As COVID-19 Supply Shortages Affect First Responders and Patients, New Jersey Compounders Step In by Making Hand Sanitizers and Drug Alternatives

Lieutenant Butler (left), Sargent Burke (center), Lieutenant Rotondi (right) of the Hoboken Police Force will disperse the donated hand sanitizers to their on-duty officers during COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have been asked to compound many medications, such as azithromycin (Z-Pak), that is now in shortage because of the virus,” says John Herr, RPh., pharmacist and owner of Town and Country Compounding Pharmacy.

COVID-19 has uncontrollably spread globally, with total cases rising over 950,000 in the United States alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Shortages in essential supplies have affected individuals in many high-risk populations.

Fearing infection, the world responded to the novel coronavirus with panic buying of toilet paper and sanitation products, such as disinfectants and hand sanitizers. Commercially produced hand sanitizer companies are unable to meet unexpectedly significant increases in demands, leaving many out of luck.

First responders such as health workers, law enforcement and grocery clerks are at the frontlines, risking their health with every uncertain encounter. As social distancing is not an option for these essential workers, regular cleaning of hands, while avoiding touching of the eyes and face, can make all the difference.

Town and Country Compounding Pharmacy in Ridgewood, New Jersey, donates hand sanitizers to local first responders. The hand sanitizers comply with the guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO), effective against the novel coronavirus.

Christina DiMartino, CPhT. of Town and Country, who has been processing and receiving prescriptions from her home during the pandemic, has a deep connection with the Hoboken Police Force. Her son Joey is especially enthusiastic about helping the force that his father Joseph DiMartino, and uncles, David DiMartino and Keith Rotondi, are a part of. Upon hearing about the donations for first responders, Joey thought of his heroes and keeping them safe while on-duty.

Town and Country donated hand sanitizers to the Hoboken Police Department to help authorities keep themselves safe, as they protect and serve residents in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hoboken Police Force Chief, K. Ferrante, and the rest of the department have expressed appreciation for the donation by Town and Country Compounding Pharmacy.

Shortages in medication supplies have also surfaced, as the crisis rages on and researchers look to existing drugs to treat COVID-19.

Pharmacists are working tirelessly to provide for the health needs of patients, in the face of shortages during this crisis. “We have been asked to compound many medications, such as azithromycin (Z-Pak), that is now in shortage because of the virus,” says John Herr, RPh., pharmacist and owner of Town and Country Compounding Pharmacy. Many people utilizing these medications are being left empty handed, or must wait for supplies to be replenished.

Furthermore, the use of Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) for COVID-19 positive patients has recently come to light, and is creating shortages for those that use it to treat autoimmune conditions such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

To keep up with increased demand as the number of COVID-19 positive cases continue to increase, compounders are working with providers to offer Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) as an alternative for treating autoimmune conditions as shortages continue. John Herr, RPh., is one of the nation’s top LDN experts, educating patients and providers about current advancements and developments.

As our nation, and the world, seek to contain the spread of COVID-19, pharmacists continue doing their part to serve the public through compounding.

About Town & Country Compounding

As the pandemic continues, Town & Country Compounding makes it a point to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, all while serving the needs of the community in its entirety. As part of its commitment, Town and Country Compounding Pharmacy also offers hand sanitizer, cloth and surgical masks available for purchase to customers picking up prescriptions and supplements, with shipping to anyone in need also available.

Visit for more information, shipping to 12 states and Washington D.C. If you know first responders that are in need of hand sanitizer, or if you are in need of medications, supplements, or prescriber referrals please call (201) 447-2020.

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