Category Archives: Society: Christianity

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This Personal Memoir Covers Love, Marriage, and Faith as Author Shares Life Story

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It is a story that covers the good times, bad times, and ordinary days that will sometimes seem idyllic.

Susan Erhard’s book, Walking In The Fire, A Love Story ($13.49, paperback, 9781631293092; $21.99, hardcover, 9781631293825; $6.99, e-book, 9781631293108), is available for purchase.

Walking In The Fire, A Love Story is a story about a small-town couple, Denny and Susan, who fell in love and lived life together for over fifty years. It is a story that covers the good times, bad times, and ordinary days that will sometimes seem idyllic. Their life together begins in the early sixties and continues into today.

It is also a love story of the relationship between Susan, who came to know the Savior at the age of twelve and of the Savior who has cared for her, encouraged her, carried her, and loved her. Susan’s relationship with the Lord particularly grew in strength during life’s “trials of fire,” where He walked with her and she was not consumed.

Susan Erhard has been writing since she was a young girl. She has a degree in nursing but spent most of her life owning and running her own antique, gift, and décor stores. She has served in the administration of local women clubs in all positions while becoming a speaker in that arena and continues to teach Bible studies as opportunities arise. She was married to her high school sweetheart for fifty years and is the mother of four children and has eleven grandchildren.

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Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date Walking In the Fire, A Love Story is available online through,, and

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Bible Study Explains God’s Word to Help Readers Understand Salvation and God’s Character

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Jesus has completely changed Hannah’s life; the change was so drastic in her and she wants people to know that Jesus can change their lives, too.

Hannah Hildebrandt’s book, Jesus Christ Is the Son of God and Our Lord and Savior God Is Our Father – Jesus Is the Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World. Jesus Is King. Volume One ($16.99, paperback, 9781498480000; $26.99, hardcover, 9781498480017), is available for purchase.

Author Hannah Hildebrandt grew up knowing and loving God and Jesus, but when certain trials came up in her life, she turned away from the Lord. She became homeless and suffered from addictions. She suffered with the guilt and pain from her past and panic attacks, so she sought the Lord. When she cried out to the Lord in her pain, He answered her prayers. Jesus has completely changed Hannah’s life; the change was so drastic in her and she wants people to know that Jesus can change their lives, too.

This Scripture book has Scripture arranged in an orderly sequence to explain the prophecies, and birth of Jesus, the death and resurrection, ascension, and enthronement of Jesus at the right hand of God. God has given us a free gift of eternal life through believing in His Son Jesus. We are so blessed to have such an amazing loving Savior who we can come to know personally as a loving merciful King, brother, friend, provider, healer, helper, and strong tower. Readers will understand they can personally know God as a loving Father.

Hannah Hildebrandt prayed and asked for the words to tell people who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The Lord has produced this Scripture book through her, and she is confident that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God (1 Peter 1:20-21).

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Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date Jesus Christ Is the Son of God and Our Lord and Savior God Is Our Father – Jesus Is the Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World. Jesus Is King. Volume One is available online through,, and

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Life Lessons from My Father” is a profound source of life lessons from a father’s unconditional love

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“Our FatherS Who Art in Heaven: Life Lessons from My Father”: a beautiful companion that will equip one with important lessons guiding them throughout a purpose-filled life. “Our FatherS Who Art in Heaven: Life Lessons from My Father” is a creation of published author and pastor, Rodric K. Reid. He is the founder of Uplift Ministries Incorporated and the Senior Pastor of Mt. Vernon African Methodist Episcopal Church in Columbus Ohio.

Reid shares, “Nothing can replace the influence that a father has in the life of his child. A daughter looks to her father as a measure to gauge the man she will ultimately offer herself as a life-mate in matrimony. A son looks to his father as a role model to whom he one day will become.

“God has given us the ideal blueprint of a father through His word and His daily interactions with we, His children. Our heavenly Father begins His relationship by assuring each of us that He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus. It is through His relationship with Jesus that a good father begins to mirror his relationship with his children. Certainly, mine did!

“I was completely blessed to have a loving earthly father who, unbeknownst to me, was ushering me into eternal relationship with our heavenly Father. But on April of 2007, my entire life changed when my best friend, my mentor, my pastor, my father died.

“Our Father Who Art in Heaven is a collection of life lessons that I learned from my earthly father and the biblical revelations our heavenly Father has given to help better understand those life lessons.

“Every day, God is speaking to us through His word to teach, lead, and prepare us for all of the trials life brings. Whether your father is still present in the flesh or sainted with the Lord, this book will reveal the plan of unconditional love of both an earthly and a heavenly father that has been prepared for you.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Rodric K. Reid’s new book is a potent revelation of a father and the Father’s absolute love for His children. Through these lessons, one will be able to fulfill a meaningful life amidst endless challenges.

View a synopsis of “Our FatherS Who Art in Heaven: Life Lessons from My Father” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Our FatherS Who Art in Heaven: Life Lessons from My Father” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Our FatherS Who Art in Heaven: Life Lessons from My Father,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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E. Paul Yarbro’s newly released “Forged in the Fires” is a gripping chronicle of an overwhelming faith in God during a time of settlement and war

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“Forged in the Fires: How Providence, Purpose, and Perseverance Shaped America”: a powerful account of six stories that reflect on the essence of true unwavering faith in God in an era of nation-building and struggle for stability. “Forged in the Fires: How Providence, Purpose, and Perseverance Shaped America” is the creation of published author E. Paul Yarbro, a writer and historian with over fifteen years of research on the historical records, diaries, correspondence, and eyewitness accounts of the early Americans.

Yarbro shares, “Individuals are not born to greatness, but through failure and defeat, they are prepared for it. Our struggles seem to define us more than our triumphs, and our character determines which path we choose.

“What road would General George Washington take when offered absolute power? Would Captain John Smith accept his common birth as a limitation of his own achievements? Would Abraham Lincoln demand vengeance on the South after his victory in the Civil War? What beliefs would guide their decisions, and what life experiences shaped their character?

“Nations as well are not born to greatness and must earn their places in history. Their trials can destroy them or make them even stronger. America was conceived in adversity and achieved greatness through the actions of its people in its darkest moments.

“Six stories chronicle the lives of the people who guided a nation to greatness by relying on the Christian principles of providence, divine purpose, and perseverance. God would direct their paths to victory over the dark times. From the first settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth to the Civil War, we discover that greatness rarely comes from success, but often rises out of defeat. In our weakness, we are made strong.

“Through the fires of struggle, individuals forged a nation into ‘a shining city on a hill.’ These fires would light the way through the dark for future generations of Americans across the world to see.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, E. Paul Yarbro’s new book testifies to the majesty of God that paves a path to greatness and victory during moments of toil and despair.

A historical masterpiece, “Forged in the Fires: How Providence, Purpose, and Perseverance Shaped America” depicts the lives of individuals whose faith in the Lord has allowed them to triumph and prosper in an age of rampant conflict and revolution.

View the synopsis of “Forged in the Fires: How Providence, Purpose, and Perseverance Shaped America” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Forged in the Fires: How Providence, Purpose, and Perseverance Shaped America” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Forged in the Fires: How Providence, Purpose, and Perseverance Shaped America,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Michelle Twichell’s newly released “Sami Sue the Sheepdog’s Special Assignment” is the sweet tale of a special bond between a boy and his dog

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“Sami Sue the Sheepdog’s Special Assignment”: a sweet and heartwarming tale about the bond between a sheepdog and a very special boy. “Sami Sue the Sheepdog’s Special Assignment” is the creation of published author, Michelle Twichell.

Twichell writes: “There is nothing more special then witnessing firsthand when a boy meets his best friend for the first time. Join Sami Sue on her adventure from being a frightened, timid puppy to the protector of the most famous baby boy ever to be born in Bethlehem.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Michelle Twichell’s new book is the story of the forging of a beautiful, unbreakable bond between one boy and the dog chosen to be his guide and guardian.

This book takes the reader on a special journey to Bethlehem, where one sheepdog is destined to become the faithful, loyal companion of the most important baby boy ever born—Jesus Christ himself.

View a synopsis of “Sami Sue the Sheepdog’s Special Assignment” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Sami Sue the Sheepdog’s Special Assignment” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Sami Sue the Sheepdog’s Special Assignment”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Tallulah Bulger’s newly released “Unashamed of the Shame” is an inspiring story of the author’s rise from toil through faith and courage

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“Unashamed of the Shame: My Life, My Story, My Experiences”: a captivating autobiography that shares the author’s moments of pain brought about by abuse and neglect and how her resolve and conviction allowed grace and triumph in her life. “Unashamed of the Shame: My Life, My Story, My Experiences” is the creation of published author Tallulah Bulger, a praiser, worshipper, leader, teacher, prayer warrior, and overcomer; a graduate student at AUM in Montgomery; and an ASU Hornet fellow at Alabama State University in Montgomery, Alabama.

Bulger shares, “‘Unashamed of the Shame: My Life, My Story, My Experiences’ is for people that have and/or is/has been broken, abused, ashamed, cast aside, homeless, unashamed, pretty and not so pretty, and lastly, at their lowest in life and didn’t see a way out but knew there would be a way out one day. When readers read this book, they will be able to relate with something in it, if not all of it. It was prophesied to me that I would write a book one day when I was sitting at home looking out the window down my driveway and the phone rang and I picked it up. Prophet Manasseh was just talking and prophesying to me and the second to last thing was ‘You will write that book.’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Tallulah Bulger’s new book is an exemplary testament to the divine providence only God can bless those who seek Him, especially in times of great distress and doubt.

Readers can surely relate and learn valuable virtue from the author’s circumstances of blossoming strength and belief in the Almighty Father and His benevolence that saved her from further harm and heartache.

View the synopsis of “Unashamed of the Shame: My Life, My Story, My Experiences” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Unashamed of the Shame: My Life, My Story, My Experiences” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Unashamed of the Shame: My Life, My Story, My Experiences,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Jennifer K. Piatt’s newly released “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” is a heartfelt perspective of a child who deals with the loss of a loved one

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“Happy Birthday, Daddy!”: a heartwarming story about a curious child’s wandering thoughts about heaven and what happens after death. “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” is the creation of published author Jennifer K. Piatt, a pastor in the United Methodist Church. She enjoys ministry with her husband David, who is an elder in the UMC.

Piatt shares, “When one whom you love dies, the day of their birth and the day of their death will never be the same. Happy Birthday, Daddy! asks the questions that we all want to ask, but seldom voice aloud. How do I celebrate my daddy’s birthday? What is he doing today? Is this day special in heaven? Who is he with? Is he aware of others in heaven? Does he know what I am thinking and doing to celebrate him today? There are many things we cannot know about heaven until we are there and it can be comforting to use our imaginations until we know for sure.

“Questions are healthy and we need to look for answers. When answers are not to be found, it is ok to dream and consider possible answers, while leaving the final details up to God. God has given us vivid imaginations to help us through those times of unanswered questions and Happy Birthday, Daddy! helps us to use this wonderful gift from God.

“This book is for anyone whose loved one is in heaven. No matter how long they have been there, no matter the circumstances of their arrival, no matter your age or relationship, the pain and loss are real. Every year, there are two days which leave you in a feeling of nostalgia and a shadow of melancholy. The birthday of the one you love and the day they died are forever changed once the one you love is no longer living here on earth.

“I pray that you have a relationship with Jesus and will be reunited with your loved ones someday. Until then, I pray that you will celebrate the day they were born into this life and also celebrate the day they were born into heaven.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jennifer K. Piatt’s new book is a simple yet profound read, especially for those who have loved ones that are already in God’s arms. This is a reminder that one’s own pains are valid because they lost someone they love; and another thing is true, and that is that they are safe in His heaven.

View a synopsis of “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Happy Birthday, Daddy!,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Christine Heath’s newly released “Journey of Seasons” gives a mind-clearing motivation of faith, hope, and grace amidst the seemingly unending hurts of life

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“Journey of Seasons”: a profound collection of pieces that bring light and comfort to anyone who is going through life’s challenging seasons. “Journey of Seasons” is the creation of published author Christine Heath, a poet. She has survived many trails such as battling domestic violence; physical, mental, and sexual abuse. She has two beautiful children and two miscarriages that were too beautiful for Earth.

Heath shares, “Journey of Seasons is a thirty-year journey walk through my life. God was with me through most of the seasons, then there were some it was just me alone.

“As you read, I want you to ‘live for today, for tomorrow is not a guarantee.’ While reading this book, you will experience the pain I felt through my divorce, anxiety of wanting to commit suicide, the beautiful love of losing my great-grandmother, and my dad’s dying of cancer.

“Psalms 23:4 has always been my go-to verse. My hope is that in your prayer time, whatever you are dealing with, you set that aside and let God help you see the bigger picture. Remember always that he will never give you anything you can’t handle. Let love share your pain and your pain show grace.

“May Journey of Seasons be the light and give you the comfort for whatever season you are walking through.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Christine Heath’s new book is a beautiful creation written in the moments when emotions seemed to overload the mind and heart of the author. Besides pieces about herself, readers will also witness here the journeys she took over the past three decades.

View a synopsis of “Journey of Seasons” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Journey of Seasons” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Journey of Seasons,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Brandie Wagner’s newly released “The Adventures of Harmon” is an entertaining story of the escapades of a punny feline

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“The Adventures of Harmon”: a delightful story that will take the readers on an exciting trip across America. “The Adventures of Harmon” is the creation of published author Brandie Wagner, who is from a small town in Ohio. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her husband, son and dog named Zoey.

Wagner writes, “Ever wonder where our pets would go if they could travel? Find out as Harmon takes his furst punny adventure around Americat! Hop on as he gets whiskered away to Los Angeles, takes a bus to Mew York Kitty, and so much more! Just when you thought your pets couldn’t get more pawsome…”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Wagner’s new book is an entrancing tale of a little cat that will surely leave a smile on the face of the readers. Every page of the story will take readers along for a ride as Harmon enjoys his first adventure.

View a synopsis of “The Adventures of Harmon” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Adventures of Harmon” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Adventures of Harmon,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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God Winks in Our Life” unfolds a poignant testament of love, compassion, courage, and integrity

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“Go Gently into the Night: God Winks in Our Life”: a stirring reminder that the struggles and adversities one deals with in life exist for a purpose. “Go Gently into the Night: God Winks in Our Life” is the creation of published author William Schneider, a writer who holds a master’s degree in Business Administration. He taught high school math for three years at Upper Arlington High School in Ohio and then was fortunate to work for IBM for the next thirty years before retiring in 1993.

Schneider shares, “God meant for two soulmates, Bill and Linda, to meet, marry, and spend over fifty-seven years together before God’s plan for Linda on earth was at its end, and she went to join Him and Jesus in Heaven.

“The evening of December 20, 2018, Linda was called to Heaven after losing a three-and-a-half-year battle with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). The day after Linda passed, Bill’s daughter, Julie, and grandkids were visiting. Julie happened to notice two books by Sarah Young sitting on a shelf under the coffee table. The books had been placed there by Linda.

“One of the books was Jesus Calling, a book of ‘Devotions for Every Day of the Year.’ A ribbon, used as a bookmark, was placed in the book for the date Friday, December 21, the day after Linda died. There was no explanation for the ribbon’s being there since Linda had not read from that book for some time, perhaps as much as a year. Bill believed that the ribbon was placed by Linda sometime in the past for him to find on that very day, the day after she died.

“The devotion for that day, December 21, starts out with the words, ‘MY PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE is unfolding before you.’ Bill believed that he was to find that book, Jesus Calling, marked with a ribbon on that page, and that God was reminding him that He had a plan for his life. Almost immediately, Bill said, “I am going to write a book.” He believed he received an inspiration from God through Linda to follow a new path for him.

“This book is about Bill and Linda’s life together, how they met, fell in love, and became soulmates, and the many coincidences in their life before and after Linda was to ‘Go Gently into the Night.’ They came to call those coincidences, ‘God Winks.’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, William Schneider’s new book is a powerful true story of love and courage where God works His way throughout a couple’s life, especially after the passing of the author’s wife. Here one will witness how he finds inspiration to live life with a will and purpose.

View a synopsis of “Go Gently into the Night: God Winks in Our Life” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Go Gently into the Night: God Winks in Our Life” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Go Gently into the Night: God Winks in Our Life,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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