A New Book, THE LIGHT DOCTOR, Reveals the Health Hazards of LED Light, and Advises on the Lights You Need to Protect Your Health

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THE LIGHT DOCTOR by Dr. Martin Moore-Ede

“The light we see is as important to our health as the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. THE LIGHT DOCTOR shows you how to take charge of the light you see and avoid using harmful and unhealthy LED and fluorescent lights,” said Martin Moore-Ede.

Not all light is healthy. Nowadays we spend more than 90% of our time indoors, under unhealthy and human-unfriendly electric light, which disrupts circadian clocks and greatly increases the risk of cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and hundreds of other diseases. In his newest book, THE LIGHT DOCTOR, Dr. Moore-Ede, a leading world expert on circadian clocks and the brain, and on the health problems caused by electric light, reveals the extensive scientific evidence that establishes the risks of artificial light at night and how to make the right lighting choices.

  • The science on LED light is extensive, and the risks well established, yet most people are largely unaware of the risks to their health from artificial light.
  • By 2007, the first 10,000 scientific studies of the impact of light on circadian clocks led a World Health Organization agency to classify light at night as a possible carcinogen.
  • In 2021, another 10,000 scientific publications later, the NIH’s National Toxicology Program identified the culprit – excessive blue-rich light at night (and insufficient blue daylight exposure), which is delivered by today’s LED and fluorescent lights.

Today’s LED and fluorescent lights are designed for energy efficiency with little regard for human health. Like DDT and asbestos, static blue-rich lights are a dangerously flawed technology. In addition to his engaging explanations of the science of light, Dr. Moore-Ede provides the practical information people need to counteract these risks at home, in business and medical offices, and in public spaces, hospitals, and care facilities.

“THE LIGHT DOCTOR…terrified me, in the best way. Dr. Moore-Ede is doing cutting-edge work to change the way we think about light and how it affects us.” Penguin Life

“I was so impressed with his detailed yet thoroughly comprehensible explanations and expert advice! I’ll definitely be changing some of my light bulb’s ASAP!” Simon Element

“Whether you are a healthcare worker spending long hours on the floor, have a child in a classroom, or are a senior enjoying the comforts of home, everyone needs to know which lights and display screens disrupt their circadian clocks and can cause sleep disorders, depression, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and breast cancer. They also need to know where to find the lights and display screens that will boost their health and performance as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle,” said Dr Moore-Ede.

The LIGHT DOCTOR explains not only the science behind healthy and unhealthy lighting, but also provides a practical guide to the lights and display screens people should be buying to keep themselves, as well as family and friends, safe and healthy. The book details how to find and install healthy light bulbs and fixtures for both residential and commercial space; how to obtain the lights, and display screens, needed for evening and night use versus daytime; and how to obtain energy efficient light that is also safe and healthy. Also, you will learn which outdoor lights to install to avoid harmful effects on wildlife, another inadvertent consequence of the LED revolution.

Dr. Moore-Ede brings a unique perspective from the forefront of the battle against unhealthy lights. While a professor at Harvard Medical School, he discovered the location of the circadian clock in the human brain and how it is synchronized by light. As a consultant to over 50% of the Fortune 500 companies, he has seen first-hand the harmful effects of light at night in the real world. His discovery of the narrow sky-blue signal that synchronizes circadian clocks led to the invention and patenting of evidence-based circadian lighting and the demonstration of its effectiveness in many major companies.

“The light we see is as important to our health as the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. THE LIGHT DOCTOR shows you how to take charge of the light you see and avoid using harmful and unhealthy LED and fluorescent lights,” said Moore-Ede.

Readers may ask themselves:

  • What type of light causes the most health risks?
  • Can I use the same lightbulb during the day and evening?
  • How do I make sure I have healthy lights in my home?
  • Can I tell how much blue is in a light by looking at it?
  • Why does the Department of Energy promote harmful lights?
  • What daily lifestyle 14 can I make to improve my health?
  • How do I protect my children from harmful blue light?

The book is written for anyone interested in living a healthier life with the correct lighting. The information provided in this book is backed by a recent survey of 248 scientists by the Circadian Light Research Center, led by Moore-Ede. In it, the scientists, who have collectively published 2,697 peer-reviewed scientific articles on circadian clocks and light, confirmed that human circadian clocks are highly sensitive to blue wavelengths, and exposure to insufficient daytime blue-rich light and excessive blue-rich light at night, leads to many major health disorders.

The LIGHT DOCTOR is being released on Substack, debuting June 14, 2023. People may sign up for a free subscription at https://lightdoctormartinmooreede.substack.com to read the first three chapters. With a free subscription to THE LIGHT DOCTOR, people can view the initial chapters without charge. Then if they like what you see and want to learn more, the paid subscription costs $5 per month or $30 for annual subscription.

A new chapter will be released at two-weekly intervals. In the intervening weeks Dr. Moore-Ede will provide other supporting information and respond to comments and questions.

About Martin Moore-Ede M.D., Ph.D.

For over 40 years, Dr. Moore-Ede has been a leading world expert on circadian clocks and the health problems caused by electric light at night. As a professor at Harvard Medical School (1975 – 1998), he led the team that located the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the biological clock in the human brain that controls the timing of sleep and wake. He pioneered research on how circadian clocks regulate the timing of body functions. Since 2010, he has led the Circadian Lighting Research Center team that identified the key blue signal that synchronizes circadian clocks and developed patented LED lights, which provide circadian-optimized light across day and night based on comprehensive medical research. The effectiveness of these circadian-modulated lights in improving health and well-being has been validated by installing them in the 24-hour operations of Fortune 500 companies and hospitals. He has published over 180 scientific articles and authored ten books, including the best-selling books, The Clocks that Time Us, and The Twenty-Four Hour Society and he is now releasing on Substack his new book: The Light Doctor: The Science and Solutions for Replacing Your Lights Now to Protect Your Health. For more information visit, https://lightdoctormartinmooreede.substack.com LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and https://thelightdoctor.com/

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