Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

A Journey of Faith” shares the true story of a woman who surpassed her toils in life with faith and courage

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“Into the Wilderness: A Journey of Faith”: an enthralling book that contains a woman’s faith-driven moments in life that speak of her suffering and healing by the grace of God. “Into the Wilderness: A Journey of Faith” is the creation of published author Tracy M. Lewis, PhD, a former youth pastor, social worker and principal, and a veteran of the United States Air Force and National Guard.

Lewis shares, “‘Into the Wilderness: A Journey of Faith’ is the spiritually inspiring and surreal true story of a young girl from West Virginia who, at the age of twelve, suddenly finds herself deposited into the harshest environment imaginable—the streets and public schools of South Central, Los Angeles.

“There, she struggles to survive not only the violence, crime, and destruction around her but also the resulting trauma, depression, sadness, and sense of hopelessness. Her sudden friendship with a Jewish family at the age of fourteen leads to a desire to know God for herself and a much-needed encounter with Jesus at the age of sixteen.

“Five years later, a God-directed mission into the wilderness of Alaska quickly builds her faith in a powerful way, and her relationship with God is strengthened as she learns the meaning of spiritual warfare.

“For people who need answers to the questions, ‘Is God Real? Does God care about me? Do I have a purpose?’ This book is for them.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Tracy M. Lewis, PhD’s new book hopes to enlighten readers of God’s abounding love for them and His plans for their lives, especially in times of despair and loss.

This book presents truthful circumstances in life that exude with trust in God and the wisdom of understanding one’s purpose in life as willed by the Lord.

View the synopsis of “Into the Wilderness: A Journey of Faith” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Into the Wilderness: A Journey of Faith” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Into the Wilderness: A Journey of Faith,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Esther Cooper’s newly released “From The Process To The Product” is a purposeful memoir that reveals the saving grace of God in the author’s life.

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“From The Process To The Product: The Battles And Victories Of A Saved African Woman”: an awe-inspiring book that unveils the author’s harrowing past and how God saved her from evil and depravity with His love and overwhelming goodness. “From The Process To The Product: The Battles And Victories Of A Saved African Woman” is the creation of published author Esther Cooper, a church server currently on a summer mission to make Christ known within the Philadelphia areas.

Cooper shares, “This timely book will encourage the Body of Christ to believe again in the reality of the existence of the supernatural realm. Esther Cooper believes that had it not been for her acceptance of Christ Jesus prior to the civil war in Liberia, her country of origin, she would have been among the hundreds of thousands of her people who became victims of the civil war. Looking at her battles and victories is a clear indication that no real Christian needs be a victim of Satan, unless by choice of failure to fight back through prayers, Bible reading, meditation, and a firm decision to believe and stand on God’s word to defeat Satan.

“This book will encourage the nonbeliever as well. Esther believes that if she could be processed from the devil’s kingdom of darkness into Christ’s kingdom of light, no one needs to remain Satan’s captive for life.

“This book will challenge both the Christian and unbeliever as well. The goal of this book is to lead the nonbeliever to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Savior of Esther, and hopefully the Savior of the reader. After reading this book and hopefully surrendering your life to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will begin the work of processing you into the vessel he would want to use. The process, like anything that is of value, is not easy. However, you will love the finished product—a new you.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Esther Cooper’s new book hopes to inspire faith to believers and nonbelievers alike and beckon them to partake in the Lord’s redeeming mercy and compassion.

This book is a powerful testament to the uplifting graciousness of God that ushers in strength, healing, and transformation from life’s woes.

View the synopsis of “From The Process To The Product: The Battles And Victories Of A Saved African Woman” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“From The Process To The Product: The Battles And Victories Of A Saved African Woman” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “From The Process To The Product: The Battles And Victories Of A Saved African Woman,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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A love story” is an intriguing Civil War love story filled with unexpected twists and turns

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“The Bigamist: A love story”: a gripping family tale of love in the face of unexpected situations and never-ending trials. “The Bigamist: A love story” is the creation of published author Jim Mitcham, a deacon in his Baptist church and greeter at the door of the church every Sunday morning. He spends much of his day now driving for Lyft and enjoys meeting and having great conversations with his riders.

Mitcham shares, “The Bigamist is a family story told of my grandfather, several greats back, who served in the Confederate Army. He was reported killed in the Battle of Antietam in Maryland, though he was only wounded and spent the rest of the war in a Yankee prison camp in Chicago. When he returned home, he discovered his wife, who had thought him dead, had remarried for protection of herself and the children. The results and the remainder of the story have been created through my imagination. I hope you enjoy reading this story half as much as I did writing it.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jim Mitcham’s new book is a brilliant creation filled with a captivating narrative that journeys through one’s life and the tribulations they face.

Born of a story that has been running in the family for years, this will surely interest and inspire everyone.

View a synopsis of “The Bigamist: A love story” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Bigamist: A love story” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Bigamist: A love story,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Richard Ramoie’s newly released “The Age” is an insightful guide that enlightens individuals on the spiritual warfare between God’s true church and false church

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“The Age”: a profound compendium that inspires wisdom on preparing one’s self with the armor of God against untruthful teachings of the false church and aligning with the genuine church founded by the Lord. “The Age” is the creation of published author Richard Ramoie, an ordained evangelist with World Christianship Ministries.

Ramoie shares, “The age itself is a time of which we live under the power and sway of Satan, and we are caught up in the greatest spiritual battle of mankind: the True Church versus the counterfeit church!

“Prepare yourself for shock, disbelief, feelings of hate, distrust and, most of all, spiritual disappointment! Let us not fear for fear itself our Father our God will tell us in his own words, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Let us believe in him and only him!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Richard Ramoie’s new book illuminates the prophetic teachings of God’s Word on the hopes of educating believers on what to expect and how to fortify their souls against the false church that seeks to beguile weak hearts into its condemning pits.

This book also contains biblical references that reinforce the need for people to strengthen themselves for the coming tribulation and rise of the false church.

View the synopsis of “The Age” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Age” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Age,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Spiritual Forces May Be Behind the Difficulties You Face, Yet Cannot Explain

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My target audience are those who know something is terribly wrong in their [lives], but can’t identify it….My target audience are those at the end of their rope, and nobody believes what [is] happening to [them]

Author Stanley Beverly seeks to bring hope to the oppressed with The Body of Christ’s Need for Bible-Based Deliverance Ministry ($13.49, paperback, 9781631298608; $6.99, e-book, 9781631298615).

Beverly does not seek to offer yet another gimmick or sensational scheme to his readers. Rather, he wants his Bible-based teaching on demonology and spiritual warfare to equip the warriors who are fighting every day, whether they realize it or not.

“My target audience are those who know something is terribly wrong in their [lives], but can’t identify it….My target audience are those at the end of their rope, and nobody believes what [is] happening to [them],” said Beverly.

Stanley Beverly was delivered from witchcraft, mentored by Apostle William Brown and ordained by him as an elder in deliverance ministry in 1992. He has also studied under other teachers and pastors to obtain the Holy Spirit’s deliverance over the past 22 years.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. The Body of Christ’s Need for Bible-Based Deliverance Ministry is available online through,, and

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Donna Ellison’s newly released “God Has More Than One Name?” is a touching read that educates children on God’s many names that magnify His glory

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“God Has More Than One Name?”: an enriching book that enraptures children with the many awe-inspiring names of God that they can use to pray and seek a deeper relationship with Him early in life. “God Has More Than One Name?” is the creation of published author Donna Ellison.

Ellison shares, “Children ask a lot of questions! Some are simple: ‘Can I go outside?’ ‘What’s for dinner?’ But some are really difficult to respond to in simple terms like, ‘Why is the sky blue?’ or, ‘Where did God come from?’

“Most of the time, we can answer their questions without giving it a second thought. And sometimes their questions are more thought-provoking.

“This book is the result of that scenario where my grandson asked, ‘Why did you call God Lord?’ It was a simple question, and I answered it simply by saying, ‘God has many names.’ And God does have more than one name, right? He’s our Jehovah, Creator, Healer, etc. I felt prompted to write this book because of his question.

“This book is to help children learn more about the names, character, love, and kindness of God in different circumstances that they can relate to. Hopefully, it will help them to find out who God is and challenge them to explore and find themselves within the pages of the Bible.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Donna Ellison’s new book is a wonderful masterpiece that will surely captivate the hearts and minds of children with the understanding of God’s many names that bear significance to His power and benevolence.

Parents and educators alike can utilize this opus to instruct children with the love of God and instill within their hearts the joy of calling God through their own way of glorifying Him.

View the synopsis of “God Has More Than One Name?” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God Has More Than One Name?” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God Has More Than One Name?,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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The Humanity of Muhammad, A Christian View by Craig Considine

Professor Craig Considine, an American Catholic of Irish and Italian descent, his personal journey in the pursuit of knowledge led him to study the Islamic faith and contemporary Christian-Muslim relations.

New title by Blue Dome Press: The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian Perspective by Craig Considine.

Craig Considine is a professor of Christian-Muslim relations and religious pluralism. An American Catholic of Irish and Italian descent, his personal journey in the pursuit of knowledge led him to study the Islamic faith and contemporary Christian-Muslim relations. He travels throughout the world discussing the similarities, as opposed to differences, that Christianity and Islam have. Central to his thought is the idea that our societies must move beyond simply tolerating other faiths and must embrace pluralism that is inclusive of them. He aims to do his part through his activism and education.

The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View examines Prophet Muhammad, Islam’s central and oft misunderstood figure, from the perspective of a devote Christian. Considine is uncompromising in his words as he embraces Prophet Muhammad for his virtue while not forgetting his own Christian roots. In fact, they are front and center throughout his assessments.

Craig Considine has examined a myriad of Christian and Islamic sources and anecdotes, ranging from the holy Qur’an to 11th century Sicily, to get a deep understanding of Islam’s core tenets and how they have been put into practice in order to properly interpret them from a Christian perspective. The Humanity of Muhammad is a window into Islamic theology and virtue that non-Muslims can appreciate and identify with. Its sincerity and passion, which stems from Considine’s genuine desire to spread harmony throughout the world, is infectious and will leave readers feeling motivated and hopeful. It is an ideal resource for Christians that wish to understand Islam better.

Craig Considine is a scholar, professor, global speaker, media contributor, and public intellectual based at the Department of Sociology at Rice University.

Title: The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View

ISBN-13: 9781682065297

180 pages, $16.95, July 2020

Distributed by: NBN – National Book Network

Praise for The Humanity of Muhammad

“In this book once again Dr. Considine demonstrates his openness, inclusiveness and his sincere and honest view about our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. That Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is truly a role model for our pursuit of peace, justice and happiness for our common humanity.”

—Imam Shamsi Ali

Spiritual Leader of Jamaica Muslim Center

President of Nusantara Foundation

“I was impressed that Craig begins his book by talking about the persecution of Christians in Muslim-majority countries as a backdrop to what Muhammad’s message really is, opening up the difficult conversation that he proposes.”

—Julian Bond

Former Director of the Christian Muslim Forum, United Kingdom

“In today’s world, we need bridge builders and peacemakers. Dr. Considine’s book is timely and needed in order to create a better understanding between those who don’t know much about Islam and its Prophet and their Muslim neighbors. The book tackles important topics that are well-chosen and necessary if we are to replace ignorance with knowledge and hatred with love.”

— Safi Kaskas

Co-author of The Qur’an, A Contemporary Understanding, with References to the Bible

It is a remarkable academic effort to help bring an end to the dangerous worldview of those who view Islam as a threat to the Judeo-Christian tradition and the values of Western Civilization. The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View is a well-researched, well-written invitation to instead begin an authentic Dialogue of Civilizations.

—Sajjad Shah

Founder of Muslims of the World

Author of Muslims of the World

“Craig Considine’s The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View provides a welcome antidote to the hostility towards Islam and Muslims that permeates popular sentiment. His is a very sympathetic account of the compatibility between Islam and the civic values of pluralism, equality, education and social justice. By opening our hearts and minds to Muslims, Christians might have something to learn, and much that we can do together to make for a better world.”

—Rev. Dr. Patrick McInerney

Director of the Columbian Centre for

Christian-Muslim Relations in Australia

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Anything Is Possible” is a heartwarming read about a life dedicated to God amid the busyness of the world

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“When the Lord is by Your Side: Anything Is Possible”: a well-conceived book that shares inspiring moments of faith in God and trust in His promise of healing and rest amid absence and worldly commotion. “When the Lord is by Your Side: Anything Is Possible” is the creation of published author R.C., a mother of one, runner, cancer survivor, and volunteer.

R.C. shares, “This world is filled with untold stories because in these times, everybody is busy living in a rush. Sit down and relax. Imagine how life is without the technology we have today like the social media to find missing relatives. Even with the absence of all these faithful people, we still are able to make it through in life.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, R.C.’s new book reminds readers of the ever-present God who showers His grace and mercy to those who steadfastly adhere to Him, especially during times of great toil and confusion.

This book is a true testament to the Lord’s unparalleled benevolence that brings life blessings and leads souls toward triumph and contentment.

View the synopsis of “When the Lord is by Your Side: Anything Is Possible” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “When the Lord is by Your Side: Anything Is Possible” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “When the Lord is by Your Side: Anything Is Possible,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Myisha Jones’s newly released “Getting to Your Inner Peace” brings to the empty hearts God’s peace that will carry them through

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“Getting to Your Inner Peace: A 5-step comprehensive guide and journal to regaining your peace through spirituality”: a captivating key to finding the peace and clarity one needs to overthrow life’s biggest storms. “Getting to Your Inner Peace: A 5-step comprehensive guide and journal to regaining your peace through spirituality” is the creation of published author Myisha Jones, a career federal government employee and devout Christian.

Jones shares, “Have you ever felt internally devoid of emotions due to calamities in your life? Do you have trust issues or unresolved hurt? Well, this is the book for you. This book can help you obtain God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. This 5-step guide helps you tackle the obstacles within your life that causes you angst and prevents you from claiming your peace. You have what it takes within you to, get to the peace that you need.

“God’s peace can be revealed by rightly dividing the word of truth and seeking God’s direction. This is a journey that begins by first acknowledging that there is an issue and that you want it resolved. Are you ready to begin the journey?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Myisha Jones’s new book is a brilliant journey that navigates the readers through finding peace in the hands of God and strengthening faith in His plans.

View a synopsis of “Getting to Your Inner Peace: A 5-step comprehensive guide and journal to regaining your peace through spirituality” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Getting to Your Inner Peace: A 5-step comprehensive guide and journal to regaining your peace through spirituality” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Getting to Your Inner Peace: A 5-step comprehensive guide and journal to regaining your peace through spirituality,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Gisèle Laframboise’s newly released “Empowered by God” paints a compelling portrait of a life founded on God’s truth and empowered by His Spirit

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“Empowered by God: Don’t Use God’s Sovereignty as an Excuse to Accept Defeat”: a powerful book that shares insights on seeking God’s will through His Word and His Spirit and motivates believers to live empowered like Jesus and His disciples. “Empowered by God: Don’t Use God’s Sovereignty as an Excuse to Accept Defeat” is the creation of published author Gisèle Laframboise, a retired public servant and a devout follower of God.

Laframboise shares, “You were designed in the image of God and to act like Jesus, yet you probably resist Holy Spirit unintentionally as do most Christians. It’s time that you put on the mind of Christ and clothe yourself with Christ to do what Jesus did and even greater things.

“Is your spirit screaming for more of God and for His plan to be fulfilled in your life? Are you tired of living in mediocrity when you know that God wants you to do so much more? If so, this book may just be for you. It reveals God’s truth and challenges you to reset your mind and heart on your privileges as well as obligations as a child of Almighty God.

“Are you doing anything supernatural—in God’s power? If not, you are missing out on what God planned for you and asked of you. Jesus was all about the supernatural, and so were the disciples in the book of Acts. It’s time we do the same!

“Too often we accept what is happening to us in the natural instead of fighting in the spiritual for something Jesus has already provided for us or wants to do for us. Don’t accept defeat and credit God for it because our Father is all-powerful. Instead, partner with Holy Spirit to bring glory to the name of Jesus.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Gisèle Laframboise’s new book presents a positive challenge of seeking God’s heart and accomplishing what God has told us to do as well as the works He had prepared for each of us.

By using the Holy Bible, this book edifies and emphasizes the importance of asking God daily for guidance and wisdom in life.

View the synopsis of “Empowered by God: Don’t Use God’s Sovereignty as an Excuse to Accept Defeat” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Empowered by God: Don’t Use God’s Sovereignty as an Excuse to Accept Defeat” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Empowered by God: Don’t Use God’s Sovereignty as an Excuse to Accept Defeat,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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