Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Pastor A. E. Ellis’s newly released “Godly Instructions for Christian Men” is an insightful account that instills spiritual virtues for the Christian men’s enlightenment

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“Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father”: a thought-provoking opus that treasures reverberating instructions that desire the nurture of men of God and lead them to realize their true purpose as good and exemplary Christians. “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father” is the creation of published author Pastor A. E. Ellis, a pastor of a nondenominational church in North Little Rock City, Arkansas.

Pastor Ellis shares, “The main purpose for publishing this book is to give godly instructions to the men of God to help them fully understand what God has commanded of them to be godly men—godly husbands and godly fathers—and be a godly example for others to follow and live a life well pleasing to God.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Pastor A. E. Ellis’s new book is a comprehensive study that outlines biblical references and teachings that highlight the truth of what it means to be men in stewardship and reverence to Christ.

This book emphasizes on patience, understanding, and anticipation in learning the Bible and using it as the cornerstone in building toward a fulfilling and noteworthy Christian manhood.

View the synopsis of “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Neither Death, Nor Life, Nor Angels, Nor Principalities…Nor Basketball

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Athletes across the board, not just basketball players, will be able to relate to the truths taught in No Other Gods

Author Kari Kieper shares Scriptural guidance for athletes wishing to give Christ His rightful place in their lives in No Other Gods: Pursuing Your Passion for Jesus and Basketball ($13.49, paperback, 9781631291296; $26.99, dust jacket, 9781631291302; $6.99, e-book, 9781631291319).

Dedicated athletes are used to putting everything else aside for their craft. However, Jesus Christ wants to be first in every believer’s life and nothing should come before Him. Kieper has compiled a collection of relevant, basketball-related devotionals to teach disciples how to excel in sports and still keep their eyes on the ultimate prize.

“Athletes across the board, not just basketball players, will be able to relate to the truths taught in No Other Gods,” said Kieper.

Kari Kieper writes from the experience gained through 20 years of discipleship and 10 years of coaching. She played basketball throughout high school and college, as well as developing herself in other sports. She has run two full marathons and three half marathons and is a two-time winning club champion in golf.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. No Other Gods is available online through,, and

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Award-Winning Author, Larry Fowler, Giving Away His Bestselling Book, Dare to Live Greatly, Comparing Navy SEAL Training to Christian Living While Fighting Covid-19

In today’s increasingly secular world, it’s becoming tougher to live a Christian life. In fact, in Dare to Live Greatly, L.C. (Larry) Fowler, a graduate of Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) Class 89, argues that to follow Christ today requires Navy SEAL-like toughness. No matter how dire the circumstances, a SEAL will never give up—nor should any Christian.

With the coronavirus sweeping the world this Easter Sunday, here are a few tips from the lens of Christian warrior:

(1)    You’re not in control so why worry? It’s a waste of time to worry about what you cannot control. Worry will not add one minute to your life and makes it impossible for you to be a light for others or fulfill your God-given purpose. Bottom line, don’t be a burden on others, or worse—a faith coward.

(2)    Listen wisely. Live wisely. God gave you science so do your due diligence. Practice safe distancing, wash your hands, and stay away from groups.

(3)    Be active and be Jesus. Find opportunities to serve a retired neighbor, someone who is ill and needs groceries. If avoiding physical contact, make calls to let others know you care. If we do not take action to love others, we’re nothing more than a “clanging cymbal.”

What a great time to think about our God-given purpose on Easter Sunday—how we can best serve and love others. With 90% of our thoughts about self, can you imagine how much less anxiety we’d have in America if we could reframe our self-focus to become others-focused?

Our BUD/S class 89 motto was “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.” Our class plaque with these inscribed words remains in the BUD/S compound in Coronado, CA, today. The advice couldn’t be timelier during COVID-19. Don’t become burdened with fear, anxieties, or worry but keep moving forward. Believe. Trust. And always thrive forward like a Navy SEAL fighting to survive training.

You can download Dare to Live Greatly free through Easter. This not just another SEAL book.

No other book juxtaposes Christian living to something as demanding as Hell Week, the Tijuana mud flats, or Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training in Coronado, California.

Last week the secular Nonfiction Authors Association awarded Dare to Live Greatly its highest award commenting, “(this book) wouldn’t normally be my choice of book, but it draws you in to see links between being a SEAL and a Christian. This is a powerful story that will resonate with many readers, whatever their religious beliefs.”

A Medal of Honor Gold Star family member who lost his brother in the Vietnam War sent this note to Fowler, “I am enclosing my brother Mike’s challenge coin to thank you for not only serving our country but for opening up to tell the world about your Christianity… You are truly a ‘breath of fresh air’ in our crazy society of today.”

Raised in Rossville, Georgia, Fowler gave up college to follow his dream of attending Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) training and become a famed member of the Navy Special Warfare community. The only problem was he didn’t know how to swim.

According to S. Rawding, SEAL, BUD/S Class 89 classmate, “I witnessed this man who would rather drown trying than give up his dream of becoming a SEAL. Larry became a shining example of never giving up on your dream.”

Fowler was selected by his peers at Navy basic training as their “Honor Man,” and was an invited guest at the White House. More importantly, he has trained with Christian personnel across the globe, including Pakistan, Indonesia, China, and other countries at all organizational levels.

Fowler now resides in Destin, Florida. He is a Lymphoma cancer survivor and he has learned to live each day to the max.

Download Dare to Live Greatly now through April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday).

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Susan Maluschka’s newly released “Nameless Women of The Bible” is a potent creation that sheds light on the rest of the key women of the Bible

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“Nameless Women of The Bible”: an illuminating and relevant study that dives into the background of women who were not given enough recognition in the Bible but played an equally important role in the biblical history. “Nameless Women of The Bible” is the creation of published author Susan Maluschka, a member of the LCMS. Her studies are based on the teachings of the Lutheran Church. When she is not creating Bible studies, she enjoys spoiling her children and grandson, traveling, and writing a blog. She lives in Victoria, Texas, with her husband, Charlie.

Maluschka shares, “Eve, Sarah, Ruth, Mary—we are very familiar with these biblical women and we know their stories by heart, but what about the women we are not given names for? There are many women in the Bible that give us their stories, but we have no idea what their name is. Some were positive role models in showing us how to live Christian lives, and some were examples of what not to do. It doesn’t matter if their contribution takes up a paragraph or a single sentence; we can learn from these nameless women. This study will help you to put yourself in their shoes. These wives, daughters, and mothers each played a part in God’s plan for the world and have a story to tell. By going through each instance carefully, we might begin to see them in a different light and discover a lesson we didn’t even know was there.

“Everyone plays a part in God’s plan for this world, and it’s time these ladies received some recognition for their efforts. Nameless Women of the Bible is a twelve-part study that looks deeper into the stories of these women, from their family relationships to the impact their actions have on the community. Once again, their actions speak, and we have only to listen and learn.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Susan Maluschka’s new book is a brilliant manuscript that shares to the readers significant personalities who also played important roles in God’s plan. Here, everyone can take part in these women’s stories and see the wonder in their goodness and faith.

View a synopsis of “Nameless Women of The Bible” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Nameless Women of The Bible” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Nameless Women of The Bible,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Reverend Terry Loomis’s newly released “Controversial Bible Topics” is a compelling novel that opens a discourse on controversial subjects in the Bible

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“Controversial Bible Topics”: an important read on issues that revolve around the pages of the Bible from a different perspective. “Controversial Bible Topics” is the creation of published author Reverend Terry Loomis, a minister who was ordained into pastoral ministry back in 2004. From 2014 to present, God has brought him back to teaching and ministering to His people. God has also blessed him with an engineering career of 45 years.

Reverend Loomis shares, “Two friends of mine, Reverend Thurman Harris and Bishop Bill Dishman, inspired me to write this book. We would often talk of the differences in the theology of various churches on many topics.

“I tested some of these topics by the text in the Bible, looking to verify each viewpoint from their perspective. I tested these topics using the Bible verses in the way that they would apply them. By taking the Bible verses within their context, we can see if they are demonstrating support for their particular topical viewpoints. I have provided the Bible verses using the King James version. In some cases, I also provided commentaries on the Bible verses that may aid in their understanding.

“By writing this book, I realize that there will always be some people that will feel that their viewpoint is more correct in any case.

“The Bible, having been given to us by the Holy Spirit, is for two purposes: one to instruct us for spiritual growth, the second is how to seek and to save that which is lost leading them to salvation.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Reverend Terry Loomis’s new book brings the readers an interesting manuscript that makes aware the reality of how some are under the influence of false teachings. Hence, it carries a clearer understanding of the truths of the church.

View a synopsis of “Controversial Bible Topics” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Controversial Bible Topics” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Controversial Bible Topics,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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R.K. Sparks’s newly released “The Armies of Gog” is a gripping novel that looks closer at one man’s wars in a world filled with mess and chaos

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“The Armies of Gog”: a brilliant narrative that chronicles the adventure-mission of a Jewish-Palestinian spy in an ever-changing dysfunctional world that lacks of faith. “The Armies of Gog” is the creation of published author R.K. Sparks, a brilliant writer who creates exciting stories of fun, interest, and thrill.

Sparks shares, “Eli Grollenberg is a chameleon—a half-Jewish, half-Palestinian spy for the NSA. His ethnic flexibility, looks and build, fluency in nine languages, and technological genius makes him one of America’s greatest assets. Simply put, he can assume any one of twenty-three unique aliases, which include three women, and be dropped into nearly twenty countries virtually unnoticed.

“Following the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016, things became interesting around the world from an NSA perspective. The only thing more interesting than the brewing civil war in America was the coalition of countries assembling to come against Israel. While nothing new, this group was unique in that it included Russia and a sinister motive that could potentially change the world and fulfill hundreds of Bible prophecies.

“In a world of uncertainty and potential nuclear war, Eli delivers a message of hope from the front lines.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, R.K. Sparks’s new book is an interesting fiction that accounts the life of an NSA spy and the mess of a world he’s tasked to work onto. Eli reaches out to everyone with a wish to inspire them with hope.

View a synopsis of “The Armies of Gog” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Armies of Gog” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Armies of Gog,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Rev. James K. Pritchard’s new book “God’s Design” is a Scripture-based work offering insight on divine instruction for living a Christian life on the modern era

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Rev. James K. Pritchard is an Eagle Scout and ordained minister currently serving as a volunteer senior chaplain at the Hamilton County Correctional Facility in Noblesville, Indiana, where he lives with his wife of sixteen years. He has published his latest book “God’s Design”: an intriguing biblical discussion of God’s concerning human physical life, interpersonal relationships, and faith.

“God’s Design” is about the individual’s physical needs with scripture of science. Next is relationships with friends, the opposite sex, parent to child, adult child to parents, etc., then marriage, and finally, your relationship with God.

Published by Page Publishing, Rev. James K. Pritchard’s engrossing book is an invaluable resource for Christians seeking a greater understanding of God’s word as revealed in the Bible.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “God’s Design” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not mired in logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and so on. Page’s accomplished writers and publishing professionals allow authors to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Jason Bad’s newly released “Heroes of Old” is a gripping novel about courage, belief, and a mission to save the world from the bad

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“Heroes of Old”: a potent tale about a man who is entrusted to become the hero who will save the world from completely falling into the pits of darkness. “Heroes of Old” is the creation of published author Jason Bad, a high school graduate who took on writing in the year of 2006. He has taken the initial steps to continue his work by taking two courses through the Institute of Children’s literature (ICL). As a new author, he continues his quest to improving his work through the writing world of writers alike.

Bad shares, “The first chapter of this book tells of prophetic events that are about to occur in New York City. The world as we know it will plunder into its darkest hour, and with no one to save Mother Earth, a hero will be renewed. From his nightmares, he will rise, unsure how he got to Saint Moses Hospital’s care in the first place.

“Strange but odd events start to reveal itself through Saint Moses Hospital, the nightmares becoming stronger. Dave watches helplessly and afraid of the dark images that made its presence known. He begins to believe. Not sure if he was dreaming or awake, he begins to wonder about the images in the night.

“That which was hidden in darkness has entered the world in its purest form. Unearthed from the grave they were bound to by the will of God. The task appointed to the one entrusted with the scythe of life and death is now taken by the task.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jason Bad’s new book is an interesting read that will surely grab the hearts of everyone, young and old alike, with this exciting tale following a life-changing mission. Will this hero succeed?

View a synopsis of “Heroes of Old” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Heroes of Old” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Heroes of Old,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Ollie Wright Smith’s newly released “Beauty for Ashes” is a profound testimony of a life tried by the world’s cruel tribulations

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“Beauty for Ashes”: a heartfelt retelling of a life accompanied by the Lord even in the darkest of days where sin was at its most high. “Beauty for Ashes” is the creation of published author Ollie Wright Smith, a brilliant writer who desires to inspire others with her life journey.

Smith shares, “My dear sister do not miss reading this Eye Opening, Mind Changing, Sole Saving, Life Renewing Novel. This book is worth more than your weight in Gold. This is my testimony to you from God. Even in my sinning days he was there all the time. Oh, and by the way brothers; it is good for you too.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ollie Wright Smith’s new book is a captivating testament that builds a reminder of God’s unwavering presence in one’s life despite the seemingly dimming hope.

View a synopsis of “Beauty for Ashes” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Beauty for Ashes” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Beauty for Ashes,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Arvo Pärt’s Music is an Oasis of Peace & Serenity – NEW – World-renowned Gloriae Dei Cantores releases Stabat Mater: Choral Works by Arvo Pärt

Arvo Pärt’s Music is an Oasis of Peace and Serenity in Our Times

ARVO PÄRT’s music is an oasis of peace and serenity in our times.

His music speaks contemplation and calm…

World-Renowned Gloriæ Dei Cantores releases ARVO PÄRT

Available NOW on APPLE MUSIC and Available Digitally EVERYWHERE on Good Friday (4/10)

Order the CD to SHIP to your home

Arvo Pärt’s music crosses all boundaries—from classical to jazz to pop and everything in between. There is something about the music of Arvo Pärt—his music affects all who listen. Whether you are searching for refreshment, find yourself in an impossible situation, or ache in a deep place beyond what words can express, let the glorious, yet calming music of Arvo Pärt bring you peace in these troubled times.

Music is my friend, ever-understanding. Compassionate. Forgiving, it’s a comforter, the handkerchief for drying my tears of sadness, the source of my tears of joy. My liberation and flight. But also, a painful thorn in my flesh and soul, that which makes me sober and teaches humility. –Arvo Part

Modest about his achievements yet authentically convinced about the role of his music in today’s world, Arvo Pärt (b. 1935) is today’s most performed “classical” composer. For the past forty years, Pärt’s compositions have shown and spoken the influence of multiple layers and global influences—the music of the Orthodox Church, bells, Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, a compositional technique he developed called “tintinnabuli”, and . . . silence. This particular recording offers a unique cross-section of Pärt’s choral works, revealing the heart, soul and mind of a true master of his language in both text and music.

Gloriæ Dei Cantores (Singers to the Glory of God), under the direction of Richard K. Pugsley, is dedicated to promoting the best of sacred choral music. Several years ago, they began an in depth study of Arvo Pärt, immersing themselves in his compositional style. They sang his music in worship, on tour and in an extensive concert series at the Church of the Transfiguration in Orleans, MA. Their repertoire includes Arvo Pärt’s larger works such as Passio and Stabat Mater as well as the lesser known and performed L’abbé Agathon and Berliner Mass.

In this recording, the expressive beauty and clarity of Arvo Pärt’s music shines through the joyful dance-like rhythms of Peace Upon You, Jerusalem and the glorious setting of Mary’s words in the Magnificat. The masterful L’abbé Agathon sets the scene of this ancient 4th century story of the chance (or was it?) meeting of the hermit Agathon and a leper. After several testings of the hermit’s patience and his generosity, the leper reveals himself to be an angel, and blesses the hermit Agathon, and goes on his way. The final work—a musical landmark in Pärt’s career—is Stabat Mater, written to express the passion, agony, and love of Mary at the foot of the cross of her son. Follow us on Facebook and Join Gloriae Dei Cantores Mailing List to Learn More.

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