of benefactor. Religious leaders can forecast giving cycles. Reports can be generated based on transaction time period, site, device identifier, patron information, and dollar amount.

Heralding religious donations takes coordination and compassion; Karma Payments will illuminate the way from cash to contactless with a rewarding program that uplifts communities. A devoted team offers informative user education programs and develops content tailored specifically for every organization. Impeccable customer support is available around the clock, across the globe.

About Karma Payments

Karma Payments’ mission is to “Make a Positive and Lasting Impact in the World” by providing secure, purpose-driven, cost effective, and innovative payment solutions for nonprofit clients. We extend our global reach as Payter’s nonprofit partner in North America. For more information about Karma Payments, their products, and services visit or contact a nonprofit specialist at

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Mary Magdalene’s Stations of the Cross

Mary Magdalene saw everything in her world fall apart – she had no idea that a miracle was going to happen Sunday morning. That same test of faith and courage is what people are facing today. Mary Magdalene’s experience gives us hope!

“Mary Magdalene’s Stations of the Cross” is a surprising, beautiful and uplifting little book that brings fresh energy to a centuries-old Good Friday tradition reframing the events from the perspective of Mary Magdalene, interweaving them with history, archeology and gorgeous photos of the actual sites on the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem.

“Perhaps surprisingly, there is a great deal the Stations that can help us in dealing with a crisis, once you humanize the Stations and bring them to life”, notes author Ann Regimbal “The people we encounter – Mary Magdalene, Simon of Cyrene, Veronica, Joseph of Arimathea – these were all ordinary people who stepped up and did something noble amidst a horrific situation – even if it was something small. Each of the 14 Stations in the book are designed to help people tap into that nobility – to bring the very best of themselves to the tough issues that we confront in facing a crisis.”

Regimbal largely avoids the age-old debate over WHAT Mary Magdalene was – the penitent prostitute of European art of the secret wife of the Da Vinci Code – and focuses instead on WHO she was: A strong courageous woman, virtually unstoppable at the time of the crucifixion! But the author notes that Mary Magdalene, herself, probably faltered at times, “Easter Saturday must have been a ‘dark night of soul’ for her. She had just seen everything in her world fall apart. She had no idea what was going to happen the very next day! That same test of faith and courage amidst an entirely different sort of crisis is what people are facing right now. And they need hope. Mary Magdalene’s experience gives us hope.”

Perhaps equally important at the time of COVID-19, “Mary Magdalene’s Stations of the Cross” enables those who can’t attend church this year to partake in a unique Good Friday/Easter experience – an armchair spiritual exercise using the actual sites of the Stations in Jerusalem with plenty of history and archeology woven in. A final chapter is devoted to the archeological finds at Magdala, Israel and the insights they provide on Mary Magdalene’s life there, including a first century synagogue where Jesus undoubtedly preached and a Jewish purification bath, or miqva’ot, she may even have bathed in, herself. A portion of the proceeds from book sales will be donated to the ongoing archeology at Magdala.

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Rudolf Duerksen’s newly released “Death At The Grass Huts” is a compelling memoir about refugees in South America that allows readers to see the other side of the world

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“Death At The Grass Huts: A Story of God’s Grace and Human Endeavor”: an engrossing narrative that talks about the human endeavor in relying on God’s encompassing mercy and grace. “Death At The Grass Huts: A Story of God’s Grace and Human Endeavor” is the creation of published author Rudolf Duerksen, a person who spent his early years living the pioneer lifestyle in a Mennonite colony in the harsh climate of the Grand Chaco.

Duerksen writes, “Growing up in the vast Paraguayan wilderness of thorn trees, snakes, and unreached indigenous tribes that threaten his family’s survival, Rudolf Duerksen takes the reader on a journey of the harsh realities faced by Mennonite settlers in South America.

“Told from the perspective of the first generation born to Russian Mennonite refugees that settled in the Gran Chaco in Paraguay, “Death At The Grass Huts” is a memoir about human endeavor and reliance on God’s grace in the face of adversity.

“There are stories about making the first contact with indigenous tribes to developing a thriving economy alongside them—stories about misfortune and great personal sacrifice it took to turn Latin America’s ‘green hell’ into a prosperous community,” says Duerksen.

“Along the way, Duerksen finds himself cutting wheat fields in Kansas to delivering groceries on the narrow streets of old town Basel in Switzerland—from loading a plane in Texas headed to South America full of cows to starting a home for abandoned children on the gritty streets of Asuncion.

“In the end, these stories are all about revealing our shared humanity and what’s possible when we follow God’s leading.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Rudolf Duerksen’s new book is an enthralling masterpiece that awakens the readers as the author takes them to a reality that the other side of the world is currently facing—adversity.

With this purpose, Duerksen urges the readers to rely on and have faith in God no matter what situation they are facing in life.

View a synopsis of “Death At The Grass Huts: A Story of God’s Grace and Human Endeavor” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Death At The Grass Huts: A Story of God’s Grace and Human Endeavor” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Death At The Grass Huts: A Story of God’s Grace and Human Endeavor,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Bible Prophecy Doesn’t Have To Be As Confusing and Mysterious As You Think

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If your desire is to rise above the murky waters of confusion so often attributed to the study of Bible prophecy, this book is for you.

Author Phillip G. Richards seeks to make Bible prophecy approachable to the average Bible reader in As It Was in the Days of Noah: Foundational Studies in Bible Prophecy ($22.99, paperback, 9781631290091; $34.99, hardcover, 9781631290107; $9.99, e-book, 9781631290114).

Richards covers topics such as: God’s plan of redemption for humanity in general and Israel in particular, Jesus’ predictions from Matthew 24, the consummation of the times of the Gentiles, and Paul’s revelation of the Church age and the catching away of the saints.

“If your desire is to rise above the murky waters of confusion so often attributed to the study of Bible prophecy, this book is for you,” said Richards.

As an experienced pastor, evangelist, and teacher, Dr. Phillip G. Richards understands the need for sound biblical education, especially concerning Bible prophecy and end times. After graduating from Rhema Bible College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in 1978, Dr. Richards continued his studies in theology, receiving his Th. M. and Ph. D. in theology from Life Christian University in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Richards continues to minister the Word of God as Associate Pastor at Rivers of Living Water Ministries in Elkins West Virginia, and as an instructor of theology at Victory Family Church in Cranberry, Pennsylvania.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. As It Was in the Days of Noah is available online through,, and

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Kathrine (Phillip’s) Taylor’s newly released “Choose to Be Free” is a riveting memoir a woman’s unwavering faith amid struggles and misdeeds

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“Choose to Be Free”: an inspiring narrative that tells of the real-life circumstances of the author through sin and depravity until her redemption by God that inspired her life to turn around. “Choose to Be Free” is the creation of published author Kathrine (Phillip’s) Taylor, a loving wife and mother from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Taylor shares, “This is a true story of how a beautiful black girl lived the good life, worked hard, made a living for herself, and took care of her son. Life is nice when you make it nice, and on the other hand, it could not be so nice when you make the wrong decisions. Things made a unanimous turn when I had gotten involved in crazy relationships, then came the drugs, gangsters, criminal activity, and the street life that led to years of incarceration. Her life was spiraling downhill until God set her free. That is completely free. That girl is me. This book will capture your mind and, hopefully to some, change your life forever; so sit back and enjoy this mind-blowing experience (Galatians 5:1).”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kathrine (Phillip’s) Taylor’s new book is a purposeful testament to the benevolence of God that gathers the lost and brings healing into their lives.

This book enraptures the readers’ hearts with resounding lessons that enliven the soul.

View the synopsis of “Choose to Be Free” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Choose to Be Free” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Choose to Be Free,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Haya Power’s new book “He Came to Destroy the Church” is an enlightening read about a Christian church damaged by a newly hired pastor

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Haya Power, an author writing books for Christians and other individuals interested in Christianity, has completed her new book “He Came to Destroy the Church”, a thought-provoking narrative warning church members to be very careful when selecting new leaders.

Author Power emphasizes the need for Christian believers to stay steadfast in their faith when confronted with attacks by the enemy. She thinks that her book is a must-read for all God-fearing, Bible-believing pastors who are retiring or leaving their position for any reason. It is also a must-read book by readers who are searching for a Christian church led by a God fearing, Bible-believing pastor. The book gives examples of some tricks and techniques used by pastors who are pretenders and are devil worshippers, not godly pastors. Her hope is that after reading this book, Christians will thank God and become stronger in faith, realizing that God is the only way and stronger than any devil.

In summary, Power prays that her book will help make the reader’s faith in God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) stronger!

Published by Page Publishing, Haya Power’s book may increase Christians’ awareness of the dangers that could face their church family if they are not careful when selecting a new pastor.

Readers who wish to experience this perspicacious work can purchase “He Came to Destroy the Church” at bookstores everywhere or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional full-service publishing house that handles all of the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create, not bogged down with complicated business issues like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and the like. Its roster of authors can leave behind these tedious, complex, and time-consuming issues, and focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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M. G. Vargas’s newly released “Retorno” is an enthralling novel about a battle between the forces of light and darkness that decides the fate of a village

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“Retorno”: an exhilarating read that revolves around an old village haunted by a malevolent wizard that led to a force of goodness sending two characters to become deliverers. “Retorno” is the creation of published author M. G. Vargas, a student of theoretical physics in Spain and a resident of Texas.

Vargas shares, “Due to his knowledge in quantum physics and his paranormal experiences, M. G. Vargas turns out to be an excellent fiction narrator. ‘Retorno’ is a story that tells how it is that a large part of the inhabitants of an old village—today the Cayman Islands—are marked by a curse. A powerful wizard named Kendor, the “Warlock of the Talking Jaguar,” returns from the underworld to exact revenge on the descendants of those who, one day, took his life by burning him alive. When the forces of the youngest are unleashed, those of good do too. On this occasion, two curious characters are sent by the Great Power—a young and sentimental pirate who lived in past centuries and his strange parrot who speaks more than a politician—in this unequal struggle that we hold day after day against the beings of darkness. Believe it, you and I are never alone.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, M. G. Vargas’s new book blends action and wit in chronicling the circumstances of the protagonists who are thrust into the unbalanced supernatural war that cursed an island and its inhabitants.

Written in Spanish, this masterpiece captures the beauty of foreign magic and enthralls readers with eye-popping scenes filled with enchantment and adventure.

View the synopsis of “Retorno” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Retorno” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Retorno,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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A Christmas Story” shares a delightful tale of angels and heavens and the Savior’s birth

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“Lo and Behold: A Christmas Story”: a wonderfully illustrated story of angels as they prepare for Angel Gabriel’s coming and his good news to share to the rest of the world. “Lo and Behold: A Christmas Story” is the creation of published author Sally Breeze Green, a ruling elder at First Presbyterian Church in Midland, Texas, in the area of prayer ministry. She has served most of her adult life in local church setting in various capacities.

Green writes, “Lo and Behold came into being as the result of being awakened during the night and feeling nudged by the Holy Spirit to write down what came to me. The story simply wrote itself as it flowed out of my pen, and I was amazed at the result!

“The name came from my father-in-law, telling me with tongue in cheek Lo and Behold were the two most famous angels in Scripture since it was written many times: ‘Lo, the angel of the Lord’ and ‘Behold, the angel of the Lord.’

“I dedicate this book in his memory and in honor of my grandchildren.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Sally Breeze Green’s new book shares with the children and adults alike a fun and heartfelt creation that will take them beyond the stars as the angels of heaven get ready for Angel Gabriel’s news of the sacred birth of the Savior.

View a synopsis of “Lo and Behold: A Christmas Story” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Lo and Behold: A Christmas Story” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Lo and Behold: A Christmas Story,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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