Author Robert Sell’s new book “View of the Alley” is a quietly poignant story of kindness, compassion, and the remarkable unseen gifts of a young, autistic orphan

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Robert Sell, a retired millwright who worked for forty-two year in the nines, mine mills, and sawmills in five northwestern states and British Columbia, has completed his new book “View of the Alley”: a stirring tale of empathy and compassion in a small town.

Robert writes, “A small autistic orphan is taken in by a furniture store owner who gives her a place to live and a purpose in life.

The girl, Vallie, who has been rebuffed by the store owner’s wife, turns into a heroine. When Vallie is finally accepted by the store owner’s wife, it is Vallie’s turn at rejection.”

Published by Page Publishing, Robert Sell’s engrossing book is a potent reminder of the life-changing impact of one man’s kindness on the life of a young girl alone in the world after the death of her abusive father and the abandonment of her mother.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “View of the Alley” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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