American College of Lifestyle Medicine Adds Lifestyle Medicine Education and Support Organization Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute to its Corporate Roundtable

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“RLMI offers programs that have shown measurable success helping individuals restore their health.”

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) has announced the addition of lifestyle medicine education and support organization Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute (RLMI) to its Lifestyle Medicine Corporate Roundtable, a group of thought leaders and industry professionals who explore effective clinical innovations, activate marketing strategies, accelerate reimbursement and policy adoption, and pursue research and demonstrations of lifestyle medicine in practice. ACLM launched its Corporate Roundtable in 2016 and it now includes more than 45 active member organizations in the lifestyle medicine ecosystem.

Lifestyle medicine is defined as the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic intervention—including a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connection—as a primary modality, delivered by clinicians trained and certified in this specialty, to prevent, treat, and often reverse chronic disease.

RLMI, founded in 2015 and based in Rochester, NY, has become a national and international hub of behavior change with its live-facilitated Zoom-based programs, available everywhere in the world. RLMI now offers three ACLM-certified programs to help people regain their health, including RLMI’s self-developed 15-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Jumpstart, a program that has shown measurable success helping individuals improve their weight, blood pressure, total and LDL cholesterol and fasting glucose. Its other certified programs are two 10-week programs, the Lift Project and Pivio, formerly known as the Complete Healthcare Improvement Program (CHIP). RLMI also offers monthly educational events to raise awareness of the power of lifestyle change: the Lifestyle as Medicine Lecture Series, which is open to all, and Lifestyle Medicine Grand Rounds for medical professionals.

“We bring plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine into the healthcare mainstream by providing low-cost, enjoyable programs which are easily ordered by physicians and readily accessed by patients,” said RMLI Founder and President Ted Barnett, MD, FACLM, DipABLM. “As developers of one of the four ACLM-certified lifestyle medicine programs, we are proud of our new position on the ACLM Corporate Roundtable! We look forward to years of partnership with ACLM and its other members, who are leaders in health promotion.”

“We at ACLM have witnessed and admired the immense growth of RLMI from a grassroots organization to one offering multiple lifestyle programs supporting not only patients but providers as well,” said ACLM President Cate Collings, MD, MS, FACC, DipABLM. “They are a welcomed new CRT member.”

ABOUT ROCHESTER LIFESTYLE MEDICINE INSTITUTE: Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute (RLMI) educates individuals and healthcare providers on the power of lifestyle medicine to prevent, treat, and even reverse lifestyle-based chronic diseases. RLMI’s mission is to establish lifestyle medicine, especially the adoption of whole-food plant-based nutrition, as the foundation for health and the healthcare system. The team at RLMI envisions a world where lifestyle medicine is the standard of care within the healthcare system, and where people are empowered to make lifestyle behavior changes based on the tenets of lifestyle medicine. Learn more at

ABOUT THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF LIFESTYLE MEDICINE: ACLM is the medical professional society for those dedicated to the advancement and clinical practice of lifestyle medicine as the foundation of a transformed and sustainable health care system. Lifestyle medicine is the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic intervention—including a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and positive social connection—as a primary modality, delivered by clinicians trained and certified in this specialty, to prevent, treat, and often reverse chronic disease.

More than a professional association, ACLM is a galvanized force for change. ACLM addresses the need for quality education and certification, supporting its members in their individual practices and in their collective mission to domestically and globally promote lifestyle medicine as the first treatment option, as opposed to a first option of treating symptoms and consequences with expensive, ever-increasing quantities of pills and procedures. Learn more at

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