Biostrap launches new training concept, BioGym by Biostrap in Denmark

Biostrap, a Los Angeles-based next generation wearable health platform, goes global and launches BioGym by Biostrap integrating personal training with data analysis to create a highly individualized approach to help clients reach their health and fitness goals. The first BioGym opens in Herning, Denmark on October 5.

According to a 2016 study of the World Health Organization, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight. Of these, over 650 million were obese. Additionally, the National Institute of Health estimates that more than two in three adults are considered to be overweight or have obesity.

Most of those people not only have a hard time losing weight but have tried countless of medications and approaches to better their health, yet they saw little to no improvements along the way.

“We want to help people and be there for them. Nobody chooses to become overweight, but it’s a disease many develop over time and 70% of it is in genetics,” Willem Gielen, cardiologist and CEO of Biostrap Europe said. “This new approach of personal training using Biostrap allows us to work full-circle, 360 degrees, on people and see direct feedback on how they progress and if the program is working or not.”

BioGym clients use Biostrap’s wristband, shoe pod and heart rate monitor during workouts to accurately track each exercise and movement along real-time heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV). Then at night, they wear the wristband during sleep, so their personal trainer can monitor their sleep metrics and recovery rate remotely through the Biostrap platform.

Elias Arjan, Vice President of Strategic Development at Biostrap, said that after months of discussions with personal trainers and fitness professionals, their team have been adapting the Biostrap platform to meet those professionals’ needs.

“We have already included a variety of assessments to validate power, balance and reactive strength index,” he said. “This is in addition to our remote coaching dashboard that launched earlier in 2019.”

Kenneth Lund, BioGym trainer, said that seeing the data of each client made him more conscious and compassionate to how he structures the training for the day.

“I see exactly how their physiology is and how much their body recovered overnight,” Kenneth said. “I don’t only get feedback based on how the clients feel, but I can see factual data on their level of stress, sleep quality and recovery.”

To test how well BioGym could transform lives, Willem and Kenneth ran a trial group for 15 obese and overweight individuals who have tried everything to lose weight but found nothing to bring lasting results. They provided an individualized data-driven training plan, dietary advice and personalized coaching.

Getting direct feedback on personal data helps not only the trainer but the clients as well. The trainer would contact them each morning after looking at their biometrics.

“It’s a bit of a trial and error with everyone, but the data gives us feedback if it works or not. It’s very motivating for participants to see if it works,” Willem said. “Early in the training, the weight maybe not be going down right away, but they can see they sleep well, their HRV is going up and heart rate going down, which are all indications that their body is improving, responding and healing. They’re more likely to stay motivated.”

Tina Rosendal, 47, said she had tried quite a few different things but with no luck. Seeing the BioGym opportunity she thought it was the right way for her.

“A year ago, I was so overwhelmed by stress and anxiety that I didn’t want to live anymore,” Tina said.

When she started with BioGym by Biostrap she weighed 225 pounds, had injuries, disc prolapse, osteoarthritis, nerve pain, concussion after an accident and her physical condition was very poor. In less than half a year, her life took a sharp turn for the better and Biostrap helps her continuing on that health journey.

“After 5 months I lost 55 pounds, my physical condition has improved, and to say the least, I feel alive again,” Tina said. “Biostrap has changed everything for me, it has given me a routine and a way of holding on that I couldn’t find anywhere else. The process has given me strength and belief that I can achieve things in life that I thought were impossible, the security of the professional people behind BioGym by Biostrap has strengthened me.”

Elias added: “Going forward, we have added some premier exercise physiologists to our advisory board to assist our team to design a comprehensive biometric-based client management platform for gyms and trainers. The first BioGym may be launching in Denmark, but it definitely won’t be the last.”

About BioGym by Biostrap

BioGym by Biostrap is a highly personalized, data-driven approach to training and helping individuals reach their health and fitness goals. It utilizes specific and accurate biometrics using the Biostrap wearable health platform (wristband, shoe pod, heart rate monitor) to monitor and track heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation and movement. Having access to that data, the BioGym trainer can structure the workouts specifically to the individual’s current physiological state, including stress levels, sleep quality and recovery rate. As a result, both the trainer and the client get direct feedback on how the body responds to the program and whether it is working or not.

About Biostrap

Biostrap is a Los Angeles-based next generation wearable health platform providing clinical-grade biometrics and actionable data to improve sleep, recovery and performance. Gathering data through clinical-grade sensory methods, it utilizes machine learning to provide information to consumers and health and fitness professionals.

The different biometrics measured are heart rate variability, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation, sleep analysis and more than a 100 activities and exercises. Plus, the newly launched armband heart rate monitor tracks real-time heart rate variability, while the shoe pod can track body movements, cadence, repetitions and velocity.

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