Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Allyson Nix’s newly released “The Sleepy Sandpiper’s Awakening Vacation” is an exquisite tale of a sandpiper’s journey that inspires a wonderful lesson within his heart

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“The Sleepy Sandpiper’s Awakening Vacation”: an enjoyable children’s fable about a sandpiper’s everyday life that is filled with virtues that leave him glad and grateful. “The Sleepy Sandpiper’s Awakening Vacation” is the creation of published author Allyson Nix, a dedicated writer and family woman with diplomas from the Institute of Children’s Literature Also and Stratford Institute.

Nix shares, “‘The Sleepy Sandpiper’s Awakening Vacation’ is a children’s picture book story reflecting the times of a little sandpiper’s day-to-day life and a lesson that was learned by doing so. From meeting different animals to a strange environment only makes the little sandpiper appreciate his own surroundings by the ocean. I invite you to travel with him on a fun adventure while learning that paying attention to things around you helps in everyday life. God’s world is different in every corner of our world. He wants us to make new friends and love one another, listening to our parents and obeying what they say and loving them in return. Hold on now and see where the little sandpiper takes us and learn how he had to pay attention to get back home.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Allyson Nix’s new book is a captivating and well-conceived masterpiece that shares positive values of gratitude, hope, and belief to the youth.

This book also treasures trivia that enlightens children on the beauty and uniqueness of sandpipers and their place in Mother Nature.

View the synopsis of “The Sleepy Sandpiper’s Awakening Vacation” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Sleepy Sandpiper’s Awakening Vacation” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Sleepy Sandpiper’s Awakening Vacation,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Carl Kent’s new book “Facing the Problems of Humanity” is a Scripture-based discussion of challenging elements of modern human life in the Christian context

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Carl Kent has published his latest book “Facing the Problems of Humanity”: a faith-based work asserting the value and comfort of a biblically inspired life.

The author writes, “When we look at Society and the things that are happening around us, we see family problems and drugs on the increase, but there is hope when we allow God to be in control of our lives.

“I believe this book will help the ones that are struggling with habits that they can’t keep or control; reading it will help them understand who God is and that he loves them.

“I want society to know that there is hope with the problems that we are facing, and that we need each other because we cannot make it in this world by ourselves, we need strength and help from God.”

Published by Page Publishing, Carl Kent’s inspirational book is a collection of essays offering hope in the strength provided by an abiding faith in God.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Facing the Problems of Humanity” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not mired in logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and so on. Page’s accomplished writers and publishing professionals allow authors to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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True Accounts of God’s Intervention in My Life” is a set of stories about the divine mediation in one woman’s life

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“God Stories and Poems: True Accounts of God’s Intervention in My Life”: a book of hope that accounts circumstances in one person’s life wherein God displayed His power and love at times when she needed it. “God Stories and Poems: True Accounts of God’s Intervention in My Life” is the creation of published author Linda T. Legg, a writer who served in the ministry with her husband for six years. She enjoys teaching the adult class at her church in Belleview. She is retired and lives with her granddaughter.

Legg writes, “The short stories included in this book are all true accounts of incidents in the life of the author when God supernaturally intervened in her life or responded to her prayer. While some people may believe that it is not possible to have a personal relationship with God, the true-life incidents recorded in this book prove otherwise.

“These incidents and situations described could not have been coincidence, nor could they have occurred in the natural order of things. These are true stories about the supernatural intervention of God in the life of the author.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Linda T. Legg’s new book is an inspiring retelling of the true divine intervention that constantly took place in her life. The author wishes that through her journeys, readers will be more enlightened with God’s great power.

View a synopsis of “God Stories and Poems: True Accounts of God’s Intervention in My Life” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God Stories and Poems: True Accounts of God’s Intervention in My Life” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God Stories and Poems: True Accounts of God’s Intervention in My Life,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Theresa O’Daniell’s newly released “Miracles for Today and Tomorrow” is a thought-provoking collection of tales about everyday miracles

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“Miracles for Today and Tomorrow”: an enthralling and rousing book about the presence of the numerous miracles with which the life of one woman has been graced. “Miracles for Today and Tomorrow” is the creation of published author, Theresa O’Daniell.

O’Daniell states: “This book contains true miracles that the Lord Jesus Christ had me witness throughout my years of marriage with family. The Lord wanted me to share these stories with you. The Lord miraculously told me that the book must be called Miracles for Today and Tomorrow due to the adversities. I hope the Lord uses these true stories to encourage you and strengthen your faith.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Theresa O’Daniell’s new book is a captivating collection of tales that reveal the little and large miracles that have befallen the life of the author and which invites its readers to take faith, courage, and inspiration from those that are sure to have already befallen theirs or which might do so in future.

View a synopsis of “Miracles for Today and Tomorrow” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Miracles for Today and Tomorrow” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Miracles for Today and Tomorrow”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Lyle Hurst’s newly released “Crapped Out” shares the illuminating journey of a man who lost everything in life yet was saved by God at his last minute

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“Crapped Out: The Death of a Las Vegas Craps Dealer”: a captivating account of a life rescued by the Lord who then proceeded to take away all the pains and the anger in his now-redeemed heart. “Crapped Out: The Death of a Las Vegas Craps Dealer” is the creation of published author Lyle Hurst, a passionate singer/songwriter who was an avid sportsman. After returning to college at age sixty, he received a bachelor of science degree in biblical studies and biblical counseling. He is currently active in his church serving as a counselor, a host, a handyman, and the music teacher for kindergarten through fifth grade at the church school.

Hurst shares, “Crapped Out (The Death of a Las Vegas Craps Dealer). Unfamiliar with casino gambling? Crapped out generally means you lose everything! All your bets. All your money. After a lifetime of chasing excitement, and money, I finally ended up losing everything in life that most people would consider important, necessary. It has been said that our character can be determined by the way we respond to our circumstances. My response to ‘losing everything’ was to choose to take my own life. I figured I’d lived a full life and that there really wasn’t much more for me here on earth. My wife and I were in very poor health with zero possibilities (and even less desire) to try and reestablish ourselves during this national period of recession, so we decided we might as well ‘roll the dice’ and see if things were better on the other side. We came to the conclusion that suicide was our best option. Apparently, God didn’t agree with our plan (‘If you want to make God laugh, just tell Him your plans’).

“As a (grudging) favor to my sister, I attended her church one Sunday. I hadn’t been involved with formal religion for over thirty-five years. The ensuing ‘epiphany’ was life changing. God chose to change me. Why? I had no idea at the time. He took away the pain, the hate, and the anger that I had carried for so many years. Hopelessness was erased, and a sense of peace invaded my mind and heart. These weren’t things that I was familiar with. It was a supernatural experience that words cannot adequately express. The Las Vegas craps dealer died that day. This is a story of how I arrived at that day.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Lyle Hurst’s new book is a great inspiration from a journey that is led by God. Here, readers will find how God’s flawless love carried the lives of people who thought of escaping their problems; and as the Lord did what He did, these individuals held on to His grace.

View a synopsis of “Crapped Out: The Death of a Las Vegas Craps Dealer” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Crapped Out: The Death of a Las Vegas Craps Dealer” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Crapped Out: The Death of a Las Vegas Craps Dealer,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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We Can Find Freedom When We Look at Christ’s Love and Choose to Live for Him

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Learn of the freedom I found in Christ’s ability to Love even while He was treated poorly by the world

James Reeves’s book, Impractical Jesus: The Hardcore Truth About the Narrow Way ($11.49, paperback, 9781631290657; $5.99, e-book, 9781631290664), is available for purchase.

Impractical Jesus: The Hardcore Truth About the Narrow Way, by James Reeves, is about being brokenhearted and lost in life and finding Christ in the Bible instead of the confusion of all these denominations and theologies.

Readers need to hear it from someone who has been to hell in this life and speaks in a real way about the journey out of that hell. They will learn to take their broken heart and begin to heal after hearing Reeves’s story.

“Learn of the freedom I found in Christ’s ability to Love even while He was treated poorly by the world,” said Reeves.

James Reeves does woodwork, writes, and especially loves to help those who need a hand so they don’t have to feel alone.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date Impractical Jesus: The Hardcore Truth About the Narrow Way is available online through,, and

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Stop Antisemitism & Take a Stand for the Healing of the World — Tikkun Olam

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Hope in Hazardous Times Broadcast Series

We take a stand to STOP the virus of antisemitism and FOR the healing of the world!

As we navigate this season of increased restrictions, Marches of Remembrance throughout Texas and around the world have been postponed. However, since this year marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, we are determined to raise our voices online so as NOT to remain silent during this pivotal time.

In lieu of live Marches of Remembrance this month, the Holocaust Remembrance Association is pleased to announce the “Hope in Hazardous Times” programming series. This series will be broadcast LIVE online for five successive Sundays (4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17), beginning SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2020. Each program will address a different topic and will feature Holocaust survivors’ firsthand testimonies and insights from their descendants, as well as commentary from remorseful German Nazi descendants, dignitaries, professors, pastors, rabbis, and other community leaders. Liberator and rescuer stories will also be featured, along with relevant music and dance pieces. Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in a March of Remembrance without even leaving your home!

Episodes will air nightly at 8:00 p.m. (CDT)

  • Sunday, 4/19: Hope in the Face of Medical Crises
  • Sunday, 4/26: Hope in the Face of Isolation
  • Sunday, 5/3:    Hope in the Face of Humiliation
  • Sunday, 5/10: Hope in the Face of Financial Peril
  • Sunday, 5/17: Hope in the Face of Total Loss

Experience the March of Remembrance Online Premiere! Invite Your Friends!

Links for watching the broadcasts will be posted in the following locations:

1. Holocaust Remembrance Association website

2. Holocaust Remembrance Association Facebook

3. March of Remembrance Texas YouTube channel

4. HRA18 YouTube channel

Register NOW and join us as we take a stand against the virus of antisemitism and FOR the healing of the world – TIKKUN OLAM!

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Ignacio L. Götz’s newly released “Jesus the Jew” contains a comprehensive look at the life of Jesus as a Jewish man of earthly persona

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“Jesus the Jew: Reality, Politics, and Myth—A Personal Encounter”: a sagacious dissertation that exposes the life of Jesus that pertains to his work, heritage, ministry, and death that compares to his proclaimed being that is devoid of worldliness. “Jesus the Jew: Reality, Politics, and Myth—A Personal Encounter” is the creation of published author Ignacio L. Götz, a Lawrence A. Stessin–distinguished professor emeritus at New College of Hofstra University and an ordained priest.

Götz shares, “He was born in the spring or early summer of the year 4 or 6 BCE, probably in ‘the little town of Bethlehem’ in the Galilee, near Nazareth. He became a laborer, maybe a stonemason. His mother, Mary, could not get him married because of his suspect paternity, but he had a girlfriend, Mary of Magdala. He had several brothers, one of them a twin brother, Judas ‘the Twin’ (Thomas), and two sisters. He was charged by the Romans with sedition. At a preliminary hearing, when queried by the High Priest whether or not he, the laborer in rags, was ‘the anointed son of the Blessed One,’ as all kings were, he answered, ‘Am I?’ He was crucified like two thousand other Jews during the Roman occupation of Palestine. He died between 30 and 32 CE. His followers revered him as a prophet, but he was a marginal Jew who went about doing good.

“Little more than one hundred years later, Tertullian, the African apologist, would write, ‘I am saved if I be not ashamed of him.’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ignacio L. Götz’s new book presents the untold moments of Jesus that inspired people and loved ones to declare the glory he possesses that revolutionized beliefs and transformed lives.

Readers are filled in with critical discussions that analyze the many instances of interweaving holy and earthborn characteristics of Jesus that profoundly impacted history and changed the world.

View the synopsis of “Jesus the Jew: Reality, Politics, and Myth—A Personal Encounter” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Jesus the Jew: Reality, Politics, and Myth—A Personal Encounter” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Jesus the Jew: Reality, Politics, and Myth—A Personal Encounter,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Peggy Selden’s newly released “In Order To Bear Fruit” is an illuminating narrative on identifying God’s genuine gifts and spirituality in life

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“In Order To Bear Fruit”: a sagacious read that delves into the essence of understanding the truth of God’s gifts and the Spirit’s fruits to fully grow and live a purposeful life. “In Order To Bear Fruit” is the creation of published author Peggy Selden, a devoted follower of God and a prolific writer.

Selden shares, “Do you want to know without doubt that you have received the gift of Holy Spirit? You can and will know with certainty when you recognize fruit at work within you as God intended it to work.

“Numbers have meanings to God beyond their numerical values. The prophets and apostles knew this. Sometimes prophecy came forth from their lips in an order of priority. Sometimes the order of items in list form came forth in harmony with God’s use of numbers.

“The revelation of fruit of the spirit was given in harmony with God’s numbers. Their particular order enhances our understanding of how each fruit works.

“The divine placement of each fruit presents a recipe on how to grow in the spirit and produce fruit.

“God has given us a roadmap for understanding spiritually the operation of the fruit of the spirit. He has revealed each fruit in a specific order so that we can better grasp its purpose and dimensions. I have found that mixing the order of the fruit of the spirit takes away the imprint that God has placed on each fruit.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Peggy Selden’s new book reveals pivotal insights aimed at leading believers to partake in God’s gracious blessings to further nurture themselves in spiritual wisdom and fulfillment.

This book allows readers to be open to the Lord’s manifestations and discover which are truly from His loving heart that can transform their lives to boundless fruition.

View the synopsis of “In Order To Bear Fruit” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “In Order To Bear Fruit” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “In Order To Bear Fruit,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Does It Really Matter?” is an impassioned story of the author’s journey of realizing God’s plan for his life

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“God, Why Am I Still Here?: Does It Really Matter?”: a perspicacious account that details the author’s experiences of joy, sorrow, and learning his purpose in life in God. “God, Why Am I Still Here?: Does It Really Matter?” is the creation of published author Cletus Cottrell, a writer of songs and poems and a navy veteran.

Cottrell shares, “As us four brothers were growing up, I felt there was something different about us that just wasn’t in conformity to other youngsters in our area. This affected our lifestyle, our schooling process, and of course, our lonely secluded family life. We all want to grow up in a lovable happy home together, like other kids in our neighborhood. Just because we didn’t have the nice clothes, a big beautiful fancy house, new car, I didn’t feel equal or the same as others. We had to make the best of what we had on our rural farm, then get uprooted, and moved from one foster home to another that I began to feel abnormal or different. Why did I feel this way, why am I here, and what was I supposed to do with my life?

“It’s through the daily reading of God’s Word and prayer that keeps me from backsliding down the wrong path again.

“I’m also hoping that through this book, that if just one person who is suffering from the same problems gets just one helpful thing from it, then this book was intended to be written and worth it. Amen?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Cletus Cottrell’s new book is a wonderful proclamation of a man blessed by God despite his doubt and depravity that stemmed from early moments of negligence and pain.

This book hopes to instill resounding wisdom to readers as they witness a testament of forgiveness and redemption that reinforces the benevolence of God for the broken and unrighteous.

View the synopsis of “God, Why Am I Still Here?: Does It Really Matter?” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God, Why Am I Still Here?: Does It Really Matter?” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God, Why Am I Still Here?: Does It Really Matter?” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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