Altruism” is a delightful story of a humble possum who unexpectedly becomes a hero

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“Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism”: an enthralling storybook that reflects how Jesus sacrificed and carried the cross for the sake of His people. “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism” is the creation of published author Shannon Beers, a writer who has a vast love and strong faith in God.

Beers writes, “Schuler may be a humble little possum, but he doesn’t always act very humble. He scrambles to be the best and fastest amongst his friends.

“That is until he learns of an extraordinary power which he possesses—the superhero power of altruism. By learning to put the feelings of others before his own, this unexpected hero discovers he can make the world a better place by making his friend happy.

“Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism is a picture book that imparts a character trait in the form of a superhero-sounding word. Photography enriches the story of these fuzzy, felted characters who inhabit this cozy miniature realm.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Shannon Beers’s new book is a traditional children’s book that teaches readers to be sensitive to the people around them, just like Jesus did.

With this purpose, Beers reminds the readers that no matter what their situation is, there will always be someone who will love them and give them hope every single day.

View a synopsis of “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Awesome Possum Powers: Altruism,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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