Finding Your Miracle in Plain Sight” is an uplifting memoir of grace and abiding faith

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Robert Zimmerman, a former golf professional and member of the Professional Golfers’ Association, father, and grandfather who left the industry for a successful career in high-technology sales and presently resides with his wife, Jill, in Florida, where he is part of the management team for a local home improvement store, has completed his new book “Hope for the Hopeless: Finding Your Miracle in Plain Sight”: a deeply personal reflection of his own faith journey and daunting encounter with his own mortality.

The author shares, “After receiving a certain and imminent death sentence from untreatable cancer on Christmas Eve, I was faced with absolute hopelessness. Only in desperation could I find the understanding I needed to witness a season of miracles and intimacy with a God that I took for granted so many years.

Within this book are the events and newfound realities that broke the grip of a cancer which had never been beaten by medical science, and the invaluable life lessons birthed in moments of intimacy with the Holy Spirit during that battle. I truly believe there is something for everyone contained within.

Miracles are the very glue of the Bible. The miracle of creation opens the book, followed by a multitude of examples of our Heavenly Father intervening supernaturally for His people, all the way to the return of our Savior. Unless God has changed, a concept both the Scripture and theology vehemently reject, miracles are still available and prevalent today. Why are you not seeing the supernatural in your life? Why does fear have such a strong grip on you? What can you do to change those truths?

The answers are found within.”

Published by Page Publishing, Robert Zimmerman’s engrossing book is an inspiring true story of faith, hope, and true miracles.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Hope for the Hopeless: Finding Your Miracle in Plain Sight” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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