Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

David J. Berg’s newly released “The Marriage of Science and the Bible” is a thorough investigation as to how science and the Bible’s message intertwine

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“The Marriage of Science and the Bible: Is Science Complete Without the Bible?”: an important revelation of God’s working hands within the complexities of history’s science. “The Marriage of Science and the Bible: Is Science Complete Without the Bible?” is the creation of published author David J. Berg, a teacher of history. He learned in his classes that God was using recent scientific discoveries to reveal evidence of biblical miracles. Through the Bible, he has seen that God was applying the logic of science to demonstrate His authority over the human events of history—concepts that led to the creation of this book.

Berg shares, “The Marriage of Science and the Bible is an adventure in new concepts. I invite you to explore them with me. We will investigate God’s scientific credentials. We will witness his authority over physical science. We will see how he is applying the logic of science to human history.

“Our Creator introduced the scientific method. Examining his predictions (hypotheses), we can judge their accuracy across 4,000 years of human history.

“Evaluate use of science of history. Begin with secrets of the universe revealed long before modern satellites. Inspect a mathematically specific prediction of the coming of Jesus Christ. Does the Creator speak in absolutes? Does absolute truth exist? Consider the complexity of predicting the themes of history and future events. No man can do it.

“Recognize the unparalleled importance of God’s expansion of science. Discover Jesus’s description of biblical biology, biblical physics, and biblical chemistry, in God’s design for human life. Consider why the availability of the Bible in the languages of Northern Europe resulted in the birth of modern science.

“Follow the flaw in human philosophy to Darwin’s theory.

“Is it important that astrophysicists are linking the biblical account of creation with twentieth and twenty-first-century scientific discoveries?

“Personally confirm the science of history by viewing God’s hypotheses and current events in Israel. Discover the purpose of human history.

“It’s an adventure in reality!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David J. Berg’s new book is a brilliant way towards finding a solution to break the barriers that shadow the truths of God’s Word.

With the help of this book, readers will come to learn how God intricately works His way into the hearts of His children in many aspects of the world.

View a synopsis of “The Marriage of Science and the Bible: Is Science Complete Without the Bible?” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Marriage of Science and the Bible: Is Science Complete Without the Bible?” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Marriage of Science and the Bible: Is Science Complete Without the Bible?,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Paul M. Feinberg, PhD’s newly released “My Neighbor John” is a brilliant key to understanding the Scriptures’ truths within this complex narrative

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“My Neighbor John”: a potent tale about a young child who built a friendship with a man whose true identity is questioned by many. “My Neighbor John” is the creation of published author Paul M. Feinberg, PhD, an adjunct assistant professor of Geology. He has worked more than ten years as an environmental geologist and geological consultant. He continues to be a member of the supporting science staff to Dr. Robert Cornuke of the Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration (BASE) Institute, now for more than a decade.

Feinberg, PhD shares, “Who is this kindly, spiritual, and mysterious man that has lived in the community for so many years? Popular in the church as well as among the community, he seems to play a part in many lives, always willing to help out, volunteer, or be a good sounding board. In fact, John Barzeb’s fishing store as a rule caters to both friends and customers, often indistinguishable, at its cozy lakeside location. John’s strivings within the church and town have been perceived to be unselfish and peaceful as a rule, but suddenly, something has changed with this familiar neighbor!

“Young Samuel Bodden is an eight-year-old boy who enjoys the world in which he is growing up, including school and church life, his friends, and his interests. He has a fascination with science in particular and has recently become enthused about the discoveries made in the field of biblical archaeology. His friendship with John was a natural one, where despite the age difference, Samuel felt always to be in a very pleasant friendship/mentoring mode.

“Then one day, Mr. Allen the local farmer delivers a closing prayer that greatly upsets young Samuel, causing him to literally run to John for help. On the point of peaceful resolution, Mr. Allen then suddenly lashes out at Samuel, evoking a response from John that no one expected. First, he orders Mr. Allen to silence and then to report to the pastor’s office. In due time, the church begins preparing for a debate ostensibly between faith and science and which promises to alter the course of the church. Unknown details soon start to emerge about Mr. Barzeb—of Jewish descent, an expert in ancient Hebrew, the brother of an actual martyr, and full of impeccable Bible knowledge. Who is this neighbor named John?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Paul M. Feinberg, PhD’s new book is an astounding novel that brings to life the truths spoken in the Bible. With unique twists and an unexpected conclusion, everyone will find themselves fascinated as they read.

View a synopsis of “My Neighbor John” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “My Neighbor John” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “My Neighbor John,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Pastor Nigel Hundy and Co-author Madeline Hundy’s newly released “Understanding God and His Word” is a compelling book that restores the wisdom of God and His teachings

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“Understanding God and His Word”: a heartwarming opus that uplifts the readers’ understanding of God and His Word by walking them through teachings that revolve around His nature and will in their lives. “Understanding God and His Word” is the creation of published author Pastor Nigel Hundy and Co-author Madeline Hundy who were in full time pastoral ministry for over 40 years.

Pastor Nigel Hundy and Co-author Madeline Hundy share, “This book is designed to guide preachers and students of the Word to navigate the complex connection between the old and new testaments. The book specifically emphasizes identifying key truths. The material engages students in discussions, providing them the opportunity to ask questions, find answers and to solidify their Understanding of GOD and His Word.

“There are many important questions about God and His Word that we need to understand. As Christians, we know all the answers are in THE BIBLE. Nigel started writing this manuscript by answering the tough questions using the Word of God. It took him over ten years to write this material. He used the Catechism method (questions and answers) to make it understandable for everyone to read and comprehend. This material was taught as a course for the past thirty years, and hundreds of students have gone through the course.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Pastor Nigel Hundy and Co-author Madeline Hundy’s new book is a potent tool that desires the readers’ wisdom on the Holy Bible that leads to a much closer relationship with God.

This book profoundly discusses the importance of God by using the Bible as the foreground for a solid knowledge of His impact and design for all souls and the world.

View the synopsis of “Understanding God and His Word” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Understanding God and His Word” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Understanding God and His Word,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery” is an interesting perspective tracing one man’s battle with cancer

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“A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery”: is a profound guide that educates readers on how cancer treatment really is and the challenges that come with it in an entertaining approach. In light of the current coronavirus epidemic, it’s “guy themes” of discipline, strength, and attitude are indispensable in helping anyone through our current health crisis.

“A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery” is the creation of published author Edmund A Rossman III, who retired while still recovering from cancer treatments after over twenty years working in public libraries. He has also been a business manager of radio stations in two major markets and he has taught courses for Kent State University in Journalism and Library Science. Currently, he does eCourses and webinars nationally on fundraising.

Rossman III shares, “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer” is based on the CaringBridge journal entries Ed wrote during his battle with cancer. CaringBridge is a social media platform for people with illness to easily keep all those interested in their treatments and locations as informed as possible in an efficient way. His upbeat approach in these entries were to encourage his friends, family and colleagues to look at life through a guy’s eyes, not a being a victim, and with faith in the Lord that he would pull through. Writing as if he was discussing things on a bar stool, not a hospital room. Whether it’s using a dartboard in discussing chemotherapy injections, tanks and missiles in describing radiation treatments, sports analogies related to nutrition or rocking guitars to keep things high energy and fun, Ed presents the challenges of throat cancer in everyman language that’ll be helpful for patients and caregivers alike. His medical treatment spanned the Lenten season, and his journal entries and discussions contain many daily mass readings that provided him and his ‘crew’ with a spiritual scaffolding of support. The biblical messages of faith, perseverance and gratitude are tonic to anyone, not just guys, in going through this life-changing disease.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Edmund A Rossman III’s new book is a helpful tool for patients, as well as their caregivers. Using a conversational tone in a simple language, the author gives the readers a guide that helps them see how it really is in trying to overcome this disease.

View a synopsis of “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Chicago-Wide Nonprofit Collaboration Provides Critical COVID-19 Relief

Chicago Fellowship logo

“We think, with this help, we can stay open until things get better,” says Nestor Cruz, co-owner of Taqueria La Paz, a local restaurant.

Chicago Fellowship, an assembly of faith-based community and business leaders, has partnered with seven community-based nonprofits to provide food, protection, and employment to residents affected by COVID-19 in some of Chicago’s most under-resourced neighborhoods.

Within days of launching its fund last month, the fellowship raised $140,000 and formed partnerships with well-established nonprofits and local restaurants in East Garfield Park, Austin, Woodlawn, Westhaven Park, North Lawndale, Altgeld and Cabrini Green. Together, this unique alliance of business leaders, nonprofits and restaurants is meeting critical needs. To date, the group has secured funding to provide meals and personal protective equipment for over 11,000 Chicagoans. How it works: after nonprofits identify beneficiaries, the Chicago Fellowship purchases meals from local restaurants and provides reusable personal protection equipment (PPE) with each one.

Partners organizations include: Breakthrough Urban Ministries, By the Hand Club for Kids, Circle Urban Ministries, GAP Community Center, Sunshine Gospel Ministries, Together Chicago and YMEN Chicago.

“We know the same groups that face persistent poverty are the ones contracting coronavirus and bearing the brunt of its economic cost,” says Tom Formolo, longtime board member of the Chicago Fellowship. “Through this unique collaboration of nonprofits, restaurants, donors and volunteers across the city, we’re providing support where it’s needed most.

Committed to working with local businesses, the initiative also provides much-needed economic stimulus for the restaurant industry. As Illinois moves through its next phases of reopening the economy, efforts like these critically bridge the gap to keep local restaurants open until full recovery.

“We were beginning to have problems where we couldn’t catch up on bills. We had 15 employees, most living in this area, and we cut half of them,” says Nestor Cruz, co-owner of Taqueria La Paz. “We got so excited about [the relief fund]. We think, with this help, we can stay open until things get better.”

The Chicago Fellowship COVID-19 Relief Fund continues to accept donations, 100% of which will go directly to those who need it most.More information about the effort, partner organizations and donating can be found at

About the Chicago Fellowship: Founded in 1990, the Chicago Fellowship is an assembly of local faith-based business leaders committed encouraging men toward acts of compassion and justice into the broken places of the world. Find out more at

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Bethel Music’s Highly Anticipated “Revival’s In The Air” Is Now Available

Bethel Music – “Revival’s In The Air”

“Revival’s In The Air,” the highly anticipated 15th live recording from GRAMMY®-nominated, Dove Award-winning worship collective Bethel Music, is now available. Continuing a legacy of Spirit-led releases that have shaped the signature sound of Bethel Music and engaged the global Church in corporate worship for more than a decade, May 29’s “Revival’s In The Air” draws its thematic inspiration from the prophetic title-cut.

Teeming with expectation, “Revival’s In The Air” is an invigorating call to renewal penned by Bethel Music’s Jonathan David and Melissa Helser, along with their son, Cadence. The song debuted on streaming platforms May 28, the last of eight selections which have released since February, strategically building a complete vision for the 17-track recording.

“Something is rattling in the depth of the Body of Christ right now; I don’t want to be asleep—I want to be awake for it,” says Melissa Helser of the title-cut. “We’ve just been chasing this song, really fueled by the fervor of this house. Lord, we want revival. We want it to look like prodigals coming home. We want it to look like the sick healed, broken hearts made whole, and we’re full of expectancy, God.”

Executive produced by Bethel Music co-founder Brian Johnson and CEO Joel Taylor, with assistant producers David Whitworth, John-Paul Gentile and Matthew Ogden, “Revival’s In The Air” showcases Bethel Music’s renowned cadre of songwriters and worship leaders, including Brian and Jenn Johnson, Cory Asbury, Jonathan David and Melissa Helser, Josh Baldwin, Kristene DiMarco, Paul and Hannah McClure, Brandon Lake, Bethany Wohrle and Dante Bowe. Additionally, the project features songwriting contributions from such leading names as Matt Redman, Phil Wickham, Leslie Jordan (All Sons & Daughters), Ben Fielding (Hillsong Worship), Rita Springer and Ethan Hulse, among others.

“From start to finish, there’s not a weak moment on the record,” says of the project. “‘Revival’s in the Air’ is easily Bethel Music’s best record to date. …for those who are stymied in the mirage of despair, these songs bring clarity to the greatness and joy of God.”

Kicking-off the album’s multi-faceted launch campaign with February’s powerful debut single “God of Revival,” featuring Brian and Jenn Johnson, Bethel Music has also bowed Cory Asbury’s “Egypt,” a celebration of God’s faithfulness; the Brandon Lake-led “We Praise You,” speaking peace in the midst of panic and uncertainty; and “Champion,” featuring singer/songwriter and worship leader Dante Bowe, one of the newest members of the Bethel Music team. Four more selections—including “Revival’s In The Air”— debuted earlier this week, ahead of the collection’s full release.

About Bethel Music

Bethel Music is an 11-time Dove Award-winning and GRAMMY®-nominated Christian worship ministry formed as an extension of Bethel Church in Redding, California. Beginning in 2001, Bethel Music has grown from a local church music ministry to a global outreach comprising a collective of songwriters, artists and musicians. In 2019, Billboard named Bethel Music among the top record labels in Christian music.

To date Bethel Music has released 15 corporate worship albums, seven of which reached Billboard’s Top Christian Albums chart, each carrying a unique expression of worship to inspire and unite the global church. Along with the label’s 11 Dove Awards, “This is Amazing Grace” was named ASCAP’s Christian Music Song of the Year in 2015, with Cory Asbury’s “Reckless Love” earning the same honor in 2019. “Reckless Love” was also nominated for a 2019 GRAMMY® Award and was Billboard’s fourth most popular Christian song of the decade.

In addition to touring and ministering globally, Bethel Music hosts the annual Heaven Come Conference; a one-week Bethel Music Worship Conference held on the campus of Bethel Church; and songwriting retreats in a personal setting with experienced writers. WorshipU, Bethel Music’s online school of worship, offers ongoing teaching and training programs at

Visit for more information.

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Tod Salts’s newly released “It Is Well With My Soul” is an inspiring devotional that delves into the saving love of Jesus Christ that brings grace to all humankind

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“It Is Well With My Soul: Ninety Days of Reflection”: a heartwarming devotional that imparts the good news of salvation fulfilled in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. “It Is Well With My Soul: Ninety Days of Reflection” is the creation of published author Tod Salts, founder and senior pastor of Salt with a Mission.

Salts shares, “My purpose for writing this book was to show as many people as possible what a real biblical worldview looks like. In my search for the truth I kept coming back to 2 Corinthians 5:15: ‘He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.’ Friends, Jesus loves you and all he asks from you, all He asks from any of us, is that we would Love Him back.

“We demonstrate our love for Jesus when we give Him control of our life. Jesus said in John 14:15, ‘If you love me you will keep my commandments.’

“We know we are on the right path when we seek to live according God’s Word.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Tod Salts’s new book inspires worship and praise to the Lord for His bountiful graciousness that continually saves the people from sin and death.

Believers are duly enlightened with resounding scripture references that reinforce the promise of eternal life by God in which people of faith can openly partake in their lives.

View the synopsis of “It Is Well With My Soul: Ninety Days of Reflection” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “It Is Well With My Soul: Ninety Days of Reflection” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “It Is Well With My Soul: Ninety Days of Reflection,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Emmanuel Owusu Writes New Book “Rising Above Negative Emotions”

Holy Fire Publishing ( releases Rising Above Negative Emotions (Paperback, U.S. $10.99, ISBN: 978-1-60383-589-3). Emmanuel Owusu’s book guides readers to discover the benefits of positive confession and how it builds our emotions strongly to move forward.

Emmanuel Owusu wrote this powerful book to offer great assistance to individuals and society, as a whole, to work hard on the emotional integrity and to liberate people who are suffering severely on emotional distress. Confession is the powerful medicine which vomits out sorrows, pains, frustrations, worries, and many other emotional side effects from the bottom of our hearts (Page 19). Any feeling that can stand up to the light of truth and can be sustained over time has emotional integrity and is therefore worthy of your mind and heart (Dr. John C. Maxwell). In Proverbs 25:28 NKJV, it says: “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.” We are living in the world; everyone desires to increase in every area of his or her life; everyone wants to be multiplied and be promoted in our lives as a whole and these lie on our emotions. Our emotions have very strong influence in the areas of our calling, marriages, educations, professions, ministries, and faith. Readers will not regret to reading such a wonderful and a practical vivid book which can shape their lives as they are taking right and master keys to their homes to build positive emotions.

Emmanuel Owusu was born 14th April, 1987 and, at this time, is single. He obtained his Diploma in Theology, April 30, 2011 from Faith Sanctuary Bible Institute. He also graduated with his HND in Accountancy, August 31, 2012 from Kumasi Polytechnic. Emmanuel was a teacher from 2007-2012 at St. Anthony Preparatory/ JHS Bremang, Kumasi. More recently he was an Accountant from2012-2015 at Dadmum Pharmacy Co. Ltd Kronum, Kumasi.

Emmanuel is an Active member of Trinity Congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana Abrepo, Kumasi and President of The Saint’s Prayer Fellowship, Abrepo, Kumasi. He loves Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in Orthodox churches, Pentecostal churches and Charismatic churches including Campuses. And is the Leader of the Gospel Ambassadors Prayer Army Bremang West, Kumasi Ashanti Region.

His endorsements include: Nana Akosua Nyantakyiwaa Birago, The Queen-mother of Atafoa Stool Land,Suburb Kumasi in the Ashanti Region and Dr. Bernard Osei Mensah Medical Director St. Anthony’s Hospital, Abrepo, Kumasi

Holy Fire Publishing (, publisher of hundreds of Christian books, helps Christian authors reach the world through the printed word.

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Central City Productions’ Stellar Gospel Music Awards Shifts Plan To A Safer-At-Home Virtual Production Of Its 35th Anniversary Celebration, Premiering 3Q2020

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Though celebrating the milestone 35th Anniversary of the Stellar Gospel Music Awards has been delayed due to the ongoing global health crisis and pandemic of COVID-19, Central City Productions today announced plans to produce the “Greatest Night in Gospel Music” as a two-hour virtual awards telecast that will air in 3Q of this year. Replacing the live taping previously rescheduled for August in Las Vegas, the new show format will harness the power of technology and creative television production to honor the best in Gospel music. The virtual production will acknowledge all winners of the Stellar Awards pre-show and main show, with select categories being presented in the broadcast. The broadcast will also feature inspirational performances from Gospel music’s most celebrated artists, and special tributes to first responder heroes on the front lines of the battle against the Coronavirus pandemic.

“As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic closing venues in Las Vegas we are producing our Stellar Awards as a virtual at home television special to honor our Stellar Award 2020 nominees and winners, that will still raise the roof for our fans at home with great Gospel music performances in a new format,” said Stellar Awards Founder and Executive Producer Don Jackson. “Also, it gives us the opportunity to honor COVID-19 first responder heroes in appreciation of the great work they are doing to save lives during this pandemic. We hope to further inspire these heroes with tributes of thanks from our Gospel music cast of Stellar winners and performances.”

Joining previously announced first time co-hosts Jonathan McReynolds and Koryn Hawthorne is Stellar Awards veteran host Kirk Franklin. The superstar trio will work together to keep the virtual television praise party lifted and flowing seamlessly throughout the evening. Confirmed performers include Donnie McClurkin, James Fortune, J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise, Travis Greene, Pastor Mike Jr., Kierra Sheard, and Doe, with more to be announced in coming weeks.

An important tradition at the Stellar Awards will be held for next year’s 2021 show, where Jackson will bestow well-deserved special honors and recognition upon Gospel greats who have elevated the genre. The previously named recipients – The Clark Sisters, Lady Tramaine Hawkins, Pastor Shirley Caesar in addition to Gospel music industry leaders Dr. Leonard Scott, Skip Barrett, Kerry Douglas, and Dr. Teresa Hairston — will be celebrated for their contributions to Gospel music when The Stellar Awards returns to Las Vegas next Spring in March 2021.

Tickets purchased for 2020 Stellar Awards events that were scheduled for August 14–16 will be refunded. To submit requests or for more information, visit

Previously announced nominees for the 2020 Stellar Awards includes veteran Gospel collective, Donald Lawrence Presents The Tri-City Singers who leads the field of nominees with nine nominations. Other top nominees include Gospel icon and Stellar Awards Host, Kirk Franklin and powerhouse singer, producer and performer Tasha Cobbs Leonard with eight nominations each; JJ Hairston (7 Nominations), Bishop Paul S. Morton (6 Nominations), John P. Kee (5 Nominations), Kurt Carr & The Kurt Carr Singers (4 Nominations), William Murphy (4 Nominations), Pastor Mike, Jr. (4 Nominations), Maranda Curtis (3 Nominations), and Fresh Start Worship (3 Nominations) round out the field of top nominated artists. For the complete list of the 35th Anniversary Stellar Gospel Music Awards nominees, please visit

More of the biggest names in Gospel and a few additional surprises are being added to the growing list of top performers appearing in this year’s show, presented by AT&T and also sponsored by State Farm.

“I am especially grateful and appreciative of the tremendous positive response we have had from Gospel music artists, our advertising partners and over 200 television broadcast and cable partners around the country who have agreed to support our 35th annual Stellar Awards at home special honoring Stellar winners and first responder heroes,” said Jackson.

Stay tuned for future announcements and follow @thestellars for the latest news and updates about the greatest night in Gospel music.

The Stellar Gospel Music Awards show is Executive Produced by Don Jackson, with Jennifer J. Jackson serving as Executive in Charge of Production. Michael A. Johnson will produce and direct this year’s award show.

Follow The Stellar Awards on social media for updates and more!






(Courtesy Credit: Central City Productions)

Stellars Youtube Channel


Tosha Whitten Griggs, Executive in Charge of Publicity

Sonya Marchand, Virtual Red Carpet Producer

Marchand Productions

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The Dawn of a New Day” holds inspirations of faith that are built from one’s personal story and thoughts

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“But God: The Dawn of a New Day”: a beautiful faith journey across pages that reminds one of the immense power of the Lord in days of low and high. “But God: The Dawn of a New Day” is the creation of published author Doris D. Sutton, a writer who was ordained in the year of 2001 from the Goldsboro Raleigh Assembly located in Goldsboro, North Carolina. She and her family practice their faith with family, friends, neighbors, and anyone that attends their local church.

Sutton shares, “My visions and my dreams started at a young age, but I didn’t know how to handle such precious gift and was blinded by deception. Struggles will come mixed with trouble, But God assured His presence through my visions and my dreams and my life experiences. God has an answer for me and for you if we learn to trust Him. Trust in His Word and hide it in your heart.

“‘Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.’ (Prov. 4:23, KJV)

“We are to create and to become builders. My faith walk passed through some dark times in my life, and no one was there. But God delivered me from test and trials and being shot at with fiery darts. God was there. I found my safe place in God, peace in God. When everything seems to be going wrong in your life, ‘But God.’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Doris D. Sutton’s new book is a heartwarming and thought-provoking read where one can engage in faith and worship by going across words that bring understanding of God’s message and His Scriptures.

View a synopsis of “But God: The Dawn of a New Day” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “But God: The Dawn of a New Day” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “But God: The Dawn of a New Day,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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