Susan Stoppenbrink’s newly released “Encounters with the Living God” treasures a powerful journey of faith in God despite life’s brokenness

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“Encounters with the Living God”: an expressive book that tells of a woman’s struggles in life that led to her deeper realization of God’s astounding providence and mercy. “Encounters with the Living God” is the creation of published author Susan Stoppenbrink, a classically trained singer and songwriter.

Stoppenbrink shares, “Each chapter reveals riveting accounts of miraculous encounters with God. With each encounter, the living God uniquely and supernaturally responded to the cries of a woman who in desperate situations called out to the Savior who loved her. Susan experienced life being legally blind from birth, incurring numerous eye surgeries and suffered through a series of abuse-filled situations, many brought about by unwise choices. This later culminated in her suffering the disabling effects of multiple sclerosis. In her deep desire to know God and His healing grace, she cried out to Him for help. He answered her with many miraculous encounters. Through them, the Lord revealed to her His true character, her broken understanding and finally after much healing of her body, her emotions and her spiritual life, she received many rich insights that are woven through each chapter.

“The pages of this journey will bring hope to all who have suffered devastating illness and/or abuse at the hand of others. It is told from the perspective of one whose life reflects the healing and grace that expresses compassion, empathy, and hope to all who seek the love that heals.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Susan Stoppenbrink’s new book inspires hope and trust to every reader as they witness a life redeemed by God’s unparalleled healing and love.

This book is a captivating proclamation of God’s openness and promise of healing to those who are afflicted with overwhelming trials and a sense of foreboding.

View the synopsis of “Encounters with the Living God” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Encounters with the Living God” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Encounters with the Living God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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