Author Explores the Human Element behind Jesus’s Disciples

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Personal exploration of her own faith led Holly Michaels to realize that there was not a lot of information about Jesus’s disciples. She took it upon herself to learn as much as possible about those who were seen as the closest to God, and combined that research into her new book, “The Disciples: The Lives, Stories and Careers of Jesus’s Most Beloved Disciples.”

In her book, Michaels dives into the history and personal lives of the Disciples. She explores how each disciple was a unique person, not unlike Christians today.

“The Disciples were just people,” Michaels said. “They were a group of misfits- unimportant, unassuming people who Jesus hand-selected to follow him.”

“The Disciples” approaches the individual Disciples as human, rather than grand biblical figures. Michaels wants readers to feel like they know the Disciples as if they were friends.

“Jesus chose the Disciples to follow him, just like he chose you,” Michaels said. “Normal people can experience the same love that the Disciples did.”

Michaels’ goal is to share her years of research, and encourage readers to look deeper into the pages of the Bible.

“The Disciples: The Lives, Stories and Careers of Jesus’s Most Beloved Disciples”

By Holly Michaels

ISBN: 9781664265738 (softcover); 9781664265752 (hardcover); 9781664265745 (electronic)

Available at Westbow Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author

Holly Michaels is a lover of Jesus and is dedicated to introducing people to the riches of Jesus’ love. She has won several awards for her poetry and has been published in several literary magazines and newspapers. The Lord blessed her with her own flourishing photography business when she was just 18 years old, which she does full time while working with students in special education. Michaels lives in Central Pennsylvania with her husband.

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Ashley Fletcher

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