NFL Expands Smart Heart Sports Coalition

Sport Safety international becomes one of the latest medical and advocacy groups to have signed on to the coalition. New members represent parties along the chain of survival essential to recognizing and treating sudden cardiac arrest. Organizations joining the coalition include: Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC); The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM); John Taylor Babbit Foundation; Citizen CPR Foundation (CCPRF); National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT); National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS); the Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society (PACES); Starting Hearts; the Max Harry Weil Institute for Critical Care Research and Innovation (Weil Institute) at the University of Michigan; and Who We Play For.

Additional members already part of the group include: American College of Cardiology, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, Heart Rhythm Society, Make Them Know Your Name, National Council of Youth Sports, National Football League Physicians Society, Parent Heart Watch, Simon’s Heart, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, and T.J. Carrie Foundation.

Since founding the coalition in March and sending letters to governors across the country, a number of states have taken action to enact one or more of the evidence-based policies proven to prevent death from Sudden Cardiac Arrest. These states include New Mexico, Kentucky, and Indiana. In addition, the coalition has engaged with policymakers in more states, including Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, where legislatures are still in session, and have more time to adopt these policies before the next school year and athletic calendar begins. According to the Korey Stringer Institute, only seven states have all three best-practice policies in place; nine states have none. The coalition is committed to continuing to work and collaborate with health advocates, school officials, and lawmakers to ensure all 50 states have the vital safeguards needed to prevent fatal injuries and save the lives of high school athletes.

Every year, millions of athletes sustain sports injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an average annual estimate of 8.6 million sports- and recreation-related injury episodes was reported, with an age-adjusted rate of 34.1 per 1,000 population. By joining the coalition, Sport Safety International looks to continue its rewrite the narrative on concussions, heat illness, sudden death, emergency planning, and other sports injuries by educating parents, coaches, and youth athletes.

“Proper education may lead in some cases, to prevention, early recognition, proper management, shorter recovery periods and may even safe a life.” said Dr. Robb Rehberg, the founder of Sport Safety International. “As one of the leading resources in sport safety education, it was important to SSI to provide access to this comprehensive concussion online learning opportunity throughout the country. What better way to do it than to do it with the NFL and the members of this coalition, who share the same goals and objectives as our company.”

Sports Safety International (SSI), strives to promote injury prevention and safe participation in physical activity and sports by providing the highest quality educational programming to athletes, parents, coaches and healthcare professionals. Founded by leaders in the industry, SSI’s management team collectively holds over 100 years of clinical experience in athletic training, sport safety and sports medicine. Our mission is to reduce sport injury worldwide through accessible education.

Michael Prybicien, ATC, CEC, PES, President, Sport Safety International

“Sport Safety International is proud to support and promote the NFL’s advocacy campaign for the health and safety of our nation’s youth. Furthermore, we are honored to join a group of such like-minded organizations who are committed to the health and wellbeing of student athletes across the nation using evidence-based measures. It is our belief that through education about concussions, heat illness, sudden death, emergency planning, and other sports injuries by educating parents, coaches, and youth athletes you can make safer participation is sport a reality.”


The mission of Sport Safety International is to promote injury prevention and safe participation in physical activity and sports by providing the highest quality educational programming to athletes, parents, coaches, and sports medicine professionals.

Media Contact

Michael Prybicien, MA, ATC, CES, PES: President, Sport Safety International, 1 201-788-2961, [email protected],


SOURCE Sport Safety International

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