Trusted reusable nappy retailer commits to nationwide incentive scheme and eco education for first-time parents

Image showing The Nappy Lady website incentive scheme application page

Giving every baby born in the UK the chance to try reusable nappies at an affordable cost

“We have been running our free advice service since 1999, but in current times we want to reach out to as many parents as possible to support them to make their lifestyle choices” Wendy Richards, aka The Nappy Lady.

Becoming a new parent whilst facing the cost-of-living crisis can mean that families are now making choices that are purely based on budget, at the cost of their own personal wishes. Other first-timers make choices based on what they know from friends or from promotional packs dished out at maternity wards, which promote a range of non-eco products, often with samples and vouchers.

The Nappy Lady have recognised that there is an opportunity to help parents know all the choices available to them, with the hope that some make more sustainable purchases that they may not have previously been aware of. The trusted retailer is launching a scheme which not only offers nappies at an incredibly discounted price for hopeful users to try out, but provides a wealth of information about how to use reusable cloth nappies across a range of budgets and circumstances.

Similar schemes are already in place across the country, through local councils and volunteer-run nappy libraries, but it is a postcode lottery of who can access the help and support. The Nappy Lady wants to make sure that parents nationwide are included regardless of where they live. The eco scheme will make it possible for everyone to access well-known, reputable cloth nappy brands, with kits tailored to those that are very undecided, those who do not think they can afford it and those who wish to find their favourites before committing to purchasing a whole set.

“We have been running our free advice service since 1999, but in current times we want to reach out to as many parents as possible to support them to make their lifestyle choices.” Wendy Richards, aka The Nappy Lady.

Some parents are already aware of washable nappies and had wished to use more sustainable products with their children, but with declining budgets feel excluded from the reusable nappy lifestyle over pricing or daunted by the upfront commitment. The scheme will support those families too, with education on how to make reusable options work for their lifestyle and budget. The switch needn’t be full time – even one reusable nappy a day saves 365 from landfill a year!

The kits will also include information from other parenting resources, plus useful samples of detergents and nappy creams too.

Notes to editors · The scheme is available nationwide, but limited to one per family. · The scheme has been made possible by sponsorship from nappy brands, as The Nappy Lady is running the scheme as not for profit – only covering essential costs such as wages and materials. · The Nappy Lady helps 15,000 parents a year with nappy advice through their website and trusted team of advisors. · The cost of the kits ranges from £4.95 to £49.95. · It takes over 1,500 litres of crude oil to produce enough single-use nappies for a newborn baby until they become potty trained (at 2.5 years). (Zero Waste Europe, n.d.)

· It is estimated that each child produces 438kg of dirty nappies annually – this equates to around 1 tonne of waste is produced for each child over a two and a half year period. (Zero Waste Europe, n.d.)

· The UK disposes of around 3 billion disposable nappies each year, representing an estimated 2% to 3% of all household waste. (WRAP, n.d.)

· It is estimated that it will take 300-500 years for a single use nappy to decompose. Bearing in mind that single use nappies have only been around for about 75 years, this means that not a single one will have decomposed yet. (WRAP, n.d.)


(n.d.). Retrieved from Zero Waste Europe:

(n.d.). Retrieved from WRAP:

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