Bainbridge Health Is Harnessing Medication Utilization Data to Conserve Waste and Manage The Supply of Critical Care Drugs Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients

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Having access to this data in a digestible way is vital to making operational decisions, especially in times of uncertainty like this.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Bainbridge Health has been closely monitoring network data to identify trends in the utilization of neuromuscular blockers, vasoactive agents, and sedatives. Through the analysis of smart infusion pump data and drug preparation data, the company has been assisting its network hospitals in surfacing drug waste and determining optimal formulations of medications required to treat COVID-19 positive patients.

In a recent webinar, the company’s Chief Clinical Officer, Sean O’Neill, PharmD presented benchmarking data from Bainbridge Health’s network of hospitals, highlighting trends in infusion pump data from health systems in both COVID-19 hot spots and lesser-impacted areas. The goal of the webinar was to show usage patterns of these critical care medications at the peak of the pandemic to help inform future supply needs. Given that several of the drugs have gone on shortage, Dr. O’Neill also suggested optimal formulations of these critical care medications based on network data that supports the ability to conserve the most waste.

“Infusion data is a great source of truth for medication administration. It provides an understanding of how much drug is actually being administered to patients, which can inform decisions about how much medication to purchase and which formulations to make them in,” said Sean O’Neill, PharmD. “Having access to this data in a digestible way is vital to making operational decisions, especially in times of uncertainty like this.”

Today, as the number of cases continues to climb and health systems prepare for a resurgence, Bainbridge Health remains committed to sharing trends from its network to help hospitals effectively prepare inventory. As information continues to evolve, Bainbridge Health will continue to share usage patterns to help inform formulation decisions. To sign up for the webinar series, click here.

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