Artificial Intelligence and Other Innovative Tech Solutions Take Center Stage at iTexico

Innovation round table at itexico October 2019

Innovation round table at itexico

“Most AI products are not well designed from the human center perspective; design is the first step to put out great products and innovation.” “Design Sprints are giving us opportunities for our products and for our company that is going to drive the next round of development.”

iTexico’s Delivery Center in Guadalajara was the headquarters for a gathering of some of the tech industry’s companies and contributors, where they shared their takes on the future of innovation and the Mexican IT landscape.

Within this hot spot of technological prowess, talks ranged from all manner of discussions, but most important of all was what the future would hold and how the attendees planned on reaching it. It became clear, through unanimous agreement, that 100% of the company’s tech leaders believe that innovation within the field was among the most important concepts to address. Around 60% of those attending could account for their own active pursuits to innovate.

Mexican IT Ecosystem Stakeholders

The current state of the IT ecosystem within America’s borders presents multiple opportunities for Mexico to carve out its own niche in the market. While American IT network may be a massive force, its supply of capable software engineers has begun running low. Without a deep, reliable labor pool to pull from, the market will find that it won’t be able to maintain rapid, high quality output for its products.

The Mexican IT ecosystem is laden with an enormous reservoir of what U.S. companies desperately need: skilled engineers. Not only can Mexico provide these resources in sufficient amounts to meet the call for demand from over the border, but they can do so at competitive prices that most companies can’t afford to ignore.

This segment of the conference welcomed three special guests to participate in the discussions:

Amdocs Latin America Office Director – Benjamín Huerta

Co-Founder and CEO Startup GDL – Cindy Blanco

iTexico COO – Guillermo Ortega

Discussing Innovation Leveraging Design Sprints 

One of the foremost concerns in regards to new innovations encroaching the market is how to effectively implement them into a pre-existing framework quickly and effectively. Reacting quickly to new changes in the market, especially regarding developments that have the potential to bear enormous impact on how business will be conducted, is paramount for the ever-changing field of software development.

This concern gave birth to the concept of Design Sprints. More and more companies are implementing this methodology as a part of their process and innovation culture, driving a concerted effort to maintain integrity, relevance, and flexibility to adapt. iTexico has begun assisting these companies that are attempting to retain innovative performance through introducing the Design Sprint methodology, originally pioneered by Google.

A Design Sprint is a 4- or 5-day process to condense potentially months of work into a few days. It’s purpose is to solve big challenges, create new products, or improve existing ones through a focused, rapid week of effort. If done correctly, innovative methods, concepts, products, or technologies can be successfully remastered in a much shorter time than it might usually take.

“Design Sprints are giving us the opportunities for our products and for our company that are going to drive the next round of development.”

The Design Sprint methodology was pioneered by Google Ventures, and in time has proven to be a powerful and high impact tool for our clients and their users. It replaces endless debate and uncertainty with a proven step-by-step system for fast and focused decision-making.

By using Design Sprints, we will collaborate and work towards solving your pressing business challenges by understanding, ideating, deciding, prototyping, and testing ideas in a very short time frame following a proven process.

An excellent example of this process can be found through AI Adoption with Design Sprints

How iTexico Creates Value with Digital Innovation

Abhay Agarwal lead a pivoted discussion dedicated to the value of AI adoption for enterprise. Abhay is the co-founder and principal at Standard Notation, an AI design firm and iTexico AI partner. He is a lecturer at the Stanford University Hasso Platner Institute of Design, and co-creator of the course “Designing Machine Learning.” Prior to that, he was a research fellow at Microsoft’s AI+Research group. He holds an MS from the Stanford Design program as well as a BS from UC Berkeley’s EE&CS program.

Abhay spoke in depth about the following question: “What does AI mean for enterprise?” The roundtable discussion rolled forward, covering the rethinking about how companies do their core business, down to fundamentals, and rewriting how information flows through the business.

“Most AI products are not well designed from the human center perspective; design is the first step to put out great products and innovation.”

The changes in thought process and business practice are explicitly reliant on effectively adopting AI technologies into the company framework. This will bring forth entirely new features for their markets, making small technical changes that carry outsized impacts.

iTexico plans to shortly release their AI Adoption Program, enabling companies to harness the potential with AI by adopting this technology through baby steps.

iTexico’s Recent Innovation: HAL/Cloud

Gerardo Hernandez led the discussion around the award winning HAL, applying Machine Learning to the business sector.

Gerardo Hernandez is an accomplished technologist and a Senior Microsoft Certified Developer who has evolved into a results-oriented manager with more than 15 years of experience providing creative solutions for any kind of problem. He is passionate about data and how it can be translated into great and amazing things, participating in many projects across a variety of industries: retail, services, oil & gas, healthcare, and AI.

At the same time that HAL was the topic of the segment, the discussion drifted over to a specific Cloud business problem: migration.

“AI is an uphill battle. So make sure you’re climbing the right hill.”

An application with poor architecture, performance, a lot of security issues, and an expensive monthly fee may find that it has to change platforms. The iTexico Cloud practice, led by Gerardo, solved the problem of executing the migration process to Microsoft Azure, creating a cluster to guarantee service, a load balancer to prevent overload, and a honeypot to attract constant attacks.

The GDL Innovation Center

During this day and a half at the iTexico GDL Innovation Center, all participating companies shared their experiences and landscape around innovation, using iTexico as the medium to fuel their transformation and digital innovations.

“Making everyone part of the process of innovation is our approach… everyone has the chance to add something to the mix.”

iTexico offers a real opportunity to not only cut costs but to participate in the core process of innovation for our companies. AI adoption may be the leading torch for modern innovation in companies in every country, but it’s not the only goal worth pursuing.

About iTexico

iTexico fuels digital innovation to enable companies to transform their business through a wide range of digital service offerings, including Design, Product Engineering, Quality Assurance, Mobile, Cloud, and AI. By leveraging a Nearshore+ delivery model, iTexico provides an amazing choice for the right talent at the right time.

iTexico’s headquarters are located in Austin, TX, with two wholly-owned Innovation Centers in Guadalajara and Aguascalientes, Mexico, as well as offices in Cancun, Dallas, and California. Over the last 9 years, iTexico has experienced steady year over year growth by developing strong partnerships with well-funded early stage growth and large transformation-driven companies, including Carbon Black, Marriott, Western Digital, HomeAway, and many others. For more information, visit

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