Good Clean Love® Launches Pre-Conception Kit to Help Millions of Women Along Their Fertility Journey

The fertility journey is hard – about one in five women in the United States suffer from fertility issues. And while there are so many options when it comes to potential solutions, most of these options are expensive and ultimately out of reach for the majority of American women.

Good Clean Love, the gynecologist-recommended natural sexual health and wellness brand supporting women’s reproductive health and rights, today announces the launch of its Pre-TTC (Trying To Conceive) Kit in collaboration with The Egg Whisperer, Dr. Aimee. The pre-conception kit includes a variety of products that help make baby-making enjoyable and improve the vaginal biome. The sperm-friendly lube, BioGenesis, has been described as “the best ever” and in side-to-side comparisons with other lubes performs better than others on the market because it does not inhibit sperm mobility, is paraben free and includes calcium and magnesium ions.

The fertility journey is hard – about one in five women in the United States suffer from fertility issues. And while there are so many options when it comes to potential solutions, most of these options are expensive and ultimately out of reach for the majority of American women. Good Clean Love’s Pre-TTC Kit aims to change that.

“We talk a lot about the gut microbiome, but similarly, our vaginas also have a microbiome, and that is really important for fertility, ”said Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh. “Research shows a disrupted vaginal microbiome can be linked to a variety of fertility challenges. One of the most important, and now affordable things, a woman can do to increase their chances of getting pregnant is to make sure they have a healthy vaginal biome. It’s why I’m thrilled to team up with Good Clean Love to be a part of making an accessible solution focused on doing exactly that.”

What Is the Vaginal Biome?

The kind of bacteria that live in healthy vaginas are called lactobacilli. They keep the vagina in the right pH range and keep bad bacteria from growing. When conditions aren’t conducive to maintaining healthy lactobacilli and they die off, the vaginal environment changes. It loses its acidity, allows bad bacteria to grow, and the body’s immune system is activated, causing discomfort, discharge, and bad odor. The bacteria plus the vaginal environment together are called the vaginal microbiome, and the vaginal microbiome is foundational to vaginal – and fertility – health.

Pre-TTC Kit

The Pre-TTC Kit includes a multi-step approach using Good Clean Love’s patented Bio-Match® formula and clinically tested protocol of products to support and optimize the health of the vaginal biome including:

  • Balance Wash: Balance Moisturizing Wash cleans and moisturizes with a combination of aloe vera, soothing botanicals, and lactic acid. Perfect for daily use, Balance has no harsh soaps, parabens, and petrochemicals, or synthetic fragrances.
  • Restore® Moisturizing Vaginal Gel: Vaginal dryness and irritation can be a problem for women at all stages of life and may result from many factors including health conditions, medications, hormonal changes, and stress. Restore Moisturizing Vaginal Gel relieves dryness, eases related discomfort, and reduces abnormal odor. These symptoms are often your body’s way of communicating a pH imbalance.
  • BiopHresh® Vaginal Suppository: The buildup of unwanted bacteria can lead to itching, irritation, unusual odor, and abnormal discharge – often related to bacterial vaginosis (BV). BiopHresh Vaginal Homeopathic Suppository delivers effective relief right to the source of the problems by balancing your vaginal ecosystem back to normal levels and introducing beneficial probiotics that support vaginal health*. BiopHresh uses a formula set in a base of the most prevalent strains of healthy vaginal lactobacilli, helping to create an environment where those beneficial bacteria can thrive.
  • BioGenesis® Fertility Lubricant: Nearly one-third of couples trying to conceive prefer the ease and comfort of a lubricant during intimacy. BioGenesis Fertility Lubricant helps them do so with confidence. BioGenesis was developed with the help of leading scientists – highly effective as a lubricant and revolutionary in the ways it supports sperm viability without impeding sperm movement or inappropriately raising vaginal pH. BioGenesis is the first fertility-friendly intimacy gel that’s both paraben-free and includes magnesium and calcium ions to support your fertility journey.
  • Proov Ovulation Predictor Tests: Proov Predict Tests measure luteinizing hormone (LH), the hormone that surges just before ovulation and triggers the ovary to release the egg. Tracking LH levels helps detect the LH surge to identify the two most fertile days in a cycle.

Consumers can purchase the Pre-TTC Kit for $74.99 exclusively at

Claims based on homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

About Good Clean Love

Good Clean Love has been helping to improve intimate and reproductive health since 2003 by producing products that closely mimic the way your body works. All without toxic substances like petrochemicals, parabens and hormones found in most personal lubricants and feminine hygiene products. Whether a lubricant, a wash, a moisturizer or probiotic suppository, each product Works The Way You Do® so that you can live, feel and love your very best. As a Certified B Corp , Good Clean Love holds itself to the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. To learn more, visit

About Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh

Dr. Aimee graduated from UCLA School of Medicine and completed her residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Harvard Medical School. She also completed a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility and holds a Masters in Public Health Management and Policy from the University of Michigan. She runs a private fertility practice, and has a leading podcast on fertility awareness. Dr. Aimee began her signature Freeze and Share™ program in 2010, with the aim of promoting new options for egg sharing that serve both sides of the fertility gap–young women looking to freeze their eggs affordably as well as individuals and couples seeking donor eggs. She has helped many people through their reproductive journey using her TUSHY Method ™ and her fertility classes at and she has helped thousands of patients become parents through IVF.

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