Applying the Appropriate Technologies to Address the Bioanalytic Complexities of Antibody-Drug Conjugates, Upcoming Webinar Hosted by Xtalks

Xtalks Life Science Webinars

The bioanalytical strategy depends on what answers you are looking for from your quantitative data.

On Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 12pm EST, join experts from KCAS Bioanalytical and Biomarker Services in a live webinar where they will discuss case studies and optimal technologies to get the best possible data to support antibody-drug conjugate drug (ADC) development studies.

Analysis of ADCs presents a number of pharmacokinetic (PK) & antidrug antibody (ADA) bioanalytical Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) validation challenges where the different parts of the complex are better addressed by different technologies such as liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS), hybrid LC/MS and ligand binding assays (LBA).

The bioanalytical strategy depends on what answers you are looking for from your quantitative data.

Example analytical needs include:

  • Conjugated payload – How much payload is attached to the antibody?
  • Free payload – Is any payload released from the ADC prior to reaching the site of action?
  • Total payload – How much free and conjugated payload is present?
  • Conjugated antibody – How much antibody is present with payload attached?
  • Total antibody – How much conjugated & unconjugated antibody is present?
  • Is there significant rate of immunogenicity?

Attendees will have a chance to hear about these bioanalytical considerations in depth from the following featured speakers:

  • Dominic Warrino, Senior Scientific Advisor
  • John Perkins, Senior Scientific Advisor
  • Dawn Dufield, Director of Biopharma Services

This webinar will be followed by a live Q&A session with the speakers.

For more information or to register for this event, visit Applying the Appropriate Technologies to Address the Bioanalytic Complexities of Antibody-Drug Conjugates.


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Candice Tang

Tel: +1 (416) 977-6555 ext 400


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