Addiction Interventions Offers Missing Person Services

Drug and alcohol intervention service provider Addiction Interventions offers outstanding intervention services that provide support for the loved ones of those suffering from addiction. Beyond these services, Addiction Interventions also offers missing person services.

The missing person services provided by Addiction Interventions focus on locating loved ones who have gone missing (often due to alcohol and drug addiction). Addiction Interventions uses innovative strategies including cell tower triangulation technology, social media breadcrumbs (posts, tweets, etc.), and private detective skills to locate missing persons. The experts at Addiction Interventions have years of experience with locating missing persons and providing their loved ones with compassion and support along the way.

Once the missing person is found, the underlying issues resulting in the person’s disappearance can be addressed. Oftentimes, alcohol and drug addiction are involved. Addiction Interventions can help patients with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or a dual diagnosis. Some of the popular intervention methods offered by Addiction Interventions include ARISE, crisis, executive, Johnson Model, mental health, and teen interventions.

With the right support and help, many people can overcome their addiction and live a long, happy, and fulfilled life. Addiction Interventions can provide the tools and support you need to help get your loved one suffering from addiction into treatment.

If you have a loved one who has gone missing, reach out to Addiction Interventions at (866) 584-2525. They will help locate the missing person by leveraging their extensive resources and detective skills. From there, you can get your loved one the help they need.

Addiction Interventions

5 Oak Ridge Cir. Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

(866) 584-2525

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