Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Jessi Ruiter’s newly released “Thirty Day Devotional for the Horse Loving Girl” is an inspiring account that emphasizes living a God-centered life

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“Thirty Day Devotional for the Horse Loving Girl”: a month-long devotional that teaches the young girls to appreciate oneself, be brave, and to live a life driven by faith in the Lord. “Thirty Day Devotional for the Horse Loving Girl” is the creation of published author Jessi Ruiter, an experienced riding instructor who loves teaching young children proper horsemanship, along with real-life lessons. Raised in simple country living in the boonies of Michigan, she fell in love with being in the midst of God’s creation.

Ruiter shares, “Trot thirty encouraging and horse-filled days that use fun and insightful horse facts to help teach the girls of today important lessons on self-image, courage, and Christ-centered faith.

“‘I don’t have it all together and on my own, I never will, but by God’s grace, I pray that I can take a little of what I have learned in my short life and encourage you these thirty days.’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jessi Ruiter’s new book is a wonderful tool inspired by one’s personal lessons learned in life that is written to motivate the readers to enjoy their life in faith and in strength.

May this also be a key for one to embrace a stronger relationship with God.

View a synopsis of “Thirty Day Devotional for the Horse Loving Girl” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Thirty Day Devotional for the Horse Loving Girl” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Thirty Day Devotional for the Horse Loving Girl,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Douglas Foster’s newly released “The Rainbows of God’s Love” is a colorful reminder of God’s love for all His beloved children in this world

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“The Rainbows of God’s Love”: a captivating narrative for kids that highlights the deep and everlasting love of God for His people. “The Rainbows of God’s Love” is the creation of published author Douglas Foster, a children’s book writer and illustrator who lives in Menifee, California. He loves to combine his love for the Lord into his art and writing.

Foster shares, “The Rainbows of God’s Love is a beautiful book showing children how deep and how wide God’s love is for them. It uses the beauty of nature as a way to illustrate God’s love. The book is designed to boost a child’s self-esteem based on how God sees them as his beautiful creation, his precious children.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Douglas Foster’s new book is a wonderful creation designed to teach the young hearts of God’s love through nature’s wonders. This also tell them that, like nature, they are His beautiful creations.

View a synopsis of “The Rainbows of God’s Love” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Rainbows of God’s Love” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Rainbows of God’s Love,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Jo An Dunn’s newly released “No Coincidences with God” is a stirring life journey of someone who has overcome obstacles with the power of God’s grace

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“No Coincidences with God”: an inspiring account that tells everyone to trust that God always has a plan in one’s life. “No Coincidences with God” is the creation of published author Jo An Dunn, a writer for about nine years. With this book, her desire is that the small window into her life will encourage others. Her hope is that one will grow through this window of awareness.

Dunn shares, “Our lives sometimes seem random and driven by happenings to us and around us. Yes. Maybe like the saying ‘blown by the wind.’

“No Coincidences with God is meant to show the reader that God is always looking out for us, saved and unsaved alike. We go through hard times as God attempts to woe us to himself. Our need is for a savior because, at birth, our natural sinful nature draws us away from him. God will use whatever is necessary to turn us around to see him again. These cords that draw us are common to all, though we may not be conscious of them.

“Every story included here happened as we have lived it. Some of the happenings were more scary than others and, some, as rainbows and kisses in life. One does not see them beginning to end but must walk through with whatever mustard seed of faith we are able to apply at each and every step.

“For you now willing to examine your own life, please read on and enjoy!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jo An Dunn’s new book is a wonderful reminder of God’s never-ending presence for everyone. May the readers find inspirations of hope and faith within these pages.

View a synopsis of “No Coincidences with God” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “No Coincidences with God” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “No Coincidences with God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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New Apologetic Re-Introduces a Classic Perspective on the Book of Revelation

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This book is not a commentary on the book of Revelation (there are many excellent commentaries on the Revelation), though it is a careful verse by verse and chapter by chapter study of chapters 12 to 22 of the text of the Apocalypse

Author Richard Wilson offers an inspirational view of a confusing book of the Bible in The Quest for Millennial Hope: Historicist with a Futurist Focus, Postmillennial Apology on the Book of Revelation – Chapter 12-22 ($25.49, paperback, 9780994195807; $9.99, e-book, 9781631297410).

While many struggle to understand the last book of the Bible, others revel in their own interpretations of this abstract narrative. Wilson explores the perspective accepted by the general Protestant population during the time of the Reformation and for some time after. He believes that this perspective can further God’s ever-growing earthly kingdom.

“This book is not a commentary on the book of Revelation (there are many excellent commentaries on the Revelation), though it is a careful verse by verse and chapter by chapter study of chapters 12 to 22 of the text of the Apocalypse,” said Wilson.

Richard Wilson is a Presbyterian Minister, a calling that has taken him and his family across Australia and into many parts of the world. He studied theology at Melbourne University and then at the Presbyterian Theological Hall. Richard currently serves as Pastoral Coordinator for the Indian Reformed Fellowship – Australia (IRFA). He lives in Brisbane, Australia with his wife.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. The Quest for Millennial Hope is available online through,, and

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William Lindsey Thomas’s newly released “Eve’s Apple” is a compelling dissertation on Eve’s original sin that perpetuates in humanity throughout time

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“Eve’s Apple” A Historical Novelette on How Eden Was Lost but Prophesied Regained”: an astute narrative about Eve’s original sin that spread the curse of death and depravity among human beings that ran the course of history until recent times. “Eve’s Apple: A Historical Novelette on How Eden Was Lost but Prophesied Regained” is the creation of published author William Lindsey Thomas, a retired pastor and army chaplain with a PhD in pastoral authority and holds a California state license in marriage, family, and child counseling.

Thomas shares, “‘Eve’s Apple’ is the story of how one lady, Eve, contracted and spread the most fatal disease ever known to mankind as an act of her mind and will. The name of this disease is sin. This disease of sin is the root cause of all war, murder, stealing, lies, and every other known form of evil in the world. The result has been the death of every generation of mankind who has ever lived.

“‘But wait a minute,’ you say. ‘I believe death is caused by old age or cancer, a heart attack, or some other physical problem or disease and not by some religious belief called sin.’ This is partly true. But what is the root cause of all known diseases? And if all known diseases result in death, isn’t this just another way sin manifests itself?

“In addition to all these facts, I believe the story of Eve’s apple defines the history of the human race. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, ‘There is no such thing as history, only biography.’ Well, if history is a collection of biographies, or stories, then this story of Eve’s apple ranks among the most important of all. The story of Eve’s apple began mankind’s conflict with a good and evil in our world. This struggle by you and me and the rest of the human race has affected our world and history more than any other challenge in life. How mankind has chosen to struggle with this conflict has shaped the history of our world.

“If the above reasons for Eve’s importance to history and your life are not enough, may I suggest one more: contained in this story of Eve is the prophecy of God’s answer to Eve’s sin, which contains faith, hope, and love.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, William Lindsey Thomas’s new book also reveals God’s plan of salvation for humanity that will redeem all creation to His glory and dispel the remnants of evil caused by Eve’s downfall.

View the synopsis of “Eve’s Apple” A Historical Novelette on How Eden Was Lost but Prophesied Regained” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Eve’s Apple: A Historical Novelette on How Eden Was Lost but Prophesied Regained” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Eve’s Apple: A Historical Novelette on How Eden Was Lost but Prophesied Regained,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Edward Nicholas Manze’s newly released “Poems to Ponder Upon” is a profound poetry book that is the fruit of a twenty-year journey

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“Poems to Ponder Upon”: a thought-provoking pool of words that speak about the beauty, wonder, and divinity of following the Lord’s path and seeing the world on a better perspective. “Poems to Ponder Upon” is the creation of published author Edward Nicholas Manze, a protestant from Western New York. Nicholas was inspired by God to write many stories, essays, and poems, including The Seismic Warrior—a 15-page short story about a handicap superhero which he wrote in 1985, a year before he became a C5 quadriplegic.

Manze shares, “Poems to Ponder Upon is compiled of twenty years of poems! I hope you enjoy reading this book and pondering upon these poems as much as I do. ‘All credit to God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost.’

“‘That they may know that this is thy hand; that thou, Lord, hast done it.’ Psalm 109:27”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Edward Nicholas Manze’s new book is a stirring read across poetry that speaks to the hearts of readers, young and old alike. May this inspire and motivate everyone to see and hear more of what God has for them.

View a synopsis of “Poems to Ponder Upon” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Poems to Ponder Upon” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Poems to Ponder Upon,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Dr. Louis Day’s newly released “Fighting Words” enlightens Christians on the physical and spiritual power God gives them to conquer evil in their government and culture

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“Fighting Words: Why Government and Culture Should Fear the Church”: a solid, Biblically based defense to inform and persuade Christians of their God-given powers to be a force to be reckoned with. When the Body of Christ unites itself with this power, governments are transformed, and cowards flee. “Fighting Words: Why Government and Culture Should Fear the Church” is the creation of published author Dr. Louis Day, a pastor and business entrepreneur who also teaches concealed weapon training and mass shooter event confrontation for churches, schools and hospitals.

From his experience and knowledge of Biblical doctrine and church history, Dr, Day exposes much-avoided topics and truths about God’s warrior heart and the King of kings call to arms for both our present history, and for eternity. God expects His people to be, and throughout history, they have been an overwhelming force to be reckoned with. It was His people who brought the Roman Empire to its knees, who ended slavery on two continents, and who have built more hospitals, orphanages and schools of higher learning than any other people group in world history. It was God’s rule of Law that gave the foundations to the American Constitution which has led to the most powerful and most prosperous nation in world history.

“There are lines in the sand that God expects both government and His people not to cross. When they are crossed, the King of kings expects there to be a fight for the good of all peoples.

“This author writes this book in hopes to cause a revolution among God’s people as they rediscover their God-given identity by hearing their King’s heartbeat for justice and truth from His rule of law for all peoples.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Louis Day, PhD’s new book will light a fire in the Church’s bones to be that active force of God to be “salt and light” to write history for such a time as this.

Readers will be taught and motivated by God’s Spirit to follow the absolute authority of God above all governments.

View the synopsis of “Fighting Words: Why Government and Culture Should Fear the Church” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Fighting Words: Why Government and Culture Should Fear the Church” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Fighting Words: Why Government and Culture Should Fear the Church,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Madestella C. Holcomb’s newly released “For Such A Time As This” is an impassioned love story of one man’s search for his true identity

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“For Such A Time As This” is a powerful account that shares the trials of a young, rich White lawyer who tries to live a normal life amid America’s persecution against color and principle. “For Such a Time as This” is the creation of published author Madestella C. Holcomb, a writer, retired editor from the US government, family woman, and Christian.

Holcomb shares, “It is 1946, a dangerous time in the United States of America when minorities are persecuted, segregated, and denied their rights as equal citizens. It is a time when Darius Paul Deavers, a young White man, defies tradition, laws, and family for the right to marry his childhood sweetheart, Ariel Sage Copple, who is Black. He and Sage move to the state of Washington where interracial marriage is legal. He tries to deal with the pressures and all the mean things that happen to him because of his Black wife.

“The novel probes our most deeply held racial prejudices in a love story with all the extraordinary drama and overwhelming emotion as Darius travels down several avenues in search of himself as a White man. He is reminded by his father of Esther and Mordecai, who acted as God’s servants in a time of racial crisis. He tells Darius that, most likely, he and Sage were sent here for such a time as this to try and heal some of the world’s wounds. ‘For Such a Time as This’ is a brilliant love story embedded in one man’s search for his true identity.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Madestella C. Holcomb’s new book is an enriching masterpiece that reveals the beauty of love that triumphs against the odds of racial discrimination. This book also depicts an enthralling journey as Sage helps Darius to find the true meaning of life and the need of having a solid foundation, for his true identity can flourish.

View the synopsis of “For Such a Time as This” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “For Such a Time as This” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “For Such a Time as This,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

You may also contact the author, at 303-333-4480

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Phillip A. Mikle Sr.’s newly released “Blame It on the Church” reveals the false teachings that revel around this world

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“Blame It on the Church”: a relevant discussion on issues that are rampant in the church and the facts that are hidden from the people in place of false teachings. “Blame It on the Church” is the creation of published author Phillip A. Mikle Sr., an African American who grew up in the crime-infested streets of “Lil Haiti”. Throughout his hardest times, God has shown up and revealed Himself during his lonely and darkest moments.

Mikle Sr. Shares, “The church has become one of the most hated organizations in the world. Almost every day, Christians are walking away from the church because its teachings have become more about money and materialism rather than God. We can clearly see that the heart of the church is leaning more toward prosperity than toward God. Preaching the Word of God has also become nothing more than another way of making a living, and the pulpits are full of false preachers who are taking full advantage of this. And because of the false doctrines of ‘tithing’ and ‘seed, sow, and harvest,’ families are being ripped apart. Husbands are leaving their wives because they’re giving their last dollar to the preachers and vice versa. This has been a strategy for a long time that the enemy has been using against Christians by teaching them false doctrines while concealing the truth. In Phillip A. Mikle Sr.’s eye-opening book Blame It on the Church, it uncovers God’s most kept secret from mankind ‘THE MYSTERY ABOUT THE TRINITY,’ God is not three persons but one. This book unmasks the world’s biggest scams which are ‘Tithing and seed, sow, and harvest.’ You will be informed about false preachers who the author calls ‘smooth criminals.’ This book uncovers the truth about ‘once saved, always saved,’ God will not allow his son to simply be an escape route on judgment day. And you will learn the truth about what is really going to happen when Christ returns to Earth. Like it or not, these are facts and this book is a must-read. The author makes it plain and simple for anyone who desperately want to know the truth. And, don’t get upset when you discover why many are pointing their fingers at the church and blaming it.

“Also, in this book the author addresses the #TIMESUP #METOO MOVEMENT, and including EVERY WOMAN that EXISTS on the face of this earth.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Phillip A. Mikle Sr.’s new book addresses the important issues that shadow the real truths of God. Here, readers will be enlightened of the truth that is long-hidden under the falseness of others’ speech.

View a synopsis of “Blame It on the Church” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Blame It on the Church” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Blame It on the Church,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Sudie Williams’s newly released “Suffering Silently” – instructions for those with hurting hearts

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“Suffering Silently”: a wonderful manuscript filled with pages on topics that will help people find enlightenment and direction in their personal experiences and dilemmas. “Suffering Silently” is the creation of published author Sudie Williams, a writer who has worked as a teacher, assistant director, and director of various childcare centers and Head Start programs. She is an active listener, and she enjoys making people smile and laugh.

Williams shares, “Each day, I meet people who share so much in common. They are showing outward signs of frustration that are clearly visible. At some point in time, we all had to face invisible things that cannot be seen within a person. They consisted of problems, situations, circumstances, dilemma, drama, interferences, hindrances, oppositions, hardships, struggles, challenges, difficulties, pains, heartbreaks, and the list goes on.

“How we deal with those issues will determine whether our life will become effective and productive or whether it will seem dull and boring. We can look at the positive side of the issues, or we can see the negative side. In either situation, engaging and thriving in the right environment with the right people while making right choices will make a positive impact on our life. We have to set our might and sight on reaching positive goals and achievable dreams.

“People are hurting and they want answers to their questions or problems. We should not be afraid to speak up and to seek help. If you are hurting, please find a trusted friend or professional agency that you can open up with and share your concerns. Don’t try to carry the burden alone because it can get overwhelming.

“If you are a believer, exercise your faith. Be of good courage. Lift your head up, chin up, hands up, and let faith rise to new heights. Believe and confess you can overcome this.

“It has been a pleasure writing this book. I pray that it will help bring hope, healing, deliverance, restoration, unification, salvation, and encouragement to everyone who receives these words of wisdom and instructions. Remember you don’t have to suffer in silence.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Sudie Williams’s new book is a comforting voice for those who are silently suffering as it carries words of courage, hope, healing, and illumination that will drive them to face whatever comes.

View a synopsis of “Suffering Silently” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Suffering Silently” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Suffering Silently,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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