ASC Short Course on Telecytology for ROSE Utilizing Remote Medical Technologies

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Telecytology leaders have quantifiable proof that the proper live-dynamic ROSE system can significantly shorten procedure time and is a more efficient model for the delivery of on-site interpretations.

Remote Medical Technologies (RMT) will be presenting rmtConnect™ for Telecytology via Mobile Cart at the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) 67th Annual Scientific Meeting in Salt Lake City November 15th and 16th at the Grand American Hotel. RMT solutions contain highly impressive innovative features and benefits of a high-performance HD telepathology solution that allows users to securely share cytology images directly from any microscope in dynamic, live, real-time (with absolutely no scanning required) to many remote cytopathologists. RMT provides telepathology technology with a purpose-built height adjustable mobile cart, and industrial-strength wireless connectivity for rapid on-site evaluations (ROSE). In session communications (WebCam and VoIP) as well as remarkable host invite functionality (guest invites via email, phone, or text).

RMT Founder and CEO, Don Marchon, explains that… “Medical Centers that use RMT Telecytology for Rapid On-Site Evaluations (ROSE) consistently prove that it is faster, more cost-effective, and accurate compared to traditional methods.” Telecytology leaders have quantifiable proof that the proper live-dynamic ROSE system can significantly shorten procedure time and is a more efficient model for the delivery of on-site interpretations. It is critically important to select a solution that meets all pertinent workflow criteria. A viable solution must include customizable deployment, real-time support while meeting all security regulations. RMT exceeds these requirements and continues to improve on providing a best-in-class telecytology solution.

At the upcoming ASC 67th Annual Scientific Meeting in Salt Lake City, two well-known cytopathologists in the field who have made their mark as thought leaders in cytology, are hosting a short course (SC07) titled, “Everything You Need to Know about Telecytology, but Were Afraid to Ask.” These visionary pathologists have fully evaluated all products in the market and have implemented RMT telecytology for ROSE (which is used daily at their institutions). Advanced registration is required. Their session will be Friday, November 15th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in the Savoy Ballroom at the Grand America Hotel.

Visit RMT at Booth # 502 to get a hands-on demonstration of how this Mobile Cart Telecytology Solution for ROSE has greatly improved daily operations at medical facilities around the US. Bring your mobile devices and learn how this solution is not only deployed on PC’s and MAC’s, but also with iPhones, iPads, and Android devices too!

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