Referah CEO Discusses Relationship Building Between Seniors and Senior Living Communities

Text logo spelling Referah: health home happiness in blue except the letter h in orange.

Referah: Our mission is to create relationships, not just leads.

There are points along the life of any service business history where something happened that changed the experience for the betterment of all. Referah is the game changing moment in time for senior living. Lesley Durkan, CEO, President, Referah, LLC

“Entering the senior living business wasn’t as much a daring choice as it was a continuation of a relationship I had been around since I was a teen,” explained Lesley Durkan, CEO and President of newly launched Referah, an online referral source for senior living. “My family, in one form or another, was involved either on the medical or the operational side of the industry so the familiarity was well-established. I experienced, firsthand, many of the roadblocks in senior living impacting the consumers and providers. So I did what anyone seeking improvement and innovation would and I jumped in with both feet.” That was 20+ years ago and the result of those decades of learning, according to Durkan, is what inspired this new company. Referah is positioned to set new levels of creativity and ease-of-use for the ever-growing numbers of people who are in need of, or providing, quality senior care.

For the consumer who is seeking Senior Living options for themselves or for a family member, Referah’s strength is simplifying the cumbersome process of gathering information in a world that has many new concepts, terms, conditions, and questions. “Our goal is to be more of a friend who has their best interest at heart—because we do,” expressed Durkan. “We help them navigate the process by only connecting them with the top communities that best match their need. While we’ve stated that Referah uses a concept that’s not unlike a dating app, we also provide an incredible amount of depth in background information and explanations about Senior Living.”

As for Senior Living operators, Durkan has witnessed—as have all key Referah team members—the elements that generate the most frustration. From the services which can overwhelm families with information and calls before they even talk with a community to providing unqualified matches that waste the time of the sales teams and families. “We’ve engineered a system that’s going to bring senior living communities leads that are well-matched to the levels of service they individually provide. Our goal of creating relationships, not just leads, is hard-wired in everything we do. Find me an operator who says their biggest hurdle in the business is fighting wasted time and I’ll show you someone who isn’t maximizing all of its elements to bring maximum efficiency to not only their staff, but to the bottom line,” shared Durkan.

Referah’s development over the past two years is deep in research for both sides, and the service being provided to the public at no cost, and to operators at a significant savings in comparison to leading competitors, is revolutionary. Plus, with the rising number of new families in need of assistance, Referah’s timing is perfect.

“There are points along the life of any service business history where something happened that changed the experience for the betterment of all. We think we’re at that inflection point for the senior living community business. Referah is the game changing moment in time,” concluded Durkan.

About Referah

Referah is an online marketplace, funded exclusively by investors from within the senior living industry, and backed by the most modern search tools, connecting families with senior living communities. The heart of Referah is a dedicated team of individuals committed to finding the best solution for the families and communities we serve. With a foundation built upon transparency, experience, knowledge, and relationships, it is our mission to provide seniors with unparalleled support, giving them the resources to gain life-changing experiences.

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