Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Bible Teacher Offers Research Suggesting That There Is More to the New Testament Than Modern Bibles Show

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The Received Text is the only reliable and trusted text carried to us from the Apostles and their disciples to today

Author Cody Parrot hopes to expose the New Testament in its entirety in God’s Word Preserved ($19.49, paperback, 9781630506094; $9.99, e-book, 9781630506100).

Parrot outlines the history of the modern Bible and the people who contributed to it in its current form. He also points out where he believes that modern translations divert from the most reliable Received Text, and so present seeking Christians with an incomplete New Testament.

“I want readers to see that most modern translations are incomplete. The Received Text is the only reliable and trusted text carried to us from the Apostles and their disciples to today,” said Parrot.

Cody Parrot is a preacher and former pastor who received his education from Faith Bible Institute Freedom Bible College and Seminary. In addition to preaching, he enjoys unwinding in the great outdoors, or inside with a video game.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. God’s Word Preserved is available online through,, and

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The world’s largest non-governmental body of Muslim leaders recognizes the sovereign rights of the Royal House of Ghassan and its head

The general public has no idea that the Middle East had a long reigning mighty Christian dynasty that flourished until very recently.

The Ghassanid Kings, emperors and princes ruled several Middle Eastern regions, from 220 CE until the mid 18th century, a duration of over 1500 years. The Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan is the oldest active Christian Royal House in the world, the sovereigns ruled over the largest territory for the longest period; more than any other Arab Dynasty.

The Royal House and its international sovereign head, HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Nu’man VIII have received overwhelming international recognition in recent years.

The recognitions are from the highest governmental levels also coming from the leading scholars on their respective fields.

Some of the noteworthy recognitions:

Now, during the commemorations of the dynasty’s eighteen centuries anniversary, another significant historical recognition was achieved, the world’s largest non-governmental body of Muslim leaders (the only one in the globe composed by leaders from both Sunni and Shia traditions) has recognized the sovereignty of the Royal House of Ghassan and its Dynastic head.

The Global Imams Council is the world’s first and largest international non-governmental body of Muslim religious Leaders from all Islamic Denominations and Schools of thought with a rapidly growing number of over 1,000 leaders worldwide.

The diverse council of Imams advocates for peaceful coexistence, tolerance, mutual respect, and the building of bridges with all religious communities, along with tackling extremist ideologies and militant Islam (Islamism).

The council’s Imams is composed by established and prominent representatives of the holy Islamic Seminaries and oversees the affairs of Muslim communities worldwide on a daily basis.

The council is the first Imams Council to provide females with administrative roles, and currently serves almost 1,000 communities, Mosques, Islamic Centers, Schools, and Charitable Organizations around the world.

The solemn decree issued by the eminent council recognizes the sovereignty of the Ghassanid kingdom and all its realms and titles under the global leadership of HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan, “de jure” Al-Numan VIII.

The document can be found at the Imams Council Website:

English version:

Arabic version:

In addition to the decree issued by the council, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Royal House of Ghassan and the Global Imams Council. The Council pledges full support and especially to protect Christians on Muslim lands and the Royal House of Ghassan commits equal support and the protection of Muslims on Christian lands.

Last year, the Royal House of Ghassan has released “The Christian Kings of the Middle East” a feature length documentary presenting the history of the dynasty with the Special participation of the world’s leading scholar on Middle Eastern Royal Succession, Prof. Joseph Kechichian, PhD, His Most Reverend Paul Matar, the Maronite Archbishop of Beirut amongst others.

The full film can be watched for free here

Learn more about the Global Imams Council at

Learn more about the Royal House of Ghassan at

Learn more about HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor at

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Volume 4 An Eye for an Eye” shares profound truths of God from His Commanded Messenger.

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“God’s Truthful Truths: Volume 4 An Eye for an Eye” an illuminating read that inspires the heart with the power of God’s words that can carry one towards deliverance. “God’s Truthful Truths: Volume 4 An Eye for an Eye” is the creation of published author Diane Garrison, an excellent writer of brilliant creations.

Garrison shares, “GOD is the author of this book! ‘Without these Truths ye will be blind! Blind to the Truth about what life is for! It is through life that one can find eternal peace and contentment in the all-knowing Truthful Truth of Me and My Only Son! Believe with all thy heart and mind and these Truths shall set you free! I am the Lord! I am thy Lord and thy Creator who sent ye forth! I am always with ye! We are the Holy Spirit which is Myself in the Father and Son! Believe in Us and live forever, believe not and be dead!’

“Victoria Brown is the co-author of God’s Truthful Truths, dictated to her from the mouth of Almighty God! Victoria was neglected, abused and tortured at the hands of her parents and stepmother from birth until early childhood. God became her parents and protected her throughout her life to become His Commanded Messenger to record His Words of Truth! She endured the pain of rejection, criticism and isolation required to do Gods work with steadfast love and devotion.

“Diane Garrison, messenger and assistant co-author, is Victoria Browns daughter. She preserved and protected these Words of Truth for 30 years until God spoke to her and told her to present these Words of Truth to the whole of humanity, to be weighed with the justice scale of Higher Consciousness, of each individual’s mind! These Words of Truth are being published for the Love, Honor, and Glory of Almighty God!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Diane Garrison’s new book is a potent creation that enlightens the readers with God’s truthful words that hold freedom, hope, and His loving grace.

View a synopsis of “God’s Truthful Truths: Volume 4 An Eye for an Eye” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God’s Truthful Truths: Volume 4 An Eye for an Eye” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God’s Truthful Truths: Volume 4 An Eye for an Eye,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Minister Alonza Hunt’s newly released “The Formula (P+P+P)P=3P” unravels a brilliant key to spiritual clarity and understanding

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“The Formula (P+P+P)P=3P: (Principle + Planting + Patience) Prayer = Profit”: a potent study that contains a hypothesis formulated for everyone to explore its empirical knowledge. “The Formula (P+P+P)P=3P: (Principle + Planting + Patience) Prayer = Profit” is the creation of published author Minister Alonza Hunt, an associate minister at the Valdosta Missionary Baptist Church located in Dublin, Georgia. He serves as the assistant to the pastor, Rev. J. R. Sutton. He is presently enrolled online in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies Program in the master’s degree of ministry.

Minister Hunt shares, “Everything operates on principles. There is an indigenous set of instructions assigned by God for everything and creature to come into existence. No matter what you desire to do, you first must know that there are unique and specific instructions to that purpose that must be followed; if in fact, you want to see the glory of a thing or for the thing to produce the indigenous result.

“This revelation will address and examine the empirical knowledge of each of the four Ps so that the reader can test the hypothesis: (P+P+P)P=3P. It is my prayer that this formula will be a blessing to all those who shall read it.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Minister Alonza Hunt’s new book is a thought-provoking read across pages that hold a clearer understanding of God’s ways and His word. This is mainly designed for Christians but can also aid everyone from every sector of existence in their own journeys.

View a synopsis of “The Formula (P+P+P)P=3P: (Principle + Planting + Patience) Prayer = Profit” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Formula (P+P+P)P=3P: (Principle + Planting + Patience) Prayer = Profit” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Formula (P+P+P)P=3P: (Principle + Planting + Patience) Prayer = Profit,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Mr. Mike’s newly released “Do You Know Love?” is a profound manuscript that dives deep into love and all its forms

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“Do You Know Love?”: a powerful read that holds relevant thoughts meant to share the true meaning of love and the love that God possess for all of His children. “Do You Know Love?” is the creation of published author Mr. Mike, a writer who has come to know Jesus since New Year’s Eve 1980. He has worked mainly in the children’s church and kids’ classes for almost forty years.

Mr. Mike shares, “Have you ever loved someone? Have you ever loved something? Is there a difference in loving one and loving the other? Can love be many things? Can love really only be about one thing? Is love a feeling you have toward someone or something? Can you love and never feel anything? Would that be real love? Have you ever changed how or what you’ve thought about love? Have you ever thought there is no one that could ever love you? Have you ever decided to stop looking for love because you’ll never find anyone who really loves you unconditionally without changing and without even a hint of anything but love? You are about to find out what love isn’t and what love is and to know there is someone who loves you unconditionally forever.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Mr. Mike’s new book is a brilliant and mind-clearing inspiration that will open the minds of readers further into what needs to be heard about love. Love is more than the surface we know of; love goes deeper than that. And here, everyone will find more about love in all its faces.

View a synopsis of “Do You Know Love?” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Do You Know Love?” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or

Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Do You Know Love?,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Thomas Paul’s newly released “The Return of Jesus” unfolds a compelling look into what the rapture will bring forth

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“The Return of Jesus”: a brilliant work that revolves around the subject of Jesus’s Second Coming as it looks into what could happen when the time of the rapture comes. “The Return of Jesus” is the creation of published author Thomas Paul, a writer who designed and managed the construction of numerous buildings in the southwestern US for over three decades. He grew up and experienced a wonderful childhood on Geneva Lake in southern Wisconsin.

Paul shares, “When Jesus returns, he will come to redeem the elect. Some would call this extraordinary event the rapture of the elect. It is an out-of-body experience that occurs when God causes the soul to leave the physical body of a human being. After leaving the body, the soul is beamed up to Christ the King who is magnificently exalted in the sky above planet Earth. When the soul reaches its destination, it is metabolized into a resurrected or glorified body. This new body is perfect in every way and far superior to the mortal body that was left behind. This miraculous event is reserved for the elect who were chosen by the Creator before the creation of the world. Will you be among the chosen elect? The Author invites you to come on a whirlwind journey into the future to envision what will happen before and after the rapture of the elect.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Thomas Paul’s new book is a stirring biblical exploration that will take the readers into a journey that will enlighten their Christian spirits across pages of insights and messages about His Coming.

View a synopsis of “The Return of Jesus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Return of Jesus” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Return of Jesus,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Susie Bunt’s newly released “Someone To Believe In” holds an insightful understanding of Jesus’s teachings in His four gospels

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“Someone To Believe In: A Simple Look at Jesus’s Life, Death and Resurrection”: a profound read that offers a clearer understanding of Jesus and His saving grace. “Someone To Believe In: A Simple Look at Jesus’s Life, Death and Resurrection” is the creation of published author Susie Bunt, a writer and a faithful servant to the Lord.

Bunt writes, “In this book, I wanted to give you, the reader, a different perspective on Jesus’s life and resurrection through the four gospels. My perspective is coming from a prodigal child of God—someone who grew up going to church and knowing about the Bible but never truly knowing what it really meant.

“In the last few years of my life, I have come to know God through Jesus, and I wanted to share that knowledge. I have found similar books, but they are from professional pastors, evangelists, theologists, and so on. I have yet to find a book on Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection from a simple Christian in simple language.

“Throughout this book, I have gone through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and gave you my understanding of Jesus’s teachings. Everything is biblical. My hope is for the reader to have that aha! moment while reading this book. I pray that the reader gets a better understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done for us (His lambs), for He is truly the Son of God, the Messiah and our Savior!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Susie Bunt’s new book is a hope-filled creation that wishes to inspire others to follow God into faith and be blessed by Him in all manners of their life.

View a synopsis of “Someone To Believe In: A Simple Look at Jesus’s Life, Death and Resurrection” on YouTube.    

Consumers can purchase “Someone To Believe In: A Simple Look at Jesus’s Life, Death and Resurrection” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Someone To Believe In: A Simple Look at Jesus’s Life, Death and Resurrection,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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A Collection of Writings” is a spiritual journey that will fill one with faith and hope

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“Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit: A Collection of Writings”: a profound read across pieces that will bring one much closer to the Lord and His grace. “Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit: A Collection of Writings” is the creation of published author Dalabazee, a writer who lives in the kingdom of God, her family, and a host of sisters in Christ that she prays with every day. She loves to travel across countries on mission trips and be of service to others in need when sent by God.

Dalabazee shares, “The book was inspired by the Holy Spirit. The writings are the result of several years spent communicating with the Lord and being receptive to what the Lord has softly spoken into my spirit. The purpose of this book is to encourage others to spend time with the Lord, as he is the only one who can keep you under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dalabazee’s new book is an encouraging walk that lifts the reader’s heart as he or she dives into the light of His grace. Because as one spends more time with the Lord, guidance and blessedness will be upon them.

View a synopsis of “Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit: A Collection of Writings” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit: A Collection of Writings” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit: A Collection of Writings,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Lenawee Christian Academy is Inspired to Create Learning Adventures

A father and son look off into the distance, off camera. The son is looking through binoculars. The father is wearing a backpack. They are outdoors on a hiking adventure.

A father and his son enjoy an adventure together. At Lenawee Christian Academy, adventure is a part of the online education experience.

In the end, we provide information to students in a way that they are able to understand and that motivates them to keep exploring.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s, a particular series of books called Choose Your Own Adventure® captured the attention of hundreds-of-millions of young people all over the world. The books were written in such a way that the reader could direct the story by choosing a response to the scenarios facing the story’s main character. It is impossible to estimate the effect that these popular books have had on today’s global culture, but in one case, the childhood literary adventures influenced developers of an entirely new learning experience for students.

Lenawee Christian Academy (LCA) is a new, online middle school based in Lenawee County, Michigan. Based on their child’s God-given gifts and talents, parents configure a “Learning Adventure” that the LCA online education system uses to deliver time-tested coursework to students. The framework is driven by proven content delivery methods using the latest tools in technology. “In typical schools, content is delivered by a teacher to a group of typical learners who will understand the basic idea, to achievers who may be driven to investigate further, and to struggling students who should ask for help,” said LCA Head of Academy, Chris Nelson. “In many cases, the students who struggle do not lack the ability to understand. They may just learn in a way that the teacher doesn’t use in the classroom. For example, if a learner is visual, and the teacher uses lecture, that student may not perform as well as the audible learner.” Nelson continues, “Our goal is to deliver the content to the learner in a way that maximizes their mastery of a subject and motivates them to dig deeper because of the achievement systems built into our online services. In the end, we provide information to students in a way that they are able to understand and that motivates them to keep exploring.”

LCA’s model incorporates adventure elements for parents, students, and even teachers. Using the analogy of a treasure hunt, the student is a treasure hunter, the teacher is an experienced guide, and the parent is a coach and encourager. “Our teachers are adventurers too, so they have built their courses to engage students and motivate them to enjoy the discovery process,” explained Amanda Keibler, Coordinator of Family Relations. “Each course has three levels of achievement to be able to exhibit mastery. Students who achieve the bronze level can go back into the course and dig further in order to enhance their level of mastery. As students improve, they can achieve higher levels of recognition at the silver or gold levels. The coursework also contains secret items. When they are found, we can all celebrate the achievements of the students who made these rare discoveries.”

The entire education system at Lenawee Christian Academy is tailored to each learner. To build that custom experience, parents are presented with questions that will inform LCA’s team on the best way to address their child’s learning preferences, state laws, and the goals that parents may have for their child. These answers provide a custom learning configuration which applies to each of the five primary areas of study: math, science, english language arts, social studies, and Bible. “We have found that many parents would rather serve as a coach and encourager than a teacher,” explained Director of Marketing, Jeff Jameson. “Our parent partners simply answer a few questions, creating a customized plan for each subject area that aligns with their child’s abilities and interests. We also provide a visual progress chart so parents can track and encourage students as they journey through the material.” The customized plan for the coursework, called mySequence℠, paired with the Learning Adventure information, delivers a tailored scope and sequence, or the “what” and the “when”, for each child’s LCA education. This novel approach to online Christian education gives parents the ability to encourage their child to have fun and explore, while a certified teacher guides the student toward mastering each subject area.

Another element that defines LCA’s approach to education is flexibility. “Our content is time-tested based on more than forty years of research in actual classrooms,” said Amanda Keibler, Coordinator of Family Relations. “We deliver the content through our online system whenever the student is ready to sign on. If they want to start their school year on January 1, that’s great. If a family is on vacation and they choose to start school at 10 a.m. today and skip tomorrow, it’s totally up to our parent partners. Our system affords that flexibility.”

As people who once experienced the joy of choosing their own adventures when they were children, the team at Lenawee Christian Academy is excited to launch a new approach to online Christian education that provides a learning adventure tailored to each student. LCA is now enrolling middle school students who would like to begin as soon as September, 2020. The LCA team plans to add a program for high school students in 2021.

About LCA

Lenawee Christian Academy (LCA) is an innovative and engaging online middle school for students in grades six through eight. Our aim is for students to belong, grow, and succeed during these mysterious and wonderful years. Through our proven curriculum, parent partnerships, tailored education plans, learning flexibility, and a Christ-centered, nondenominational approach, we provide a complete education solution that delivers adventure to learners and peace to parents. Learn more at

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Author Larry D. Robinson’s new book “God Created Evil. Why?” is a Scripture-based discussion of traditional biblical questions about the nature of God and faith

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Larry D. Robinson has been an ordained minister since 1985, as well as a certified cook for the Department of Labor, and honorably discharged veteran who served in the US Army. He has published his new book “God Created Evil. Why?”: a close examination of both Old and New Testaments for God’s teaching about the true meaning of faith.

The author writes, “‘God Created Evil, Why?’ is a culmination of twenty-five years of study. Frustrated with traditional answers to sincere biblical questions that were not rooted in scriptural proof, the author set out to explore and illuminate truths that will help us all.

Sincerity is no guarantee for truth. You can be sincere but be sincerely wrong.

Many things in this book will probably surprise and enlighten you. We have veered too far off course. ‘God Created Evil, Why?’ is an attempt to get us back on the right track. Too many truths have been replaced with opinions masquerading as doctrine.”

Published by Page Publishing, Larry D. Robinson’s engrossing book is an intriguing study of the role of evil in God’s plan for people of faith.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “God Created Evil. Why?” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not mired in logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and so on. Page’s accomplished writers and publishing professionals allow authors to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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