VSC HealthFi Ecosystem Sees Strong Usage Just 8 Months Post Mainnet Launch

Mariana Krym, SVP of Blockchain at the VSC Foundation, offered, “What’s perhaps even more concerning is that people don’t have a choice. Anyone with a wearable, iPhone, or other IoT device is subject to health data collection whether they agree to it or not – and whether they know about it or not. They literally are the product but don’t own the data or its value. The VSC ecosystem is already taking steps to change that by giving people full ownership and control over what health data is shared and earning rewards for doing so.”

The VSC HealthFi ecosystem is built on Vyvo Smart Chain, which deploys Proof-of-Sensing to ensure that individual health data is coming from real people via real biosensors. To start earning rewards on health data, an individual needs to add a VSC Data NFT to their VSC wallet within their wearable or mobile device. The proprietary VSC-PoSe chip verifies collected health data and immediately encrypts it so that only anonymized data is made available for purchase by research institutions and other healthcare entities.

To learn more about VSC & the Vyvo ecosystem, visit Vyvo.org.

For media inquiries, please contact Phil LeRoy at (310) 260-7901 or Phil(at)MelrosePR(dot)com.

About VSC
VSC is a newly released purpose-chain. VSC is a HealthFi ecosystem built on Vyvo Smart Chain and supported by the VSC Foundation which promotes and rewards positive lifestyle habits through health data monetization while ensuring data privacy. VSC strongly believes that people should own their own health data and its value.

Media Contact

Phil LeRoy, Melrose PR, (310) 260-7901, [email protected], https://www.melrosepr.com/


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