Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Author William A. Scott’s newly released “Parsing the Whit” is the engaging and powerful tale of how one girl flourished in the face of adversity

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“Parsing the Whit”: a touching, witty, and entertaining biography of an utterly unique individual. “Parsing the Whit” is the creation of published author, William A. Scott.

Scott writes: “Parsing gets to the heart of Whitney. It’s how she is, how she functions in an environment contrary to her abilities, how she communicates in her world, and how she continues to exist in a hostile environment or culture that looks at her as ‘strange’.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, William A. Scott’s new book is the alternately touching, uplifting, humorous, heart-wrenching, and inspiring tale of how one exceptional young girl grew to become an exceptional young woman despite the difficulties posed and imposed by her culture, society, and environment as a whole.

View a synopsis of “Parsing the Whit” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Parsing the Whit” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Parsing the Whit”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Readers Will Learn How to Gain Victory Over Lust and Sexual Sin

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Jim targets the often-baffling topic of sexual lust…He demonstrates biblically and practically that victory is possible, while systematically explaining the…weapons that can lead the believer who is battling evil desires into victory and a walk of righteousness

Jim Vander Spek’s book, Overcoming Lust($15.99, paperback, 9781619040526; $7.99, e-book, 9781619048584), is available for purchase.

Pornography and our sex-charged culture have proven to be formidable enemies to even the most resolute Christians. Many have given up all hope of ever gaining victory over lust and sexual sin as promised and taught in the Scripture.

In Overcoming Lust, author Jim Vander Spek challenges us to fully obey our Savior and God’s Word as to our sexual desires, thoughts and behavior. He shows how the stubborn, damaging sin of lust can be overcome, providing examples from his own life and others.

“In this book, Jim targets the often-baffling topic of sexual lust…He demonstrates biblically and practically that victory is possible, while systematically explaining the…weapons that can lead the believer who is battling evil desires into victory and a walk of righteousness,” said Pastor Pat Kenney.

Jim Vander Spek received his degree in Biblical Studies from Azusa Pacific University and has completed additional studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is a businessman, husband, father and grandfather.

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Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Overcoming Lust is available online through,, and

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Desiree Alcantara’s newly released “We Were Deceived” is a story about a woman who was diagnosed with a chronic illness and was healed by putting her trust in God

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“We Were Deceived”: an eye-opening read that will show to the church that there are forces twisting the truths of God and disrupting the Christian life. “We Were Deceived” is the creation of published author Desiree Alcantara, a passionate writer.

Alcantara shares, “This is a book about the journey of a woman who was diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia in 1996 and declared incurable by science and condemned to a lifetime of medications and psychiatric institutions. In this book, you will go along with her in her journey and learn how it was that Jesus Christ delivered her from a legion of demons and how she not only got completely healed from schizophrenia, but she also graduated from college with a degree in psychology and from a Christian Bible Institute as a minister. In her journey to find the truth, she discovered through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that many of the things she was being taught in her schools were wrong and far from the truth and how society has been deceived in general with the feminist movement, to set mothers up to abandon their children so that the children will be indoctrinated and mind controlled with music, movies, false teachings from churches and the public school system, which is designed to dumb children down and to program them to obey their system. Like this they can produce more mentally ill people that end up consuming their medications and never getting healed as a result of not addressing the issue spiritually and with the power of Christ and His truth.

“In this book, I present many news articles to proof that the feminist movement is a fraud and the verses of the Bible to show that the will of God for women was that they be home with their children. I show the importance of mothers staying home with their kids and the devastating effect that the working mothers are having upon their children. I also show many of the things that the enemy has been doing to program our society to accept his ways and go astray from the ancient biblical ways of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“The main point of this book is to show the church that the enemy has infiltrated our pulpits and that they have changed and twisted our scriptures and lead the flock to live a lukewarm Christian life. We must repent and come back to the truth and acknowledge that we are in apostasy and the judgment of God is coming upon the world as a result of our apostasy.

“I believe we are living in the last days and the great tribulation is about to start and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is imminent!

“Soon the lifestyle of luxury and comfort that we are used to here in America will be stripped away and the enemy is getting ready to rule over us for the short period of time that he was granted from God. Also, my book is to show everyone also how it was that we have allowed the enemy to get so much control of our lives and why it is that God allowed him to get away with doing so. Because of our rebellion and disobedience, the enemy now is getting ready to take over and create a New World Order and a One World Religion, which excluded the truth of Jesus Christ.

“This is a book to awaken the masses from their spiritual slumber and to bring the kind of repentance that will unleash the spiritual revival the Lord Jesus Christ expects to harvest right before He comes to rapture His bride.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Desiree Alcantara’s new book is a tool for those who are in a spiritual battle for their lives in the world and in eternity.

View a synopsis of “We Were Deceived” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “We Were Deceived” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “We Were Deceived,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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From The Noah Series” tells the origins of the snake and what happened to them after mankind’s fall at Eden

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“Beautiful But Cunning: From The Noah Series”: an exquisite children’s book about a snake who retells the biblical history of their species to his offspring. “Beautiful But Cunning: From The Noah Series” is the creation of published author Dwight L. Bell, a professional truck driver, deacon, and coleader of the homeless ministry at the Emmanuel SDA Church.

Bell shares, “This story is based on Genesis 3:1–15, told in the serpent’s point of view. The serpent tells his children what happens to their ancestors.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dwight L. Bell’s new book enlightens children on the nature of snakes and how they play a role in God’s design for the world.

This book will surely inspire wisdom and faith in the young minds who wish to understand the creation story in the Holy Bible.

View the synopsis of “Beautiful But Cunning: From The Noah Series” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Beautiful But Cunning: From The Noah Series” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Beautiful But Cunning: From The Noah Series,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn’s newly released “Love and the Genders” reveals a unique creation that revolves around the crisis of this time

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“Love and the Genders”: a detailed discourse stressing on the topic of love, genders, and relationship that will widen the knowledge and open the perspective of those whose minds are filled with questions. “Love and the Genders” is the creation of published author Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, a writer who traveled across the globe to discover the human condition. Not an ordinary scholar, he spoke eight languages and had a reading knowledge of eleven others, necessary for his research. He also taught at numerous colleges and wrote many novels. His son and friend helped publish this manuscript.

Kuehnelt-Leddihn shares, “Love and the Genders deals with the four forms of love: Eros (the love between the sexes), the affections (between family members), friendship (with the accent between the sexes), and charity. This scholarly book (60% elaborate footnotes) is based on the author’s German book Das Raetsel Liebe (The Engima of Love) (Vienna, Herold, 1975). All forms of love tend toward union. (The rapist does not love, and masturbation needs no partner.)

“The book has profound cultural and even political implications. What are the qualities and qualifications of the sexes, their identities, and specific roles? Men are not superior to women and vice versa, but they are radically different, and the biological research in recent years has made a number of discoveries. We only know since 1958 for certain that every cell in the male body carries an additional element (the Y), but brain research has proven that the sexual differences are not only hormonal (known for a long time) but are also in the brain. Thus men and women are in no way ‘interchangeable.’ They are not made to ‘compete.’ Their differences are rather statistical than personal, and there are situations in which they can or must substitute for each other. Thus, queens might have to rule and men might have occasionally to tend babies (although they cannot nurse them). A high culture is ordered such that the sexes (genders) might get their fulfillment, and, naturally, they must feel affection for each other.

“The point of view of this book is Christian (which includes a Hebrew background). It is not specifically Catholic and does not deal directly with sexual ethics. (Contraception is a sexual problem; abortion is obviously plain murder.) Homosexuality is mentioned a bit more broadly. Misandry and misogyny are referenced in the North American and European situation. Friendship (not sex or Eros) is the most important element in marriage. (If one marries, can the partner be a friend for a lifetime? Fidelity belongs psychologically to friendship, not to Eros or sex.) What about the political aspect of the love (the interest, the enthusiasm) for ‘otherness’? Leftists are ‘identitarians.’ This book with its scope and documentation is quite unique. It deals basically with the crisis of our time and age.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn’s new book brings to the readers a comprehensive discussion that explores the realm of love and its forms.

View a synopsis of “Love and the Genders” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Love and the Genders” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Love and the Genders,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Bessie Knight Nichols-Farmer’s new book “My Soul Speaks” is a collection of evocative poetry sharing fragments of her mind and abiding faith

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Bessie Knight Nichols-Farmer is an Alabama native, former missionary worker, sensitivity trainer, and counselor now serving as the spiritual advisor for her church. She has published her new book “My Soul Speaks”: a collection of lyrical works inspired by the anointing of her life through her spiritual works.

The author shares, “‘My Soul Speaks in large part expresses my journey through life. When my mind is challenged, I write notes to myself. Looking back, I realized that many of the notes were poetic. The mental force of thought compelled me to externalize my thoughts. My Soul Speaks is an umbrella that shadowed my walk through life as a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. All of whom my soul speaks through.”

Published by Page Publishing, Bessie Knight Nichols-Farmer’s engrossing book is an inspiring and poetic illustration of faith, family, and the vicissitudes of modern Christian life.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “My Soul Speaks” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not mired in logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and so on. Page’s accomplished writers and publishing professionals allow authors to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Jorge Miranda-Alicea’s newly released “From a Child of Darkness to a Child of Light” is an extraordinary biography centered and inspired by the Bible and the Father

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“From a Child of Darkness to a Child of Light: The Miranda Story”: a God-inspired biblical account that traces the journey of the Mirandas and their spiritual walk with the Lord. “From a Child of Darkness to a Child of Light: The Miranda Story” is the creation of published author Jorge Miranda-Alicea, a writer who served four years in the US Navy. He also worked as a public school history teacher from 1975 to 2016 and part-timed at postsecondary level teaching Puerto Rican, American, and Western histories.

Miranda-Alicea shares, “Our biblical God biblically and actually put into my heart to write for Him simultaneously two books—yes, two books. God heartily provided me with the title of our next books, titled From A Child of Darkness To A Child of Light: The Miranda Story.

“Why the title? Simply because in essence, the book is an autobiography (testimony) of myself and loved ones of my first twenty-eight years of being Catholic, only having religion, being a puppet of Satan like all earthlings when born naturally, spiritually dead, separated from the biblical God simply because the book is Christ and biblically centered up to the year 1975 when I did biblical profession and receiving Jesus into my heart and thus becoming a newborn biblical earthly Christian all for his honor and glory and for those nonbiblical unsaved, nonbelieving earthlings.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jorge Miranda-Alicea’s new book gives the readers a 7-chapter testimonial that fuses real life experiences and biblical truths to create a solid proof of God’s powerful grace.

View a synopsis of “From a Child of Darkness to a Child of Light: The Miranda Story” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “From a Child of Darkness to a Child of Light: The Miranda Story” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “From a Child of Darkness to a Child of Light: The Miranda Story,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Liza Cooper’s newly released “Get to Know Me” is an efficacious tome that guides hopeful couples to get to know each other before making a lifetime commitment

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“Get to Know Me: Marriage Preparation Workbook”: a potent account that desires to bring insight to couples by providing guidelines that allow them to understand each other better to yield a fruitful, eternal bond. “Get to Know Me: Marriage Preparation Workbook” is the creation of published author Liza Cooper, a resilient woman, writer, and personal caregiver with a bachelor’s degree in business management.

Cooper shares, “Liza knows that some conversations are taboo. While it may be challenging to ask tough questions, now you can use the Get to Know Me Workbook as a tool to take on the responsibility for you.

“She introduces 101-plus questions to help to get acquainted with one another. Each question opens a dialogue and relationship awareness. Try answering questions in different settings maybe one or two questions face-to-face then answering a few alone in your quiet time. Discuss your thoughts and your reasoning. Allow your partner to be authentic in his or her feelings, perspectives and opinions.

“Look at this book as a project that you and your significant other will complete. How well do you both work together? Were you both able to answer all questions and do you both feel that you are satisfied with each other’s progress towards the project? This maybe a glimpse of how the two of you will work together to accomplish tasks in the future.

“I encourage you to be truthful with yourself first and then with each other. Examine your relationship love is caring, love will be patient but most importantly it will endure.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Liza Cooper’s new book is a perspicacious tool that hopes to inspire positivity in every relationship by allowing openness, honesty, and faith to be the central virtues to nurture a purposeful bond.

This book is perfect for would-be couples to consider as they leap into the life-changing decision to become one in a perfect, God-driven commitment

View the synopsis of “Get to Know Me: Marriage Preparation Workbook” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Get to Know Me: Marriage Preparation Workbook” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Get to Know Me: Marriage Preparation Workbook,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Henrietta Glaus’s newly released “Melding the Pieces” recounts the life of Henri Glaus that is filled with utmost resolve and faith amid trials in life

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“Melding the Pieces: The Life of Henri Glaus”: an uplifting testament of Henri Glaus’s thriving path to attaining purpose through hard work and faith despite the odds of life. “Melding the Pieces: The Life of Henri Glaus” is the creation of published author Henrietta Glaus, a wife, a mother, and a homemaker as well as an educator in the public school system with BS, MEd, and PhD degrees in education from Kent State University.

Glaus shares, “From growing up in a home without indoor plumbing or electricity, running barefoot on the farm, to traveling and bicycling throughout the world, Henri Glaus has experienced a life filled with joy, sorrow, high adventure, and the pleasure of accomplishments large and small. Expressed honestly with an element of humility, she recounts her story up to the cusp of her nonagenarian years.

“Understanding that life is a series of abstruse valleys and radiant peaks, Henri has embraced all the vicissitudes that a long life brings. Throughout everything, she has had the undying support of an extended family so large that, as her sister said, a bramble bush rather than a family tree would be required to record it.

“Throughout her life Henri was blessed with role models, beginning with her parents, her brother, and later four husbands—one, a professor, encouraged and supported her in attaining a PhD. This set Henri on a path that provided undreamed of opportunities in her chosen field of education.

“There is an adage that states a life well-lived is a life worth living. This is the story of that barefoot girl’s journey—the life of Henri Glaus.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Henrietta Glaus’s new book bears witness to an impassioned individual whose determination and selflessness brought her the success and fulfillment she so longingly desired.

This book is an incomparable tome that treasures powerful insights that push the hopeful and aid the willing.

View the synopsis of “Melding the Pieces: The Life of Henri Glaus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Melding the Pieces: The Life of Henri Glaus” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Melding the Pieces: The Life of Henri Glaus,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Evidences for God and His Creations- via Author House; and web site

The book is useful in witnessing to skeptics and nonbelievers and provides resources for Christian schools, home schools and church school classes. One’s faith will be strengthened and deepened by studying apologetics by reading this concise book. The book is unique in that over 200 references are covered including over 100 books. For many of these books, summaries are available on the web site. So one can find, in one place, the summaries of many different authors’ views and books on apologetics, world views and creation. If you have ever wondered about how the details of creation and Noah’s flood could be true, this book will answer your questions. It also provides good arguments to counter naturalism, atheism and other non-Christian world views. Many Power Point Presentations for kids through adults are also found on the Web site.

Details: 225 pg, soft cover, hard cover and ebook available

Author information: Dr. Tofflemire was an engineer and research scientist for 50 yrs. He wrote over 50 scientific publications in various media and technical journals. He has a Doctorate in Environmental Engr., and a Masters in Christian Ministry. He has been active in the creational and apologetics field for about 15 yrs.

Youtube interview:

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