Bondi Ukuleles Announces Global Initiative to Combat Depression in 1.2 Billion Children

Teen depression from screen time and social media

Music is a fantastic alternantive for screen time

“Uke Time is a Powerful Alternative to Screen Time. And Our Children are Worth Saving”

Bondi Ukuleles founder, Marcus Whelan is on a mission with the popular ukulele brand to provide adolescents an alternative to screen time. It’s called Uke time! Through this innovative program “Rhythm and Reason”, the aim is to provide a safe and caring environment for over 1.2 Billion adolescents in a desperate attempt to provide children a safe and caring environment away from electronic devices. Bondi Ukuleles has quickly risen to fame for its’ strong mission, backed by incredible customer service and quality products.

In a recent data brief released by CDC, researchers found that “The suicide rate for persons aged 10–14 declined from 2000 (1.5) to 2007 (0.9), and then nearly tripled from 2007 to 2017 (2.5)”. And for “ages 15–19 was stable from 2000 to 2007, and then increased 76% from 2007 (6.7) to 2017 (11.8)” (NCHS Data Brief No. 352, October 2019)

“Incidentally, the first smartphone was released on June 29th, 2007 which correlates to the increase in suicide rate in children. I grew up in a family surrounded by music with my father a Piano Tuner of 40 years. Almost weekly he’d bring home a new instrument and a room dedicated to music. – It was like a musical jungle in there. Over the years, music has provided me a fantastic offline, social opportunity. I hope to create that same experience for children” – Marcus Whelan

The community driven focus of Bondi Ukuleles aims at inclusion, the safe harbor of children’s’ mental health and creative souls. Calling on ukulele groups, teachers, schools, parents to join the fight by registering to assist in building a global community. – With Rhythm, children can have a Reason.

Ukulele lessons and meet-ups will enable children to be supported, nurtured and assisted in navigating an ever growing and complex technological world. A world which propels people towards online informal relationships over intimate offline ones.

Bondi Ukuleles is changing the world one strum at a time and already having a large impact in Cambodia. – A more preventative measure as cell phone usage is still low however increasing. The Rhythm and Reason program is set to launch across the United States in January 2020.


  • Rhythm & Reason initiative.
  • Amazon’s #1 Highest Rated Ukulele, Bondi Ukuleles Starter Kit
  • The chosen ukulele brand by A-listers
  • #1 Best Selling Ukulele for Children

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