A Natural Non-invasive Neuro-technology Improves Sleep and Wellbeing in Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial

male client listening to their own brainwaves while relaxing in a zero gravity chair

A natural and non-invasive way for clients to help reset their own brain regulation by passive listening to their own brain waves which are translated to tones by the Cereset computer technology.

Sleep is foundational for optimal health, healing and well-being!

Cereset® (Ce – Cerebrum (brain) and Reset) is being used across the USA and in other countries as well as a means to provide clients a means to help reset their own brain regulation by passive listening to their own brain waves, which are translated to tones by the Cereset computer technology.

“Sleep is foundational for optimal health, healing and well-being,” said principal investigator Charles H. Tegeler, M.D., chair of neurology at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, who led the team to investigate Cereset Research in a randomized controlled clinical trial. The effort compared patients with mild to moderate insomnia who listened to their own brain waves for 10 sessions of approximately an hour to those patients who were provided an active intervention using randomized tones for the same time.

The study concluded that there was a clinically significant insomnia improvement demonstrated over time by the Cereset Research group. The improvements in autonomic cardiovascular regulation were also significant for the Cereset Research group. Sleep quality, anxiety, and depression also improved. No adverse events were reported. The full study can be found in the SAGE Journal – Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health – see: https://doi.org/10.1177/27536130221147475.

“This study is a demonstration of our intent to help people help themselves and achieve a natural means to health and wellbeing,” said Lee Gerdes, Founder/CEO of Cereset. “Though we have 50 Cereset offices now in the USA, we hope to have double and triple that number in the near future to serve the many people we know have health and wellbeing compromises which we can assist them to rectify.”

To learn more about Cereset see: https://cereset.com, or to find a Cereset Client Center nearest you, see https://cereset.com/centers. To follow Cereset see: https://linkedin.com/company/cereset; https://facebook.com/wearecereset; https://instagram.com/wearecereset; or https://twitter.com/wearecereset

Financial support for this clinical trial was supported by a research grant from The Susanne Marcus Collins Foundation, Inc. Sean L. Simpson was supported by NIBIB R01EB024559 and Wake Forest Clinical and Translational Science Institute (WF CTSI) NCATS UL1TR001420. REDCap infrastructure for data collection and management was supported by UL1TR001420.

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