Author, Margaret Mary O’Connor, Reveals Skeletons in the Closets of Women in the Priesthood of the Catholic Church

Scandal in the Shadows reveals the truth of women priests’ history, O’Connor unfolds the truth like never before. The reader’s life, and perception, will be shifted forever. Their journey in the Catholic Church will have just begun.

Author and Eucharistic Minister at Our Lady of Charity Parish, Margaret Mary O’Connor, nods in agreement when podcast hosts ask her if she is the “modern day David ready to slay Goliath,” with her newly released book, Scandal in the Shadows, The Original Priest, Mother Mary (ISBN-13: 978-1733652308).

Quiet and humble by nature, the author has made it her mission to reveal the truth of Your Catholic Church. After years of research, Ms. O’Connor has painstakingly chronicled the oppression of women priests, dating back centuries.

“Do you consider yourself to be the modern-day David?” asks hosts near and far.

Without hesitation, in a tone that would be approved in any church setting, O’Connor smiles and says, “Absolutely!”

In what may very well be the most in-depth look at the history of women priest, the author has uncovered secrets which were conveniently buried away in hopes they would never see the light of day.

“I’ve been passionate about raising awareness about the true position of women priests within our Catholic Church. It took years to complete the research, but now, there is no turning our backs on the truth and women’s rightful place in the church,” O’Connor comments.

Scandal in the Shadows truly helps you navigate through the Church’s tangled centuries old web of deception. This is only a small snapshot of what is uncovered in Scandal in the Shadows, The Original Priest, Mother Mary. With the truth of women priests’ history, O’Connor unfolds the truth like never before. The reader’s life, and perception, will be shifted forever. Their journey in the Catholic Church will have just begun.

About the book

To some, Church history might sound dry or even boring. With Scandal in the Shadows, The Original Priest, Mother Mary, you will never view Church history as boring… ever again.

Most people have preconceived thoughts of women becoming priests. Whatever beliefs you may have, you will soon realize things are not at all the way they appear to be. The very shadow of women priest’s actual history is truly like a phantom from the shadows, residing within the graveyard of Papal records. Its’ very voice having been lost for centuries, is now but a whisper wanting to be heard for today’s Catholics.

Readers will discover skeletons in the closets of our Church’s past history. They will also uncover threads of early Church History, which very well might hold the answer to helping begin to solve our current priest shortage in the Catholic Church today.

Most Catholics have never heard of Mary Mother of God and the Priesthood. Scandal in the Shadows not only reveals this deeply hidden secret, but for the reader’s, they will also learn about Mary attired in a chasuble and stole.

Scandal in the Shadows is available on Amazon. ISBN-13: 978-1733652308

About Margaret Mary O’Connor

Margaret Mary O’Connor holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University at Buffalo (NY), and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, NY. She is a former Chaplain and is currently a Eucharistic Minister at Our Lady of Charity Parish where, ironically, the Church windows depict the Vatican II Council. One window represents the “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,” which includes an article that speaks directly to ending sexual discrimination of all kinds in our Church.

O’Connor literally “walks the walk” on picket lines to help keep this issue of Women’s Ordination in the forefront of Catholics’ minds. She also pickets for Church accountability on the priest sexual-abuse issue. As a fellow member of the Laity, herself, she believes any Catholic, deserves at minimal at least the truth from Rome, as opposed to the continual outright deception they are receiving. She also is a member of Call to Action, Future Church, Roman Catholic Women Priests, the Women’s Ordination Conference, the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), Preservation Buffalo Niagara and Western New York Land Conservancy and Buffalo Central Terminal.

O’Connor’s other work is, Journey of a Celiac’s Soul: A second chance at Life, is equally jaw dropping and controversial. Journey of a Celiac’s Soul is meant to act as a vehicle for encompassing the present changing realities within the Catholic Church. From the Priest Shortage, the new Communion Service, whether Priests should be allowed to Marry, or allowing for Women’s Ordination, all comprise the new reality of your faith life. The passengers on this vehicle include Catholics world-wide as well as individuals of all faiths.


Editors: To arrange for an interview, contact Margaret Mary O’Connor at (716) 474.1863 or

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