Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Bridget Messi’s newly released “Red Siren” is a supernatural tale of a siren’s change of heart that decides the fate of her kind

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“Red Siren”: an enchanting story about Ariel, a siren who deviates from her instincts of killing men by becoming human and helping two individuals on their mission to end all sirens—a mission that can change the world and her life. “Red Siren” is the creation of published author Bridget Messi, a licensed esthetician.

Messi shares, “Ariel doesn’t want to kill men like her sisters. Once she becomes of age, she will sing the legendary song of sirens, which will bring out her murderous instincts. If Ariel doesn’t sing, she will face becoming an outcast and death soon after. But until then, Ariel has a much more human heart and refuses to take innocent lives. In an attempt to be free from her destiny, she turns to her grandmother, who transforms her into a human.

“Ariel soon meets Cassie and Carson who then get caught up in a quest to end all siren life, but at what cost? Ariel must make a decision that will change the world forever, even if she won’t be there to see it.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Bridget Messi’s new book shows a being’s unwavering sacrifice for the sake of the world and the innocents who dwell within it.

Readers are drawn into an otherworldly journey of blood, beauty, and death through the eyes of a siren with a love for humanity that can mean her life’s ruin.

View the synopsis of “Red Siren” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Red Siren” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Red Siren,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Stan McFarland’s newly released “An Engineer’s Approach to Religion” is a stirring discussion of the intersection of religion and state from the view of an engineer

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“An Engineer’s Approach to Religion”: a fascinating narrative that focuses on how Christian understanding of God and morality can shape our views of civic responsibility. “An Engineer’s Approach to Religion” is the creation of published author Stan McFarland, a retired engineer for the State of Ohio, who has spent his life as a seeker of truth—truth in self, in relationships, and in culture.

McFarland writes, “I wrote this book to get people thinking. We talked about truth. We talked about reality. We talked about the nature of beliefs. The religious community defines church as a group of believers. Unfortunately, this definition has resolved into two loosely defined political groups Republicans and Democrats. This makes it hard to separate church and state. In the last election we elected a leader that strongly believed in first person singular (bodies). Believing in bodies is not the problem, but when one says, “The hell with the rest of the world,” it causes problems with ones’ neighbors. And when one is in a pandemic where the virus is spread through the air, it can be downright deadly.

I quoted Richard Rorty who considers himself a spectator in his book Achieving Our Country to show a way that we could use redefined religious terms to find our way back to the county we love. We have experienced massive demonstrations both from a pandemic and justice point-of-view, and I am concerned our government is using these demonstrations to further divide us. A corollary of the Truth is that all conflict is derived from a misconception of the Truth. A lie is a deliberate distortion of the Truth. Trump lies and people die… literally! It’s worse than that—Trump lies, and it affects how we see ourselves and how the world sees us. Our forefathers claimed we had three enabling rights—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—where True happiness means being right with God. I don’t feel we can be happy until we are willing to accept the TRUTH.

I have always maintained that there is a mental or mind element and a body or physical element to our existence. What is not clear is whether the thought system that is a mind-based system or a physical-based system. With the mind-based system, the mind is aware that it is in control of the body and that the body is a learning device. Truth is the primary learning objective. We are still as God created us. When the learning situation is over, the body will dissipate and the mind will go on to other issues. Minds do not die. With the physical based system, the mind is the brain which controls the body. The objective of the physical-based mind is what the body can physically deliver. All bodies die. And life after death is poorly understood.

A Course in Miracles says ‘Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.’ God knows what he created. The thoughts of God are his creations. We are the thoughts of God. The thoughts of God have been extended outward. When we share his thoughts, we become one with him and we share in his reality. That is who and what we are. God is an eternal being. When we share his thoughts, we become eternal beings. When we deny his thoughts, we stop thinking and create an illusion. Illusions are not real, but we can believe in them, and that makes them real for us. We need to understand the power of our beliefs and how they can lead us to misidentify the truth.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Stan McFarland’s new book is an enthralling investigation of humanity with and a dissection of religious and moral truths.

This book shows readers how to grapple with a growing socio-cultural immorality, and how to benefit from a change in perspective.

View a synopsis of “An Engineer’s Approach to Religion” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “An Engineer’s Approach to Religion” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “An Engineer’s Approach to Religion,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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David C. Crenshaw’s newly released “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” is a profound read that addresses the issues of the Bible’s book of Revelation

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“The Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary for the People”: a brilliant discovery into the book of Revelation that comments on the events that happened in the book and points out how they’re closely related to the past and the Old Testament. “The Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary for the People” is the creation of published author David C. Crenshaw, a veteran of twenty years in the US Navy Submarine Force. He has been active in a teaching ministry to pastors in Russia and Africa. He enjoys teaching theology, sailing, and painting in acrylics.

Crenshaw shares, “While many theological commentaries have been written on the book of Revelation, this one has been written as an easy-to-understand commentary for those without a seminary education. It is not an in-depth theological treatise for the use of trained pastors. The author is a pastor who has spent more than twenty-five years studying and teaching the book of the Revelation in various conservative churches. It is unique in that it addresses the issues of the book of Revelation from what is known as the ‘realized millennial,’ or what Dr. Jay E. Adams described as the ‘orthodox preterist’ position. This position affirms that the events of Revelation are past (preterist) with the exception of the events in the last two chapters. The main attraction to most readers will be the fact it does not use footnotes or endnotes and is therefore much easier to read and understand. It will also be attractive because it biblically addresses the erroneous view present in much of the modern church that the events of the Revelation are still future to our time. Additionally, the book establishes how the events described in the Revelation are related to Old Testament practices and prophecies, and it demonstrates the faithfulness of God in keeping His promises to His people.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David C. Crenshaw’s new book is a great tool that brings out one’s perspective and a broad overview of the book of Revelation to the average layperson. This material is highly understandable and most useful to those without seminary knowledge.

View a synopsis of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary for the People” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary for the People” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary for the People,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Wesline Fleurimond’s newly released “Give Yourself a Chance to Know God” encourages the willing hearts to realize the power He holds

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“Give Yourself a Chance to Know God”: a potent and insightful source of inspiration that brings light to the grace and miracles of God showered over the life of His people and the wonder of surrendering one’s life to Him. “Give Yourself a Chance to Know God” is the creation of published author Wesline Fleurimond, a Christian who gave herself to God through Jesus Christ after all she has been through. She has her life back through Jesus, and now she has decided to go all over the world to share His good news.

Fleurimond shares, “By reading this book, may the Lord open your spiritual eyes to know his power and have faith to give yourself to him. May you find joy and the desire of your heart in the name of Jesus.

“You can be sure of this, the Lord will answer you when you call him, and he will let his face shine on you.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Wesline Fleurimond’s new book is a thought-provoking read through pages that clearly share to everyone the impact of embracing His word and His grace.

View a synopsis of “Give Yourself a Chance to Know God” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Give Yourself a Chance to Know God” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Give Yourself a Chance to Know God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Leroy Parsons’s newly released “Twice Blessed” shares the wonderful life of a man from very special and loving perspectives

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“Twice Blessed”: a captivating account about love, loss, grief, and faith voiced out in paragraphs and verses that speak to the heart. “Twice Blessed” is the creation of published author Leroy Parsons, a writer who grew up in a loving Christian farm family. He taught Bible history at the Great Passion Play Bible Museum and was a cast member in the play for three years.

Parsons shares, “Twice Blessed emphasizes my two wonderful wives sharing the majority of my life: forty years and fourteen years. The other story reveals the impact a son’s death has on a family. Linda faced eternity by stating, ‘I’m a winner either way. I’ll stay here with you or go hug Randy for the first ten years of heaven.’ God was glorified in both Linda’s and Carol’s lives. I just got an opportunity to help others through their stories.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Leroy Parsons’s new book is a profound inspiration from a God-led journey as the author’s two wives recount his life and the key events that shaped him into the man he has become. He hopes to bring hope and inspire faith to every reader.

View a synopsis of “Twice Blessed” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Twice Blessed” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Twice Blessed,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Richard C. Rocha’s newly released “Child of the Greatest Generation” shares a journey of patriotism, arts, and literature in a time of great conflict

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“Child of the Greatest Generation”: a stirring account of a man’s trail of literary and artistic circumstances during World War II that birthed powerful stories about patriotism. “Child of the Greatest Generation” is the creation of published author Richard C. Rocha, a former US Navy petty officer aboard the USS Forrestal; and later as a member of the Gator Navy, an amphibious navy unit; followed by 39 years in the defense industry as an hourly process operator, motor test mechanic, and manager Pratt & Whitney Space Propulsion Division.

Rocha shares, “The country had just gone to war with Japan, and a new patriot is born in the small coastal town of New Bedford, Massachusetts. The date is January 20, 1942. Sit down and enjoy the memories of growing up as a child of the greatest generation who, as a young boy, came to understand what patriotism and love of country meant to him.

“As the years go by, take a journey with him and how he discovered a gift to write patriotic stories of paintings and photos that are found throughout the book, mixed in with his memories such as ‘Just an Old Piece of Cloth,’ ‘Woman Warrior,’ ‘The Eagle’ to name but a few and each with the photo or painting that inspired him. This is a book worth reading and sharing with friends and family.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Richard C. Rocha’s new book contains true references of paintings and photos witnessed by a man that fueled his love for writing stories with resounding virtues instilled in them.

Readers will be taken into a historical masterpiece that lets them partake in a man’s impassioned life of artistry and literary wisdom.

View the synopsis of “Child of the Greatest Generation” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Child of the Greatest Generation” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Child of the Greatest Generation,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Claudia Laneve’s newly released “Was that you, God?” unravels a wonderful discovery of faith and healing amidst the pains of life

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“Was that you, God?”: a beautiful account about a woman who found God’s healing grace as she suffered the pain of losing her loved ones and her faith. “Was that you, God?” is the creation of published author Claudia Laneve, an excellent writer of great works.

Laneve shares, “There comes a time when everyone questions God’s existence. For the author, her time came with the passing of her husband. In two weeks’ time she had lost her husband and rental property, and had endured another major flood. She would pray and search for God’s answer to her prayers through the grieving process and the emotional and financial hardships. She searched each day, week, and year just waiting for God to make things better, yet everything seemed worse.

“She felt abandoned by God and started thinking maybe God is nothing more than a myth, or worse yet, maybe she wasn’t worthy of his time, mercy, or blessings. She always believed there was a God, and did not believe God to be mean, cruel, or a sadist who just wanted people to suffer, but she wasn’t really sure just who he was. So she started searching for an understanding of who God was and why he wasn’t answering her prayers.

“Her journey took her to the last place she ever considered looking for God. And there she found him!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Claudia Laneve’s new book is a brilliant manuscript that shares a journey of finding God and embracing an understanding of His plans for oneself. This creation hopes to bring encouragement to everyone.

View a synopsis of “Was that you, God?” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Was that you, God?” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Was that you, God?” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Three People Decide to End Abortion, and the Results Are Nothing Like What They Expected

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I wanted to put a face on all of the people in the abortion issue and not speak in broad, general terms

Author Vincent Bonacci shares an original tale of people taking God’s work into their own hands with Trying To Do What’s Right ($14.49, paperback, 9781631296093; $6.99, e-book, 9781631296109).

Do you ever feel that God must have gotten stuck in traffic? Bonacci has written a story about three people who seem to think that God needs their help getting the abortion debate under control. Attempting to “work out their salvation with fear and trembling,” they take on a fight for which they are not entirely prepared! The story centers around abortion, but the larger issue is whether or not forcing our beliefs on others was what God truly had in mind.

“I wanted to put a face on all of the people in the abortion issue and not speak in broad, general terms,” said Bonacci.

Vincent Bonacci was born and raised in Rochester, New York. He was the oldest of three boys. He attended college for two years, but realized that he didn’t want to be an accountant. At nineteen, he became a born-again Christian, and moved out to California. He and his wife, Joanne, share three sons, two step-sons and three beautiful grand-daughters.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Trying To Do What’s Right is available online through,, and

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Devotional” provides wisdom to young women in their journey toward God

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“You Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows: Devotional”: an uplifting devotional that contains lessons for young women that leads them to a state of grace and enlightenment with God. “You Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows: Devotional” is the creation of published author Michelle Cooper, a Christian wife and mother.

Cooper shares, “‘You Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows’ is an intimate fifteen-day study guide written to help encourage young women of the #ChurchToo movement find their way to the Gentle Healer.

“God will use his awesome powerful Word to reveal, renew, restore, rescue, and rebuild each one of us for his glory!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Michelle Cooper’s new book allows believers to attain blessedness by reminding them of biblical virtues that are essential to their spiritual growth and illumination.

This book is a compelling reminder of God’s unconditional love for each individual that proves His graciousness that is beyond comprehension.

View the synopsis of “You Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows: Devotional” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “You Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows: Devotional” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “You Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows: Devotional,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Kim M. Mallette’s newly released “The Grace Embrace” brings out the profound truths of God’s powerful grace

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“The Grace Embrace”: a mind-clearing discourse that reaches out to the hearts of everyone in an attempt to empower them and strengthen their faith to the Almighty. “The Grace Embrace” is the creation of published author Kim M. Mallette, a writer who served ministry for over twenty-five years. He is now in the public work force and considers it his greatest ministry, thus far.

Mallette shares, “If we are honest with ourselves, we know we need God’s grace. Most of us, once we know our need, want and seek it. What then? Is that the end of the matter? Or did God pour out His grace on us in order to do more than just save us?

If we examine the accounts of Jesus’s life and ministry, and listen to His teachings, we will discover that when we receive His grace, and truly embrace it, this grace will begin to impact every facet of our lives and relationships.

“None of us deserve the grace of Jesus. But, by His unfathomable act of love, He has gifted us with both the incentive and empowerment to allow His grace to change our lives from the trivial to the triumphant. We will not view ourselves or others the same way ever again.

“So whether you read this book for your own personal growth, or whether you join with others to discuss its biblical insights, be sure that you don’t miss the opportunity to embrace the grace of Jesus.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kim M. Mallette’s new book is an illuminating creation that accompanies an individual in spiritual growth as they embrace the Savior’s grace. Readers can also utilize this manuscript in group discussions where they can tackle each page and share their thoughts to one another.

View a synopsis of “The Grace Embrace” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Grace Embrace” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Grace Embrace,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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