Young Philanthropist And Founder Of Little Saint Nick Foundation Celebrates 22nd Birthday By Ringing Nyse Closing Bell Christmas Eve

“We’re so grateful for the national spotlight this opportunity offered the Little Saint Nick Foundation,” said Mohler. Our work has inspired thousands of kids to take up the mantle of serving the greater good, creating a national youth movement and any attention on our foundation is a blessing, espe

For the second year in a row, Ray Mohler, Jr., the Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Little Saint Nick Foundation presided over the Christmas Eve NYSE closing bell. Mohler jointly celebrated his 22nd birthday and the anniversary of the founding of his 16-year-old charity, which was established with the philosophy of “healthy kids inspiring and helping sick kids,” after his own frightening ER visit.

The Little Saint Nick Foundation (LSNF) helps sick kids cope with an illness or injury by following children from the time they’re admitted to the Emergency Department, throughout their stay in the hospital, until their release. The LSNF’s goal is to improve what is normally a scary and confusing experience for kids. By doing something fun to keep their mind off their illness, LSNF makes a hospital a more kid-friendly place, providing children with an escape from doctors, nurses and medical treatments. The ripple effect of this benefits the whole family.

“We’re so grateful for the national spotlight this opportunity offered the Little Saint Nick Foundation,” said Mohler. Our work has inspired thousands of kids to take up the mantle of serving the greater good, creating a national youth movement and any attention on our foundation is a blessing, especially at this time of year. In our 16-years of existence we have helped over 2 million kids and families in need, and in 2019 we helped over 250,000.”

As soon as they’re admitted, kids receive an age-appropriate Emergency Department Welcome Bag filled with donated coloring books, crayons, stuffed animals and hand-written Get Well cards. Most importantly, the cards are written and the bags are assembled by kid-volunteers who show up monthly for “stuffing events.” These bags cost so little, just $8.00 to put together and deliver to local hospitals but accomplish so much in reducing the fear children normally have in an Emergency Department.

The LSNF is driven to not only help kids and families in need who are ill, but to inspire kids and young adults to give back to those kids in need. LSNF has developed many anxiety relief programs that include an emergency department gift bag program, family care package program, hospital toy give-away parties, and wish granting all centered upon improving the lives of sick kids and their families.

Mohler’s philanthropic journey began when he was four-years-old and admitted to the ER. Though treated and released within 12 hours, he was diagnosed with a rare treatable childhood blood/bone disorder. On his birthday the following year, worried about the kids who weren’t able to be treated and released as quickly, he decided to donate his birthday and Christmas gifts to sick kids in the same hospital where he’d been diagnosed. With his parents help, he founded the LSNF and, with help of other kids, he has continued to do what he can to help lift the spirits of kids in hospitals.

Now a senior at the University of Tampa, Mohler has taken the reigns at LSNF and has grown into a well-respected youth philanthropist. He’s been featured in New York Newsday and on Nickelodeon’s The Halo Effect, a series that highlights extraordinary teens who strive to make the world a better place. WCBS News & Pix11 News featured segments highlighting the work of LSNF and Mohler’s journey of philanthropy. You can find videos of Mohler’s accomplishments and other exciting things the LSNF is involved in here:





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