Bulo, the Newest Breath Analysis Device Accelerated by SAMSUNG Launches on Kickstarter and Hits Over 400% of Its Funding Goal in Less Than a Week

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From people with respiratory issues to professional athletes, Bulo aims to provide the boost that these people will need to accelerate recovery and enhance physical performance.

In 2017, three SAMSUNG engineers teamed up to compete at the SAMSUNG Hackaton event in Seoul, South Korea. During this time the idea for Bulo was first conceptualized. After the event, the three engineers led by Inpyo Lee left SAMSUNG to create Breathings, a startup focused on creating healthcare products that could improve the lives of individuals in an innovative and convenient way.

For the next two years, Breathings designed and developed Bulo, the world’s first breath analysis device that measures the breath to gives precise measurements on the state of one’s respiratory system. While similar devices can be found in hospitals and clinics, Inpyo Lee created Bulo so that people can get preliminary results before getting expensive tests done. For that reason, Bulo launched on April 20th, 2020 through Kickstarter and successfully raised more than 400% of its original funding goal.

To use Bulo, users inhale and exhale into the device for a set amount of time. Bulo’s propriety software will then analyze the data and display it through the accompanying smartphone app which will be available for Android and iOS devices. This data shows three different data points: lung age, lung capacity, and lung strength.

Inpyo Lee hopes that this device will allow its users to be more self-aware about the state of their health and also empowers people to use the data to customize their physical workout regiments. From people with respiratory issues to professional athletes, Bulo aims to provide the boost that these people will need to accelerate recovery and enhance physical performance.

Breathings has announced that the number of early bird rewards has been increased so that more people can have access to Bulo at an affordable price. Prices for Bulo start at $84 + shipping with add on options available for additional mouthpieces. Any editors, journalists, bloggers, or social media influencers interested in receiving a sample to review are encouraged to submit an inquiry through the Bulo Kickstarter campaign page.

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