New Book by Xulon Press Author Shares That How We Respond To Life Changing Incidents Affects Our Eternal Destiny

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He has designed a path to bring us all back to Him.

Bill Ecton’s new book, The Coming: The Pursuit of Peace ($15.99, paperback, 9781498490962; $7.99, eBook, 9781498490979) asks readers these questions: When everything has escalated so that even small decisions are pivotal to survival, how prepared are our ensemble of individuals? Will their decisions destroy them or save them from catastrophe? Perhaps the most instrumental question The Coming asks is: Are you interested in being immortal?

Ecton says, “God has pursued mankind for millennia but during the final days in the midst of apocalypse He will be the only constant and single refuge. He has designed a path to bring us all back to Him. Will you take it?”

Bill Ecton was a missionary for 35 years before he retired to South Florida. During his global travels, he was impressed by the desire of people to discuss the subject of the future according to the scriptures. His life has never been his own. He has always conferred with God for guidance, and “The Coming” series of books is the result of his inspiration to answer the need to discuss this future with this unique story.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order The Coming: The Pursuit of Peace through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through,, and

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