According to Solomon” is a compelling account of a child who has a wide and extraordinary imagination about Jesus

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“Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon”: a stirring story that will teach the readers about the teachings of Christ. “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon” is the creation of published author, Jane M. Cordero, a passionate Christian woman who has a love for children, the elderly, and the vulnerable. She is also a strong advocate for people who are marginalized and not able to advocate for themselves.

Cordero writes, “Welcome to According to Solomon!

“Solomon is a busy ten-year-old little boy who has an active and incredible imagination. He was adopted by a single Christian woman who takes him to church and tries to teach him about Jesus, Bible stories, and Christianity in general.

“Solomon is a very innocent and naive boy that you can’t help but fall in love with. He loves his family, friends, pastors, and most of all Jesus. He loves to try and share Jesus and the Bible stories with anyone who will listen. However, since he is only ten, he often misunderstands and incorrectly restates the things he has learned.

“You are sure to enjoy this witty retelling of a little boy’s version of what happened to the Savior of the world. In this particular story, you’ll learn about The Followers, The Haters, The Pilot, Horrid, and many other obstacles in Jesus’s way. There are even emus in this retelling. Come and follow Solomon in this story as he retells about what happened in Jesus’s adult life, His crucifixion, and His resurrection.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jane M. Cordero’s new book is an enticing tale that will bring the readers closer to the alive and risen Christ.

In this book, the readers will come to see and encounter all the things that happened in the life of Jesus. With this purpose, Cordero aims to let children know that God has risen from the dead and is alive.

View a synopsis of “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Jesus Is Alive!: According to Solomon,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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