Astro Pak’s Jordan Schaecher Voted Vice-Chair of ASME BPE Surface Finish Subcommittee

Jordan Schaecher - Vice-Chair of ASME BPE Surface Finish Subcommittee

Jordan Schaecher – Vice-Chair of ASME BPE Surface Finish Subcommittee

To me, it has been an opportunity to work with some key and instrumental people in the BioPharma industry. And, not only do I get to work and collaborate with them, but I also get to learn from them.

Jordan Schaecher, Astro Pak’s Regional Sales Manager for Midwest and Gulf Coast regions, has been voted into the role as Vice-Chair of ASME’s BPE Surface Finish Subcommittee. The ASME, or American Society of Mechanical Engineers, is an internationally recognized multi-disciplinary organization which researches and promotes best practices and safety standards that are followed by related industries. The Surface Finish Subcommittee is part of the larger Bioprocessing Equipment committee (BPE) which is focused on ensuring that the equipment used in the industry is designed and maintained consistently based on the latest scientific knowledge.

Mr. Schaecher’s involvement with ASME BPE continues Astro Pak’s tradition of participation within the organization which dates back to 2002 when Patrick Banes joined. Now retired, Mr. Banes serves as chair of the Surface Finish Committee where he helps raise industry standards for the electropolishing of stainless steel. Mr. Schaecher himself has been on the subcommittee since late 2018. “To me, it has been an opportunity to work with some key and instrumental people in the BioPharma industry. And, not only do I get to work and collaborate with them, but I also get to learn from them.”

He also praised Astro Pak’s continuing engagement and support of ASME, “it’s important because it helps to ensure the quality of the standard is maintained – especially in regard to precision cleaning, electropolishing, passivation and oxygen cleaning.” In addition to keeping standards updated, Mr. Schaecher hopes to improve efficiencies within the subcommittee itself. “We have three annual in-person meetings as well as virtual meetings in between. My goal is to use technology so that the same level of progress that happens during the in-person meetings can take place between them so that updates to standards can be completed in a timely manner.

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