American College of Lifestyle Medicine Recognized as a Healthy People 2030 Champion for Supporting the Initiative’s Vision

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“Training physicians and other clinicians in lifestyle medicine principles and interventions is an ideal way to support the Healthy People 2030 vision.”

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) announced today it has been recognized by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as a Healthy People 2030 Champion.

As a Healthy People 2030 Champion, ACLM has demonstrated a commitment to helping achieve the Healthy People 2030 vision of a society in which all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan.

As the nation’s only medical professional association representing the interdisciplinary field of lifestyle medicine, the American College of Lifestyle Medicine represents a galvanized force for change; members are united in their dedication to identify and eradicate the root causes of chronic disease, with the clinical outcome goal of health restoration. ACLM closes the gap in evidence-based education in lifestyle medicine across the spectrum of pre- and post-professional training. Along with training and support of its members in their individual practices, ACLM advocates lifestyle medicine as the first and optimal whole-person treatment option for all people, mitigating much of the non-communicable, chronic disease epidemic.

Lifestyle medicine can address up to 80% of chronic diseases. A lifestyle medicine approach to population care has the potential to arrest the decades-long rise in the prevalence of chronic conditions and their burdensome costs. Patient and provider satisfaction often results from a lifestyle medicine approach, which strongly aligns the field with the Quintuple Aim of better health outcomes, lower cost, improved patient satisfaction, improved provider well-being, and advancement of health equity, in addition to its alignment with planetary health. Lifestyle medicine is the foundation for a redesigned, value-based and equitable healthcare delivery system, leading to whole person health.

ODPHP recognizes ACLM, along with other Healthy People 2030 Champions, as part of a growing network of organizations partnering with ODPHP to improve health and well-being at the local, state and tribal level.

“ACLM is honored to achieve this national recognition,” said ACLM President Cate Collings, MD, MS, FACC, DipABLM. “Healthy People 2030 and ACLM share the same vision of a society in which all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan. We know that training physicians and other clinicians in lifestyle medicine principles and interventions is an ideal way to support this vision.”

“ODPHP is thrilled to recognize the American College of Lifestyle Medicine for its work to support the Healthy People 2030 vision,” said RADM Paul Reed, MD, ODPHP Director. “Only by collaborating with partners nationwide can we achieve Healthy People 2030’s overarching goals and objectives.”

Healthy People 2030 is the fifth iteration of the Healthy People initiative, which sets 10-year national objectives to improve health and well-being nationwide. Healthy People 2030 Champions are public and private organizations that are working to help achieve Healthy People objectives. They receive official support and recognition from ODPHP.

ABOUT THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF LIFESTYLE MEDICINE (ACLM): The American College of Lifestyle Medicine is the nation’s medical professional society advancing lifestyle medicine as the foundation for a redesigned, value-based and equitable healthcare delivery system, leading to whole person health. ACLM educates, equips, empowers and supports its members through quality, evidence-based education, certification and research to identify and eradicate the root cause of chronic disease, with a clinical outcome goal of health restoration as opposed to disease management.

ABOUT THE OFFICE OF DISEASE PREVENION AND HEALTH PROMOTION (ODPHP)–ODPHP plays a vital role in keeping the nation healthy through Healthy People 2030, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, and other programs, services, and education activities. ODPHP is part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. To learn more about ODPHP, visit or follow @HealthGov on Twitter.

Healthy People 2030 Champion is a service mark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Used with permission. Participation by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine does not imply endorsement by HHS/ODPHP.

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