A Decade of Life-Saving Work Celebrated at Stork Ball 2022 with Moms and Children Honored

Moms and children pose for photos at Stork Ball 2022 hosted by Save the Storks

Save the Storks – Stork Ball 2022

Michael McAfee and Lauren Green-McAfee shared their adoption journey and gave guests behind the scenes insight on how the Hobby Lobby family puts their faith first.

Save the Storks hosted a black-tie dinner and unique celebration at the Gaylord of the Rockies in Denver, Colorado, on April 29 to honor the mothers who chose life on Stork Buses over the past 10 years. This gala included several children with their moms who surprised the audience with a heartwarming live performance of “Shelter of Love” after mini-birthday cakes were served for dessert.

There were nearly 300 supporters in attendance and hundreds more who streamed the event online. The featured keynote speakers were Michael McAfee and Lauren Green-McAfee who shared their adoption journey and gave guests behind the scenes insight on how the Hobby Lobby family puts their faith first. The special guest artist was Save the Storks’ staff member Matt Hammitt, formerly with Sanctus Real, who performed with his son, Bowen. Together they sang “Safe Right Here,” a beautiful tribute to choosing life, and received a standing ovation.

Ashley Bratcher, lead actress in the movie Unplanned, pro-life influencers Christine Yeargin, Olivia Cowin, Isabel Brown, and The Matter of Life filmmaker Tracy Robinson were in attendance at the Stork Ball. Two of the innovative Stork Buses from the fleet of nearly 70 were on display outside, with the backdrop of the snowcapped Rocky Mountains at the stunning resort.

Jeff Hunt, Director at Centennial Institute, Pastor Al Pittman from Calvary Worship Center in Colorado Springs, Pastor Lloyd Pulley, Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ and Pastor Evan Cromer, 7 Hills Church in Florence, KY were just a few of the church leaders who attended the Save the Storks gala. Erin Kollmann and Rachel Cromer from 7 Hills Church shared an inspiring testimony of their congregation’s support of the Stork Bus program, and songwriter/singer Michael Sanders and his daughter Tele led the “Shelter of Love” performance to wrap up the evening’s celebration.

Funds raised at Stork Ball both in-person and via livestream will help put more life-saving Stork Buses on the road across the United States, especially in mission critical markets, and expand the life-saving programs and services offered by Save the Storks.

The Stork Ball gala can be viewed here.

To learn more about Save the Storks or make a donation, visit https://savethestorks.com/

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